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  • Professor Emeritus & Honorary Research Chair, Education
    Cognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology, Educational Technology, Quantitative Synthesis
  • Distinguished University Research Professor, Communication Studies
    Media and Cultural Theory, Film and Moving Image Studies, Cultural History, Audiovisual Technology, Popular Culture, Media Industries
  • Professor, Psychology
    Affiliate Professor, Biology
    Affiliate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Affiliate Professor, Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology
    Behavioral and molecular neuroscience of circadian biology
  • Professor, Education
    Sociology of Education, Sociology of Technology/Critical Social Media Education, Citizenship/ Extremism and Radicalization, Foundations of Education, Comparative and International Education, Globalization and Education, Critical Pedagog


  • Affiliate Associate Professor, Biology
    Regulation of the cell cycle, development and virulence in fungi
  • Professor and CIHR SPOR Chair in Innovative, Patient-Oriented, Behavioural Clinical Trials, Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
    Behavioural Trials, Obesity and Bariatric care, Stress, Patient-Oriented Research, Cardiovascular Disease, Systematic Reviews, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, Behavioural Medicine, Respiratory Disease,
  • Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics
  • Associate Professor, Psychology
    Undergraduate Program Director, Psychology
    Lifespan Developmental Psychology; Transition to Adulthood; Well_Being and Mental Health; Stress and Coping
  • Associate Professor, Philosophy
    Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Psychology, Ethics of Biotechnology, Virtue Ethics and Well-being
  • Associate Professor, Political Science
    Ethnic conflict, Middle East and comparative politics.
  • Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs
    Professeur titulaire, School of Community and Public Affairs
    Immigration and Policies Regionalization of immigration Right-wing Populism
  • Full Professor, Head of Department, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Critique of Political Economy, Marxist Theory, Cultural and Critical Theory
  • Senior Lecturer, Psychology
  • Associate Professor, Physics
    Graduate Program Director, Physics
    Micro- and nano-photonics, semiconductor nanostructures, optics
  • Professor, Political Science
    Canadian politics, immigration and political behaviors.
  • Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
    Hydro-geomorphology and river dynamics, River management in agricultural watersheds, Geographical Information Systems, Morphodynamic numerical modelling, Stream restoration for fish habitat.
  • Associate Professor, Political Science
    International Relations & Nongovernmental Organizations
  • Professeure titulaire, Études françaises
    Discours financier en traduction dans la presse canadienne
  • Professor, Biology
    Co-Director, Centre for Microscopy at Concordia
    Concordia University Research Chair in Applied Cell Science
    Fundamental lysosome biology and its role in aging; Engineered extracellular vesicles for therapeutic applications
  • Professor, Biology
    Behavioural ecology, Chemical ecology, Predator-prey interactions, Cognitive ecology, Trinidadian guppies, Atlantic salmon, Convict cichlids
  • Professor and Research Chair in Early Adolescent Development, Psychology
    Principal, Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability
    Peer Relations, Social Development, Origins of Psychopathology, Culture, Economic Inequality, Early Adolescence, Studying Change
  • Professor, Psychology
    Concordia University Research Chair in Bilingualism and Open Science
    language acquisition; bilingualism; infancy & childhood; language disorders; development


  • Literature, School of Irish Studies
  • Professor and Concordia University Research Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Nanomaterials, upconversion, lanthanides, bioimaging, drug delivery, photodynamic therapy, physical inorganic, optical spectroscopy, persistent luminescence.
  • Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
    Cartography, GIS, Mapping narratives, Geovisualization, Geoweb, Geomedia, Oral History
  • Professor, Education
    Applied Linguistics, Bilingualism, e-Learning, Language Acquisition, Learning Strategies, Methodology, Second Language Learning
  • Professor, Physics
  • Associate Professor, Education
    Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies, Early Childhood Education, Children's Popular Culture, Media Literacy Education, Memory and Childhood, Cultural Studies
  • Professor, Psychology
    PhD Program Director, Psychology
    Analysis of synaptic mechanisms of learning and memory using electrophysiological and pharmacological techniques.
  • Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Shiism, Sunni-Shiite relations,Women and Islam,Islamic Law, Islam in the West
  • Professor, Education
  • Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Chair, Religions and Cultures
    Ritual theory, Jewish ritual in film and television,early Judaism, Mishnah, Rabbinic literature, ancient Jewish ritual, narrative theory, feminist theory, affect theory
  • Professor and Canada Research Chair In Game Studies & Design, Communication Studies
    game studies, qualitative research methods, new media, popular culture.
  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Graduate program director, Chemistry and Biochemistry


  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor & Concordia University Research Chair in Sleep, Neuroimaging and Cognitive Health, Centre for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology
    Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Insomnia, Hypersomnia, Neuroimaging, Electroencephalography, Cognition, Neurodegeneration, Preventive Health, Dementia, Clinical Trials, Biomarkers
  • Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Women, Gender and Sexuality in Religious Studies; Queer Theory and Cultural Studies; Feminist Theory; History of Christianity; Early Christianity; Roman Empire
  • Associate Professor, Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
    Associate Professor, Biology
    Immunology and autonomic nervous system
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professeur titulaire, Études françaises
  • Associate Dean - Research and Infrastructure, Faculty of Arts and Science
    Professor, Department of Biology
    Evolution and maintenance of biodiversity in forest and agricultural landscapes
  • Professor, Psychology
    Cognitive science, concepts, verb meaning, metaphors, compositionality, language comprehension, language-vision interface, semantic deficits in Alzheimer's, cognitive neuroscience
  • Associate Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Tibetan and Chinese religions; Tibetan Bon religion, philosophy, practices and history; Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and popular cults; Tibetan and Chinese Tantric ritual studies; Chinese Daoism and Popular Cults along the Sino-Tibetan frontiers; History of China, Tibet and Central Asia.
  • Professor, Biology
    Individual behaviour in insect-plant interactions, and its role in population-level processes
  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Vice-Dean, Dean of Arts & Science (Office)
    Co-Director, Centre for NanoScience Research
    biophysical chemistry, model membranes, Langmuir monolayers, liposomes, environmental pollutants, nanopatterning, lipid-protein interactions
  • Associate Dean and Professor, English
  • Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Apocalypticism: Ancient to Contemporary Apocalypticism and Popular Culture and Media Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha Mediaeval Manuscripts and Manuscript Study
  • Associate Professor, Economics
  • Associate Professor, Psychology
    Associate Chair, Psychology
    cognitive development, social cognition, comparative cognition, prosocial behaviour, trust, cooperation


  • Professor, Psychology
    Director, Centre for Research in Human Development
  • Distinguished Professor Emerita and Honorary Concordia University Research Chair in Bioinorganic Chemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Bioinorganic, analytical and biophysical chemistry, oxidative stress, nitric oxide biochemistry, proteomics, mass spectrometry.


  • Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Iranian History, Religions of Iran, Zoroastrianism, Kurdish Religion, Central Asian history, Tajiks, Ossetia, Caucasus
  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Catalysis, Drug Discovery, Biomass, Anti-Cancer Agents, Materials Chemistry
  • Professor, English
    Restoration & 18th century British literature / drama / the novel / literary criticism / 20th century American popular culture / media theory
  • Professor, Physics
    Theoretical Particle Physics: Beyond The Standard Model and Dark Matter
  • Associate Professor, Biology
    Evolutionary applications to conservation biology; adaptation to environmental change; fisheries and wildlife management; population, conservation and quantitative genetics; molecular ecology.
  • Professor, Philosophy
    Contemporary European Philosophy (in particular Critical Theory, Deconstruction); Social and Political Philosophy; Ethics; Environmental Philosophy


  • Vice-Provost, Innovation in Teaching & Learning
    Professor, Communication Studies
    Board member, Media History Research Centre, Milieux Institute
    news forms (journalism studies); newsgames; media history; feminist media studies; game studies
  • Professor, Communication Studies
    experimental media arts; alternative media; Expo 67; identity and cultural politics
  • Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Mathematics and Statistics
    Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Associate Professor, Physics
    Co-op Director, Physics
  • Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Demography, History of Quebec/Canadian Population, Fertility Transitions, French Canadian Emigration to the US
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor, History
  • Professor, Psychology
    Stress, depression, insomnia, social support, dyadic coping, health behaviour change, autonomic functioning, psychoneuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology
  • Professor, Biology
    The distribution of resources in space and time and their influences on the aggressiveness of animals
  • Associate Professor, Physics
  • Professor, Biology
    Genomic analysis of environmental stress-tolerance in plants.
  • Professor, Psychology


  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Environment and Infrastructure, Politics, Bureaucracy, Paraguay, Montreal, Water
  • Associate Professor, Political Science
    Comparative Politics; Political Sociology; Informal Politics; Subnational Politics; Urban Politics; Clientelism; Urban Violence; Developing Areas; Latin America; Caribbean; Brazil; Jamaica; Mexico
  • Professor, Education
  • Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Anthropology of the Senses, Sensory Ethnography, Law and Society, Culture and Commerce, Art and Aesthetics
  • Associate Professor, Journalism
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
    Mathematical Finance, Computational Finance, Probability and Stochastic Analysis, Filtering and Control, Statistics, Insurance Mathematics, Machine Learning


  • Associate Professor, Psychology
    learning and memory, prediction error, extinction and behavioural modification, high-density neuronal recording during behaviour, optogenetics, chemogenetics, fear, reward
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics


  • Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
    Landscape ecology, including road ecology, Quantification and assessment of landscape structure and landscape change, Urban sprawl, Ecological modelling, Impact assessment.
  • Professeur agrégé, Études françaises
  • Associate Vice President Research (Strategic Institutional Initiatives & Innovation), General Administration
    Associate Professor, Psychology
    Vision, Attention, Eye movements, Low vision, Macular degeneration, vision rehabilitation,EEG, dyslexia, Aviation, Pilots, Marketing.
  • Associate Director, Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies
    Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Religion and gender, Judaism, food studies, Jewish law and gender, Canadian Jewish studies
  • Professor and Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Biochemistry, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular/Cell Biology.


  • Full Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Youth, Addictive Behaviours, Population Health
  • Associate Professor, Physics
    Undergraduate Program Director, Physics
    Co-op Academic Director, Physics
    Fellow, Science College
    molecular biophysics; bioenergetics; photosynthesis
  • Professor, Political Science
    Canadian and Comparative Judicial Politics; Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Politics of Northern Ireland
  • Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor Emeritus, Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics


  • Professor, Political Science
    Public policy and political communication
  • Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Self, Body, Gender, Sexuality, Popular Media, Cultural Theory
  • Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Advisor, Religions and Cultures
    Philosophy of Religion, Critical Theory, Jewish and Christian Thought, the philosophy and ethics of Charles Taylor
  • Associate Professor, Biology
    Signal transduction pathways controlling plant growth and development
  • Professor, History
    Memory/Heritage/Museums, Jewish-Polish Heritage, Decolonial Museology in East Central Europe
  • Professor, English
    Professeur titulaire, Études françaises
  • Professor, Biology
    Community ecology and biogeography, Macroecology, Biodiversity, Global Change, Entomology
  • Professor, Psychology
    Graduate Program Director (MA), Psychology
    Healthy aging, Executive functions, Motor control, Cognitive training, Multi-task performance, Gait and Balance, Hearing loss, Cognitive impairment, Cognitive reserve
  • Associate Professor, Applied Human Sciences
    Arts based research and Wellbeing of Indigenous Youth Ethical Considerations of Arts Based Research Creative Practices in Teaching in Higher Education Facilitation Skills Ethical Know How
  • Associate Professor, Economics


    Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
    Feminisms, Women's Movements, Intersectionality and EDI
  • Professeure titulaire, Études françaises
    Directrice adjointe de Figura - Centre de recherche sur les théories et les pratiques de l'imaginaire
  • Professor, Political Science
    Aging, Comparative Public Policy; Policy Analysis, Public Administration; Social Gerontology; Welfare State
  • Professor and Concordia University Senior Research Chair, Biology
    Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology of natural products. Microbial evolutionary engineering
  • Professor and Concordia Research Chair in Climate Science and Sustainability, Geography, Planning and Environment
    Climate change, global climate modelling, climate impacts, allowable emissions for climate mitigation targets, national contributions to climate change
  • Professor, Education
  • Johnson Chair of Québec and Canadian Irish Studies
    Diaspora Studies, School of Irish Studies
  • Chair, Childhood Preventive Health and Data Science, PERFORM Centre
    FRQS Senior Chercheur-boursier, Santé et Société
    Associate Professor, Psychology
    Director, Pediatric Public Health Psychology Laboratory (PPHP)
    Principal Member, Centre for Clinical Research in Health (CCRH)
    CIHR University Delegate, Executive Committee
  • Associate Professor, Communication Studies
    Algorithmic Media, Critical Approaches to Social Media and Big Data, Internet Policy, Digital Political Communication, Network Neutrality
  • Professor, Biology
    Ecology, biology, pathogenesis, and systematics of waterfowl helminths; host-parasite responses of larval helminths and and crustaceans
  • Professor, History
  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus, School of Community and Public Affairs
    Social finance; impact investing; co-construction of public policy; the commons; Karl Polanyi studies; the social and solidarity economy in Quebec and internationally
  • Professor, Communication Studies
    New media, environment, interactive documentary, VR, human rights, community based research, participatory documentary, feminist media, climate change, refugee youth, research-creation
  • Professor, Physics
    Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, with specialization to Electron paramagnetic Resonance (EPR; also known as ESR(Electron Spin resonance)/EMR (Electron mganetic resonance))
  • Professor and Associate Vice-President, Research (Development and Outreach), Geography, Planning and Environment
    Indigenous stewardship; Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Indigenous conservation and protected areas; traditional fisheries; seaweed harvesting; ethno-geomorphology
  • Professor, Psychology
    Ethology of the laboratory rat.



  • Professor, Psychology
    Core Member, Centre for Clinical Research in Health (CCRH)
    alcohol misuse, alcohol use disorder, anxiety, personality, cognition, cognitive behaviour therapy, young adult transitions, Indigenous youth well-being and resilience
  • Full Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Organic and polymer chemistry, Polymer synthesis and characterization, Materials science, biomedical applications, drug delivery
  • Professor, Religions and Cultures
    Religious & social history of medieval Tamil Nadu; women in pre-colonial India; temple architecture & epigraphy; interactions among and sectarianism in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism
  • Professor, Education
    Children's thinking and learning in mathematics; Instructional factors; Mathematical cognition; Professional development; Mathematics preservice teacher education
  • Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Inorganic chemistry, oxidation chemistry, catalysis, aerobic reactions, coordination complexes, organic transformations


  • Associate Professor, Political Science
    Concordia University Research Chair on the Politics of Immigration
    Immigration, Public Policy, Public Policy and Canadian politics.
  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Bacterial iron uptake, molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis, protein-protein interactions, membrane proteins, biophysical chemistry, protein chemistry, phage display, X-ray crystallography.
  • Professor, Psychology
    Brain plasticity related to motor learning. Emphasis on musical expertise and development. Structural and functional brain imaging. Auditory-motor integration and timing.
  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Professor (cross-appointed), Physics
    Professor (cross-appointed), Chemical and Materials Engineering
    Centre for Research in Molecular Modeling (CERMM)
    Computational Chemistry, Molecular and Reaction Dynamics, Nanomaterials and Materials Engineering, Chemical Biology, Therapeutics, Photochemistry, Ultrasfast Spectroscopy, Chemical Physics, Environmental Chemistry, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing
  • Associate Professor, Education
  • Professor, Concordia University Research Chair (Tier 1) in in Sensory-Cognitive Health in Aging and Dementia, Psychology
    Neuropsychology, Cognition, Aging, Dementia, Speech and Language, Sensory function
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor, Concordia University Research Chair in Developmental Cybernetics, Psychology
    Cognitive Development (categorization, selective trust, theory of mind) Language Development (bilingualism);
  • Affiliate Assistant Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics


  • Distinguished Professor Emerita, Simone de Beauvoir Institute & Womens Studies
    Feminist Cultural Studies of Health
  • Past Chair, Canadian Jewish Studies, Religions and Cultures
    Canadian Jewish Studies, North American Literature, Holocaust Studies, Eastern Europe, Yiddish literature, Creative Writing
  • Professor, Religion
    Chair & Director of the Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies
    Jews in Canada; Orthodox Judaism in North America
  • Assistant Professor, Political Science
    International relations, climate change, global environmental politics, international organizations, international cooperation.
  • Chargé de cours, Études françaises
  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus, History
  • Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment
    Urban politics, urban planning, and urban security/policing in Canada.
  • Professor & Chair, Psychology
    Core Member, Centre for Clinical Research in Health (CCRH)
    Cultural-Clinical Psychology (acculturation, anxiety, assessment, China, culture, depression, emotion, Korea, language, meaning, personality, psychotherapy, religion, somatization, Russia)


  • Professor, Biology
    Membrane traffic and vesicle recognition in the early secretory pathway, TRAPP-opathies (diseases of TRAPP mutations), TANGO2 function and therapeutics
  • Professor, English
    British Romantic period / relationship between literary & political discourse / reception of classical antiquity
  • Professor, Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology
    Canada Research Chair Tier II, Clinical Nutrition
    Obesity, Nutrition, Metabolism, Adipose Tissue, Lipids, Body Composition, Energetics, Humans
  • Professor, Communication Studies
    ageing studies; activist ageing; critical disability studies; mobile media; research creation; community based research; cultural discourses of age; social media as a representational force for generating knowledge about ageing subjects; ageing and technology
  • Professor, Psychology
    Applied Linguistics, Assessment, Bilingualism, Cognitive Learning Strategies, Cognitive Psychology, Language Acquisition, Learning Strategies, Memory & Attention in Skill Acquisition
  • Professor, Psychology
  • Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Psychology
    Behavioural & computational neuroscience, reward, motivation, learning, decision making
  • Professeure titulaire, Études françaises
    Littérature, Québec, France, études sur l'alimentation, gastronomie, sociocritique, ethnocritique
  • Distinguished University Research Professor, Études françaises
  • Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Analytical chemistry with particular focus on electrophoretic separations, bioanalysis, biomarker discovery and forensics
  • Associate Professor, Political Science
    Early Modern Philosophy, Religion & Science.
  • Professor Emeritus, Communication Studies
    Critical Cultural Studies, Intermedia Arts, Residual and Emergent Media, Media Archaeology, Studies of Cultural Production, Experimental Film, Web Docs, Graphic Design
  • Professor, Political Science
    Ancient Political Thought; Political Emotions; Politics and Literature; Ethics and Justice; Ethics and Public Policy.
  • Professor, Psychology
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Professor, Biology
    Gene regulation, functional genomics, and industrial biotechnology
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Sociolegal Studies, Social and Political Theory, Constitutional Law, Aboriginal Law, Criminology


  • Professeure agrégée, Études françaises
    Traductologie; traduction littéraire
  • Professor, Biology
    Molecular and cellular mechanisms of aging and age-related disorders
  • Professor and Director, Center for Functional and Structural Genomics, Biology
    Structural and functional genomics of filamentous fungi; identification and production of enzymes with biomass conversion or antimicrobial activities; analysis of gut microbiomes of livestock animals to improve gut health; and development of fungal platforms for the biomanufacturing of extracellular enzymes and metabolites.
  • Professor and Graduate Program Director, Theological Studies
    Religion and Politics, Religion and Human Rights, Orthodox Christianity and Gender, Early Christianity / Patristics, Ecumenism


  • Professor, Communication Studies
    environmental and ecological humanities; atomic photography; nuclear and atomic history and aesthetics; cultural theory; writing as method; north and nordicity; monuments, archives and memory; risk and futurity
  • Professor, Physics
  • UNESCO co-Chair in Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism
    Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance
    Chair, Art Education
    Professor, Inclusive Practices in Visual Arts, Art Education
    Creator, Grimposium
    Director, Project SOMEONE (Social Media Education Every Day)
    Co-Founder, Landscape of Hate
    Co-Founder, Landscape of Hope
    Co-Founder, Halka
    radicalization, hate speech, public pedagogies, youth engagement, research-creation, social media, performance
  • Associate Professor, History
    Public History Honours Program, History
  • Professor Emeritus, Physics
  • Associate Professor and Concordia University Research Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Director, Centre for Biological Applications of Mass Spectrometry
    analytical chemistry, metabolomics, lipidomics, mass spectrometry, sample preparation, separation science, bioanalysis, biomarker discovery and validation, inflammation, oxylipins, cardiovascular health, nutrition


  • Professor, Biology
    Microbial ecology of aquatic ecosystems; climate change and the oceans; environmental genomics and proteomics of natural microbial communities; microbial evolution
  • Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Quebec, Social Movements, Politics, Popular Culture
  • Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
    Indigenous Studies, Ethnography, Participatory Research
  • Professor, Biology
    Graduate Program Director, Biology
    Behavioural ecology of large herbivores, life history strategies and evolutionary ecology, population ecology, population dynamics, terrestrial ecosystems ecology, wildlife conservation and management, wildlife ecology, welfare of captive wildlife.
  • Associate Professor, English
    Concordia University Research Chair, Media & Contemporary Literature, Tier 2, English
    media history / video game studies / communication studies / contemporary literature / avant-garde poetics
  • Associate Professor, First Peoples Studies, School of Community and Public Affairs
    Professeure adjointe, School of Community and Public Affairs
  • Professor and Canada Research Chair in Microbial Genomics, Biology
    Genetics and genomics of the fungal pathogen Candida albicans
  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Synthesis of chemically modified nucleic acids, DNA / RNA nanoscience, DNA repair.
  • Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Psychology
    Director, Center for Studies in Behavioural Neurobiology (CSBN)
  • Professor, Psychology


  • Professor, Applied Human Sciences
    community development, Indigenous women in prison, leisure as healing, arts-based research, decolonizing practices


  • Professor, Physics
    Chair, Physics
    Photosynthesis research using optical methods. Energy and charge transfer. Protein dynamics. Tunneling in biological systems. Explosives detection. Novel microscopy and single-molecule imaging techniques.
  • Assistant Professor, Political Science
    International Political Economy, finance, foreign aid, international development, sovereign debt, international cooperation, negotiations, Africa
  • Professor, Biology
    Molecular mechanisms underlying the biogenesis of the thylakoid membrane compartment in the eukaryotic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardti
  • Full Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
    Stochastic processes and applications
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