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Emma Despland, PhD

  • Professor, Biology

Contact information



B.Sc. Environmental Biology (McGill)
M.Sc. Biologie (Laval)
D.Phil. Zoology (Oxford)

Research interests

My research examines plant-insect interactions at the level of the individual organism, focusing on behaviour, nutrition and chemical ecology.

I investigate questions about the roles of social relationships with conspecifics and of trophic relationships with food plants and natural enemies. My focus is on outbreaking pest insects, both in Canada (Forest Tent Caterpillar and Spruce Budworm) and internationally (desert locust), and in biodiversity conservation in the Montreal urban landscape and in the neotropics.

Teaching activities

Research activities

Graduate opportunities with the following on-going projects:

Please contact me for more information.

Current and former lab members can be found here.


Selected publications:


View the complete list of publications

Artistic performances

Worth defending: Montreal's (extra)ordinary greenspaces (2024) 
En Masse (2015) and Mass Transit (2015-2016) with Alison Loader and Chris Plenzich
Malacosoma disstria (2013) with Alison Loader and Jessica Ethier, videos I & II
Wundergarden (2011-2012) with Tagny Duff


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