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Felice Yuen, PhD

  • Professor, Applied Human Sciences

Research areas: community development, Indigenous women in prison, leisure as healing, arts-based research, decolonizing practices

Contact information


Felice Yuen’s research focuses on leisure and its impact on the quality of life of individuals and the communities in which they live. More specifically, she is interested in leisure as a context for individual and community healing. Recent research projects include an SSHRC funded partnership development grant, which explores the healing and rehabilitation of Indigenous women in provincial prison. Her research, predominantly arts-based and community-based, has been done in collaboration with community-based organizations such as la Société de Elizabeth Fry du Québec (an organization supporting women who have experience with the criminal justice system) and Li-ber-T House (a women’s transition house).

Please visit for information regarding Indigenous women in Quebec’s provincial prison.



PhD Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
M.A. Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
B.A. Recreation Administration, University of Alberta

Teaching activities


AHSC 385 Social Psychology of Leisure
AHSC 431 Leisure Sciences Seminar
AHSC 442 Community Development and Leisure
AHSC 422
 Youth and Leisure


Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Yuen, F., & Reilly, R.,& Sjollema, S. (2023). Leisure and trauma-informed practice. Leisure Studies, 1-20. Leisureand trauma-informed practice. Leisure Studies, 1-20.

Gallant, K., & Yuen, F. (2021). Unravelling the research process: Humanizing leisure scholars. Leisure Sciences: The messiness of leisure research, 43(3-4), 347-351.

Yuen, F. (2021). "If we're lost, we are lost together": Leisure and relationality. Leisure Sciences: Special issue on Leisure in the time of coronavirus, 43(1-2), 90-96.

Yuen, F., & Fortune, D. (2020). Leisure, Art, and Advocacy: Opportunities for Conscientizaçao, Contentious Dialogue, and Social Justice. Leisure Sciences, 42(5-6), 570-588.

Yuen, F. (2016). Collage: A method of analysis and representation. Journal of Leisure Research, 48(4), 338-346.


Pedlar, A., Arai, S., Yuen, F., & Fortune, D. (2018). Community re-entry: Uncertain futures forwomen leaving prison. Routledge.

Participation activities

Recent conference presentations

Yuen, F., Ferland-Gabriel, P., Gabriel, W. (2022, September 28–October 1). Supporting Indigenous women on probation and parole: A decolonizing approach, 5th World Congress on Probation and Parole, Ottawa, ON.

Yuen F., Weisgarber, B.*, & Gabriel, W. (2022, March 1-4), Culturally Meaningful Leisure: What does it mean and how do we get there?, The Academy of Leisure Sciences Annual Conference on Research and Teaching, "Critical Realities: Culture at the Crossroads", Indiana, Indianapolis (virtual conference).

Weisgarber, B.*, & Yuen, F. (2021, May 30-June 1). Exploring the impact of culturally meaningful healing programs for Indigenous women in Quebec's provincial prisons, Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 2021 (virtual conference).

Yuen, F., Henhawk, D, Fernandez, M., Lopez, K., Nijar, J. (2021, May 30-June 1). Still Teetering on "The Edge of a Moment": Engaging Struggle to Rethink Leisure Scholarship, Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 2021 (virtual conference).

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