Sherry Simon, PhD
- Distinguished University Research Professor, Études françaises
Status: Professeure titulaire
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Ph.D (Université de Montréal, Littérature comparée)
Maîtrise (Diplôme de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, directeur d'études: Roland Barthes)
BA (Brandeis University, Honours Comparative Literature)
Domaines d’enseignement
Actuellement et depuis 1998 : Professeure titulaire, Département d'études françaises, Concordia University.
Elle a occupé en 2005 la Chaire de recherche du Canada Senior en Traduction et histoire culturelle, Glendon College, York University (démission pour raisons personnelles) et a dirigé de 1995 à 2000 le programme de doctorat interdisciplinaire en lettres et en sciences humaines, Université Concordia. Elle a dirigé avec Jean-François Chassay la revue culturelle Spirale durant dix ans.
Affiliations Professionnelles
Groupe de recherche Figura.
Collectif de traduction de l'arabe, TAAM-TAIM.
Groupe de travail, The Changing Neighbourhoods of Montreal.
Association de traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada.
Prix et distinctions
2018 : Concordia University Research Prize.
2017 : Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, Concordia University.
2016 : ‘The Translational Life of Cities’ (Massachussetts Review) selected as a Notable Essay, Best American Essays 2016.
2010 : Membre, Académie des lettres du Québec
- Gabrielle Roy Prize for English-language criticism, Association of Quebec and Canadian Literatures.
- Mavis Gallant Prize for Non-Fiction, Quebec Writers Federation.
- Finaliste, Prix Spirale-Eva-Le-Grand.
- Finaliste, Raymond Klibansky Prize, Canadian Federation for the Humanities.
- Finaliste, Ville de Montréal, Grand Prix du Livre.
Postes de professeure invitée
2020 : Profesora invitada, Universidad autónoma de Mexico, Mexico.
2019: Professeure invitee, Univ. Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, France
2017 : Associate Faculty, Nida Translation Studies Summer School, Misano, Italy.
2017 : Invited Professor, University of Puerto Rico, February.
2015 : Chair Professor, York University, Glendon College Translation Summer School, June 20-27, Toronto.
2011-: Adjunct Faculty, York University.
2013 : Invited Professor, Nida Translation Studies Summer School, Misano, Italy.
2010 : CETRA Chair in Translation Studies, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium.
2008 : Invited Professor, Summer School, Martin-Luther-Universitate Halle-Wittenberg, “Cultural Translation”.
Invited Professor, English Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
2006 : Professeure adjointe, Département de traduction, collège Glendon, Université York, Toronto.
Invited Professor, Graduate Summer School of Literature and Literary Theory, “The Poetics of Cultural Translation, Karlsrona, Sweden.
2003 : Ida Beam Distinguished Visiting Lecturer, Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature, University of Iowa.
Professeure invitée, Chaire Gabrielle Roy/Margaret Atwood, Études canadiennes, Université autonome de Mexico.
2000 : Visiting Professor, Department of French, University of Richmond, Virginia.
1997 : Professeure invitée, Département de langues romanes, Université d’Innsbruck, Autriche.
Interview, Globally Speaking:
2020: Podcast interview with Johanne Sloan.
2020: Interview, Multilingual Magazine. https://multilingual.com/translation-studies-sherry-simon/
Portrait in The Montrealer. Feb, 2018.
Quebec studies on-line course, Jean-Philippe Warren. Interview. May 2017.
Podcast, http://aelaq.org/podcast/, with Dimitri Nasralla. Association of English Language Publishers of Quebec. Launch May 18, 2017.
Le monde des livres, février 2016. Entretien avec Sherry Simon sur Mordecai Richler.
Interview : Blog, Cosmonaut Avenue, Mikhail Iossel. http://www.cosmonautsavenue.com/podcast.html
Interview : ‘The Drunken Boat’ blog, with Christopher Schafenacker. http://www.drunkenboat.com/?p=4751 Issue 21.
Interview : ‘Linguist of the Month, ‘Le mot juste’. 2015.
“The Task of Attention”: Sherry Simon (Concordia University) Talks To Krzysztof Majer and Justyna Fruzińska (University of Łódź) in Text Matters, November 2015: 5, pp. 255-263. Distributed electronically Walter de Gruyter.
Interview with Harvard Political Review 2014.
Quoted on BBC radio : Something Understood 27th July 2014 on Translation.
Interview,Translationwith Siri Nergaard, on-line. http://translation.fusp.it/interviews/interview-with-sherry-simon
Interview, The Gazette, July 20 2012. Peggy Curran. ‘Sherry Simon: The Benefits of Living in a Double Culture’.
http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Sherry Simon benefits living double culture/6941440/story.html
Also appearing in The Ottawa Citizen and the Vancouver Sun.
Interview, the podcast series New Books in Language (http://newbooksinlanguage.com/), part of the New Books Network. August 2012. (Cities in Translation).
« L’art de traduire Montréal » Catherine Lalonde, Le Devoir, 25 octobre 2010. P.1
« Montréal n’est plus la ville aux deux solitudes », Brigitte Saint-Pierre, Prix André Laurendeau, Le Devoir, cahier spécial prix ACFAS, 9 octobre 2010.
“Three Solitudes” Mike Boone, The Gazette, October 27, 2010.
« Circulation linguistique », Le Devoir, 7-8 octobre, 2009.
Identités mosaïques: Entretiens sur l’identité culturelle des Québécois juifs. Julie Châteauvert, Francis Dupuis Déri, Boréal, 2004, pp. 17-31.
Publications récentes
Essais et pré-publications
"Hybridité Culturelle". Éditions Ile de la Tortue, Montréal, 1999. 64 pages. (Cité dans Le Monde, 27 juillet 2000). Cliquez pour télécharger une version PDF numérisée.(Lien Spectrum)
"L'Autre intime: Représentations de la diversité culturelle dans le cinéma, le vidéo au Québec, 1977-1994" (Essai de présentation, Sherry Simon; filmographie de Jean Sébastien Dubé), Groupe de recherche sur la citoyenneté et les transformations sociales, Université Concordia, avril 1997. (60 p.). (Lien Spectrum)
L'inscription sociale de la traduction au Québec. Rapport publié pour le Conseil de la langue française, 1989. Cliquer sur le lien suivant pour télécharger:
A l'écoute des lieux. Géographies de la traduction. trad. Lori Saint-Martin et Paul Gagné. Presses de l'université de Montréal, janvier 2022.
Culture in Transit. Translating the Literature of Quebec. Revised and expanded edition. Ed. S. Simon Véhicule Press, 2020.
Translation Sites: A Field Guide. Routledge 2019.
'Space'. Special issue of translation, a transdisciplinary journal. Ed. S. Simon. Issue 7, 2019.
Speaking Memory. How Translation Shapes City Life. ed. Sherry Simon. MQUP, Fall 2016.
Translation Effects. The Shaping of Modern CanadianCulture, ed. K. Mezei, S. Simon, L. vonFlotow. 32 essays, 478 pages. ‘Intro’(pp. 3-27) and ‘ Translating CulturalRace Politics’, S. Simon (pp.50-62) McGill-Queen’s University Press,Spring, 2014.
‘The City as TranslationZone’, special issue of TranslationStudies, ed. Michael Croninand Sherry Simon, Vol 7, No. 2, 2014.
In Translation. Honouring Sheila Fischman. Ed. Sherry Simon.Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
Villes en traduction.Calcutta, Trieste, Barcelone, Montréal. Tr.Pierrot Lambert. Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2013.
Cities in Translation. Intersections of Language and Memory. London, Routledge, 2012.Failure’s Opposite. Listening to A.M. Klein, . ed. with Norm Ravvin, McGill-Queens University Press, Montreal, Sous presse.
Traverser Montréal. Une histoire culturelle par la traduction. Trad. Pierrot Lambert, nouvelle préface de S. Simon, Montréal, Editions Fidés, 2008.
Translating Montreal: Episodes in the Life of a Divided City. McGill-Queens University Press, October 2006, 270 pages.
Traduction engagée - Translation and Social Activism. Numéro thématique de la revue TTR, 2, 2007. Dir.: Sherry Simon.
New Readings of Yiddish Montreal/Traduire le Montréal Yiddish, ed. Pierre Anctil, Norm Ravvin, Sherry Simon. University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Ethnographie-fictions? Numéro spécial, Anthropologie et sociétés 28(3), 2004, dir. Gilles Bibeau et Sherry Simon.
Changing the Terms: Translating in the Postcolonial Era, ed. Sherry Simon, Paul St-Pierre, University of Ottawa Press, 2000, 350 p. "Introduction", S. Simon, pp. 9-29.
- Édition indienne, Orient Longman, Madras, 2002.
Gender in Translation. Cultural Identity and the Politics of Transmission. London, Routledge, 1996. 208 pages.
Culture in Transit. Translating the Literature of Quebec. Ed. Sherry Simon, Véhicule Press, Montréal, 1995. 198 pages
Le Trafic des langues: traduction et culture dans la littérature québécoise. Montréal, Editions du Boréal, 1994, 225 pages.
Projets en cours
Promenades polyglottes. Le Mont Royal en langues. En préparation.
Sélection - chapitres de livre
Chava Rosenfarb, le yiddish et Montréal, Kanade, di Goldene Medine? Perspectives on Canadian-Jewish Literature and Culture. , ed. K. Mayer et al. Brill, Spring 2019. Pp. 191-205.
“Edoardo Weiss, A Triestine Translating Freud”Literary Translation and Cultural Mediators in 'Peripheral' Cultures. Customs Officers or Smugglers?Ed. DPalgrave Macmillan 2018.pp. 69-90.
‘German, Translation and the World in Czernowitz’, Translation and World Literature. Ed. Susan Bassnett, Routledge 2018, pp. 92-107.
“Germaine de Stael and Gayatri Spivak: Culture Brokers" Translation and Power, ed. Maria Tymoczko and Edwin Gentzler. University of Massachussetts Press, 2001, pp 122-140., Translation into Italian by Teresa Fiore for publication in Donne in traduzione, Bompiani, Italy.
“Chapter 5.8. Translation zones/spaces” ,A History of Modern Translation Knowledge. Sources, concepts, effects,by D’hulst, Lieven and Yves Gambier (eds.) [BTL 142] . John Benjamins.
‘Space’, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture. Ed. S-A Harding and O. Carbonell. London, Routledge, 2018, Pp. 97-113
‘Montréal en marge : le boulevard Saint-Laurent revisité’, La lutte pour l’espace : ville, performance, et culture d’en bas, Sous la direction de Domenic A. Beneventi Roxanne Rimstead Simon Harel. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2017. Pp. 29-49.
‘Espaces de contestation: Mémoires conflictuelles sur le terrain de la ville’. Inhabiting Memory in Canadian Literature / Habiter la mémoire dans la littérature canadienne, eds. Benjamin Authers, Maïté Snauwaert et Daniel Laforest, Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2017, 3-13. (Finaliste, Prix Gabrielle-Roy)
‘Redessiner la carte des diversités à Montréal’, Bien-être en ville: espaces urbains, langues, cultures et societies. Dir. Paola Puccini et al. Bologna: I Libri di Emil, 2017. Pp. 125-135.
‘Introduction’ and Language Edges: Reading the Habsburg Border City’ in Speaking Memory. How Translation Shapes City Life’,ed. S. Simon, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016. (3-19, 87-99)
‘Traduire la difference dans une société démocratique: le Québec après la Charte des valeurs’, Les conditions du dialogue au Québec: laïcité, réciprocité, pluralisme, sous la dir. Alain-G. Gagnon et Jean-Charles St-Louis, Québec Amérique, collection «Débats», 2016, 67-86.
À l’enseigne d’Hermès. La ville multiple : à l’intersection des langues et des mémoires’, migrations/translations, sous la direction de M. Ahmed et al. Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2015, pp. 59-65.
‘Introduction’, The View from the Agent: Daniel Simeoni’s traductologies. Toronto, Éditions du Gref, 2015, pp. xiii-xx.
TheCity in Translation: ‘Urban cultures ofcentral Europe’, KnownUnknowns of Translation Studies eds.Brems, Elke, Reine Meylaerts and Luc van Doorslaer, John Benjamins 2014, pp 155-171. Revisedversion , originally appeared in Target24:1 (2012).
‘Bilingualism and translation, Fair exchange?’ Fiftyyears of Official Bilingualism in Canada: Défis, analyses et témoignages. Ed. R. Clement and Pierre Foucher, ILOB(Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme), Ottawa, 2015.
‘Yiddish and multilingual urban space in Montreal’. The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Jewish Cultures. Ed. LaurenceRoth and Nadia Valman. London andNew York, Routledge, 2014. Pp. 272-285.
‘Afficher la languedans l’art public’, dir. M-A Brouillette,Des textes dans l'espace public / Words in Public Space. Editions dupassage, 2014. 68-77, 143-146.
‘Preface’. The View from the Agent. Daniel Siméoni’s ‘Traductologies’.Toronto: Editions du Gref, 2014. Pp.
‘October 2006: Territoires ettrajectoires is Launched in Montreal and ‘Cultural Race Politics’ areintroduced to Quebec’, TranslationEffects,. McGill-Queen’s UniversityPress, 2014. 50-61
‘Edouard Roditi: APolyglot in the Twentieth Century’, InTranslation. Honouring Sheila Fischman. Ed S. Simon, McGill-Queen’sUniversity Press, 2013, 98-110.
‘La rilevanza di genere nella teoria della traduzione: un approcciodiverso e diversificato’, in Latraduzione femminista in Canada, a cura di Deborah Saidero, Forum EditriceUdinese, Udine, 2013, pp. 37-81. (Translation of Chapter 1, Gender in Translation).
‘Postcolonial Cities and the Culture of Translation’ Language and Translation inPostcolonial Cultures. MultilingualContexts, Translational Texts. Ed. Simona Bertacco. London: Routledge,2013, pp. 97-109.
‘The Translation Zone’, Handbookof Translation Studies, Vol.IV, ed. Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer.Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2013, pp.181-185.
‘The Crosstownvoyage of the 1960s’, in the TranslationStudies Reader, (3rd edition) ed. LawrenceVenuti, Routledge, 2012, pp. 429-450.
‘Translation and Hybridity’, Handbookof Translation Studies, Vol.II, ed. Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer.Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2011, pp. 49-53.
‘Montreal, Dublin, Prague, Jerusalem and the others: A.M. Klein’sCities’, in Failure’s Opposite, Ravvinand Simon, eds., pp. 142-154.
“Preface”,A la découverte du Montréal Yiddish, Chantal Ringuet, Editions Fidès, 2011.
“Pierre L’Hérault, les paradoxes du lointain”, Interférences. Autour de Pierre L’Hérault. Textes réunis etprésentés par Alessandra Ferraro et Elisabeth Nardout-Lafarge. Udine, Forum,2010. Pp. 15-24.
« GabrielleRoy, Mavis Gallant et le Montréal des années 1940 », Gabrielle Roy et l’art du roman. Dir. Isabelle Daunais, SophieMarcotte et François Ricard. Montréal, Boréal, 2010. Pp. 106-122.
“Montréal enmarge : Le boulevard Saint-Laurent revisité”, Cultures à la dérive. Dir.Eibl, Doris et al. Wurzburg, Konigshausen & Neumann, 2010, pp. 133-143.
“Alphabets of Passage”, catalogueessayon Sylvia Safdie, Capsules”, Leonard and Bina Ellen Gallery, Concordia.Vernissage, 9 janvier 2010.
“The Post-Industrial Southwest”, Used-GoodsCatalogue. Montreal, Cut RateCollective (G. Amantea, L. Oades, K. Sawchuk), 2009, pp. 36-47, trad française,48-61.
“Translating in the Multilingual City: Montreal as a City of theAmericas”, Canada and its Americas. Ed. Casteel and Siemerling. Montreal,McGill-Queens, 2009, pp. 171-185.
“A.K. Ramanujan: What happened in the Library”, Decentring Translation Studies: Indiaand Beyond, ed. Judy Wakabayashi and Rita Kothari, Johns Benjamin,Amsterdam, 2009, pp. 161-174.
“Médiatrices. De Germaine de Stael à Gayatri Spivak”, Femmes écrivains à la croisée deslangues. Women Writers at the Crossroads of Languages, 1700-2000. Genève, MétisPresses,2009, 43-53.
“Bangalore: A ShortStory”, Multiple City. Writings on Bangalore, ed. Aditi De. New Delhi, Penguin Books India, 2008, pp.72-83.
Reprinted from TranslatingDesire. The Politics of Gender and Culture in India, ed. Brinda Bose. NewDelhi, Katha, 2002, pp. 282-293.
“Yiddish InAmerica, or Styles of Self-Translation”, Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies.Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury. Ed.. D. Siméoni, A. Pym, M. Schlesinger. Amsterdam-Philadlphia,John Benjamins, 2008. Pp. 67-78.
“Translation andthe Making of Canadian Culture”, Translating from the Margins, dir.Denise Merkle ,J. Koustas, G. Nicholsand S. Simon. Québec, Nota Bene, 2008, pp. 11-24.
“A.M. Klein, The solitude of translation”, Traduire le Montréal Yiddish/New Readings of Yiddish Montreal, dir. Sherry Simon, Norm Ravvin, Pierre Anctil, University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
“L’hybridité et après: figures du traduire” Quel autre ? L’altérité en question, vlb éditeur, dir. Pierre Ouellet, Simon Harel, 2007, pp. 317-349.
“La ville et ses langues”, Une oeuvre indisciplinaire. Mémoire, texte et identité chez Régine Robin, dir. Caroline Désy, Véronique Fauvelle, Viviana Fridman et Pascale Maltais, Québec, Les presses de l’Université Laval, 2007, pp. 97-109.
“Guido Nincheri et l’église Saint Michaels du Mile-End”, Parcours migrants au Québec. L'italianité de Marco Micone à Philippe Poloni Centro culturale canadese, dir. Alessadra Ferraro et Anna Pia de Luca, Udine, Italie, Forum editrice universitaria udinese, 2006, pp. 97-104.
“W.H. Blake: Portrait of a Translator”, Writing Between the Lines. Portraits of Canadian Anglophone Translators (Wilfrid Laurier University Press), edited by Agnes Whitfield, 2006, pp. 19-36.
“The Intimate Other: Representations of Cultural Diversity in Quebec Film and Video (1985 1995), Textualizing the Immigrant Experience in Contemporary Quebec, ed. Susan Ireland and Patrice J. Proulx, Praeger, Contributions to the Study of World Literature, Number 127, Westport, Connecticut, London, 2004, pp. 65-83.
“Accidental Voices: The Return of the Countertenor”, Aural Cultures, ed. J. Drobnick, YYZ Press/Walter Phillips Gallery Editions, Toronto, 2004, pp. 11-119.
“Crossing Town: Montreal in Translation”, Bilingual Games. Some Literary Investigations, ed. Doris Sommer. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. pp. 77-86.
“A Single Brushstroke, Writing through Translation: Anne Carson”, Journal of Contemporary Thought, Special issue, “Paradigms for/of Translation”, Guest editor, Paul St Pierre. Summer 2002, University of Baroda, India, and Louisiana State University, pp. 37-47. reprinted in: In Translation. Reflections, Refractions, Transformations, ed. Paul St Pierre, Prafulla C. Kar, Delhi, Pencraft International, 2005, pp. 90-99.
“Circuits urbains: la traduction du yiddish”, Le soi et l’autre, dir. Pierre Ouellet, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2003, pp. 67-76.
“La scène de l’écriture: l’oeuvre de Salman Rushdie”, Identités narratives. Mémoire et perception, dir. Pierre Ouellet et al. Québec, les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2002, pp. 107-113.
"The Paris Arcades, the Ponte Vecchio and the Comma of Translation", for the 25th Anniversary of the Literary Translators Association of Canada, Meta, 45 (1), avril 2000, 73 79. “The Paris Arcades, the Ponte Vecchio and the Comma of Translation", Gail Scott. Essays on Her Works, ed. Lianne Moyes, Guernica, 2002.
“Germaine de Stael and Gayatri Spivak: Culture Brokers" Translation and Power, ed. Maria Tymoczko and Edwin Gentzler. University of Massachussetts Press, 2001, pp. 122-140.
"Robert Lepage and the Language of Spectacle", Theater sans Frontiers: Essays on the Dramatic Universe of Robert Lepage, eds. J. Donahoe Jr. and Jane Koustas, University of Michigan Press, 2001, pp. 215-230.
“Tensions and Temptations: Women Translating Exile", CTIS Occasional Papers, Volume 1, 2001, Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, UMIST, Manchester, England 2001, pp. 127-146.
Voir des articles et les télécharger sur Spectrum
“Reflections on Translation: Past and Present”, TTR, 30thanniversary issue, 2018.
“Introduction, Cultural Expressions” , Engaging with Diversity. Multidisciplinary Reflections on Plurality from Quebec. Ed. S Gervais, et al. Peter Lang, Brussels, pp. 203-209.
Sota el signe d’Hermes. Ciutat i traducció, translation into Catalan by Simona Skrabec, L’Espill 58, Universitat de Valencia, Spring 2018, pp. xx-xxx.
‘Lieux de traduction’ trad. Chiara Denti. Écritures 10. Traduire hors-lignes. Dir. L. Quaquarelli. Pp. 75-88. Presses universitaires de Paris-Nanterre. 2018.
‘Saxa Loquuntur : Prague’s Speaking Stones’, Art in Translation, 2018, 1-16.
‘Translating at the Edge of Empire: Olha Kobylianska and Rose Auslander’ translation, an interdisciplinary journal. Issue 5, 2017, 93-111.
Bankimchandra: Edebi bir Turun Cevirisi. Trans. into Turkish, Sule Demirkol Erturk. Festschrift in honor of Saliha Paker. Ed. Sehnaz Tahir Gurcaglar, Journal of Turkish Studies, vol. 48, Dec. 2017, pp. 361-369
‘Lieux précaires pour penser: la littérature comparée à Montréal’, Post-Scriptum. #19 http://post-scriptum.org
‘The Translational Life of Cities’, The Massachussetts Review, Fall 2015, Vol 56:3, 404-415.
‘Returns on Translation: Valuing Quebec Culture’ Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: Sites 19.5, 501-13. Special issue on ‘Money’.
‘Against Translation: Quebec and the Charter of Values’, Modern Horizons, Summer 2014, pp. 1-11.
‘Introduction’, The City as Translation Zone, withMichael Cronin. Special issue of Translation Studies. 7:2 2014 Pp. 119-132.
‘Urbancultures of central Europe’, Target 24:1 (2012), eds. Brems, Elke, Reine Meylaerts andLuc van Doorslaer, 2012. (pp. 126–140)
‘Culture and Translation in Canada’ in Translation. An International Encyclopediaof Translation Studies. Vol III, Ed.H. Kittel et al, Berlin, Boston, Walterde Gruyter, 2011. Pp. 2330-2334.
‘A Critique ofthe Renaissance as a Model of Cultural Renewal, Ravenshaw Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, July 2011, I:2,15-26.
“Cities in Translation: Some Proposals onMethod”, Doletiana 2 (Revue de traduction littéraire et arts, Barcelone),2009, Numéro spécial, « Traduire laville », dir. Nuria d’Asprers, 1-12. http://webs2002.uab.es/doletiana/
“Public Languageand the Aesthetics of the Translating City”, French Language Studies XXXVI,2009, pp. 1-16.
'Cultural translation: An introduction to theproblem, and Responses', TranslationStudies,2:2, 2009, 208-212.
“Mémoiresen partage”, Voix et images. Numérospécial consacré à Pierre Nepveu. XXXIV :1, automne 2008, pp. 33-41.
“The Bridge of Reversals: Translation and Cosmopolitanism in Montreal”, International Journal of Francophone Studies,Special Issue: Linguistic and Cultural Contact and Conflict in Francophone Canada, ed. Rosemary Chapman, 9(3), 2006, pp. 381-394.
“The Translator in the Plot of Cultural Theory: The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh”, Journal of Translation Studies (Hong Kong), 9(1), 2006, pp. 105-124.
“Interférences créatrices: poétiques du transculturel”, Revista Mexicana de Estudios Canadienses, December 2005, nueva época, no. 10, pp. 211-219.
“Poétiques de la traversée: Montréal en traduction”, numéro spécial, “Le Québec, une autre Amérique. Dynamisme d’une identité”, dir. Jocelyn Létourneau et Sabine Choquet, Cités, 23, 2005 (Paris, France), pp. 31-43.
"Introduction", (avec Catherine Leclerc) "Zones de contact. Nouveaux regards sur la littérature anglo québécoise", Voix et Images, vol. XXX, no. 3 (90), printemps 2005, pp. 15-29.
“A.M. Klein. Pimontel et les ratés de la traduction", pp. 31 41. “Zones de contact. Nouveaux regards sur la littérature anglo québécoise”, Voix et Images, vol XXX, no. 3 (90), 2005, pp. 31-41.
“Moments of Translation: The Social History of a Divided City”, Journal of the School of Language, Literature, and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Special issue on Translation Studies, Autumn 2004, pp. 46-56.
“Hybridity Revisited: St Michael’s of Mile End”. International Journal of Canadian Studies, Revue internationale d’études canadiennes, 27, Spring/Printemps 2003. Special Issue: Transculturalisms pp. 107-119.
“Trieste”, Études francophones de Bayreuth, vol V, numéro spécial, “Le Québec et l’ailleurs, Aperçus culturels et littéraires”, sous la direction de Robert Dion, pp. 153-164.
“Antoine Berman, l’absolu critique”, TTR, numéro spécial, “Antoine Berman aujourd’hui”. XIV:2, 2e semestre 2001, 19-29.
“Crossing Town: Montreal in Translation”, Profession, Modern Language Association of America, “Presidential Forum: Can We Talk? Translation in the Americas”, 2002, pp. 15-24. Also appearing in a shorter version in Meeting Global and Domestic Challenges: Canadian federalism in Perspective, John.F.Kennedy Institut fur Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universitat Berlin, Materialien 33, eds. Thomas Treven and Heinz Ickstadt, Berlin 2004, pp. 142-150.
“Hybrid Montreal, The Shadow of Language”, Sites, Journal of 20th Century French Studies 5(2), 2001, pp. 315-330.
“A.M. Klein et Karl Stern: le scandale de la conversion”, Études françaises, “Écriture et judéité au Québec”, 37(3), 2001, pp. 53-68.
“Vernaculars Abroad: The Travelling Theatre of Michel Tremblay and Robert Lepage”, Topia, Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. 4, Fall, 2000, pp. 27-38.
"Pratiques déviantes de la traduction", Francophonies d'Amérique, no. 10, Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2000, pp. 159-166.
“Bangalore”, to be reprinted in Bangalore, an anthology of stories on Bangalore, Penguin India, ed. Aditi De.
“Introduction”, Translating from the Margins. Ed. D. Merkle, J. Koustas, G. Nichols, S. Simon. Editions Nota Bene, 2007.
“The Post-Industrial Southwest”, for catalogue Used Goods, Gisele Amantea, Lorraine Oades.
“Yiddish In America, Or Styles Of Self-translation”, for Festschrift Gideon Toury, ed. D. Siméoni, A. Pym, M. Schlesinger.