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Prof. Danielle Gauvreau, PhD

  • Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Research areas: Demography, History of Quebec/Canadian Population, Fertility Transitions, French Canadian Emigration to the US

Contact information

Research activities

Current research

The causes of the baby-boom in Quebec: A comparative approach. This project combines newly available census data with survey data and vital statistics to explore the not so well-known causes of the baby-boom and, more specifically, the specific contribution of various groups to the baby-boom. The project has a strong comparative component directed both towards other Canadian provinces and towards other countries that have also experienced a baby-boom during the 1940s and 1950s. Funded by SSHRC, the project is conducted with Benoît Laplante (INRS-UCS).

New research project

Du Québec aux États-Unis. Nouvelle étude socio-démographique de l'émigration canadienne-française aux États-Unis. SSHRC funded, the project also involves Marc Saint-Hilaire (ULaval) and Hélène Vézina (UQAC).
Using newly available sources, both in the US and in Canada, this project aims at documenting and understanding three dimensions of this important phenomenon: 1) the conditions when people left Quebec; 2) return migration(s) and 3) integration (or lack of) into the American population


Recent publications

with Benoît Laplante , “La féconditéau Canada durant le baby-boom. Divergence et convergence des comportements”, Annales de démographie historique, 2016,no 2: 65-110.

with Benoît Laplante, “Le baby-boom québécois: l'importance du mariage”, Cahiers québécois de démographie, 2016, vol. 45, no 1: 1-26.

with Patricia Thornton, “Marrying ‘theOther’:  Trends and Determinants ofCulturally Mixed Marriages in Québec, 1880-1940”, Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 47, no 23, 2015: 111-141.

with BenoîtLaplante, “Baby-boom etdéclin de la fécondité : l’évolution paradoxale de la fécondité durant les années 1950 au Québec”, Bulletind’histoire politique, vol. 24, no 1, 2015: 42-55.

with Patricia Thornton,“Geography of Encounter: Immigration, Ethnic Diversity, and InterethnicRelations within Quebec, 1881-1911”, Chapter 9 in The Dawn of Canada’s Century. Hidden Histories, edited by GordonDarroch, Montreal/Kingston, McGill/Queen’s Press, 2014: 228-267.

with Hélène Vézina and Alain Gagnon, “Socioeconomic fertilitydifferentials in a late transition setting: A micro-level analysis of theSaguenay region in Quebec”, DemographicResearch, 2014, vol.30, article 38: 1097-1128.

Other professional activities

Quebec Interuniversity Centre for Social Statistics

Academic Director, 2010-2015

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