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Sushil K. Misra, PhD

  • Professor, Physics

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Sushil K. Misra received his Ph. D. degree in Physics from St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA in the area of condensed matter physics. He did his post-doctoral work at the University of Toronto. His current research interests are in both theoretical and experimental EPR (electron paramagnetic  resonance, also known as ESR, electron spin resonance). His research laboratory includes X-band (~9.5 GHz) and Q-band (~35 GHz) CW (continuous wave) EPR spectrometers, operational in the 4.2 – 1000 K temperature range.

He is carrying out experimental EPR research in functional materials in nano-state, e.g. dilute magnetic semiconductors, high-Tc superconductors, materials with applications to spintronics. He is also involved in theoretical pulsed electron spin-lattice relaxation studies using Stochastic Liouville and Liouville von-Neumann Equations, with the latest research being on   exploitation of pulse EPR technique to study electron spin-lattice (T1), electron- electron (T2), and nuclear spin relaxation (T2n) times in solids and liquids. Ten Ph. D. and the same number of Master’s students have received their degrees under his supervision. As well, some eleven post-doctoral students have collaborated on research under his supervision.

He collaborates actively with researchers at ACERT (Advanced Center for Electron Spin Resonance Technology) at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, whose director is the leading expert in EPR Professor Jack Freed, as a collaborating faculty member from Canada. Apart from single-crystal and polycrystalline Continuous Wave EPR research using the 170 and 240 GHz at ACERT, he does simulations for rigorous computations of signals obtained (i) by DQC (double quantum coherence) pulsed EPR to measure distances in membranes, and (ii) by 2D-ELDOR (two dimensional electron double resonance) pulsed EPR to measure distances in biological samples at  ambient  temperatures.

He has served as an external examiner to numerous international Ph. D. theses  outside of Concordia University, submitted in Canada, France, India, and Australia. He serves as a referee to important journals in Physics and Chemistry, publishing EPR research, e.g. the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Journal of Applied Magnetic Resonance. He has published several review articles in EPR, as well as he has written book chapters in leading research monographs. In addition, he has edited, and written chapters, in two books on Multifrquency EPR (Theory and Application & Data and Techniques). His research has been continuously supported by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) over 50 years. Of ther 290 papers published by him in peer-reviewed journals, over 250 are in the field of  EPR.


M. Sc. (Gorakhpur University, India); PhD(St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri,USA); B.A. (Hons.) in French Literature (Concordia University)

Research interests

Experimental and Theoretical CondensedMatter Physics, with specialization to Electron paramagnetic Resonance (EPR;also known as ESR/EMR)

Teaching activities

Phys 206 Waves and Modern Physics and Modern Physics
Phys 367 Atomic Physics and Relativity
Phys 345 Advanced Classical Mechanics


Recent publications

(The number before a publication indicates the serial number of the paper published in chronological order)

Books and Book chapters

280. S. K. Misra and S. I. Andronenko, EPR and FMR of SiCN ceramics and SiCN magnetic derivatives, Chap. 10, Frontiers in magnetic Resonance: EPR in Modern carbon based nanomaterials, 2017. D. Savchenko and Abdel Hadi Kassiba, Eds., Bentham Science Publishers (Book Chapter)

279. S. K. Misra, Fundamentals of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Modern Carbon-based Materials, Chap. 1, Frontiers in magnetic Resonance: EPR in Modern carbon based nanomaterials, 2017, 8-40. D. Savchenko and Abdel Hadi Kassiba, Eds., Bentham Science Publishers (Book Chapter)

278. Quantum Computing/Quantum Information Processing in view of Electron Magnetic /Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Technique/Spectroscopy, to be published in Electron Spin Quantum Computing: Electron Spin-Qubit Based Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Processing, Biological Magnetic Resonance Vol. 31 (2016) 270. “Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Data and Techniques”, Edited by S. K. Misra, April 2014. with a long chapter on “Multifrequency Transition-Metal ion Data Tabulation, covering the period of 20 years (1993-2012), (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, Germany).

Papers Published in peer-reviewed journals

13 June 2021

Papers under preparation.

296.Calculation of Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER) pulsed EPR signalsusing Doubly rotating frames to measure distances in biological systems, S. K.Misra and H. R. Salahi

Papers submitted for publication.

295. Two-pulse COSY (correlation spectroscopy), S. K. Misra and H. R. Salahi, J. Magn. Reason.

Paper provisionally accepted for publication.

294. Two-pulse DQ (Double Quantum) and five-pulse DQM (Double QuantumModulation) coherence transfers, S. K. Misraand H. R. Salahi, Appl. Magn.Reson.

Paperspublished in peer-reviewed journals.

293. S. K. Misra andH. R. Salahi, 2021. An analyticaltreatment of four-, five- and six-pulse Double Quantum Coherence (DQC) Signals,Magn. Reson. Solids 23, No. 1, 21101 (29 pages).

292. C. Mugoni, R. Rosa, R. Giovanardi, M, Affatigato, M. L. Gualtieri, C. Siligardi, S. I. Andronenko, S.K. Misra, 2021. Synthesis and characterization of transition metaloxides doped tellurite glasses (68-x) CuO – xV2O5 – 32TeO2 (x = 0-63mol%) and (35-x) CuO – xV2O5 – 65TeO2 (x = 0-30mol%): conductionmechanism, structure and an EPR study of conductivity, Mat. Chem. & Phys. 266, 124488 (10pages)

291. S K. Misra and H. R. Salahi, 2021. Effect ofElectron Spin Relaxation on six-pulse Double Quantum Coherence (DQC) Signal,Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 340 (17 pages)

290. S. K. Misra, H. R. Salahi, 2021. Relaxationin pulsed EPR due to thermal fluctuation of spin-Hamiltonian parameters of anelectron-nuclear spin-coupled system in a malonic acid single crystal restoredby a strong harmonic-oscillator potential, App. Magn. Reson. 52(3),247-261; DOI 10.1007/s00723-020-01308-9.

289.  S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, P. Padia, S.Vadnala, S. Asthana, 2020. A variable temperature EPR study of the manganitesLa0.7-xEuxSr0.3MnO3

(x = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6,0.7) and La0.3Nd0.4Sr0.3MnO3: Smallpolaron hopping conductivity JMMM 519, 167450 (11 pages);

288.  S.K. Misra, H.R. Salahi. 2020. Relaxationdue to thermal vibrations in pulsed EPR:

Cylindrical-fluctuationmodel of perturbation of g- and A-matrices of an electron-nuclear spin-coupledsystem in a malonic-acid single crystal, Magn. Reson. Solids 22 (1), 20101,1-16 (16 pages).

287. S.K. Misra,H.R. Salahi. 2019. A rigorous calculation of pulsed EPR SECSY and Echo-ELDORSignals: Inclusion of Static Hamiltonian and Relaxation during pulses, J. Apl.Theol. 3(2), 2019, 9-43 (2019).

286. S.K. Misra,H.R. Salahi, and L. Li, 2019. Calculation of single crystal and polycrystallinepulsed EPR signals including relaxation by phonon modulation of hyperfine and gmatrices by solving Liouville von Neumann equation, Magnetic Resonance inSolids, 21 (5), 19505, 1-16 (16 pages).

285. S.K. Misra, S.I. Andronenko, 2019. A VariableTemperature EPR study of  Cu2 -dopedsingle crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7,α-Zn2V2O7: estimation of g2 and A2Tensors, Magn. Reson. Solids 21 (5), 19502, 1-11 (11 pages)

284. S.K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, Ildar Gilmutdinov, and Roman Yusupov. September 2018. EPR and magnetization studies ofpolymer-derived Fe-doped SiCN nanoceramics annealed at various temperatures:Blocking temperature, superparamagnetism and size distributions, Appl. Magn.Reson. 49,1397-1415;doi,org/s00723-1079.x

283. S.K. Misra, S.I. Andronenko, 2018. EPR of the V4 ionin single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7,α-Zn2V2O7: Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters, Magn.Reson. Solids 20, 18101 (8 pages)

282. S.K. Misra and L.Li, 2018, A Rigorous Procedure for Calculation of Pulsed EPR Signal with Relaxation,J. Apl. Theol 2(1):

281. S.I. Andronenko, A.A. Rodionov, S.K. Misra, A Variable Temperature X- and W-Band EPRStudy of Fe-Doped SiCN Ceramics Annealed at 1000, 1100, and 1285 °C:Dangling Bonds, Ferromagnetism and Superparamagnetism, Applied MagneticResonance, 49, iss. 4, pp.335-344 2018. DOI 10.1007/s00723-017-0973-y287. S.K. Misra, H.R. Salahi. 2019. A rigorous calculation of pulsed EPR SECSY and Echo-ELDOR Signals: Inclusion of Static Hamiltonian and Relaxation during pulses, Journal of Applied and Theoretical Research J. Apl. Theol. 3(2), 2019, 9-48 (2019)

286. S.K. Misra, H.R. Salahi, and L. Li. Calculation of single crystal and polycrystalline pulsed EPR signals including relaxation by phonon modulation of hyperfine and g matrices by solving Liouville von Neumann equation, Magnetic Resonance in Solids, 21, paper #19505 (2019) 16 pages.

285. S.K. Misra, S.I. Andronenko, 2019. A Variable Temperature EPR study of  Cu2 -doped single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7, α-Zn2V2O7: estimation of g2 and A2 Tensors, Magn. Reson. Solids 21 (5), 19502, 1-11 (11 pages)

284. S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, Ildar Gilmutdinov, and Roman Yusupov. September 2018. EPR and magnetization studies of polymer-derived Fe-doped SiCN nanoceramics annealed at various temperatures: Blocking temperature, superparamagnetism and size distributions, Appl. Magn. Reson. 49, 1397-1415;doi,org/s00723-1079.x

283. S.K. Misra, S.I. Andronenko, 2018. EPR of the V4 ion in single crystals of pyrovanadates β-Mg2V2O7, α-Zn2V2O7: Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters, Magn. Reson. Solids 20, 18101 (8 pages)

282. S.K. Misra and L. Li, 2018, A Rigorous Procedure for Calculation of Pulsed EPR Signal with Relaxation, J. Apl. Theol 2(1):

281. S.I. Andronenko, A.A. Rodionov, S.K. Misra, 2018. A Variable Temperature X- and W-Band EPR Study of Fe-Doped SiCN Ceramics Annealed at 1000, 1100, and 1285 °C: Dangling Bonds, Ferromagnetism and Superparamagnetism, Appl. Magn. Reson 49, iss. 4, pp.335-344  DOI 10.1007/s00723-017-0973-y

277. S.K. Misra, S.I.Andronenko, D.Tipikin, J.H.Freed , V.Somani,  Om Prakash,2016, Study of paramagnetic defect centers in as-grown and annealed TiO2 anatase and rutile nanoparticles by a variable-temperature X-band and high-frequency(236GHz) EPR, J. of Magn. and Magn. Mat.401,495–505.

276. Sushil K. Misra . Lin Li . Sudip Mukherjee .Goutam Ghosh,  2015. Anisotropic magnetic field observed at 300 K in citrate coatediron oxide nanoparticles: effect of counterions, J Nanopart Res (2015) 17:487 (11 pages)

275. S. K. Misra and C. Z. Rudowicz, 2015, Concepts of zero-field splitting Hamiltonian (HZFS), crystal-field Hamiltonian (HCF), effective and fictitious spins, EPR Newsletter 25, 24-28.

274. Sushil K.Misra, S.I.Andronenko, S.Srinivasa Rao, Jordan Chess, A.Punnoose, 2015. An X-band Co2 EPR Study of Zn1-xCoxO (x =0.005 – 0.1) Nanoparticles prepared by chemical hydrolysis methods using diethylene glycol and denaturated alcohol at 5 K, J. of Magn. and Magn. Mat. 394, 138–142.

273. S. A. Andronenko and S. K. Misra, 2015. A review of EPR studies on magnetization of nanoparticles of dilute magnetic semiconductors doped by transition-metal ions, Applied Magnetic Resonance, 46, 693–707.

272. S. K. Misra and Lin Li, 2015. Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters (SHP) of a Gd3 -Doped Y(BrO3)3_9H2O Single Crystal as Studied by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance at 110 and 300 K: a Comparison with SHPs in Other R(BrO3)3_9H2O [(R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Dy)] Crystals, Appl. Magn. Reson. 46, 1069-1077 (2015).

271. S.K. Misra and A. Michaels, 2015, High frequency (208 GHz) determination of the cubic spin Zeeman term for the U3 ion in the dilute magnetic semiconductor crystals of Pb1-xUxTe and Pb1-xUxSe at 5K by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, J. Magn. & Magn Mat. 378, 170–173.

269. S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, A. Thurber, A. Punnoose, and A. Nalepa, 2014. An X- and Q-band Fe3 EPR Study of Nanoparticles of Magnetic Semiconductor Zn1-xFexO, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 363, 82–87.

268. S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, J. D. Harris, A. Thurber, G. L. Beausoleil II and A. Punnoose, April 2013, Ferromagnetism in Annealed Ce0.95Co0.05O2 and Ce0.95Ni0.05O2 Nanoparticles, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 13, 6798-6805 (2013).

267 Anand Prakash, S. K. Misra, and D. Bahadur, The role of reduced graphene oxide capping on defect induced ferromagnetism of ZnO nanorods, Nanotechnology 24, 095705 (2013) (10pp)

266. Thomas Lohmiller, William Ames, Nicholas Cox, Wolfgang Lubitz, and Sushil K. Misra, EPR Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II, Applied Magnetic Resonance 44, 691-720 (2013).

265. S.I. Andronenko, A.A. Rodionov, A.V. Fedorova, S.K. Misra, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance study of (La0.33Sm0.67)0.67Sr0.33-xBaxMnO3 (x<0.1): Griffith’s phase, J. Magn. Magn. Materials. 326, 151-156 (2013)

264. S. K. Misra and B. Regler, 2012, A low temperature (10 K) high-frequency (208 GHz) EPR-Study of the non-Kramers ion Mn3 in a MnMo6Se8 single crystal, Applied Magnetic Resonance, DOI 1007/500723-012-0380-3.

263. S.K. Misra, and  S. Diehl, 2012 “Theory of EPR lineshape in samples concentrated in paramagnetic spins: Effect of enhanced internal magnetic field on high-field high-frequency (HFHF) EPR lineshape” J. Magn. Reson. 219, 53-60.

262. S. I. Andronenko, R. R. Andronenko, S. K. Misra. 2012, An X- and Q-band Gd3 EPR study of a single crystal of EuAlO3: EPR linewidth variation with temperature and low-symmetry effects, Physica B 407, 1203-1208.

261. M. Alsawafta, M. Wahbeh, S.K. Misra, Vo-Van Truong, 2011 “Effect of Target Size on the Optical Response of Ultrafine Metallic Spherical Particles Arranged in a Two-Dimensional Array”, Proc. SPIE 8007, 80071H (2011); doi:10.1117/12.905099.

260. M. Wahbeh, M. Alsawafta, S.K. Misra, Vo-Van Truong, 2011 “Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Arrays of Noble Metal Nanoparticles by the Discrete Dipole Approximation Method”, Proc. SPIE 8007, 80071I (2011); doi:10.1117/12.905102. Conference Proceedings

259-243. S. K. Misra, 2011. Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance: Theory and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2011) I edited this book, as well as wrote the following 16 chapters (reviewed by peers): publication numbers 244. – 259:

259  Chapter 26: Future Perspectives (S. Misra)  
258. Chapter 23: Measurement of Superconducting Gaps (S. Misra)

257. Chapter 22: Multifrequency EPR of Photosynthetic Systems (S. Misra, K. Moebius, A. Savitsky)

256. Chapter 21: Single Molecule Magnets and Magnetic Quantum Tunneling (S. Misra)

255. Chapter 14: Determination of non-coincident anisotropic   tensors (S. Misra)

254. Chapter 13: Determination of large Zero Field Splitting (S. Misra)

253. Chapter 12: Distance Measurements: CW and Pulse Dipolar EPR (S. Misra & J. Freed)

252. Chapter 11: Molecular Motions (S. Misra & J. Freed)

251. Chapter 10: Relaxation of Paramagnetic Spins (S. Misra)

250. Chapter 9: Simulation of EPR Spectra (S. Misra)

249. Chapter 8:  Evaluation of Spin Hamiltonian Parameters from Multifrequency EPR Data (S. Misra)

248. Chapter 7: Spin Hamiltonians and Site Symmetries for Transition Ions (S. Misra)

247. Chapter 4: Spectrometers; Section 4.1 Zero-field EPR     (S. Misra)

246. Chapter 3 Basic Theory of EPR (S. Misra)

245. Chapter 2 Multifrequency Aspects of EPR (S. Misra)

244. Chapter 1: Introduction (S. Misra)

242.   S.I. Andronenko, A. Leo, I. Stiharu, D. Menard, C. Lacroix, and S. K. Misra, 2010. EPR/FMR investigation of Mn-doped SiCN ceramics, Appl. Magn. Reson. 39, 347-356

241.   S.I. Andronenko, I. Stiharu, D. Menard, C. Lacroix, and S. K. Misra, 2010.    EPR/FMR investigation of Fe doped SiCN ceramics, Appl. Magn. Reson. 38, 385-402.

240.    S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, S. Asthana, and D. Bahadur, 2010. A variable temperature EPR study of the manganites (La1/3Sm2/3)2/3SrxBa0.33xMnO3, (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.33): Small polaron hopping conductivity and Griffiths phase, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 2902–2907.

239.   Sushil K. Misra, Stefan Diehl, Dmitry Tipikin, and Jack H. Freed, 2010. A Multifrequency EPR study of Fe2 and Mn2 in a ZnSiF6.6H2O single crystal at liquid-helium temperatures, J. Magn. Reson. 205, 14-22.

238. A. Punnoose, K.M. Reddy, J. Hayes, A. Thurber, S. Andronenko, S.K. Misra, 2009. Dopant states and Magnetic Interactions in Sn1-xFexO2: Effect of dopant concentration and preparation, Appl. Magn. Reson. 36, 331-345.

237.S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, A. Punnoose, D. Tipikin, and J. H. Freed, 2009. A 236-GHz Fe3 EPR study of nano-particles of the ferromagnet  room-temperature semiconductor Sn1-xFexO2 (x=0.005), Appl. Magn. Reson. 36, 291-295.

236.S. K. Misra, P. P. Borbat, and J. H. Freed, 2009. Rigorous calculation of 6-pulse double quantum coherence (DQC) two-dimensional signal in Hilbert space: Distance measurements and orientational correlations, Appl. Magn. Reson. 36, 237-258.

235.S. K. Misra, 2009. Use of homotopy technique to achieve better than an order of magnitude computational efficiency in simulation of polycrystalline magnetic resonance spectra. J. Appl. Glob. Res. 2, 38-45.

234.S. K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, S. Rao, S. V. Bhat, C. Van Komen, and A. Punnoose, 2009. Cr3 electron paramagnetic resonance study of Sn1-xCrxO2 (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.10), J. App. Phys. 105, 07C514-1 – 07C514-3.

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