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Karen Li, PhD

Full Professor, Psychology

Karen Li, PhD


PhD (University of Toronto)

Research interests

My research focuses on cognitive and attentional processes involved in multiple-task performance in adulthood and healthy aging. I am interested in studying situations in which multiple tasks are either carried out in sequential order, or are performed concurrently. A portion of my current work investigates the coordination of cognitive and motor tasks in old age (e.g., walking, balance, finger sequencing, with a concurrent cognitive load). An important theme in my research is to understand the adaptive strategies that older adults develop in response to declines in cognitive and sensorimotor abilities.

I am a member of the Centre for Research in Human Development (CRDH), which is devoted to multidisciplinary approaches to the study of development across all life periods. I am also a member of the PERFORM Centre for preventive health research and the engAGE Centre on aging. Graduate students working with me participate in regular workshops and seminars offered by these organizations. I am also a member of Team 12 of the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), which studies interventions (exercise, cognitive training) to improve cognition and mobility in older adults.

Selected publications


The Listener’s Voice: Early Radio and the American Public (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011).

Articles and Chapters: Algorithms/Music/Radio

Freeform Radio and the History of Music Streaming.” Preprint. Forthcoming in The Oxford Handbook of Radio Studies, edited by Michele Hilmes and Andrew Bottomley (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023).– about WFMU’s early experiments in “streaming” music via telephone, gopher, and the web.

with Jonathan Sterne, "Tuning Sound for Infrastructures: Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and the Cultural Politics of Audio Mastering," Special Issue "Infrastructural Politics," Cultural Studies 35, no. 4-5 (2021): 750-770.

"Provincializing Spotify: Radio, Algorithms and Conviviality,” Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 18, no. 1 (2020): 29-42. - about WFMU and Free Music Archive

(with Jonathan Sterne) “Machine Learning in Context, or Learning from LANDR: Artificial Intelligence and the Platformization of Music Mastering,” Social Media and Society 5, no. 2 (2019): 1-18.

Shazam: The Blind Spots of Algorithmic Music Recognition and Recommendation,” in Appified: Culture in the Age of Apps, ed. Jeremy Morris and Sarah Murray (Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 2018), 257-266.

The Past and Future of Music Listening: Between Freeform DJs and Recommendation Algorithms,” Radio’s New Wave, ed. Michele Hilmes and Jason Loviglio (New York: Routledge, 2013) - about WFMU’s relationship with music recommendation apps.

Articles and Chapters: Film/Cold War/Decolonization

Paulin Soumanou Vieyra, the Soviet Union, and Cold War Circuits for African Cinema, 1958–1978,” Black Camera 13, no. 2 (2022): 451–73.

On Soviet Spoken Cinema,” in Remapping Cold War Media: Institutions, Infrastructures, Networks, Exchanges, ed. Alice Lovejoy and Mari Pajala (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2022), 157–75.

Ascesa e caduta della diplomazia sino-sovietica dei festival cinematografici, 1957-1966 [The Rise and Fall of Sino-Soviet Film Festival Diplomacy, 1957-1966],” trans. Francesco Pitassio, Cinema e Storia: Rivista di studi interdisciplinari 10 (2021): 87–103. In Italian. English original appended at the end.

An Air Map for World Cinema: Aeroflot as an Infrastructure for Cinematic Internationalism,” Special Issue "The Union of What? Soviet Internationalism Thirty Years after the Fall of the USSR," Russian Review 80, no. 4 (2021): 661–80.

Cinema in the Spirit of Bandung: The Afro-Asian Film Festival Circuit, 1957-1964,” in The Cultural Cold War and the Global South: Sites of Contest and Communitas, ed. Kerry Bystrom, Monica Popescu, and Katherine Zien (London: Routledge, 2021).

The Liberation Politics of Live Translation: Global South Cinemas in Soviet Tashkent,” JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 59, no. 4 (2020): 183–88.

World Cinema at Soviet Festivals: Cultural Diplomacy and Personal Ties,” Studies in European Cinema 17, no. 2 (2020): 140–154.

The Politics of Translation at Soviet Film Festivals during the Cold War.” SubStance 44, no. 2 (2015): 66–87.

Listening to the Inaudible Foreign: Simultaneous Translators and Soviet Experience of Foreign Cinema,” Sound, Music, Speech in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema, ed. Lilya Kaganovsky and Masha Salazkina (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2014).

Articles and Chapters: Other

(co-authored with Lyell Davies) “Framing the Contested History of Digital Culture,” Radical History Review, no. 117 (Fall 2013): 5–31.

True Crime Radio and Listener Disenchantment with Network Broadcasting, 1935-1946,” American Quarterly (March 2006).

DIY Image Management with Zotero,” Perspectives on History, October 2012.

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