Undergraduate student resources
Important information for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Looking for courses?
This list is updated on a weekly basis.
Academic advising
Shoshana Kalfon
Diana Foglia
Sandra Robinson
Joy Sculnick
Department advisors are available to:
- advise on general degree and program requirements
- help you access the registration system
- help you select your program courses
- review your requests for a course registration, withdrawal or substitution, credit overload, or taking courses at other universities
- provide you with program information
- assist you in changing concentrations/programs
Departments offer advising on a drop-in or appointment basis.
There are three Grade Point Average (GPA) calculations. Your term GPA shows your term performance. Your Annual Assessment Grade Point Average (GPA) measures your academic performance for the academic year and indicates your Academic Standing (Acceptable, Conditional or Failed). This Grade Point Average page explains how its calculated, how it affects your academic standing, and how to maintain an acceptable standing.
Your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) calculates measures your academic performance from the beginning your degree until you graduate.
Undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Science have the opportunity to complete a bachelor degree or a certificate. Degree lengths vary depending on the basis of admission.
Degree seeking students are required to do elective credits — courses that are not a part of your program of study. What those are, and from where they come, depend on such things as your degree requirements, program of study or faculty requirements.
Registration, withdrawal & other changes
Registration is a student responsibility. Most returning students can access the registration system on the registration date posted in their Student Centre, Enrolment Date box. Some returning students must meet with a department advisor before they can access the registration system. Students may wish to meet with a faculty or department advisor to discuss their academic situation prior to registering for courses.
Students complete their registration through the Student Hub by the posted deadlines.
When adding and/or dropping a course, the confirmation is an important step in the process. Failure to complete this part of the process will result in no changes to your record.
Students needing an exception to the posted deadlines are required to submit a Student request. Additional or supporting documentation or information is required.
Follow ALL steps indicated in the registration process to withdraw from your courses. When adding and/or dropping a course, the confirmation is an important step. Failure to complete this part of the process will result in no change to your record.
Students needing an exception to the posted deadlines are required to submit a Student request in order to complete the process after the fact. Additional or supporting documentation or information is required.
Students who intended to withdraw, with refund (DNE), but who did not complete the process properly, or in a timely manner, will remain responsible for all fees and tuition.
Internal Degree transfer
Students who wish to change degrees (BA to a BSc, for example) must go to the degree transfer requirements page for more information.
Change of program and/or concentration
To change your program concentration (e.g. Major to Specialization), make an appointment with your department advisor.
Add another program, drop a program (must have at least a Major) or change your program altogether (e.g. adding another Major, dropping a Minor from another department or going from program X to program Y): Make an appointment with the department advisor of the program you wish to enter.
Readmission may be restricted or denied to students in poor academic standing.
Taking external credits
While completing a degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science, a student may wish to take a course, or courses, at a Quebec institution or at another university outside of the province or country. Students may choose to do so for a variety of reasons (different course offerings, experience at another school, closeness to home, etc). In all cases, courses chosen must count towards the program or the degree. Permission to transfer credits will only be given if this is the case. Prior permission to attend any institution is a must.
When choosing to take courses elsewhere, students must take into account Residence Requirement rules (16.2.2). Students must complete at least 50% of the program and degree at Concordia University. Normally, these are the last 45 credits. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required.
Any request to transfer credits to your program, or degree, must be submitted in a timely manner. Ideally, this is done in the term prior to your studies at a school outside Quebec.
Participate in the Inter-university (INTU) transfer process, which is housed within BCI. Students are limited to 2 courses per term and 15 credits overall throughout their degree.
Any request to transfer credits to your program, or degree, must be submitted in a timely manner. Ideally, this is done several weeks before courses start (INTU).
Students who wish to take courses outside Quebec must acquire prior permission to study elsewhere. Follow the instructions to make a Student request.
Students who wish to take courses outside of Canada must acquire prior permission to study elsewhere. Follow the instructions to make a Student request.
Students who wish to take a full course load at another university should consult the Faculty's Study abroad page. More general information can be found on the Concordia Student Exchange Program page.