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If you’ve made copies at the library, parked at Concordia, rented a locker, used an on-campus bank machine, or got your student ID card, you’ve come across and used one of the many services Concordia Business Services (CBS) provides to the community.

Essential to the campus experience — CBS is on campus for you!

Card Services

Get your student ID card

Print Services

Locker rentals

Rent a locker


Where do I park?

Campus advertising

Start advertising on campus

Bank machines (ATMs)

Find ATMs on campus

We’re excited to announce the launch of the new ID card portal!

New and current students who have never had a Concordia student ID can now upload a current photo online. Plus, once they get the pick-up confirmation email, they can request their OPUS card, even if they haven’t picked up their ID yet.

Contact us

Do you have a question about our services?
The Business Services team is ready to answer all your questions.

Visit us
Room LB-089
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, QC  H3G 1M8
J.W. McConnell (LB) Building

Card Services:

Coursepack production:


Locker rentals:


Print advisory:

Print Store:

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