All you need to do to create your own coursepack is to provide us with the original material and a table of contents, and we will secure all of the necessary copyright permissions. You will provide your students with a coursepack customized specifically for your course with the same ease as you prepare your own course materials for your classes.
Instructors: Create your own custom coursepack to give your students current and affordable course material.

To you
- Convenient way to keep course material up to date and tailored to the course.
- Content that is flexible and can easily combine excerpts from various sources, including personal notes, textbooks and other published or unpublished materials.
- Easy editing and updating for future terms. If you wish to make any changes to previous coursepacks, simply submit the additions or changes you wish to make.
- Quality product: we scan, clean, and proofread every coursepack.
- Easy reprint or revision: coursepacks are digitally archived.
- Guaranteed 100% copyright compliant.
- Free desk copy for the instructor.
To your students
- Content that is useful and relevant to the course.
- Affordable course material.
- More cost effective than purchasing multiple textbooks for one course.
- Conveniently sold through the Concordia Book Stop, in stores or online.
- All coursepacks are paginated making readings easy to find.
We respect and share your concerns with respect to copyright. All coursepacks are legally printed, digitized and distributed.
We obtain copyright permission for all material in accordance with the university’s agreement with COPIBEC, a not-for-profit collective that manages the reproduction rights, protection of intellectual property and distribution of appropriate royalties on behalf of copyright owners.
In accordance with Concordia University’s Agreement with COPIBEC, if you will be using copyrighted materials in your courses, please be reminded that:
- paper coursepacks, and any digital versions thereof (eCoursepacks), must be processed through Concordia Print Services in collaboration with Eastman System;
- all other copyrighted digital documents (PDFs, scanned from print, or any other digital format) posted on Moodle or any other digital platform must be processed through the Library’s Course Reserves service; and
- for all links to copyrighted documents on Moodle or any other digital platform (including, for example, links to content in Library databases), you are encouraged to use the Library’s Course Reserves service in order to ensure stable links, course materials in one place for students and copyright compliance. If links posted directly in Moodle are not also in the Library Course Reserves, instructors are responsible for ensuring copyright compliance.
For detailed information about the copyrighted materials you can copy and distribute to your students for courses, please see the COPIBEC memo and its Appendix.
Signed by Provost/Legal
Eastman Systems is responsible for the production of coursepacks used by faculty in the teaching process. Over the years, we solicited and received thousands of copyright permissions on behalf of faculty members and prepared and printed thousands of customized coursepack titles.
Offering ePacks makes your course material more accessible to your students. Students can purchase their ePack at the Book Stop bookstore or online.
Students can download digital coursepacks on any compatible device. They can highlight, bookmark and add notes as they would a printed coursepack.
Production timeline
Remastering: 1 week
Production schedules before target date: 1–2 weeks
After target date: 1–3 weeks
Reordering after initial production: 48–72 hours
Submission deadline
To be sure that your coursepack is ready for the first day of class, make your submission by the target date of November 4 for the winter term. Missed the target date? We're still accepting submissions: Please get them in as soon as possible. Learn more about due dates in the FAQ.