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University Charter and By-Laws


Concordia University is a duly constituted corporation, incorporated pursuant to a special Statute of the Quebec legislature and to various documents pertaining to its change of name. The Act of Incorporation has been amended over the years to provide for modifications to the size of the Board of Governors and the University’s borrowing capacity. For ease of reference, those modifications have been merged into a consolidated Charter.


The University Charter empowers the Board of Governors to establish rules regarding its membership.  It also regulates the mode of elections, the rules to govern the general operations of the Board of Governors and its committees and to provide for the composition and powers of Senate, if appropriate.

These rules are enshrined in the By-Laws. Special By-Law “E” sets out the Board’s borrowing capacity while Special By-Law “F” addresses the indemnification of Governors and Officers.

Moments in Concordia's history

Signing the documents which make Concordia official. Signing the documents which make Concordia official. From left to right: R. P. Duder (Assistant to the Vice-Rector and Principal of Loyola College), Dr. John O’Brien, unidentified (Photo: Records Management and Archives)
August 16, 1974
  • Documents signed to merge Sir George Williams and Loyola College into a single institution.
  • Special By-Law "C" naming Concordia University is passed by Quebec Government Order in Council.
  • The University's name is drawn from the motto of the City of Montreal, Concordia Salus, meaning well-being through harmony.
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