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Honorary degree citation -
Isabelle Hudon

By: Françoise Bertrand, November 2017

Mr. President and Vice-Chancellor, it is my honour to present to you Ms. Isabelle Hudon, a prominent figure in Quebec and Canadian  business landscape and – as of recently – Canada’s Ambassador to France.

It’s with great emotion that I present a dear friend : une femme que j’admire car à travers tous les moments de sa carrière elle a su demeurer fidèle à elle-même, à ses valeurs à ses principes.

Throughout her carreer Ms Hudon has demonstrated a shrewd leadership and dedication to corporate diversity. She has made clearing a path for women in business her mission.

C’est en donnant l’exemple que Madame Hudon ouvre cette voie. Sa plus récente réalisation est historique. Je suis fière de dire qu’Isabelle Hudon est la première femme à être nommée ambassadrice du Canada en France.

In promoting Canada’s bond with France, she will be able to draw from her rich experience and her demonstrated resolve as a business leader.

Ms. Hudon’s most recent corporate leadership role was as executive chair and senior vice-president of client solutions at Sun Life Financial.

She joined the company in 2010 as Quebec President and helped spur broad growth.

Entre 2010 et 2013, les ventes d’assurance de la Financière Sun Life au Québec ont plus que doublé, et ses ventes de produits de gestion de patrimoine ont plus que triplé.

Ms. Hudon has shown an understanding of change. We live in an increasingly busy and connected world.

As a response, Sun Life launched “Ella,” the first-ever digital coach in the Canadian life insurance industry.

Using big data and machine analytics, Ella offers tailored information and advice to clients.

Beyond Sun Life, Ms. Hudon’s leadership has benefitted the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, where she was the organization’s first woman president and CEO in its nearly 200-year history.

Sous sa direction, la Chambre de commerce a lancé Cap sur le monde, un programme de stages de formation en entreprise pour les nouveaux immigrants.

Her distinguished board memberships include Hydro-Québec and the Canada Council for the Arts.

For her radiant career, Ms. Hudon was recognized by Finance et Investissement as one of the top five in Quebec’s financial industry.

Ms. Hudon has always devoted her time, knowledge and talents to the cause of corporate diversity.

She founded the non-profit L’Effet A to help women achieve their career goals. Ms. Hudon was a member of a government advisory committee that promotes corporate board memberships for women.

Mr. President and Vice-Chancellor, on behalf of Senate and the Board of Governors, it is my privilege and honour to present to you Ms. Isabelle Hudon, so that you may confer upon her the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa.

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