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Honorary degree citation - Pierre Dupuy*

By: Robert C. Rae, May 1967

Monsieur le Chancelier:

J'ai le très grand honneur et privilège de vous présenter son Excellence M. Pierre Dupuy, Ambassadeur de la Terre des Hommes.

Mr. Chancellor, Sir George Williams University wishes to recognize and pay tribute to the Dean of the Canadian Diplomatic Service, a man who has faithfully served his country, sometimes under very difficult circumstances, for more than forty years. Mr. Dupuy's name is highly regarded and esteemed in many countries of the world but particularly in the Netherlands, in Italy and in France where he acted as Canada's Ambassador.

Instead of taking a well deserved rest, his young man's will and determination led him to accept a challenge considered by many as an impossible task. In 1963 the Prime Minister of Canada announced the appointment of Mr. Dupuy as Commissioner General of the 1967 Universal and International Exhibition. He immediately built around him a very competent team that was going to show the world that Canada, although a relatively young country, could put together in an amazing and delightful way the greatest spectacle of this century.

Mr. Chancellor, we must salute the accomplishments of Mr. Dupuy in bettering international understanding. More than sixty nations accepted his invitation to participate in Expo 67. Together they are now exhibiting to the world their ways of life, their technologies, their interests and, hopefully, their willingness to work together in establishing a world of peace.

M. Dupuy, vous devez être fier de votre oeuvre. Quel spectacle vous nous avez dévoilé. You have shown Canadians from one coast to the other that if we work constructively together we can accomplish great things. For this, and much more, we owe you a great debt of gratitude.

Mr. Chancellor, by the authority of the University Council and the Board of Governors, it is with a great deal of pleasure that I present to you Son Excellence M. Pierre Dupuy afin que vous lui confériez le titre de Docteur en Droit, honoris causa.

* deceased

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