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Honorary degree citation - C.F. (Bill) Carsley*

By: Fraser F. Fulton, June 1973

Mr. Vice-Chancellor:

I have the honour to present to you C.F. Carsley, the Chancellor of this University - Bill Carsley, as he is known to thousands of students and other Sir George people he has worked with for many years.

It is unusual for a university to reward a Chancellor in office. But the situation is, itself, unusual. A new university, joining together Sir George Williams and Loyola, is in the making. While we all hope that Bill Carsley will maintain his association with the new university, in compliance with his own expressed wishes, it is probable there will be a new Chancellor. It is therefore most fitting that the Sir George Williams University community honour him today.

Bill Carsley has been a member of the Board of Governors since 1964, and Chancellor since 1971. Throughout his service to the University he has been an eminently wise counsellor, a man who was prepared to speak up for what he regarded as right and necessary, and people listened to him. He has worked untiringly in the interests of the institution and particularly its students and all the people in its employ. Above all he has become part of the University as an individual, personally helpful in many different ways and personally appreciated. Following all kinds of meetings, formal and informal people would say: "Yes, and as usual, Bill Carsley was there."

I would add that the association of Bill Carsley with Sir George Williams is to a large extent a reflection of his broader sense of national and community service. I would cite in particular his army service in World War 11, and his work for the United Red Feather Services. But we at Sir George like to think that there has been something special about our own relationship with him.

Mr. Vice Chancellor, I am honoured to present to you, on behalf of University Council, and by the authority of the Board of Governors, Mr. CF. (Bill) Carsley, the Chancellor, and one of the best friends this University has ever had, that you may confer on him the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.

* deceased

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