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Outstanding Contribution Award guidelines

New requirement

These awards are given annually to Concordia students, staff and faculty who have made an exceptional contribution to student life or services at the university through their involvement with:

  • students
  • student/university governance
  • student organizations
  • Concordia media
  • university services/departments
  • the field of teaching

Nomination deadline: Monday, February 3, 2025 at 5 p.m.

  • Applications must be submitted online. Signed letters of support must be uploaded with the application form.
Candidates may include but are not limited to: a teacher who has helped you outside of the classroom; a staff member who goes above and beyond what is required of them to ensure that our students’ needs are met; or a student who has made it their goal to improve the student life experience at Concordia University.

In order for the nomination to be considered, the nominee must be a current student, staff or faculty at Concordia University. A letter clearly elaborating the reasons for your choice must be submitted with the nomination form. Be specific: give examples of how this person stands apart from the rest. You may not nominate yourself for this award.

One (1) additional letter of support from someone currently within the Concordia community (student, staff or faculty) must be included. We encourage you to attach any samples of their work or documentation that supports your nomination.

In recognition of the difference in social and academic demands facing undergraduate versus graduate student nominees, the review committee will consider undergraduate students and graduate students as two distinct categories in their deliberations.

Your participation in the nomination of the candidates for these awards is very much appreciated!

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