Program innovation

Recognizing that a well-grounded disciplinary course of study remains the necessary foundation of a solid university education, we are committed to a new set of actions that will lead to a more highly contextualized and focused criteria for defining success of all disciplinary, interdisciplinary, unit-based and other programs.
We are developing new resources and processes to support innovative program development and broaden our use of effective program design strategies. We are also investing funds in the experimentation of undergraduate and graduate programs and course offerings.
Part of the success of this objective will rely on incorporating part-time faculty members into the creation, revision, review and delivery of academic programs. The support of streamlined processes, consultation teams and funding will allow our academic programs to be more sustainable and collegial.
- A wider range of interdisciplinary courses and programs.
- New forms of program experimentation.
- Better incorporation of part-time faculty members in program review and delivery.
- Clearer principles, criteria and procedures for identifying programs for growth.
- Development of multi-faceted and contextualized criteria for assessing the effectiveness of academic programs.
Objective 2 priority actions
- 2.1 Develop new resources and processes to support innovative program development and broaden the use of effective program design strategies.
- 2.1.1 Implement streamlined processes to facilitate program creation and planned growth.
- 2.1.2 Create a consultation team and develop a diverse array of blueprints to support program creation and innovation.
- 2.1.3 Identify and remove structural impediments to program experimentation.
- 2.1.4 Devote a small pool of funds to undergraduate and graduate program experimentation and course offerings, including interdisciplinary innovations.
- 2.1.5 Meaningfully incorporate part-time faculty members into the creation, revision, review, and delivery of academic programs.
- 2.2 Ensure that our program appraisal process is useful, timely, and efficient.
- 2.2.1 Deploy and refine a new program appraisal process that uses multifaceted and contextualized criteria for assessing the effectiveness of academic programs.
- 2.2.2 Develop and implement generally accepted principles, criteria, and procedures to identify programs for growth, maintenance (stable or steady-state enrolment), or phasing out, and develop program transcripts that report on these criteria.
- 2.2.3 Ensure that the recommendations resulting from program appraisals are systematically followed up in timely manner and that resource implications of potential changes are addressed as part of appraisal follow-up.