You are a Concordia University student (currently in a program or independent) and wish to take a course for credit towards your degree.
How to register
The following is a step-by-step process to assist you in registering for your course(s).
Select the option that best applies to your situation:

Registration for eConcordia credit courses is a two-step process:
Step 1: Register at Concordia University
Register for online courses through your Student Centre.
Online courses are generally identified with the following notation: Online EC. Notations may, however, vary.
We advise students to speak to their academic advisors and verify their degree requirements.
If you have just recently registered for a course through the Concordia portal, allow 48 hours before attempting to retrieve your course at eConcordia.
Get more information on how to register.
Step 2: Access your course(s) at eConcordia
The first time you access an online course on eConcordia, you will need login in with your Concordia Netname to create an account that will give you access to all your online courses information.
Some courses have a Course Material fee for the online material. This is payable online by credit or debit card.

You are a student attending an academic institution inside or outside the province of Quebec and you wish to take a course for credit towards your degree.
Check the following procedures if you want to study at Concordia University as a student from another university.
Read the How it works section for additional information.