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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

BFA Major in Design

Program Objective

The Major in Design program explores the principal areas of visual communication and the built environment. The program encourages critical thinking and takes an interdisciplinary approach to design theory and practice. Its overarching principle is socio‑cultural, environmental, and economic sustainability. Students begin their studies by developing knowledge and technical skill sets across these areas and then specialize according to their interests and abilities. The curriculum engages the student in creative work with the understanding of the impact and consequence of their designs in everyday life. In a collaborative and shared environment, students participate in diverse local outreach and community initiatives.

    Program Requirements

    Major in Design (66 credits)



    DART 261 Introduction to Design Studies (3.00)


    credits chosen from:

    DART 262 Exploring Design Studies (3.00)
    DART 263 Design History and Sustainability (3.00)



    DART 221 Visual Communication in Context (3.00)
    DART 280 Investigations in Typographic Design (3.00)
    DART 291 Design Process and the Materiality of Objects (3.00)
    DART 292 Bio‑Inspiration in the Design of Objects (3.00)



    DART 391 Socio-Cultural Environmental Research and Practice I (3.00)
    DART 392 Socio-Cultural Environmental Research and Practice II (3.00)


    credits chosen from:

    DART 349 Introduction to Web Design (3.00)
    DART 380 3D Digital Concepts (3.00)

    3credits chosen from DART 300-level elective courses


    DART 491 Discursive Design Research I (3.00)


    credits chosen from:

    DART 492 Discursive Design Research II (3.00)
    DART 493 Post‑Graduation Strategies in Design (3.00)

    15credits chosen from DART 400-level electives
    6credits chosen from ARTH; ARTT; or other Fine Arts history- or theory-based courses
    9credits chosen from any Fine Arts elective courses (including Computation Arts)


    • Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the sequences above must be read in conjunction with Section 81.20 Degree Requirements.

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