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Michel Laroche, PhD

  • Professor, Marketing
  • Royal Bank Distinguished Professorship in Marketing

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MICHEL LAROCHE (Royal Bank Distinguished Professor of Marketing) holds a Diplôme d'ingénieur (École Centrale de Paris), an M.S.E. (Johns Hopkins), a M.Ph. and a Ph.D. (Columbia),and a Doctor of Science honoris causa from the University of Guelph. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and a Distinguished Fellow of both the Society for Marketing Advances and the Academy of Marketing Science. He has also been named the 2000 Concordia University Research Fellow, and he has received the 2000Jacques-Rousseau Medal for the best multidisciplinary researcher in Canada. He is the first recipient of the Royal Bank Distinguished Professorship in Marketing at the John Molson School of Business. In 2001, the Montreal Chapter of the AMA elected him a member of the Academy of Marketing Personalities. In 2002, he received from HEC-Montreal the fifth Living Legend of Marketing Award, in 2003 the Sprott Leader in Business Research & Practice Award, and in 2019 the Howard Berkman Service Award. His main research interests are in the areas of consumer behavior modelling, social media/digital marketing, retailing, services marketing, culture, marketing communications, and research methodology. Several of his major projects were funded, among others, by SSHRC and FQRSC.

He is the co-author of 26 major text books (most available in French), including
Customer Behaviour, Marketing in Canada (Le marketing: fondements et applications), Advertisingin Canada (Gestion de la publicité), Consumer Behaviour: A Canadian Perspective (Le comportement du consommateur), Marketing Research in Canada (Les fondements de la recherche commerciale), and Canadian Retailing (Les commerce de détail: Marketing et gestion).He has also co-authored a major annotated bibliography (published by the AMA),several workbooks, and study guides, edited several other books, and wrote several invited book chapters. He has also published about 196 papers in, among others, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Marketing Letters, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Advertising Research, the Journal of Retailing, the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Service Research, the Journal of Economic Psychology, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, the Journal of Consumer Marketing, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, the International Journal of Advertising, the Journal of International Consumer Marketing, the International Journal of Information Management, Computers in Human Behavior, the Journal of Psychology, the Journal of Social Psychology, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Recherche et Applications en Marketing and the Business Forum. His citation count is now over 27,000, and his level is 76. He has also participated in numerous conferences and published about 194 papers in major conference proceedings, including those of the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association, the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, the Association française de marketing, the European Marketing Academy, the Academy of Marketing Science, the Society for Marketing Advances and the International Seminar of Research in Marketing. 

He has supervised 48 M.B.A. and 4 EMBA Business Research Papers, 64 M.Sc., 2 MST and 27 Ph.D. theses and won several research awards, including the 1980 ASAC Award of Excellence, the 1986 SMA Outstanding Paper Award in Marketing Management, the 1993 John Labatt Award of Excellence in Strategic Evaluation Research, the 1998 Award of Excellence for the best paper published in CJAS in 1997, the 2000 Jacques-Rousseau Medal of the ACFAS, the Best Paper Award at the 2004 Multicultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference, and
the 2016 Hans B. Thorelli Award(given by the American Marketing Association and the Journal of International Marketing). He has served on several advisory committees, including the Concordia Board of Governors, FQRSC (Chair), SSHRC, France-Quebec, Consumer and Corporate Affairs, le Publicité Club de Montréal, the Quebec Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management, the Institute of Canadian Bankers, as well as on the editorial boards of several academic journals. He has served the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada in many capacities, including as its President in1985-86, and as Marketing Area Editor of the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (1991-1997), and he is the first person to be awarded the 1997 CJAS Service Award. He also presided the 13th International Seminar of Research in Marketing in 1986 and the 2010 Multicultural Marketing Conference (Lille, France). 

He is currently serving as Editor-in-chief,
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. He served as Associate Editor in Marketing of the Journal of Business Research (1993-1999), and he is the first recipient of the JBR Outstanding Associate Editor Award (1997), which now bears his name. From 1999 to 2015, he served as Managing Editor of the Journal of Business Research. He has also served, among others, as Vice-President Membership-Canada for the Academy of Marketing Science, Chair of the 1998Multicultural Marketing Conference in Montreal and Vice-President-Publications of the Academy of Marketing Science (2002-2004). He was awarded the 1999Distinguished Scholar Award by the Society for Marketing Advances, named the2000 Visiting Researcher at Kansai University (Osaka, Japan), 2001 Visiting Professor at the IAE (Aix-en-Provence), and he was selected as the La Presse" Personality of the week" (January 7, 2001). He was a member of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science and he is a member of the Provost Circle of Excellence.


PhD (Columbia University)

Areas of Expertise

  • Advertising management
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Marketing communications
  • Marketing strategy
  • Multidisciplinary research
  • Research methodology
  • Retailing


Refereed Journal Articles

Mark Cleveland, Michel Laroche, & Nicolas Papadopoulos, “Global Consumer culture and national identity as drivers of materialism: An international study of convergence and divergence International Marketing Review (forthcoming 2022), 

Michel Laroche, “Culture and the interconnected consumers: Introduction to the special issue,” 
Journal of Business Research, (forthcoming 2022).

Michel Laroche, Rong Li, Marie-Odile 
Richard, & Mi Zhou. An investigation into online atmospherics: The effect of animated images on emotions, cognition, and purchase intentions” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64 (January 2022), 102845,

Rong Li, Michel Laroche, Marie-Odile Richard, & Xinyu Cui, “More than a mere cup of coffee: When perceived luxuriousness triggers Chinese customers’ perceptions of quality and self-congruity,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 64 (January 2022), 102579. 

Chun Zhang, & Michel Laroche, “Brand hate: A multidimensional construct,” Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 30, No. 3 (2021), 392-414. 

Laroche, M., Li, R., Richard, M.-O., & Shao, M. (2021). Understanding Chinese consumers’ and Chinese immigrants’ purchase intentions toward global brands with Chinese elements, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 30 No. 8, pp. 1077-1093.

KashefA. Majid, Dave W. Kolar, & Michel Laroche, “Support for small businessesduring a health crisis,” Journal of Service Marketing (forthcoming2021). 

TarikDogru, Kashef Majd, Michel Laroche, MakarandMody, & Courtney Suess. “Communicating quality while evoking loss: How consumers assess extra charges in the Airbnb marketplace,” Tourism Management, Vol. 87 (December 2021), 104376. 

Ali Heydari, Michel Laroche, Michèle Paulin, &Marie-Odile Richard, “Hofstede’s individual-level indulgence dimension:Scale development and validation,”Journal of Retailing and ConsumerServices, Vol. 62 (September 2021),102640.

Michel Laroche, RongLi, Marie-Odile Richard, & Lu Xu. “ What is accent ? Effects of accent and language in international advertising contexts,” International Journal of Consumer Studies (forthcoming 2021). DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12753. 

Jean-Michel Sahut, Léo-Paul Dana, & Michel Laroche, “Digital innovations, impacts on marketing, value chain and business models: An introduction,” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (March 2020), 61-67. 

Hatice Kizgin, Bidit L. Dey, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Laurie Hughes, Ahmad Jamal, Paul Jones, Bianca Kronemann, Michel Laroche, Lisa Peñaloza, Marie-Odile Richard, Nripendra P. Rana, Rene Romer, Kuttimani Tamilmani, & Michael D. Williams, “The impact of social media on consumer acculturationChallenges, opportunities, and agenda for research and practice,” International Journal of Information Management, 51 (April 2020), Article 102026

Michel Laroche, “Culture and the adoption of new information technologies: Introduction to the special issue,” Journal of Business Research, 121 (December 2020), 375-377. 

Anna Margulis, Harold Boeck, & Michel Laroche, “Connecting with consumers using ubiquitous technology: A new model to forecast consumer reactions” Journal of Business Research, 121 (December 2020), 448-460

Alexander Davidson, Marcelo Vinhal Nepomuceno, & Michel Laroche, “Shame on you! When materialism leads to purchase intentions towards counterfeit products,” Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 155, No. 2 (March 2019), 479-494. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-017-3479-5.
Yogesh Dwivedi, Hatice Kizgin, Nripendra Rana, Michel Laroche, & Ahmad Jamal, “Impact of acculturation, online political participation and involvement on voting intentions,” Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 3 (July 2019), 510-519. 

Yaoqi Li, Chun Zhang, & Michel Laroche, “Is beauty a premium? A study of the physical attractiveness effect in service encounters,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 50 (September 2019), 215-225. 

Michel Laroche, & Lefa Teng, “Understanding the global consumer culture: Views from eastern and western scholars: An introduction to the special issue,” Journal of Business Research, Vol.103(October 2019), 219-221

Boris Bartikowski, Michel Laroche, & Marie-Odile Richard, “A content analysis of fear appeal advertising in Canada, China, and France,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 103 (October 2019), 232-239. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.049. 

Kashef A. Majid, Bidisha Burman, & Michel Laroche, “What’s the big deal? How sales promotions displayed by others online can influence online and offline purchase intentions,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, Vol 19, No 2 (Apr 2019), 100-115. 

Nick Hajli, & Michel Laroche, “Applications of business intelligence and analytics in social media marketing,” International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 48 (October 2019), 226-227

Hamid Shirdastian, Michel Laroche, & Marie-Odile Richard, “Using big data analytics to study brand authenticity sentiments: The case of Starbucks on Twitter,” International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 48 (October 2019), 291-307DOI: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2017.09.007

Isar Kiani, & Michel Laroche, “From desire to help to taking action: Effect of social media and personal traits on market mavens’ diffusion of information,” Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 36, No. 12 (December 2019), 1147-1161.


Michel Laroche, ed., Proceedings, Thirteenth Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Montreal: Concordia University (2019).

Jagdish N. Sheth, Banwari Mittal and Michel Laroche, Customer Behaviour: A Managerial Perspective, first Canadian Edition, Toronto: Thompson Nelson (2008), 521 pages.

Book Chapters

Marie-Odile Richard, Mohammad Reza Habibi, Michel Laroche, & Michèle Paulin, “Recent advances in online consumer behavior,” chapter 120 (Volume III) in Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management, ed. I. Lee, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2016), 1706-1723.

Mohammad Reza Habibi,Michel Laroche, & Marie Odile Richard, “Advertisingin the age of social media-based brand communities,” chapter 9 in Handbook of Research on EffectiveAdvertising Strategies in the Social Media Age, eds. N. O. Taskiran and R.Yilmaz, IGI Global Publishers (2015), 160-170. 

Ahmad Jamal, Lisa Peñaloza, & Michel Laroche, “Introduction to ethnic marketing,” chapter 1 in The Routledge Companion on Ethnic Marketing, Ahmad Jamal, Michel Laroche, and Lisa Peñaloza, eds., Routledge (2015), 3-14.  

Michel Laroche, & Ahmad Jamal, “Models of culturechange,” chapter 2 in The Routledge Companion on Ethnic Marketing,Ahmad Jamal, Michel Laroche, and Lisa Peñaloza,eds., Routledge (2015), 17-35.

Michel Laroche, and Marie-Odile Richard, “AModel of Online Consumer Behavior,” chapter 15 in Research Handbook: e-businessStrategic Management, Francisco J. Martínez-López, ed.,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014), 325-346.

Marie-Odile Richard, and Michel Laroche, “Modeling Online Consumer Behavior,” chapter in Research Handbook: e-business Strategic Management, Francisco J. Martínez-López, ed., Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).

Mark Cleveland, and Michel Laroche, “Becoming and Being a Cosmopolitan Consumer,” in Cosmopolitan Consumers in the Age of Globalization (Chapter 5), Melvin Prince, ed., Business Expert Press (2012).

Marie-Odile Richard and Michel Laroche, “Internet consumer behavior: Flow and emotions,” in Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, ed. I. Lee, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2010), chapter 62, pp. 637-646.

Marie-Odile Richard and Michel Laroche, “Internet consumer behavior: Web atmospherics,” in Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, ed. I. Lee, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2010), chapter 63, pp. 647-654.

Marie-Odile Richard and Michel Laroche, “Internet consumer behavior: Behavioral variables,” in Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, ed. I. Lee, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2010), chapter 64, pp. 656-665.

Marie-Odile Richard and Michel Laroche, “Internet consumer behavior: Moderators,” in Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy, ed. I. Lee, Hershey, PA: IGI Global (2010), chapter 65, pp. 666-675.

Participation activities

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Michel Laroche, ed., Proceedings, Fifteenth Royal BankInternational Research Seminar, Montreal: Concordia University (2021).

Boris Bartikowski,Michel Laroche, & Heribert Gierl, “Semantics inepisodics in virtual reality advertising: When consumers assess what they canread but cannot see,” in Proceedingsof the 2021 Royal Bank International Research Seminar, ed. Michel Laroche,Concordia University (2021).

Anna Margulis,Harold Boeck, & Michel Laroche, “Amodel of contemporary customer experience in retail banking, blendinginteractive technology and cultural values,” in Proceedings of the 2021 Royal Bank International Research Seminar,ed. Michel Laroche, Concordia University (2021).                                                  

MohammadR. Habibi, MohsenFarhadloo, & Michel Laroche, “Atwo-dimensional framework of the sharing economy and the impact of culturalvalues,” in Proceedings of the2021 Royal Bank International Research Seminar, ed. Michel Laroche,Concordia University (2021).                                                                

ElenaMilan, Adian Palmer, & Michel Laroche, “Healthy Eating and Living Apps: A cross-culturalstudy of UK, France and Germany,” inProceedings of the 2021 Royal BankInternational Research Seminar, ed. Michel Laroche, Concordia University (2021).                                                                                             

Ebrahim Mazaheri, Michel Laroche, & Di Lyu,“Impacts of brand relationship quality on brand loyalty in socialcommerce: do cultural values matter?” in Proceedings of the 2021 Royal BankInternational Research Seminar, ed. Michel Laroche, Concordia University (2021). 

Hamid Shirdastian, Boris Bartikowski, Michel Laroche, & Marie-Odile Richard, “Destination-based advertising: Altering planned behavior,” in Proceedings the 2021 Winter AMA Conference forthcoming 2021). 

Hamid Shirdastian, Boris Bartikowski,
 Michel Laroche, & Marie-Odile Richard, “Destination-based advertising: The role of destination congruity,” in Proceedings of the 2021 Academy of Marketing Science Conference (forthcoming 2021). 

Hamid Shirdastian, Boris Bartikowski, Michel Laroche, & Marie-Odile Richard, “App atmospheric cues and cultural congruency in location-based mobile ads,” in Proceedings of the 2021 Summer Educators’ Conference, American Marketing Association. 

Michel Laroche, Rong Li, Marie-Odile Richard, & Lu Xu, “Advertising your brand with accents: Joint effects of accent and language in the Chinese advertising context,” in Proceedings of the 2020 World Marketing Congress (forthcoming 2020). 

Anna Margulis, Harold Boeck, & Michel Laroche, “Towards enhanced customer experience in retail banking: Customer preferences for physical bank branches,” in 
Proceedings of the 2020 Atlantic Marketing Association (forthcoming 2020). 

Lavy Khoushinsky, Anna Margulis, Harold Boeck, Michel Laroche, & Nataly Levesque, “Customer perceptions of redesigned banking experience when interactive marketing strategies are used in physical bank branches,” poster presentation, Summer AMA virtual conference (2020). 

Michel Laroche, Marie-Odile Richard, & Muxin Shao,  “ Understanding Chinese consumers and Chinese immigrants purchase intentions toward global brands with Chinese elements: The moderating role of acculturation,” in  Enlightened Marketing in Challenging Times, Proceedings ofthe 2019 World Marketing Congress,eds. Felipe Pantoja, Shuang Wu, & Nina Krey, Academy of Marketing Science(2020), 347-348. 

Ali Heydari, MichelLaroche, & Marie-Odile Richard, “Developingan individual-level scale for indulgence vs. restrains: The sixth dimension of Hofstede framework: An abstract,”  in Enlightened Marketing in Challenging Times, Proceedings ofthe 2019 World Marketing Congress,eds. Felipe Pantoja, Shuang Wu, & Nina Krey, Academyof Marketing Science (2020), 627-628. 

Ali Heydari, & Michel Laroche, “Social media usage and status consumption: An abstract,” in Proceedings of the 2019 AMS Conference (2019). 

Mohammad Reza Habibi, & Michel Laroche. “A two-dimensional model for classifying sharing economy participants: Implications for individualist versus collectivist cultural values,”  in Proceedings of the 2019 Royal Bank International Research Seminar, ed. Michel Laroche, Concordia University (2019).

Anna Margulis, Harold Boeck, & Michel Laroche. “Proximity marketing in the banking industry: Using theory to improve customer experience,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Royal Bank International Research Seminar, ed. Michel Laroche, Concordia University (2019). 

Michel Laroche, Rong Li, Marie-Odile Richard, & Lu Xu, “What affects purchase intentions toward global brands with Chinese elements? The moderating role of acculturation,” in Proceedings of the 18th Cross-cultural Research Conference, ed. Francisco Guzman (2019), 23-25. 

Ali Heydari, & Michel Laroche, “Social mediausage and status consumption: An abstract,” in Proceedings of the 2018 AMS Conference (2018).

Refereed Conference Presentations

Bolin Li, Hamid Shirdastian, & Michel Laroche, “Forecasting the Impact of Product-Harm Events on Firm Value by Leveraging Negative Word of Mouth,” presented at the 41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference (June 20 – 22, 2019; Rome, Italy).  

Boris Bartikowski, Michel Laroche, & Heribert Gierl, “Are 3D product presentations always better?” presented at the JAMS Thought Leaders’ Conference on Innovating in the Digital Economy: Leveraging Technology to Create Value for Consumers and Firms (Milan, Italy, June 10-12, 2019)  

Hamid Shirdastian, Boris Bartikowski, and Michel Laroche, “How can Uber alter the destinations?” Poster presentation at the 2019 John Molson AGRE Competition, won 1st runner-up. 

Anna Margulis, Harold Boeck, & Michel Laroche, "Consumer reaction to marketing with ubiquitous technology: Multiple-group analysis of a structural model," Poster presentation at the 2018 Summer AMA Conference.

Michel Laroche, Rong Li, Marie-Odile Richard, &Lu Xu, “Should you advertiseyour brand with accents? Studying the joint effects of accent and language inthe Chinese advertising context,” paper presented at the Corroborationin Marketing Research Workshop, Academy of Marketing Science World MarketingCongress, Porto (June 2018). 

Ali Heydari, Michel Laroche, Mohammad Reza Habibi, & Marie-Odile Richard, “Developing and validating an individual-level scale for indulgence vs. restraint: The sixth dimension of Hofstede’s framework,” presented at the 17th. Cross-Cultural Research Conference (December 2017).

Research activities

Invited Research Talks and Workshops

Invited Guest Speaker to the Research Roundtable of the College of Business Management of the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute, September 24, 2019. "Understanding Chinese consumers' and Chinese immigrants intention toward global brands with Chinese elements: The moderating role of acculturation"

Invited Guest Speaker, “
Current and Future Trends in Consumer Acculturation and Social media” (
Emerging Markets Research Centre (EMaRC), School of Management, Swansea University U.K., 15 July 2019).

Invited Guest Speaker to the Research Roundtable of the College of Business Management of the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute,October 16, 2018: “Researching and Publishing: Working with editors – Dealing with reviewers.” 

Invited Guest Speaker, ASAC Doctoral Consortium (Toronto, May 26, 2018), “Researching and Publishing.”

Michel Laroche, Rong Li, Marie-Odile Richard, & Lu Xu, “Should you advertise your brand with accents? Studying the joint effects of accent and language in the Chinese advertising context,” paper presented at the Corroboration in Marketing Research Workshop, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Porto (June 2018).

Professional Service

Journal Editors

Guest co-editor, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Special issue on “Masstige Marketing,” (with Anandakuttan B Unnithan, Ajay Kumar, & Justin Paul: 2021-2022). 

Guest co-editor, Journal of Business Research, Special issue on Antecedents and consequences of fake reviews: A marketing approach,” (with Eric Browne & Jean-Michel Sahut: 2021-2022). 

Guest co-editor, International Journal of Information Management, Special issue on “Information communication technology: People, culture, and globalization,” (with Boris Bartikowski & Hatice Kizgin: 2021-2022). 

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Consumer Studies (2020-present). 

Guest co-editor,
 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Special issue on “Digital innovations: impacts on marketing, value chain and business models” (with Jean-Michel Sahut & Léo Paul Dana; 2018-2019). 

Advisory Editor, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Special issue on “From family identity to family firm image reputation: Exploring facets of the perception of family influence in a firm in branding, marketing, and other messaging” (2016-2018). 

Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue canadienne des sciences de l’administration (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2021; reappointed until December 31, 2022). 

Guest co-editor, International Journal of Information Management, Special issue on “Applications of business intelligence and analytics in social media marketing” (with Nick Hajli & Yichuan Wang; 2016-2018).

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