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Dr. Meredith Evans, PhD

  • Associate Professor, English

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PhD, Johns Hopkins University, English, October 2006
MA, Johns Hopkins University, English, 2003
BA, Cambridge University, English, 1999
BA, Philosophy and English, Joint Honours (Philosophy and English), McGill University, 1997

Research and teaching interests

English Literature / Renaissance Literature / Shakespeare / Milton / Gender Studies / Philosophy and Literature / Critical Theory / Politics and Literature 


Dr. Evans was hired as Assistant Professor at Concordia University’s Department of English in 2006, and has since been promoted to Associate Professor. She holds a PhD in English from Johns Hopkins University (2006), a BA in English from Cambridge University (1999), and a BA in Philosophy and English from McGill University (1997). Her research and teaching interests are many, but they include Shakespeare, Milton, critical theory, and the history of political theory both early and modern. She has published in some the most eminent journals in her field (and outside of it too), including Shakespeare Quarterly (2009), and Novel: A Forum on Fiction (2003). She has contributed articles to Cosmopolitics and the Emergence of a Future (Palgrave 2007), Making Publics, Vol. II, The Association of Space: Relations and Geographies of Early Modern Publics (Spring 2011), and to special issue of Shakespeare Studies on the topic of Shakespeare and moral agency, ed. M. Bristol (Spring 2011). Presently, she is completing her SSHRC-funded book-length project, Eccentric Fictions: On the Subject of Early Modernity. Her upcoming sabbatical leave will be devoted to her current research project. Focusing on Shakespeare’s late plays and Milton’s post-Restoration writings, it aims to resurrect inactivity, refusal, and reclusion as positive political and ethical values. It is very tentatively titled Shakespeheriean [sic] Contretemps.

Research related web links

Selected publications

“Rumor, the Breath of Kings, and the Body of Law in Henry IV, Part 2” (forthcoming in Shakespeare Quarterly, Spring 2009).

“Cosmopolitics and its Sadean Discontents”, in Cosmopolitics and the Emergence of a Future, eds. Gary Banham and Diane Morgan (Palgrave 2007): 69-90.

“The One and the Many: Political Community in Early Modern England”, Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences (67:11)

2007 May, 4192. Johns Hopkins U, 2007. DA3240703.

“Persons Fall Apart: James Hogg’s Transcendent Sinner.” Novel 36 (Spring: 2003): 198-218.  

Conference papers / readings / talks

“‘That monster, custom’”: organizer and moderator of seminar to be conducted at the Shakespeare Association of America annual convention (April 2009)

“Milton’s Public House”: invited paper given for a Making Publics (MaPs) seminar, McGill University (April 2008)

“The Public and the Private in Milton’s Areopagitica”, paper presented at Making Publics (MaPs) conference, UC Santa Barbara (March 2007).

“Early Modern Passions”: organizer and moderator of Modern Language Association, “Special Session” (December 2007).

“The Politics of Force”: paper given for the Making Publics (MaPs) summer seminar, McGill University (July 2007).

“Shakespeare and the Body of Rumor”, paper presented at The Princeton Graduate Renaissance Conference (April 2004).

“Spinozist Monism and Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World”, paper presented at The Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies(May 2002).
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