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Jacqueline M. Anderson

  • Emeritus Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Contact information


Dr. Anderson was born in north-eastern England, received her undergraduate education in Geography at Dundee, Scotland and took a Diploma in Cartography, at Glasgow. She worked as an Assistant Map Research Officer with the Ministry of Defense in London before coming to Canada to continue graduate studies in Cartography first at Alberta and later at Wisconsin. Dr. Anderson is a cartographer whose research interests lie in cartographic design and visualization, map user abilities and map skills education for all ages and levels of competence. She is currently Chair of the Working Group "Cartography and Children" of the International Cartographic Association.

Teaching activities


GEOG 206 Maps and Mapping
GEOG 260 Mapping the Environment
GEOG 466 Cartographic Visualization
GEOG 490 Internship in Geography

Selected publications


  1. Anderson, J.M., Carrière J., and Le Sann, J. (in press) The Design and Production of Climate Maps for an Internet School Atlas. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12, 4
  2. Anderson, J.M., Carrière J., Pupitre, P and Le Sann, J. (2002) A Prototype Internet School Atlas for Québec, Canada. The Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers, 36(2), 7-14.

Proceedings of conferences

  1. Anderson, J.M. (2003) Cartography and Children – At the Dawn of its Development? Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Association Conference, Durban, South Africa, ICA Session 19B, p. 435-445.
  2. Le Sann, J., Anderson, J.M. and Carrière J. (2003) Atlas Escolar e Interativide. Proceedings of I Simposio Ibero Americano de Cartografia para Crianca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12 pages.
  3. Anderson, J.M. (2002) The International Cartographic Association - A History of the Cartography and Children Commission 1995 – 2002. Proceedings Cartography and Children Seminar, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 7 pages.
  4. Le Sann, J., Anderson, J.M., and Carrière J. (2001) Os Desafios de Um Atlas Escolar Na Internet : Uma experiencia de parceria entre o Brasil e o Quebec. Proceedings of the Brazilian Geographic Association.
  5. Anderson, J.M., Carrière J. and Le Sann, J. (2001) Un Atlas scolaire interactif sur Internet pour l’enseignement de la Geographie du Québec. Proceedings Cartography and Children Seminar, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 19 pages.
  6. Anderson, J.M., Carrière J. and Le Sann, J. (2001) An Internet Atlas in the Schools of Quebec: Reality and Ideals. Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Association, Beijing, China, 2944 –2951
  7. Anderson, J.M., Carrière, J. and Le Sann, J. (2000) An Atlas Designed for Children – The Electronic Approach and Reality. Proceedings, Cartography and Children Commission “Teaching Maps For Children The Third Millenium, (ICA: Eötvös Loránd University) 5-11.
  8. Anderson J.M. (2000) Promoting Children’s Cartographic Concepts Through International Map Competitions. Proceedings of the ICA Conference: “Discovering Basic Concepts”. (ICA: Concordia University) p. 85-91.
  9. Anderson J.M. (2000) Introducing the Concert of the Map Legend. Proceedings of the ICA Conference: “Discovering Basic Concepts”. (ICA: Concordia University),105.
  10. Anderson, J.M. (1999) The Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Award – QUO VADIS? Proceedings of the 11th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association, Ottawa, Canada, Session 45-A, 10 pages.
  11. Anderson, J.M. (1998) What and how? The introduction of mapping concepts in the early elementary grades. Proceedings of the Joint ICA seminar on “Maps and Special Users”, (Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej we Wriclawiu Wroclaw: Wroclaw), 37-43.

Participation activities

International conference presentations

  1. Anderson, J. M. (2003) The ICA Cartography and Children Commission 1999-2003. 21st International Cartographic Conference, Durban, South Africa, August 9.
  2. Anderson, J.M., Carrière J. and Le Sann, J. (2002) A School Atlas of Quebec. I Simposio Ibero Americano de Cartografia para Crianca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 10.
  3. Le Sann, J., Anderson, J.M. and Carrière J. (2002) Atlas Escolar e Interativide. I Simposio Ibero Americano de Cartografia para Crianca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 8.
  4. Anderson, J. M., (2001) The ICA Cartography and Children Commission 1999-2001. 20th International Cartographic Conference, Beijing, China, August 5.
  5. Anderson, J.M., Carrière J. and Le Sann, J. (2001) An Internet Atlas in the Schools of Quebec: Reality and Ideals” 20th International Cartographic Association, Beijing, China, August 9.
  6. LeSann, J., Anderson, J. M., and Carrière. J. (2001) Os Desafios de Um Atlas Escolar Na Internet: Uma experiencia de parceria entre o Brasil e o Quebec. Mesa Redonda: A Geografia Brasileira diante dos novos padroes tecnologicos internacionais. Meeting of the Geographic Association , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 4.
  7. Anderson, J.M., Carrière, J. and Le Sann, J. (2000) A School Atlas for the Province of Quebec. Symposium on Maps and the Internet, Co-sponsored by the NACIS and the International Cartographic Association Commission on Maps and the Internet, Knoxville, U.S.A., October 11.
  8. Anderson, J.M. (2000) The Cartography and Children Commission of the International Cartographic Association. ICA’s Cartography and Children Commission Conference “Teaching Maps For Children The Third Millennium” - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, September 6.
  9. Anderson, J.M., Carrière, J. and Le Sann, J. (2000) A School Atlas on the Internet for Quebec. Presentation to the Municipal Secretariat for Education for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 23.
  10. Anderson, J.M., Carrière, J. and Le Sann, J. (2000) An Atlas Designed for Children – The Electronic Approach and Reality. ICA’s Cartography and Children Commission Conference “Teaching Maps For Children The Third Millennium” - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, September 6.
  11. Anderson, J.M. (2000) Cartography and Children – The International Scene. ACMLA-CCA-WAMEL Conference, “Into the New Millennium”, Edmonton, Canada, June 3.
  12. Carrière, J., Anderson, J.M. and Le Sann, J. (2000) An Atlas Designed for Children – The Initial Pilot. ICA’s Cartography and Children Commission Conference “Teaching Maps For Children The Third Millennium” - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, September 6.
  13. Anderson, J.M. (1999) Introducing the Concert of the Map Legend. ICA Conference: “Discovering Basic Concepts.” Montreal, Canada, August 10.
  14. Anderson, J. M., (1999) The ICA Cartography and Children Working Group 1995-1999. 19th International Cartographic Conference, Ottawa, Canada, August 14.
  15. Anderson, J.M. (1999) Promoting Children’s Cartographic Concepts Through International Map Competitions. ICA Conference: “Discovering Basic Concepts”, Montreal, Canada, August 12.
  16. Anderson, J.M. (1998) What and How? The Introduction of Mapping Concepts in the Early Elementary Grades. Maps for Special User. International Cartographic Association Commission on Maps and Graphics for the Blind and Visually-Impaired People, Commission on Gender in Cartography and Working Group on Cartography and Children, Wroclaw, Warsaw-Laski, Poland, June 3.
  17. Anderson, J.M., Francis, K., Siekierska, E. and Williams, D. (1998) Canadian Electronic Atlases: A Study of the Cartographic Visualization of Geospatial Information for Educational Use. Systemy Informacji Przestrzennej, the VIII Konference Naukowo-Techniczna, Warsaw, Poland, May 21.
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