Hossein Hashemi Doulabi, PhD
- Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering (Operations Research)
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Research Interests
Healthcare optimization under uncertainty, Large-scale optimization, Stochastic optimization, Integer programming, Robust optimization
Academic Background
- Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering (Operations Research), Concordia University, 2018-2023.
- Postdoctoral, Operations Research, ISYE Department, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2018.
- Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada 2017.
- Visiting Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science, MIT, USA, 2015.
- M.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, 2010.
- Dual B.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, 2008.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Ahmed, S., Nemhauser, G.(2022). State-Variable Modeling for a Class of Two-Stage StochasticOptimization Problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(1), 354-369.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Khalilpourazari, S. (2022).Stochastic Weekly Operating Room Planning With an Exponential Number ofScenarios, Annals of Operations Research,https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-04686-4.
Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2022). A FlexibleRobust Model for Blood Supply Chain Network Design Problem, Annals ofOperations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-04673-9.
Haghi, M., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Contreras, I., Bhuiyan, N.(2022). Integrated Consultation and Chemotherapy Scheduling with StochasticTreatment Times. Journal of Operational Research Society,https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2022.2125842.
Hooshangi-Tabrizi, P., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Contreras, I.,Bhuiyan, N. (2022). Two-stage Robust Optimization for Perishable InventoryManagement With Order Modi_cation. Expert Systems with Applications, 193,Article 116346.
Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021). Robust Modelingand Prediction of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. International Journal ofProduction Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2021.1936261.
Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021). Designing aHybrid Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm With Application in Prediction ofthe COVID-19 Pandemic in Quebec, Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-020-03871-7.
Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H., C_ ift_cio_glu, A.,Weber, G., (2021). Gradient-based Grey Wolf Optimizer With Gaussian Walk:Application in Modelling and Prediction of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ExpertSystems with Applications, 177, Article 114920,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2021.114920.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Pesant, G., Rousseau, L. M.(2020). Vehicle Routing Problems With Synchronized Visits andStochastic/time-dependent Travel and Service Times: Applications in Healthcare.Transportation Science, 54(4), 1053-1072.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Jaillet, P., Pesant, G.,Rousseau, L-M. (2020). Exploiting the Structure of Two-stage RobustOptimization Models With Exponential Scenarios. INFORMS Journal on Computing,33(1), 143-162.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Rousseau, L-M., Pesant, G.,(2016), A Constraint-programming based Branch-and-price-and-cut Algorithm forOperating Room Planning and Scheduling, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28(3),432 - 448.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Sei_, A., (2013), Lower andUpper Bounds for Location-arc Routing Problems With Vehicle CapacityConstraints, European Journal of Operational Research, 224(1), 189-208.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Avazbeigi, M., Arab, S.,Davoudpour, H. (2012), An E_ective Hybrid Simulated Annealing and TwoMixed-integer Linear Formulations for Just-in-time Open Shop SchedulingProblem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 59(9),1143-1155.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Sei_, A., Shariat, S.Y. (2011),E_cient Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Resource Leveling via Activity Splitting,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(2), 137-146.
Avazbeigi, M., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Karimi, B., (2010), Choosingthe Appropriate Order in Fuzzy Time Series: a New N-factor Fuzzy Time Seriesfor Prediction of the Auto Industry Production, Expert System withApplications, 37(8), 5630-5639.
Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2010). A Mixed Integer LinearFormulation for the Open Shop Earliness-tardiness Scheduling Problem. AppliedMathematical Science, 4(35), 1703-1710.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Jaafari, A. A., Shirazi, M. A.(2010). Minimizing Weighted Mean Flow Time in Open Shop Scheduling WithTime-dependent Weights and Intermediate Storage Cost. International Journal onComputer Science and Engineering, 2(3), 457-460.
Jaafari, A. A., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Shirazi, M. A., Khatibi, M.(2010). Mathematical Model for Locating Input and Output Points ConsideringTime Value of Money. Journal of American Science, 6(10), 351-354.
Andam, A., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021) Operating Room PlanningWith Multiple Downstream Units. 2021 IEEE International Conference onPrognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), 1-8, doi:10.1109/ICPHM51084.2021.9486631, Detroit, MI, USA.
Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021) UsingReinforcement Learning to Forecast the Spread of COVID-19 in France. IEEEInternational Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS), 1-8, doi:10.1109/ICAS49788.2021.9551174, Montreal, QC, Canada.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Rousseau, L-M., Pesant, G.,(2014), A Constraint-programming-based Column Generation Approach for OperatingRoom Planning and Scheduling (2014) In Integration of AI and OR Techniques inConstraint Programming, 455-463, Cork, Ireland.
Hashemi Doulabi, H., Hojabri, H., Seyed-Alagheband,S., Jaafari, A. A., Davoudpour, H. (2009). Two-phase Approach for SolvingCell-formation Problem in Cell Manufacturing. Proceedings of The World Congresson Engineering and Computer Science, 1226-1231, SanFrancisco, USA.
Jaafari, A. A., Krishnan, K.K., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Davoudpour,H., (2009), A Multi-objective Formulation for Facility Layout Problem,Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science,1238-1243, San Francisco, USA.
Seyed-Alagheband, S., Davoudpour,H., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Khatibi, M. (2009). Using a Modified SimulatedAnnealing Algorithm to Minimize Makespan in a Permutation Flowshop SchedulingProblem With Job Deterioration. Proceedings of The World Congress onEngineering and Computer Science, 1232-1237, San Francisco, USA.
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