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Hossein Hashemi Doulabi, PhD

  • Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering (Operations Research)

Research areas: Healthcare optimization under uncertainty, Large-scale optimization, stochastic programming, decomposition-based integer programming algorithms (Benders decomposition, Lagrangian relaxation, Column generation), and robust optimization.

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Research Interests
Healthcare optimization under uncertainty, Large-scale optimization, Stochastic optimization, Integer programming, Robust optimization

Academic Background
  • Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering (Operations Research), Concordia University, 2018-2023.
  • Postdoctoral, Operations Research, ISYE Department, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 2018.
  • Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada 2017.
  • Visiting Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science, MIT, USA, 2015.
  • M.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, 2010.
  • Dual B.Sc., Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, 2008.


  1. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Ahmed, S., Nemhauser, G.(2022). State-Variable Modeling for a Class of Two-Stage StochasticOptimization Problems. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(1), 354-369.

  2. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Khalilpourazari, S. (2022).Stochastic Weekly Operating Room Planning With an Exponential Number ofScenarios, Annals of Operations Research,

  3. Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2022). A FlexibleRobust Model for Blood Supply Chain Network Design Problem, Annals ofOperations Research,

  4. Haghi, M., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Contreras, I., Bhuiyan, N.(2022). Integrated Consultation and Chemotherapy Scheduling with StochasticTreatment Times. Journal of Operational Research Society,

  5. Hooshangi-Tabrizi, P., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Contreras, I.,Bhuiyan, N. (2022). Two-stage Robust Optimization for Perishable InventoryManagement With Order Modi_cation. Expert Systems with Applications, 193,Article 116346.

  6. Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021). Robust Modelingand Prediction of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada. International Journal ofProduction Research,

  7. Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021). Designing aHybrid Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm With Application in Prediction ofthe COVID-19 Pandemic in Quebec, Annals of Operations Research,

  8. Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H., C_ ift_cio_glu, A.,Weber, G., (2021). Gradient-based Grey Wolf Optimizer With Gaussian Walk:Application in Modelling and Prediction of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ExpertSystems with Applications, 177, Article 114920,

  9. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Pesant, G., Rousseau, L. M.(2020). Vehicle Routing Problems With Synchronized Visits andStochastic/time-dependent Travel and Service Times: Applications in Healthcare.Transportation Science, 54(4), 1053-1072.

  10. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Jaillet, P., Pesant, G.,Rousseau, L-M. (2020). Exploiting the Structure of Two-stage RobustOptimization Models With Exponential Scenarios. INFORMS Journal on Computing,33(1), 143-162.

  11. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Rousseau, L-M., Pesant, G.,(2016), A Constraint-programming based Branch-and-price-and-cut Algorithm forOperating Room Planning and Scheduling, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28(3),432 - 448.

  12. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Sei_, A., (2013), Lower andUpper Bounds for Location-arc Routing Problems With Vehicle CapacityConstraints, European Journal of Operational Research, 224(1), 189-208.

  13. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Avazbeigi, M., Arab, S.,Davoudpour, H. (2012), An E_ective Hybrid Simulated Annealing and TwoMixed-integer Linear Formulations for Just-in-time Open Shop SchedulingProblem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 59(9),1143-1155.

  14. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Sei_, A., Shariat, S.Y. (2011),E_cient Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Resource Leveling via Activity Splitting,Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 137(2), 137-146.

  15. Avazbeigi, M., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Karimi, B., (2010), Choosingthe Appropriate Order in Fuzzy Time Series: a New N-factor Fuzzy Time Seriesfor Prediction of the Auto Industry Production, Expert System withApplications, 37(8), 5630-5639.

  16. Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2010). A Mixed Integer LinearFormulation for the Open Shop Earliness-tardiness Scheduling Problem. AppliedMathematical Science, 4(35), 1703-1710.

  17. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Jaafari, A. A., Shirazi, M. A.(2010). Minimizing Weighted Mean Flow Time in Open Shop Scheduling WithTime-dependent Weights and Intermediate Storage Cost. International Journal onComputer Science and Engineering, 2(3), 457-460.

  18. Jaafari, A. A., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Shirazi, M. A., Khatibi, M.(2010). Mathematical Model for Locating Input and Output Points ConsideringTime Value of Money. Journal of American Science, 6(10), 351-354.

  19. Andam, A., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021) Operating Room PlanningWith Multiple Downstream Units. 2021 IEEE International Conference onPrognostics and Health Management (ICPHM), 1-8, doi:10.1109/ICPHM51084.2021.9486631, Detroit, MI, USA.

  20. Khalilpourazari, S., Hashemi Doulabi, H. (2021) UsingReinforcement Learning to Forecast the Spread of COVID-19 in France. IEEEInternational Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS), 1-8, doi:10.1109/ICAS49788.2021.9551174, Montreal, QC, Canada.

  21. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Rousseau, L-M., Pesant, G.,(2014), A Constraint-programming-based Column Generation Approach for OperatingRoom Planning and Scheduling (2014) In Integration of AI and OR Techniques inConstraint Programming, 455-463, Cork, Ireland.

  22. Hashemi Doulabi, H., Hojabri, H., Seyed-Alagheband,S., Jaafari, A. A., Davoudpour, H. (2009). Two-phase Approach for SolvingCell-formation Problem in Cell Manufacturing. Proceedings of The World Congresson Engineering and Computer Science, 1226-1231, SanFrancisco, USA.

  23. Jaafari, A. A., Krishnan, K.K., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Davoudpour,H., (2009), A Multi-objective Formulation for Facility Layout Problem,Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science,1238-1243, San Francisco, USA.

  24. Seyed-Alagheband, S., Davoudpour,H., Hashemi Doulabi, H., Khatibi, M. (2009). Using a Modified SimulatedAnnealing Algorithm to Minimize Makespan in a Permutation Flowshop SchedulingProblem With Job Deterioration. Proceedings of The World Congress onEngineering and Computer Science, 1232-1237, San Francisco, USA.

Prospective Students

I am currently seeking energetic and hard-working PhD, and M.Sc. students. Please send me your CV, transcripts, published/submitted papers, and a sample code if you are interested. I will reply if there is any possibility for collaboration.

To join my research group, you need to know C plus plus programming. It is OK if you are proficient in another programming language, but you definitely need to learn C plus plus  before starting your research. In this case, I strongly recommend this series of videos to learn C plus plus. Experience in calling cplex in C plus plus in a big plus.

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