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Denis Schweizer, PhD

Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries

  • Professor, Finance

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Doctorate (European Business School)

Professor Dr. Denis Schweizer studied businessadministration at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main.  In April 2008 he completed a doctorate atEuropean Business School (EBS) in Oestrich-Winkel with a thesis entitled“Selected Essays on Alternative Investments.” During his doctorate, he worked as research assistant at the PFI PrivateFinance Institute/ EBS Finance Academy in Oestrich-Winkel and was responsiblefor the conception of executive education programs.  Furthermore, he gained teaching experience ashe regularly held trainings in executive education.  During this time he was awarded the titles ofFinancial Risk Manager (FRM) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP).  In August 2008 he was appointed AssistantProfessor of Alternative Investments at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.  From September 2011 until January 2012, hewas a visiting scholar at New York University, USA.  In August 2014 he was appointed as AssociateProfessor at Concordia University John Molson School of Business and waspromoted to Full Professor in 2020 and is a Research Fellow at the ZeppelinUniversity (Friedrichshafen, Germany).

Denis Schweizer is the Director of the Desjardins Centre forInnovation in Business Finance and the Scientific Director of the ClimateBusiness Institute at the John Molson School of Business. From June 2016 toJune 2019, he was appointed as director of the Van Berkom Small-Cap InvestmentManagement Program (VBIMP).  During histenure, the $1m investment fund (invested in a North American small-cap stockportfolio) outperformed its benchmark by ~40% (simple alpha based on investedcapital) for the 2017-2018 period.  Heheld the Manulife Professorship in Financial Planning from 2015 to 2021. 

Since 2011, he has published numerous articles in leading journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and Journal of Business Ethics, among others.  He is an Associate Editor of Finance Research Letters, British Accounting Review, Venture Capital: An International Journal ofEntrepreneurial Finance and Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investmentan editorial review board member of Small Business Economics and of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and has been a guest editor for numerous special issues (e.g., for Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance) as well.  His research outputs have received a number of academic best paper and recognition awards, such as the 2021 Helena Yli-Renko Research Impact Award for the highest citations in the five years following publication, sponsored by the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the USC Marshall School of Business, and the Australian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Research Price.  His innovative research ideas received multiple competitive research grants from e.g. the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Volt-Age, and the Education of Good Governance Fund of Autorité des Marchés Financiers of about $1,200,000.  Denis Schweizer is teaching at all university levels including BSc, MSc, MBA, and PhD-level as well as in executive education programs.  His teaching excellence was recognized with four WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management best teacher awards.

Areas of expertise

  • Alternative Investments
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Blockchain
  • Chinese Capital Markets
  • Crowdfunding
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Commodities
  • Corporate Finance
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Fintech
  • Fraud
  • Hedge Funds
  • Insider Trading
  • Initial Coin Offerings
  • Innovation
  • Rare Earth Material
  • Real Estate
  • Risk Management
  • Venture Capital

Research activities

Most Important External Research Grants

CAD 200,000 Volt-AgeSeed Grant – Concordia Living Lab of Loyola Campus “Decarbonisation and Operational Optimisation of a Community Energy System” (co-principal investigator, 2024-2026)

CAD   64,478 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, Insight Development Grant on “Indigenous Financing Barriers” (co-applicant with Nicolas Legendre, 2024-2026)

CAD   52,085 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, Insight Development Grant on “Real Estate Crowdfunding - Risk and Debt Financing” (principal investigator with Tingyu Zhou, 2016-2018)

CAD 148,500 Education and Good Governance Fund of Autoritédes Marchés Financiers on “Corporate Fraud and Illegal Insider Trading” (principal investigator with Juliane Proelss and Thomas Walker, 2016-2019)

CAD 196,225 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, Insight Grant on „Equity Crowdfunding” (principal investigator with Douglas Cumming, 2015-2021)

Editorial (Review) Board

  • Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Small Business Economics
  • British Accounting Review
  • Finance Research Letters
  • Banking and Finance Review

Van Berkom Investment Management Program

The Van Berkom Investment Management Program (VBIMP) provides a small group of select JMSB graduate students with an experience to actively manage a portfolio of small capitalized stocks in North American with the aim to achieve returns that exceed their benchmark. During my tenure as Program Director, the investment fund of $1m outperformed its benchmark by ~40% (simple alpha based on invested capital (ROIC)) in the 2017-2018 period. For details, please see the 2017-2018 annual report.

Conference Co-Organization

2024        Conference on “Generative AI in Finance” at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) with related special issue in the Journal of Banking and Finance and Bryan Kelly (Yale School of Management) as keynote speaker
2024        Paper Development Workshop on “Generative AI in Finance” at Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden, Germany) with related special issue in the Journal of Banking and Finance and Michael Weber (University of Chicago) as keynote speaker
2023        Paper Development Workshop on “Blockchain: Impact on Accounting and Accountants” at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) with related special issue in the British Accounting Review and Martin Jacob (IESE Business School) and Jan Mouritsen (Copenhagen Business School) as keynote speakers
2023        Paper Development Workshop on “Entrepreneurial Finance in an Extended Period of Crises” (virtual), with related special issue in Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal
2023        4th Conference on “Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing” at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) with related special issues in the British Accounting Review, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, Global Finance Journal, International, Journal of Accounting etc. and David Audretsch (Indiana University) as keynote speaker
2020        Conference on “Corporate Failure: Decline, Collapse and Scandal” at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, USA) with related special issue in the Journal of Corporate Finance 


Working Papers

[10] [Work in Progress] Deciphering Cryptocurrency Returns: Novel Factors and Insights
Weiyu Gao (Concordia University); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)

[9] [Work in Progress] Can CEO Activism Boost ESG Ratings?
Juliane Proelss 
(Concordia University); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University); Chen Zhang (Concordia University)

[Work in Progress] Do Risk Preferences Drive Momentum in Cryptocurrencies?
Bastien Buchwalter (SKEMA); Juliane Proelss (Concordia University); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)

[7] [Work in Progress] How to Optimally Structure and Rebalance a Crypto-Asset Portfolio
Bastien Buchwalter (SKEMA); Juliane Proelss 
(Concordia University); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)

[6] [NEW] Is There an Optimal Financing Strategy for Corporate Innovation?
Denis Schweizer (Concordia University); Aoran Zhang (University of Nottingham); Jie Zhang (Trent University); Yunfei Zhao (Wenzhou-Kean University)

[NEW] Leave No Money on the Table: Venture Capitalists' SPAC Exits
Alexander Groh (EMLYON Business School); Juliane Proelss (Concordia University); Aurélie Sannajust (Kedge Business School); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)

[NEW] The Cross-Border Buyout Next Door
Benjamin Hammer (Lancaster University Management School); Sven Mettner (HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University); Timothy E. Trombley (Illinois State University)
Nicolas Schreiber (TU Darmstadt); Dirk Schiereck (TU Darmstadt); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)

[2] [NEW Version November 2022] Political Connections and Media Bias: Evidence from China
Denis Schweizer (Concordia University); Xinjie Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology), Ge Wu (University of Richmond); Aoran Zhang (University of Nottingham)

Ryan Amsden (McGill University); Denis Schweizer (Concordia University)

Presentation April 2018

Refereed journal articles

[56] [NEWPolitiFi: Just Another Meme, or Instrumental for Winning Elections? 
Proelss, J./Schweizer, D./Sévegny, S., Finance Research Letters, 2025, Forthcoming

[NEW] Interactions Between Investors’ Fear and Greed Sentiment and Bitcoin Prices
Gaies, I./Nakhli, M. S./Sahut, J.-M./Schweizer, D.,
North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2023, Vol. 67, 101924.

[NEW] Is Bitcoin ESG-Compliant? A Sober Look

Proelss, J./Schweizer, D./Sévegny, S., European Financial Management, 2024, Vol. 30, 680-726.

[53] [NEW] GameFi - The Perfect Symbiosis of Blockchain, Tokens, DeFi and NFTs?

Proelss, J./Schweizer, D./Sévegny, S., International Review of Financial Analysis, 2023, Vol. 90, 102916.

[52] [NEW] Management Buyouts in Times of Economic Policy Uncertainty

Hammer, B./Mettner, S./Schweizer, D./Wünsche, N., Finance Research Letters2023, Vol. 52, 103499.


[51] Pricing and Value Creation in Private Equity-backed Buy-and Build Strategies

Hammer, B./Marcotty-Dehm, N./Schweizer, D./Schwetzler, B., Journal of Corporate Finance2022, Vol. 77, 102285.

[50] The Price of Being Green

Koziol, C./Proelss, J./Roßmann, P./Schweizer, D., Finance Research Letters2022, Vol. 50, 103285.

[49] CEO Divorce and Firm Performance

Abreha, K.G./Cserpes, T./Kleindienst, I./Proelss, J./Schweizer, D., Academy of Management Discoveries2022, Vol. 8, 561-584

[48] Technological Innovations to Ensure Confidence in the Digital World

Sahut, J.-M./Schweizer, D./Peris-Ortiz, M., Technological Forecasting and Social Change2022, Vol. 179, 121680.

[47] [NEW] Disentangling Crowdfunding from Fraudfunding
Cumming, D./Hornuf, L./Karami, M./Schweizer, D., Journal of Business Ethics
2023, Vol. 182, 1103-1128.

[46] Law Firm Expertise and Shareholder Wealth
Schweizer, D./Wu, G., Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments
, 2021, Vol. 30, 129-163.

[45] Corporate Failures: Declines, Collapses, and Scandals
Cole, R./Johan, S./Schweizer, D., Journal of Corporate Finance2022, Vol. 77, 102285.

[44] What Is Different About Private Equity-backed Acquirers?
Hammer, B./Hinrichs, H./Schweizer, D., Review of Financial Economics, 2022, Vol. 40, 117-149. 

[43] [NEW] False Hopes and Blind Beliefs: How Political Connections Affect China's Corporate Bond Market
Schweizer, D./Walker, T./Zhang, A., Journal of Banking and Finance2023, Vol. 151, 106008.

[42] The More the Merrier? Diversity and Private Equity Performance
Hammer, B./Pettkus, S./Schweizer, D./Wünsche, N
., British Journal of Management, 2022, Vol. 33, 231-265.

[41] Good News for Rivals – Are Rivals Fully Seizing Transition-Period Opportunities Following Announcers’ Top Management Turnovers?
Burchard, C./Proelss, J./Schäffer, U./Schweizer, D., Strategic Management Journal, 2021, Vol. 42, 579-607.

[40] The Economics of Philanthropy—Evidence from Health Crowdfunding
Proelss, J./Schweizer, D./Zhou, T., Small Business Economics, 2021, Vol. 57, 999-1026.

[39] Similarity Perceptions in Investor Reactions to Acquisition Announcements
Högl, M./Fröhlich, J./Kleindienst, I./Laamanen, T./Schweizer, D., Long Range Planning2021, Vol. 54, 101946..

[38] China: From Imitator to Innovator?
Proelss, P./Schweizer, D./ Zahn, F., Emerging Markets Review2021, Vol. 54, 101946..

[37] The Economic Importance of Rare Earth Elements Volatility Forecasts

Proelss, J./ Schweizer, D./ Seiler, V., International Review of Financial Analysis2020, Vol. 71, 101316.

[36] Do Announcements of WTO Dispute Resolution Cases Matter? Evidence fromthe Rare Earth Elements Market

Proelss, J./ Schweizer, D./ Seiler, V., Energy Economics, 2018, Vol. 73, 1-23.

[35] Cross-Border Acquisitions By Chinese Enterprises: The Benefits andDisadvantages of Political Connections
Schweizer, D./ Walker, T./ Zhang, A., Journal of Corporate Finance, 2019, Vol 57, 3-85.

 [34] Information Systems, Agency Problems, and Fraud
Cumming, D./ Johan, S./ Schweizer, D., Information Systems Frontier, 2017, Vol. 19, 421-424.

[33] Ambiguity in Option Markets - Evidence from SEOs
Cumming, D./ Johannnig, L./ Ordu, U./ Schweizer, D., Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 2017, Vol. 5, 67-92.

[32] Do Principles Pay in Real Estate Crowdfunding?
Schweizer, D./ Zhou, T., Journal of Portfolio Management, 2017, Vol. 43,120-137.

[31] Hidden Champions or Black Sheep? The Role of Underpricingin the German Mini-Bond Market
Mietzner, M./ Proelss, P./Schweizer, D., Small Business Economics, 2018, Vol. 50, 375-395.

[30] Is the Crowd Sensitive to Distance? – Differences in Investment Decisions of Retail and Institutional Investors
Günther, C./Johan, S./Schweizer, D., Small Business Economics
, 2018, Vol. 50,289-305.

[29] Corporate Finance and the Governance Implications of Removing Government Support Programs
Jacob, M./Johan, S./Schweizer, D./Zhan, F., Journal of Banking and Finance, 2016, Vol. 63, 35-47.

[28] The Role of Sovereign Wealth Funds as Activist or Passive Fund Managers
Mietzner, M./Schiereck, D./Schweizer, D., Journal of Asset Management, 2015, Vol. 16, 303-315. 

[27] Executive Compensation and Informed Trading in Acquiring Firms around Merger Announcements
Ordu, U./Schweizer, D., Journal of Banking and Finance, 2015, Vol. 55, 260-280.

[26] Wealth Effects of Rare Earth Prices and China's Rare Earth Elements Policy
Müller, M./Schweizer, D./Seiler, V., Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, Vol. 138, 627-648.   

[25] Signaling in Equity Crowdfunding
Ahlers, G.K.C./Cumming, D./Günther, C./Schweizer, D., Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2015, Vol. 39, 955-980.

 - Australian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association Research Price Winner for 2013-2014

- 2021 Helena Yli-Renko Research Impact Award - sponsored by the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business

[24] The Fast Track IPO – Success Factors for Taking Firms Public with SPACs
Cumming, D./Haß, L.H./Schweizer, D., Journal of Banking and Finance, 2014, Vol. 47, 198-213.

[23] Are Informed Traders Sensitive to the Regulatory Environment?
Ordu, U./Schweizer, D., European Journal of Finance, 2017, Vol. 23,707-726

[22] Top Management Turnover under the Influence of Active Investors
Schäffer, U./Schweizer, D./Voußem, B.A., Journal of Management and Governance, 2015, Vol. 19, 709-739.

[21] The Impact of Fund Inflows on Staging and Investment Behavior
Haß, L.H./Lauterbach, R./Schweizer, D., International Small Business Journal, 2014, Vol. 32, 644-666.

[20] Do Markets Anticipate Capital Structure Decisions? – Feedback Effects in Equity Liquidity
Andres, C./Cumming, D./ Karabiber, T./ Schweizer, D., Journal of Corporate Finance, 2014, Vol. 27, 133-156.

[19] Is Corporate Governance in China Related to Performance Persistence?
Haß, L.H./Johan, S./Schweizer, D., Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, Vol. 63, 35-47.

[18] Strategic Asset Allocation and the Role of Alternative Investments
Cumming, D./Haß, L.H./Schweizer, D., European Financial Management, 2014, Vol. 20, 521-547.

- Reprinted as Cumming,D./Haß, L. H./Schweizer, D. (2013) “Role of Alternative Investments in Strategic Asset Allocation” Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, Benchmarks, and Strategies edited by H. K. Baker and G. Filbeck

[17] What Drives Contagion in Financial Markets? Liquidity Effects versus Impending Impairment of Fundamental Value
Haß, L.H./Koziol, C./Schweizer, D., European Financial Management, 2014, Vol. 20, 548-573.

[16] The Changing Latitude: Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporations in Canada
Johan, S./Schweizer, D./Zhan, F., Corporate Governance an International Review, 2014, Vol. 22, 145-161.

[15] Polynomial Goal Programming and the Implicit Higher Moment Preferences of Institutional Investors in Hedge Funds
Proelss, J./Schweizer, D., Financial Markets and Portfolio Management,2014, Vol. 28, 1-28.

[14] Hedge Funds versus Private Equity Funds as Shareholder Activists –Differences in Value Creation

Mietzner, M./Schweizer, D., Journal of Economics and Finance, 2014, Vol.38, 181-208.

- Campus for Finance 2nd Best Paper Award

[13] Sudden Top Management Turnovers and their Effects on Capital Markets:Evidence from a  Country with ow Managerial Discretion
Voußem, B.A./Burchard, C.H./Schäffer, U./Schweizer, D., Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (Journal of Business Economics), 2013, Vol. 2, 149-184.

[12] Private Equity Benchmarks and Portfolio Optimization
Cumming, D./Haß, L.H./Schweizer, D., Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013, Vol. 37, 3515-3528.

[11] Do Alternative Real Estate Vehicles Add Value to REITs? Evidence from German Open-ended Property Funds
Haß, L.H./Johanning, L./Rudolph, B./Schweizer, D., Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2013, Vol. 47, 65-82.

[10] Are Private Equity Investors Boon or Bane for an Economy? – A Theoretical Analysis
Ernst, S./Koziol, C./Schweizer, D., European Financial Management, 2013, Vol. 19, 180-207.

- European Financial Management – Readers’ Choice Best Paper Award 2013

[9] Regulatory Induced Performance Persistence: Evidence from Hedge Funds
Cumming, D./Dai, N./Haß, L.H./Schweizer, D., Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012, Vol. 18, 1005-1022.

[8] Efficient Hedge Fund Strategy Allocations – A Systematic Framework for Investors that Incorporates Higher Moments
Kaiser, D. G./Schweizer, D./Wu, L., Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 2012, Vol. 21, 241-260.

[7] Short- and Long-Term Interactions between Venture Capital Returns and the Macroeconomy: Evidence from the United States
Füss, R./Schweizer, D., Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2012, Vol. 38, 391-410.

[6] Open-ended Property Funds: Risk and Return Profile - Diversification Benefits and Liquidity Risks
Haß, L.H./Johanning, L./Rudolph, B./Schweizer, D., International Review of Financial Analysis, 2012, Vol. 21, 90-107.

[5] Are Portfolio Holdings Affected by Parameter Uncertainty and Ambiguity?
Proelss, J./Schweizer, D., IEB International Journal of Finance, 2011,Vol. 3, 2-37.

[4] Creeping-in als neues Instrument des Erwerbs von Unternehmenskontrollrechten – Taktische Meisterleistung oder unkalkulierbares Risiko?
Koziol, C./Noël, P./Schweizer, D., Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (Journalof Business Economics), 2011, Vol. 81, 833-854.

[3] Do Institutional Investors Care the Ambiguity of Their Assets? – Evidence From Portfolio Holdings in Alternative Investments
Koziol, C./Proelss, J./Schweizer, D., International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 2011, Vol. 14, 465-484.

[2] Intra-Industry Effects of Shareholder Activism in Germany – Is There a Difference between Hedge Fund and Private Equity Investments?
Mietzner, M./Schweizer, D./Tyrell, M., Schmalenbach Business Review, 2011, Vol. 63, 151-185.

- Academy of Economics and Finance Best Paper Award

[1] Systematische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Risikoneigungzwischen europäischen und US-amerikanischen Wagniskapitalfinanzierungsgesellschaften
Kaiser, D.G./ Lauterbach, R./Schweizer, D., Finanzbetrieb, 2006, Vol.12, 790-798.

Chapters in handbooks

Cumming, D./Haß, L. H./Schweizer, D. (2013): Role of Alternative Investments in Strategic Asset Allocation, in H. K. Baker and G. Filbeck (editors), Alternative Investments: Instruments, Performance, and Strategies (Robert W. Kolb Series in Finance), John Wiley & Sons, 19-36.

Haß, L. H./Proelss, J./Schweizer, D. (2013): Alternative Investments, in H. K. Baker and G. Filbeck (editors), Portfolio Theory and Management, Oxford University Press, 314-340.

Mietzner, M./Schweizer, D. (2012): Private Equity Activism and the Consequences for Targets and Rivals in Germany, in D. Cumming (editor), The Handbook of Private Equity, Oxford University Press, 495-520.

Haß, L. H./Schweizer, D. (2010): Das Diversifikations- und Downside Protection-Potenzial von Rohstoffportfolios in Multi-Asset Portfolios, in: R. Eller (editor), Risikomanagement in Rohstoffmärkten, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 407-424.

Benk, K./Haß, L. H./Johanning, L./Rudolph, B./Schweizer, D. (2009): Portfoliooptimierung: Korrelationen von Immobilien mit anderen Märkten und Assetklassen: Effiziente Portfoliodiversifikation unter Berücksichtigung von Downside-Risiken, in: K. Junius and D.l Piazolo (editors), Praxishandbuch Immobilienmarktrisiken, Immobilienmanager Verlag, Köln, 171-188.

Proelss, J./Schweizer, D. (2009): Optimal Multi Asset Portfolios, in: G. N. Gregoriou (editor), Value-at-Risk – Alternative Investments, Banking, Insurance and Portfolio Management, Mc Graw Hill, New York, 315-341.

Schweizer, D. (2008): Five Entries, in: Encyclopaedia of Alternative Investments, Greg N. Gregoriou (editor), Chapman Hall, U.K.

Proelss, J./Schweizer, D. (2008): Efficient Frontier of Commodity Portfolios, in: F. Fabozzi, R. Füss and D. G. Kaiser (editors): The Handbook of Commodity Investing, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 454-478.

Kaiser, D. G./Lauterbach, R./Schweizer, D. (2007): Total Loss Risk in European versus U.S.-based Venture Capital Investments, in: G. N Gregoriou, M. Kooli and R. Kraeussl (editors): Venture Capital in Europe, Elsevier Finance, Oxford, 371-387.

Johanning, L./Proelss, J./ Rosenbusch, A. Ph./Schweizer, D. (2006): Strategy Selection for Hedge Fund and Managed Futures Portfolios using Higher Moments, in: G. N. Gregoriou and D. G. Kaiser (editors): Hedge Funds and Managed Futures – A Handbook for Institutional Investors, Risk Books, London, 301-322.

Lauterbach, R./Schweizer, D. (2006): Risikoanalyse von Totalausfällen bei Venture Capital Firmen, in: M. Busack and D. G. Kaiser (editors): Handbuch alternative Investments, Vol. 2, Gabler, Wiesbaden, 89-108.

Participation activities

Refereed conference and seminar series presentations

2024: Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference (Ayia Napa, Republic of Cyprus), ENTFIN Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (Munich, Germany) (3 papers), Cryptocurrency Research Conference 2023 (Dubai, UAE)

2023: Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference (Lanarka, Republic of Cyprus) (2 papers); Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) Conference (Shenyang, China); Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI) (Bordeaux, France), Cryptocurrency Research Conference 2023 (Monaco, France) (2 papers), ENTFIN Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (Antwerp, Belgium), Financial Management Association (FMA) (Chicago, USA), SFiC Annual Conference on “ESG in the Era of Geopolitical and Economic Instability” (Dubai, UAE),  Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) (virtual), 4th Annual Boca Corporate Finance and Governance Conference (Boca Raton, USA)

2022: Eastern Finance Association (Washington, USA), FinancialManagement Association European Conference (Lyon, France), Digital, Innovation,Entrepreneurship and Finance (Lyon, France) (2 papers), SFiC Annual Conferenceon “Sustainability, Climate Change and Financial Innovation” (Dubai, UAE) (2papers), ENTFIN Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (Bath, U.K.),Cryptocurrency Research Conference 2022 (Durham, U.K.), 3rd Annual BocaCorporate Finance and Governance Conference (Boca Raton, USA)

2021: FMA (Denver, USA); 2nd Annual Boca Corporate Finance and Governance Conference (Boca Raton, USA)

2020: 21st Century Challenges for Corporate Governance (Boca Raton, USA), British Journal of Management Mike Wright Symposium (Virtual), Boca Corporate Finance and Governance Conference (Virtual), FMA (Virtual)

2019: Lixin 90th Anniversary Celebration Corporate Finance Workshop (Shanghai, China); Midwest Finance Association (Chicago, USA); SKEMA conference on Fintech & Digital Finance (Nice, France) (2 papers), Annual Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI) (Québec City, Canada), INFINITI Conference (Glasgow, U.K.), Developments in Alternative Finance (Birmingham, U.K.), ENTFIN Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance (Trier, Germany), FMA (New Orleans, USA) (3 papers), Southern Finance Association (Orlando, USA)

2018: AREUEA-ASSA Conference (Philadelphia, USA),American Marketing Association (New Orleans, USA), M&A Alumni Deutschlande.V. (Münster, Germany), European Financial Management Association (Milan,Italy), FMA Europe (Kristiansand, Norway), VHB-Pfingsttagung 2018 (Magdeburg,Germany), 2018 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) Conference (Guangzhou, China), 2018 Chinese Economists Society China Conference (Hefei,China), First Annual Conference on Fintech and Banking TransformationFinteQC’18, (Lévis, Canada), Third Entrepreneurial Conference (Milan, Italy),FMA (San Diego, USA) (2 papers), Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Finance (Lyon, France) (2 papers), 2nd Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (Hoboken, USA), 2nd Private Markets Conference Research Conference (Lausanne, Switzerland), Developments in Entrepreneurial Finance:Crowdfunding, Blockchain, and ICOs (Lyon, France) (2 papers), Northern FinanceAssociation (Charlevoix, Canada), 3rd International Energy Finance Conference(Xi'an, China), Operations Research 2018 (Brussels, Belgium), International Conference on Global Economy & Governance (Shanghai, China), Workshop on Corporate Governance and the Capital Allocation Process Within Society (Leipzig,Germany), 2018 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) Conference (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

2017: Northern Finance Association (Halifax, Canada) (3 papers),Eastern Finance Association (Jacksonville, USA), Southwestern Finance Association (Little Rock, USA), Munich Summer Institute 2017 (Munich, Germany),Academy of Management (Atlanta, USA), European Academy of Management Conference(EURAM) (Glasgow, UK), Corporate Governance Implications of New Methods of Entrepreneurial Firm Formation (Bergamo, Italy), FMA (Boston, USA) (5 papers),Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (Ghent, Belgium) (2 papers), EuropeanEconomic Association (Lisbon, Portugal), Crowdfunding Workshop at Emlyon Business School’s Research Centre for Entrepreneurial Finance (Lyon, France),Journal of Corporate Finance Conference “Corporate Governance of a Multinational Enterprise: Firm, Industry and Institutional Perspectives”(Atlanta, USA), International Banking and Finance Association Asia (Ningbo,China) (2 papers), Verein für Socialpolitik (Vienna, Austria), Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (Sydney, Australia), Paris Financial Management Conference (Paris, France)

2016: World Finance Conference (New York City, USA), Entrepreneurship, the Internet, and Fraud: Managerial and Policy Implications (Montréal, Canada), 2016 Commodity Markets Conference (Hannover, Germany) (2 papers), Academy of International Business (New Orleans, USA), FMA (Las Vegas, USA), Strategic Management Society (Berlin, Germany), EMLYON Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (Lyon, France), International Atlantic Economic Conference (Washington, USA) (2 papers), 2016 Accounting Conference at Temple University (Philadelphia, USA), G-Forum (Leipzig, Germany)

2015: “Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Workshop (Trier, Germany) (2 papers), FMA (Orlando, USA) (2 papers), Forum for Economists International (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2015 Commodity Market Workshop (Oslo, Norway), 5th Chinese Capital Markets Conference (Winnipeg, Canada) (2 papers)

2014: CFA-JCF-Schulich Conference on “Financial Market Misconduct” (Toronto, Canada), AFFI (Aix-en-Provence, France), Micro-Foundations for Strategic Management Research: Embracing Individuals (Copenhagen Denmark), 2nd Crowdinvesting Symposium at LMU Munich (Munich, Germany), 2014 JBE Tibet Conference (Lhasa, Tibet), INFINITI 2014 (Prato, Italy), Strategic Management Society (Madrid, Spain), FMA (Nashville, USA), AFFI Paris December 2014 Finance Meeting (Paris, France)

2013: JBE Conference on “Sustainable and Ethical Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance and Governance, and Institutional Reform in China” (Beijing, China), Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference (ACERE) (Brisbane, Australia), Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Markets (SGF) (2 papers) (Zürich, Switzerland), European Financial Management Association (Reading, UK), Corporate Governance an International Review (CGIR) Conference on "Global Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Public and Corporate Governance" (Toronto, Canada), Annual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Chicago, USA), European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) (Istanbul, Turkey), Babson Management Conference (Babson Park, USA); AFFI (2 papers) (Lyon, France), FMA (Chicago, USA), FRAP - International Research Conference on Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives (Cambridge, UK), 3rd HEC Workshop on Entrepreneurship (Paris, France), German Finance Association (DGF) (2 papers) (Wuppertal, Germany), Berkeley - 2013 Fung Institute Academic Symposium on Crowdfunding (Berkley, USA), 3rd Conference on the Chinese Capital Markets (Edinburgh, UK)

2012: WHU Campus for Finance (Vallendar, Germany), International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (Oviedo, Spain), Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Markets (SGF) (2 papers) (Zurich, Switzerland), International Small Business Journal Special Issue Conference: Exploring Entrepreneurial Activity and Small Business Issues in the Chinese Economy (Shenzhen, China)

2011: WHU Campus for Finance (Vallendar, Germany), European Financial Management Alternative Investments Conference (3 papers) (Toronto, Canada), German Economic Association of Business Administration e.V. (GEABA) (2 papers) (Vallendar, Germany)

2010: Midwest Finance Association (3 papers) (Las Vegas, USA), WHU Campus for Finance (Vallendar, Germany), Eastern Finance Association (6 papers) (Miami Beach, USA), Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Markets (SGF) (2 papers) (Zurich, Switzerland)

2009: German Finance Association (DGF) (Frankfurt, Germany), German Economic Association of Business Administration e.V. (GEABA), Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Markets (SGF) (Zurich, Switzerland), Midwest Finance Association (3 papers) (Chicago, USA), Eastern Finance Association (Washington, USA), WHU Campus for Finance (5 papers) (Vallendar, Germany)

2008: HVB Doctoral Seminar (Eltville, Germany), Midwest Finance Association (San Antonio, USA), International Business Research Conference (Dubai, UAE), Financial Management Association (Grapevine, USA), European Financial Management Association (2 papers) (Athens, Greece), European Conference of the Financial Management Association (Prague, Czech Republic), Eastern Finance Association (St. Pete Beach, USA), Academy of Economics and Finance (2 papers) (Nashville, USA)

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