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Dr. Debbie Folaron, PhD

  • Professeure agrégée, Études françaises

Research areas: translation, technologies, digital world, minority and low-resource language translation, Romani, localization, humanitarian, community translation, Indigenous, multilingual

Contact information


Academic Background

  • PhD (Comparative Literature; specialization: translation theory), Binghamton University, NY
  • MA (Comparative Literature; specialization: translation theory), Binghamton University, NY
  • Graduate Certificates in Translation (Literary French to English; Literary Spanish to English; Non-literary Spanish to English), Binghamton University, NY
  • Translator Diploma (Spanish to English; English to Spanish), Estudio Internacional Sampere, School of Translators & Interpreters, Madrid

Research Areas

  • Translation and localization technologies
  • Translation theories
  • Translation and digital world context
  • Translation and Romani context
  • Minority and low-resource language translation
  • Translation for humanitarian and NGO organizations
  • Translation practices (professional, academic, community)
  • Oral history, translation research ethics
  • Globalization and multilingualism
  • Migration and translation

Professional Experience

  • General Editor of academic journal Translation Spaces (John Benjamins Publishing)
  • Freelance translator (main working languages: French, Spanish, Italian to English)
  • Manager of Language and Technology, Eriksen Translations, Inc., New York City



  • “En route, en marche: la traduction et l’espace de la représentation théâtrale Roma (« tsigane »)/Romani.” Fonds Québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) 2007-2011.
  • “History Speaks: Do We Listen? Porrajmos and the Resurgence ofAnti-Gypsy Extremism” symposium event with Kleinmann Family Foundation.Concordia University. VPRGS Aid to Research Related Events (AARE). 2012
  • “Transadaptation, Technology and Nomadism” conference funding. Concordia University. 2007.
  • “Developing and Teaching Online Translation and Localization Courses.” Concordia University. General Research Fund (GRF). 2004.


"Distinguished Dissertation Award" (in Humanities & Fine Arts), Binghamton University, NY
"Most Promising Translator Award", Binghamton University, NY

Academic Experience

  • Associate Professor (full-time), Translation Studies, Département d'Études françaises, Concordia University
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor (part-time), Translation, Center for Foreign Languages and Translation, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, New York University
  • Associate Instructor (online), NYUonline, New York University
  • Adjunct Lecturer, French and Spanish, Romance Languages and Literatures Department, Binghamton University
  • Teacher of French and Spanish (grades 5-8), Public Magnet School "Follow-Through", Buffalo, NY
  • Teacher of English as a Second Language, Anglo-American Center, Seville, Spain

Selected Publications

Translation as epistemic leverage over multilingual Romani borders

[publisher review] Accepted for Negotiating Linguistic Plurality, edited by María Constanza Guzmán and Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar, to be published by McGill-Queen's University Press

Technology, technical translation and localization

[2020] Chapter 12, in Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology, edited by Minako O’Hagan. Routledge Handbooks in Translation and Interpreting Studies Series. London and New York: Routledge

Digital World Communication and Translation

[2019] in SLOVO.RU: Baltic Accent, Vol. 10, No. 3. Kaliningrad: Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Press. 9-27

Bute Droma-Many Roads: Romani Resilience and Translation in Contact with the World

[2019] Chapter 5, in At Translation’s Edge, edited by Nataša Ďurovičová, Patrice Petro, and Lorena Terando. New Brunswick, Camden, and Newark, New Jersey, and London: Rutgers University Press. 98-122

Challenging the Borders of Nation: Language and Translational Language Policy in the Plurilingual Romani Context

[2018] Chapter 11, in Minority Languages,National Languages, and Official Language Policies, edited by Gillian Lane-Mercier, Denise Merkle, and Jane Koustas, publisher McGill-Queen’s University Press. 279-314.

Circulation and Spread of Knowledge

[2018] in Part 2 “Mapping Knowledge”, in A History of Modern Translation Knowledge, edited by Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier. John Benjamins Publishing: Amsterdam and Philadelphia. 127-134


[2018] in Part 2 “Mapping Knowledge”, in A History of Modern Translation Knowledge, edited by Lieven D’hulst and Yves Gambier. John Benjamins Publishing: Amsterdam and /Philadelphia. 113-116

Interpreting Romani – A Canadian Overview

[2016/Autumn] in Circuit #132, magazine of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec [OTTIAQ]


[2015] in Conducting Research in Translation Technologies, edited by Pilar Sánchez-Gijón, Bartolomé Mesa-Lao and Olga Torres-Hostench, Vol. 13 in Series “New Trends in Translation”, ed. Jorge Díaz Cintas. Peter Lang publishers: Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, 1-16

Introduction: Translation and minority, lesser-used and lesser-translated languages and cultures

[2015/July] in “Translation and minority, lesser-used and lesser-translated languages and cultures”, guest edited by Debbie Folaron, The Journal of Specialised Translation [JoSTrans], Issue 24, 16-27

PM-ing the Classroom – Project management and translator education

[2014/Autumn] in Circuit #124, magazine of the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec [OTTIAQ]

Digitalizing Translation

[2012] in Translation Spaces.Vol. 1. Sept. 2012. 5-31

Tournant hybride-traductologique dans la mise en relation multi-identitaire plurilingue et pluriculturelle romani

[2011] in Hybridité discursive et culturelle, L’Harmattan, Espaces Discursifs Series, edited by Eija Suomela-Salmi and Yves Gambier: Paris. 201-229

Networking and Volunteer Translators

[2010] in Handbook of Translation Studies Vol. I, edited by Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer, John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Published online and in print. 231-234.

Translation Tools

[2010] in Handbook of Translation Studies Vol. I, edited by Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer, John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Published online and in print. 429-436.

Web and Translation

[2010] in Handbook of Translation Studies Vol. I, edited by Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer, John Benjamins Publishing, Amsterdam and Philadelphia. Published online and in print. 446-450.

Translator education in Cameroon

[2008/December] in Multilingual magazine, issue 100, 19 (8), 32-35

La localisation : un enjeu pour la mondialisation

[2007] Folaron, D.and Gambier, Y. in Hermès. 49. Special issue: Traduction et mondialisation, 37-44. Series published by CNRS Éditions, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris, France

Introduction: Connecting Translation and Network Studies

[2007] Folaron, D. and Buzelin, H. in Meta. 52 (4). Special issue: La Traduction et les etudes de réseaux/Translation and Network Studies, 605-642

A Discipline Coming of Age in the Digital Age

[2006] in Perspectives on Localization, edited by Keiran J. Dunne, ATA Scholarly Monograph Series, XIII, John Benjamins Publishing: Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 195-219

Teaching activities

Courses Taught / Concordia University

  • Advanced Translation Seminar in Social Sciences and the Humanities
  • Web, Technologies, Traduction: Théories et Critiques [Web, technologies, translation: theories and critiques]
  • Théories de la traduction [Translation theories]
  • Gestion de projets [Project management]
  • Pratique de la localisation [Practice of localization]