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Dr. Anil Ufuk Batmaz, Computer Science & Software Engineering

Thesis supervisor Unavailable

  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Research areas: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Human-Computer Interaction

Contact information



Bachelor of Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2007-2011
Master of Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2011-2013
Philosophy of doctorate, Biomedical Engineering, 2015-2018

Teaching activities

SOEN 7761 Intelligent User Interfaces

SOEN 6751 Human Computer Interface Design

COMP 476 Advanced Game Development

COMP 376 Introduction to Game Development

SOEN 357 User Interface Design


Book Chapters

B1.  Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W (2022) Rotational and PositionalJitter in Virtual Reality Interaction. In: Simeone, A., Weyers, B.,Bialkova, S., Lindeman, R.W. (eds) Everyday Virtual and Augmented Reality.Human–Computer Interaction Series. Springer, Cham. 

Journal Articles

J1.  Zhou X(*), Lee B, Ortega FR, Batmaz AU, Yang Y (2024-Accepted)Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: Exploring the Use of Hybrid User Interfacesfor Immersive Situated Analytic. In Proceedings of the ACM: Human ComputerInteraction (PACM HCI), 20 pages.
J2.    Wei Y(*), Shi R(*), Batmaz AU, Li Y, Huang M, Yang R,Liang HN (2024) Evaluating and Modeling the Effect of Frame Rate on SteeringPerformance in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization andComputer Graphics (TVCG). Vol.{} pp.= 1-14
J3.  Mutasim AK(*), Batmaz AU, Mughrabi MH(*), StuerzlingerW (2024) The guided evaluation method: An easier way to empirically estimatetrained user performance for unfamiliar keyboard layouts. InternationalJournal of Human-Computer Studies. vol. 190, pp. = 103317
J4.    Raikwar A(*), Mifsud D(*), Wickens C, Batmaz AU,Warden A C, Kelley B, Clegg B, Ortega FR (2004) Beyond the Wizard of Oz:Negative Effects of Imperfect Machine Learning to Examine the Impact ofReliability of Augmented Reality Cues on Visual Search Performance. IEEETransactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). vol. 30, no. 5,pp. 2662-2670
J5.    Alrubaye Z(*), Hudhud Mughrabi M(*), Manav B and BatmazAU (2024) Effects of color cues on eye-hand coordination training with amirror drawing task in virtual environment. Frontiers Psychology Vol.14-2023,pp.1-16
J6.    Kaya F(*), Celik F(*), Batmaz AU, Mutasim A(*),Stuerzlinger W (2023) Evaluation of an Immersive COVID-19 Data Visualization. IEEEComputer Graphics and Applications (CG&A), vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 76-83
J7.    Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W (2022) Effective ThroughputAnalysis of Different Task Execution Strategies for Mid-Air Fitts' Tasks inVirtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and ComputerGraphics (TVCG), Vol: 28, no:11, pp. 3939-3947.
J8.  Batmaz AU, Maiero J(*), Riecke B, Kruijff E, Neustaedter C,Stuerzlinger W (2020) How Automatic Speed Control Based on Distance AffectsUser Behaviours in Telepresence Robot Navigation within Dense Conference-likeEnvironments. PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no.11, pp 1-41.
J9.  Steed A, Ortega F, Williams A(*), Kruijff E, Stuerzlinger W,Batmaz AU, Won A, Rosenberg ES, Simeone A, Hayes A (2020) Evaluating ImmersiveExperiences During COVID-19 and Beyond. ACM Interactions, Vol: 27, no:4,pp. 62–67.
J10. Batmaz AU, de Mathelin M, Dresp-Langley B (2018) Effects of2D and 3D image views on hand movement trajectories in the surgeon’speri-personal space in a computer controlled simulator environment. Cogent Medicine, vol. 4, no.1, pp.1-16.
J11. Batmaz AU, de Mathelin M, Dresp-Langley B (2017) Seeingvirtual while acting real: Visual display and strategy effects on the time andprecision of eye-hand coordination. PLoS ONE, vol. 12, no.8, pp 1-18.
J12. Batmaz AU, de Mathelin M, Dresp-Langley B (2016) Gettingnowhere fast: trade-off between speed and precision in training to executeimage-guided hand-tool movements. BMC Psychology, vol. 4, no. 1, pp.1-19.
J13. Batmaz AU, Yildiz HU, Tavli B (2014) Role ofunidirectionality and reverse path length on wireless sensor network lifetime. IEEESensors Journal, vol. 14, no.11, pp. 3971-3982.
J14. Batmaz AU, Elbir O(*), Kasnakoglu C (2013) Design of aquadrotor roll controller using system identification to improve empiricalresults. IJMMM, vol. 1, no.4, pp. 347-349.

Conference Papers

C1.Gemici M(*), Stuerzlinger W, Batmaz AU (2024) Object Speed Control Based on Signed Distance Field for Mid-Air Object Manipulation in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2024, USA, Seattle, 10/2024
C2.Sunday K(*), Li Yiwei, Sun J, Wehbe RR, Neyedli H, Batmaz AU, Barrera Machuca MD (2024) Pinging Between Worlds: Evaluating Real Life Table Tennis Training for Virtual Reality Competitions. In Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2024, USA, Seattle, 10/2024
C3.Raikwar A(*), Lucas P(*), Batmaz AU, Niebling F, Ortega FR (2004) Ping! Your Food is Ready: Comparing Different Notification Techniques in 3D AR Cooking Environment. In Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2024, USA, Seattle, 10/2024
C4.Hatira N(*), Aliza A(*), Batmaz AU, Sarac M (2024) Enhancing Eye-Hand Coordination in Volleyball Players: A Comparative Analysis of VR, AR, and 2D Display Technologies and Task Instructions. In Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2024, USA, Seattle, 10/2024
C5.Bashar MR(*), Batmaz AU (2024) Virtual Task Environments Factors Explored in 3D Selection Studies. In Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2024, Canada, Halifax, 06/2024
C6.Rodriguez R(*), Sullivan BT(*), Barrera Machuca MD, Batmaz AU, Tornatzky C, Ortega FR (2024). An Artists' Perspectives on Natural Interactions for Virtual Reality 3D Sketching. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, USA, Honolulu, 05/2024
C7.Kasahara N(*), Oba Y(*), Yamanaka S, Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W, Miyashita H (2024). Better Definition and Calculation of Throughput and Effective Parameters for Steering to Account for Subjective Speed-accuracy Tradeoffs. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, USA, Honolulu, 05/2024
C8.Turkmen R(*), Gelmez ZE(*), Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W, Asente P, Sarac M, Pfeuffer K, Barrera Machuca MD (2024) EyeGuide & EyeConGuide: Gaze-based Visual Guides to Improve Systems. In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, USA, Honolulu, 05/2024
C9.Aliza A(*), Zaugg I(*), Celik E(*), Stuerzlinger W, Ortega FR, Batmaz AU, Sarac M (2024) Eye-Hand Coordination Training: A Systematic Comparison of 2D, VR, and AR Display Technologies and Task Instructions. In Proceedings of IEEE VR 2024, USA, Florida, 03/2024
C10.Hatira A(*), Gelmez ZE(*), Batmaz AU, Sarac M (2024) Effect of Hand and Object Visibility in Navigational Tasks Based on Rotational and Translational Movements in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of IEEE VR 2024, USA, Florida, 03/2024
C11.Voisard L(*), Hatira A(*), Sarac M, Kersten-Oertel M, Batmaz AU (2023) Effects of Opaque, Transparent and Invisible Hand Visualization Styles on Motor Dexterity in a Virtual Reality Based Purdue Pegboard Test. In Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2023, Australia, Sydney, 05/2023
C12.Batmaz AU, Turkmen R(*), Barrera Machuca MD, Stuerzlinger W (2023) Effect of Grip Style on Peripersonal Target Pointing in VR Head Mounted Displays. In Proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2023, Australia, Sydney, 05/2023
C13.Williams A(*), Batmaz AU, Zhou X(*), Pahud M, and Francisco Ortega (2023) A Pilot Study Comparing User Interactions Between Augmented and Virtual Reality. In Advances in Visual Computing: 17th International Symposium, USA, Lake Tahoe, 10/2023
C14.Kelley B(*), Batmaz AU, Humphrey M, Tornatzky C, Martey R, Ortega F (2023) Emergent Individual Factors for AR Education and Training. In Advances in Visual Computing: 17th International Symposium, USA, Lake Tahoe, 10/2023
C15.Karatas E(*), Sunday K(*), Apak S E(*), Li Y, Sun J, Batmaz AU, Machuca MDB (2023). "I consider VR Table Tennis to be my secret weapon!": An Analysis of the VR Table Tennis Players' Experiences Outside the Lab, In Proceedings of ACM SUI 2023, New Zealand, Christchurch, 10/2023.
C16.Batmaz AU, Turkmen R(*), Barrera Machuca MD, Stuerzlinger W (2023) Re-investigating the Effect of the Vergence-Accommodation Conflict on 3D Pointing. In Proceedings of ACM VRST 2023, Australia, Sydney, 10/2023
C17.Tanacar NT(*), Hudhud Mughrabi M(*), Batmaz AU, Leonardis D, Sarac, M (2023) The Impact of Haptic Feedback During Sudden, Rapid Virtual Interactions. In proceedings of 2023 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Netherlands, Delft, 07/2023
C18.Batmaz AU, Hudhud Mughrabi M(*), Sarac M, Barrera Machuca MD, Stuerzlinger W (2023) Measuring the Effect of Stereo Deficiencies on Peripersonal Space Pointing. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Shangai, China, 03/2023
C19.Batmaz AU, Yu K(*), Liang H, Stuerzlinger W (2022) Improving Effective Throughput Performance using Auditory Feedback in Virtual Reality Training Systems. In Proceedings of ACM SUI 2022, Online, 10/2022
C20.Batmaz AU, Hudhud Mughrabi M(*), Barrera Machuca MD, Stuerzlinger W (2022) Effect of Stereo Deficiencies on Virtual Distal Pointing. In Proceedings of ACM VRST 2022, Online, 10/2022
C21.Mutasim A K, Batmaz AU, Hudhud Mughrabi M(*), Stuerzlinger W (2022) Performance Analysis of Saccades for Primary and Confirmatory Target Selection. In Proceedings of ACM VRST 2022, Online, 10/2022
C22.Batmaz AU, Barrera Machuca MD, Sun J, Stuerzlinger W (2022) The Effect of the Vergence-Accommodation Conflict on Virtual Hand Pointing in Immersive Displays. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, USA, New Orleans, 03/2022.
C23.Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W (2021) When Anchoring Fails: Interactive Alignment of Large Virtual Objects in Occasionally Failing AR Systems. In Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference, Virtual event, 10/2021.
C24.Mutasim AK(*), Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W (2021) Pinch, Click, or Dwell: Comparing Different Selection Techniques for Eye-Gaze-Based Pointing in Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), Virtual event, 05/2021.
C25.Batmaz AU, Stuerzlinger W (2021) The Effect of Pitch in Auditory Error Feedback for Fitts’ Tasks in Virtual Reality Training Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Virtual event, 03/2021.
C26.Batmaz AU, Sun X(*), Taskiran D, Stuerzlinger W (2020) Eye-Hand Coordination Training for Sports with Mid-air VR. In Proceedings of ACM VRST 2020, Virtual event, 10/2020.
C27.Batmaz AU, Rajabi Seraji M(*), Kneifel J(*), Stuerzlinger W (2020) No Jitter Please: Effects of Rotational and Positional Jitter on 3D Mid-Air Interaction. In Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference, Springer Verlag, Virtual event, 09/2020.
C28.Batmaz AU, Mutasim AK(*), Malekmakan M(*), Sadr E(*), Stuerzlinger W (2020) Touch the Wall: Comparison of Virtual and Augmented Reality with Conventional 2D Screen Eye-Hand Coordination Training Systems. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Virtual event, 03/2020.
C29.Batmaz AU, Sun X(*), Taskiran D, Stuerzlinger W (2019) Hitting the Wall: Mid-Air Interaction for Eye-Hand Coordination. In Proceedings of ACM VRST, Australia, Sydney, 10/2019.
C30.Batmaz AU, Barrera Machuca MD(*), Pham DM(*), Stuerzlinger W (2019) Do Head-Mounted Display Stereo Deficiencies Affect 3D Pointing Tasks in AR and VR? In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Japan, Osaka, 03/2024.
C31.Batmaz AU, de Mathelin M, Dresp-Langley B (2018) Effects of image size and structural complexity on time and precision of hand movements in head mounted virtual reality. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Germany, Reutlingen, 03/2018.
C32.Batmaz AU, Falek MA(*), Zorn L, Nageotte F, Zanne P, de Mathelin M, Dresp-Langley B (2017) Novice and expert haptic behaviours while using a robot controlled surgery system. In 13th IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed), Austria, Innsbruck, 02/2017.
C33.Batmaz AU, Tavli B, Incebacak D(*), Bicakci K (2013) The impact of link unidirectionality and reverse path length on wireless sensor network lifetime. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Hungary, Budapest, 06/2013. 
C34.Batmaz AU, Elbir O(*), Kasnakoglu C (2013) Quadrotor roll and pitch stabilization using system identification based redesign of empirical controller. In Proceedings of the 36th IASTED International Conference on, Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC), Austria, Innsbruck, 02/2013
C35.Elbir O(*), Batmaz AU, Kasnakoglu C (2013) Improving quadrotor 3-axes stabilization results using empirical results and system identification. In Proceedings of 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), Turkey, Istanbul, 07/2013
C36.Batmaz AU, Tavli B, Incebacak D, Bicakci K (2013) Effects of handshake of length of unidirectional links on the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), Cyprus, Kyrenia, 05/2013
C37.Batmaz AU, Ertin O(*), Elbir O(*) (2013) Preliminary design of remote mine sweeping and identification systems. In Proceedings of the Mechatronics Engineering Student Congress Conference, Turkey, Ankara, 

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