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Professor Yasmin Jiwani, PhD

  • Professor, Communication Studies

Research areas: Race; Gender;, Representations; News Media; Popular Television; Critical Race Theory; Colonialism/decoloniality; Youth Studies; Violence Against Women; Islam/Muslim representations; Girl Studies; Memorials; Virtual Graveyards

Contact information


By appointment. Please contact me by email at



BA, Psychology, University of British Columbia

MA, Sociology, Simon Fraser University

PhD, Communications, Simon Fraser

Research interests

My research interests focus on the intersecting influences of race and gender within the context of media representations of racialized groups and violence against marginalized women. In particular, I interrogate the discursive ways in which racist-sexism is conceptualized and ideologically utilized in popular discourse. My current research focuses on tracing race, gender and belonging in digital memorials hosted on different virtual graveyards.   

Previous issues of RACElink from the Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality (R.A.C.E.) are available here:

RACElink 2009 (6.5MB PDF)
RACElink 2008 (4.4MB PDF)
RACElink 2007 (7.5MB PDF)


Fall 2022 - 
COMS 424/524- Alternative Media
COMS 368 - Media and Gender

Selected publications



Jiwani, Yasmin & Marie Bernard-Brind'Amour. (2023). Remembering January 29: The Quebec City Mosque Shootings and the Struggle for Recognition. International Journal of Communication. 17: 1279-1301.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2022) Resisting Islamophobia through Digital Artifacts of Mourning. Islamophobia Studies Journal, 7(2): 250-272

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2022). From the Ground Up: Tactical Mobilization of Grief in the Case of the Afzaal-Salman Family Killings. Conjunctions, Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2021) Gendered Islamophobia in the Case of the Returning ISIS Women: A Canadian Narrative. Islamophobia Studies Journal, 6 (1): 52-77.

Jiwani, Yasmin & Ahmed Al-Rawi (2021). Intersecting Violence: Representations of Somali Youth in the Canadian Press. Journalism. 22(7): 1757-1774

Hirji, Faiza, Yasmin Jiwani, & Kirsten Emiko McAllister. (2020). On the Margins of the Margins: #CommunicationSoWhite – Canadian Style. Communication, Culture & Critique, 1-17. doi:10.1093/ccc/tcaa019

Tremblay, Arjun & Yasmin Jiwani. (2020). Minorité hispanique et latino-américaine et réseaux sociaux numériques aux États-Unis à l’ère de Donald Trump: note de recherche The Hispanic and Latino American minority and social networks in the United States in the Age of Donald Trump: Research Note. Terminal: Technologie de l'information, culture & société, 127.

Sultana, Bipasha, Maya Youngs-Zaleski, YasminJiwani (2019). Transnational Migration and Digital Memorialization. Omega – Journal of Death and Dying.Published June 25, 2019.

Al-Rawi, Ahmed & Yasmin Jiwani. (2017). Mediated Conflict: Shiite Heroes Combating ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Communication, Culture & Critique. ISSN 1753-9129. Wiley online.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2016) Obituaries as Markers of Memory: Grievability and Visibility in Representations of Aboriginal Women in the National Canadian Imaginary. Cultural Studies ↔Critical Methodologies, 16 (4): 387-399. First published on March 27: 1-13. doi:10.1177/1532708616638691.


Jiwani, Yasmin. (2016). Discourse Studies. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. First Edition. Edited by John Stone, Routledge M. Dennis, Polly S. Rizova, Anthony D. Smith, and Xiaoshuou Hou. 


Jiwani, Yasmin with Matthew Dessner (2016). Barbarians in/of the Land: Representations of Muslim Youth in the Canadian Press. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 11(1): 36-53. 

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2014) Rape and Race in the Canadian Press: Reproducing the Moral Order, Arts and Social Sciences Journal, S:1, 1-9.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2014) Posthumous Rescue: The Shafia Young Women as Worthy Victims, Girlhood Studies, 7(1): 27-45. 

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2013)‘Bare Life’: Disposable Bodies, Race, and Femicide in the Trial Coverage of Vancouver’s Murdered ‘Missing’ Women. Synaesthesia: Communication Across Cultures, 1(4): 88-128. 

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2011) Trapped in the Carceral Net: Race, Gender and the ‘War on Terror.’ Journal of Global Media Studies (Canadian edition). 4(2), 13-31. 

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2011). Pedagogies of Hope: Counter Narratives and Anti-Disciplinary Tactics. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 33(4), 333-353. 

Jiwani, Yasmin, Berman, Helene, & Cameron, Catherine Ann. (2010). Violence Prevention and the Canadian Girl Child. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 1(2), 134-156.

Jiwani, Yasmin, & Dakroury, Aliaa. (2009). Veiling Differences - Mediating Race,Gender, and Nation. Global Media Journal - Canadian Edition, 2(2),1-6. Accessible online:

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2009). Helpless Maidens and Chivalrous Knights: Afghan Women in the CanadianPress. University of Toronto Quarterly, 78(2), 728-744.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2009). Race and the Media: A Retrospective and Prospective Gaze. Canadian Journal of Communication, 34(4), 735-740.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2008). Sport as a Civilizing Mission: Zinedine Zidane and the Infamous Head-Butt. Topia, Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies (19), 11-33.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2007). Rules for Collaborative Research. Wi/Journal of the Mobile Digital Commons Network, 2(1), 1-3.

Jiwani, Yasmin, &Young, Mary Lynn. (2006). Missing and Murdered Women: Reproducing Marginality in News Discourse. Canadian Journal of Communication, 31(4), 895-917.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). The Great White North Encounters September 11:  Race, Gender, and Nation in Canada's National Daily, The Globe and MailSocial Justice, 32(4), 50-68.


Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). Walking a Tightrope:  The Many Faces of Violence in the Lives of Racialized Immigrant Girls and Young Women. Violence Against Women, An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 11(7), 846-875.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). War Talk - Engendering Terror: Race, Gender & Representation in Canadian Print Media. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 1(1), 15-21.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). The Eurasian Female Hero(ine): Sydney Fox as the Relic Hunter.  Journal of Popular Film & Television, 32(4), 182-191.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2004). Gendering Terror: Representations of the Orientalized Body in Quebec's Post-September 11 English-Language Press. Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, 13(3), 265-291.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2000). The 1999 General Social Survey on Spousal Violence: An Analysis. Canadian Woman Studies, 20(3), 34-40.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1999). Erasing Race: The Story of Reena Virk. Canadian Woman Studies, 19(3), 178-184.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1994). Star Trek- The Voyages of Discovery From 1492 to the Space Age. CineAction (33), 3-11.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1993). Speaking from the 'Great Divide'. Diva: A Quarterly Journal of South Asian Women, 3(4), 67-69.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1992). The Exotic, the Erotic and the Dangerous: South Asian Women in Popular Film. Canadian Woman Studies, 13(1), 42-46.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1992a). To Be and Not To Be: South Asians as Victims of Oppressors in The Vancouver SunSanvad, 5(45), 13-15.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1991). The Problem of Authenticity in Documentary Filmmaking. The Independent Eye, 12(3), 26-30.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1990). Making the Invisible Visible: Reclaiming History and Creating New Definitions. Parallelogramme, 15(4), 20-26. 


Jiwani, Yasmin & Ahmed Al-Rawi. (2020). Hashtagging the Quebec Mosque Shooting: The Twitter Discourse of Mourning, Nationalism and Resistance. In Affect, Algorithms and Propaganda: interdisciplinary Research for the Age of Post-Truth Media, edited by Megan Boler and Elizabeth Davis. Routledge, pp. 204-225. 

Jiwani, Y., M. Youngs-Zaleski, S. Bernicky, J. Dutremble-Rivet, and A. Talvela (2021). Language as a Technology of Power: An Intersectional Analysis of the Charter of the French Language. In The Charter: Bill 101 and English-speaking Quebec, co-edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis. Quebec: Laval University Press, pp. 249-279.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2020). Symbolic and Discursive Violence in Media Representations of Indigenous and Muslim Youth in the Canadian Press. In Everyday Violence in the Lives of Youth: Speaking Out and Pushing Back, edited by Helene A. Berman, Catherine Richardson, Kate Elliot & Eugenia Canas. Halifax: Fernwood Press, pp. 57-88.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2020). Resisting Through Intersectional Solidarities.” In We Resist: Defending the Common Ground in Hostile Times, edited by Lisa Kowalchuk and Cynthia Levine-Rasky. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, pp. 294-300.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2017). “Racism and Sexism in Canadian News Coverage,” in Introduction to Journalism, edited by Bruce Gillespie. (198-206). Oxford University Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2015). Preface to Resilience and Triumph: Immigrant Women Tell their Stories, edited and compiled by The Book Project Collective. (1-3). Toronto, ONT: Second Story Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2015) “Violating In/Visibilities: Honor Killings and Interlocking Surveillances” in S. Magnet & R. Dubrofsky (Eds.) Theorizing Feminist Surveillance Studies (pp. 79-92). Durham &London: Duke University Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2014) Intersecting Violence(s): Racialized Girls and Young Women of Colour, in H. Berman & Y. Jiwani (Eds.) Faces of Violence in the Lives of Girls, (pp. 59-95). London, ONT: Althouse Press.

Berman, Helen & Yasmin Jiwani. (2014) Intersecting Sites of Violence in the Lives of Girls: An Introduction, in H. Berman and Y. Jiwani (Eds.) Faces of Violence in the Lives of Girls. (pp. 3-22). London, ONT: Althouse Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2014) A Clash of Discourses: Femicides or Honour Killings? In M. Eid and K. H. Karim (Eds.) Re-Imagining theOther: Culture, Media, and Western-Muslim Intersections, (pp. 121-152). London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press.

Gagnon, Monika Kin & Yasmin Jiwani. (2012) Amplifying Threat: Reasonable Accommodations and Quebec’s Bouchard-Taylor Commission Hearings (2007), in S. Kamboureli and R. Zacharias (Eds.) Shifting the Ground of Canadian Literary Studies, (pp. 129-149). Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2012) Omar Khadr, the Carceral Net, and the Muslim Body, in J.Williamson (Ed.) Omar Khadr, Oh Canada, (pp. 376-389). Montreal: McGill Queens University Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2012) Colluding Hegemonies:  Constructing the Muslim Other Post-9/11, in J. Zine (Ed.) Islam in the Hinterlands, (pp. 115-136). Vancouver, UBC Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2011). Mediations of Race and Crime: Racializing Crime, Criminalizing Race. In B. Perry (Ed.), Diversity, Crime, and Justice in Canada, (pp. 39-56). Toronto: Oxford University Press. 

Jiwani, Yasmin, & Richardson, John E. (2011). Discourse, Ethnicity and Racism. InT. A. Van Dijk (Ed.), Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, (pp. 241-262). London: Sage.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2010). Doubling Discourses and the Veiled Other: Mediations of Race and Gender in Canadian Media. In S. Razack, M. Smith & S. Thobani (Eds.), States of Race, (pp. 59-86). Toronto: Between the Lines Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2010). Race(ing) the Nation: Media and Minorities. In L. R. Shade (Ed.), Mediascapes, New Patterns in Communication, (3 ed., pp. 271-286). Toronto: Nelson.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2010). Soft Power – Policing the Border through Canadian TV CrimeDrama. In J. Klaehn (Ed.), The Political Economy of Media and Power, (pp. 275-293). New York: Peter Lang.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2009). Symbolic and Discursive Violence in Media Representations ofAboriginal Missing and Murdered Women. In D. Weir & M. Guggisberg (Eds.), Violence in Hostile Contexts E-Book. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. Available online at:

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2009). Covering Canada's role in the 'War on Terror'. In S. Sampert & L. Trimble (Eds.), Mediating Canadian Politics, (pp. 294-316). Toronto Pearson.

Berman, Helene, & Jiwani, Yasmin. (2008). Newcomer Girls in Canada: Implications for Mental Health Professionals. In S. Guruge & E. Collins (Eds.), Working with Immigrant and Refugee Women: Guidelines for Mental Health Professionals, (pp. 137-155). Toronto: CAMH.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2008). Mediations of Domination: Gendered Violence Within and Across Borders. In K. Sarakaskis & L. R. Shade (Eds.), Feminist Interventions in International Communication, Minding the Gap, (pp. 129-145). Plymouth,UK: Rowman & Littlefield.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2007). Gendered Narratives of War post 9/11. In Y. Pasadeos (Ed.), International Dimensions of Mass Media Research, (pp. 367-378). Athens: Atiner.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2006). Framing Culture: Talking Race. In G. Sherbert, A. Gerin &S. Petty (Eds.), Canadian Cultural Poesis, (pp. 99-114). Waterloo:Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2006). Race(ing) the Nation: Media & Minorities. In P. Attallah & L. R. Shade (Eds.), Mediascapes, New Patterns in Canadian Communications, (2nd ed., pp. 305-312). Toronto: Nelson.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2006). From Dragon Lady to Action Hero: Race & Gender in PopularWestern Television Programming. In T. Hellwig & S. Thobani (Eds.), Asian Women: Interconnections, (pp. 161-182). Toronto: Women's Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin, Steenbergen, Candis, & Mitchell, Claudia. (2006). Introduction: Childhood: Surveying the Terrain. In Y. Jiwani, C. Steenbergen & C.Mitchell (Eds.), Girlhood: Redefining the Limits, (pp. ix-xvii). Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2006). Racialized Violence and Girls and Young Women of Colour. In Y. Jiwani, C. Steenbergen & C. Mitchell (Eds.),
Girlhood: Redefining the Limits, (pp. 70-88). Montreal: Black Rose Books.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). Orientalizing War Talk: Representations of the Gendered Muslim Body post 9-11 in The Montreal Gazette. In J. Lee & J. Lutz (Eds.), Situating Race in Time, Space and Theory: Critical Essays for Activists and Scholars, (pp. 178-203). Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). 'Tween Worlds: Race, Gender, Age, Identity & Violence. In C. Mitchell & J. Reid-Walsh (Eds.), Seven Going on Seventeen: Tween Studies in the Culture of Girlhood, (pp. 173-190). New York: Peter Lang.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2005). Walking the Hyphen: Discourses of Immigration and Gendered Racism. In C. L. Biggs & P. J. Downe (Eds.), Gendered Intersections: An Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies, (pp. 112-118). Halifax: Fernwood Press.

Faith, Karlene, & Jiwani, Yasmin. (2002). The Social Construction of 'Dangerous Girls' and Women. In B. Schissel & C. Brooks (Eds.),  Marginality and Condemnation:  An Introduction to Critical Criminology, (pp. 83-107). Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2002). The Criminalization of "Race," the Racialization of Crime. In W. Chan & K. Mirchandani (Eds.), Crimes of Colour: Racialization and the Criminal Justice System in Canada, (pp. 67-86). Toronto: Broadview Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (2002). Race, Gender, Violence and Health Care. In K. M. J. McKenna & J. Larkin (Eds.), Violence Against Women: New Canadian Perspectives, (pp. 223-254). Toronto: Inanna Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin. (1998). On the Outskirts of Empire: Race and Gender in Canadian TV News. In V. Strong-Boag, S. Grace, A. Eisenberg & J. Anderson (Eds.), Painting the Maple: Essays on Race, Gender, and the Construction of Canada, (pp. 53-68). Vancouver: UBC Press.



Jiwani, Yasmin. (2006). 

Discourses of Denial: Mediations of Race, Gender & ViolenceVancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press. Nominated for the Gertrude Robinson Prize, 2007.

Berman, Helene, & Jiwani, Yasmin (Eds.). (2014). Faces of Violence in the Lives of  Girls. London, Ont: Althouse Press.

Jiwani, Yasmin, Steenbergen, Candis, & Mitchell, Claudia (Eds.). (2006). Girlhood: Redefining The Limits. Montreal: Black Rose Press.

Links to published articles

  1. Missing and Murdered Women

  2. Hierarchies of Worthiness

  3. Remembering everyday violence against women and girls on Dec. 6

  4. A Feminist Take on the Canadian Federal Elections

  5. Russian Twitter Trolls Stoke Anti-Immigrant Lies ahead of Canadian Election

  6. Less Talk, More Action: National Day of Remembrance on Violence Against Women 

  7. Québec’s push to ban the hijab is ‘sexularism’

  8. The deportation of Lucy Francineth Granados: A symbol ofCanada’s rising anti-immigrant sentiment

  9. American-style Deportation is Happening in Canada

  10. A Continuum of Unabated Violence: Remembering the Massacre at Ecole Polytechnique

  11. Quebec's Niqab Ban uses Women's Bodies to Bolster Right-Wing Extremism

  12. Virtual Graveyards: Algorithms of Death and the Cost of Immortality

  13. Not Fake News: Mainstream Media can still Effect Social Change

  14. Media Portrays Indigenous and Muslim Youth as 'Savages' and 'Barbarians'

  15. How Racism Works and Shifts During the COVID 19 Pandemic

  16. Farokhi, Zeinab, David Anderson & Yasmin Jiwani (2022). A Twitter Investigation Reveals what the ‘Freedom Convoy’, Islamophobes, Incels and the Hindu Supremacists have in common. The Conversation Canada.

  17.  Fairbarn, Jordan, Ciara Boyd, Myrna Dawson & Yasmin Jiwani (2021). The Conversation Canada.

Teaching activities

Fall 2022

Community Alternative Media (COMS 424)

Fall 2022

Media and Gender

Winter 2023

Race, Ethnicity and Media

Participation activities



 Writing the Unpopular: Contesting Journalistic Objectivity, Global Journalism
Innovation Lab’s Spring Speaker Series, May 12, 2022.


          From Thin Description to Thick Description: The Political Power of  Digital Memorialization. Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, April 27, 2022.


      Tactical Mobilization of Grief: Making Violence Visible in the case of the Quebec Mosque shooting, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, April 8, 2022.


          Scholars’ Strike Teach-In: "This Demands an Abolitionist Reckoning" The Convoy Protest and Global Expansion of White Supremacy and White Ethnonationalism", March 21, 2022.



         #CommunicationsSoWhite – Canadian Style. Presented with Kirsten McAllister and Faiza Hirji, Canadian Communications Association, June 1, 2021.


         Remembering January 29: The Québec City Mosque Shootings and the Struggle for Recognition.  International Communications Association, May 28, 2021.


     #Remember January 29, Online memorials, public memory and recuperating histories. Death Online Research Network, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, April 21, 2021 (via Zoom).

          Plenary panel presentation on Intersectionality: Gender, Class, Ethnicity, Religion, and Sexuality Webinar. International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Nairobi, Kenya, June 29, 2021.


         Webinar panel presentation on Islamophobia’s Deadly Consequences. Islamophobia Studies Centre, Berkeley, California, June 9, 2021.


      Webinar panel presentation on Adultified Children of Colour: Intersections of Age and Race. Engage Centre for Research on Aging, Concordia University, February 5, 2021.


             Webinar presentation: Knowing one Another: Exploring Racial
             Inequities. Critical Conversations, the Ismaili United States, January
            24,   2021.


             'Excavating Personal Histories: Fragmented Curation and Digital
              Memorials,’ presented at the 14th at the 14th 
International Conference
              on Death, Dying and Disposal, University of Bath, Bath, UK,
              September 5, 2019.

              'The Prevailing Discourse of Whiteness in Canadian Communication
               Studies,’ presented at the International Communication Association,
               #CommunicationSoWhite pre-conference, George Washington
               University, Washington, DC, May 24, 2019.

              ‘Intersecting Violence(s)’,Canadian Observatory for Justice &
               Accountability panel, CanadianSociological Association Annual
               Conference, Congress of the Social Sciences andHumanities,
               University of British Columbia, June 4, 2019.

               'Memorializing Difference,’ at the Memorials as Media panel,
                Canadian Communications Association Annual Meeting, Congress of
                the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of British Columbia,
                June 5, 2019.


              'Digital Graveyards & Online Memorials,' Vanier College, Montreal,
               October 16, 2018.
              'Online Memorials and theGendered, Racialized Body in the Canadian

              Digital Landscape’, presented with Nicole Taylor, MA, 

              at the Death Online Research Network Symposium, University of Hull

               Hull, UK, August 15017, 2018. 


                Intersectionality - Experiences of Inclusion and Exclusion.
                Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden,
                February 12, 2018.

 E‘Intersections of Race and Gender in Relation to Migration in Canada,’ at the 2018 International Studies Symposium on Migration,Safety, Spaces, at Champlain College, Lennoxville, Quebec, January 5, 2018.


‘Virtual Graveyards and Cyber-Memorials: Tracing Race, Identity and Belonging,’ presented with Bipasha Sultana and Nicole Taylor. Canadian Communications Association Annual Meeting, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, June 2, 2017.

‘Re-Framing Grief:Online Memorials and the Gendered, Racialized Body,’ presented with NicoleTaylor and Bipasha Sultana, International Visual Sociology Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 21, 2017.


‘Framing Exceptional Victims: Young Muslim Women, Honour Killings, and the Technologies of Fitting In.  International Congress on Gender and Communication, University of Seville, Spain, April 7-8.

‘Revisiting Discourses of Denial’ – Guest Lecture, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, April 12, 2016.

‘Narrating the Nation’: News, Ideology and Methodology – invited public lecture, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, April 12, 2016.


‘Necrological Somatechniques: Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women as ‘Bare Life.’ Communication, Postcoloniality & Social Justice: Decolonizing Imaginations, WIF Symposium, Villanova University, PA, March 26-29, 2015.

‘Rape and Race in the Canadian Press: Reproducing the Moral Order.’ The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Montreal, July 12-16, 2015.


‘Framing Race, Talking Culture: Strategic Omissions and Substitutions in Canadian Media.’ CrossRoads International Cultural Studies Conference, Tampere, Finland, June 30 – July 5, 2014.

‘The Violence of Exceptionalism: Constructing WorthyVictims.’ Canadian Communication Association, Congress of the Social Sciences & Humanities, Brock University, May 29, 2014.

‘Murder They Wrote’: Representations of Race and Femicide in the Canadian Press. Impact of Family Violence: South Asian Perspectives 2014, organized by the Social Services Network of Ontario. University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, May 14, 2014.


‘Representations of Femicides involving Women of Colour andIndigenous Women in the Canadian Press.’ Presented at the Interpersonal Violence Interventions – Social and Cultural Perspectives Conference, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, August 28-30, 2013.


‘From Serial Killers to Honor Killings: Cultural and RacialNarratives of Femicide in the Canadian Press,’ presented at the International Conference on Gender and Violence, Izmir, Turkey, April 4-6, 2012.

‘What Happened to Race?’ Spotlight panel presentation at the CrossRoads International Cultural Studies Conference, Paris, July3-6, 2012.

‘Race in Communication and Media Studies,’ presented at a special panel on Race and the Media, Canadian Communications Association Annual Conference, Congress 2012, Waterloo, Ontario, June1-3, 2012.


‘Sanctuary –A State of Exception,’ presented at the Canadian Communication Association Annual meeting, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 1-3, 2011.

‘Obituaries as Markers of Memory: Grievability, Visibility and Representation of Aboriginal Women in the Canadian National Imaginary,’ presented at the International Conference on Materiality, Memory and Cultural Heritage, Istanbul, Turkey, May 25-29, 2011.

‘Contextualizing Violence Against Muslim Women,’ keynote address at the Violence in the Lives of Muslim Girls and Women in Canada Symposium, London, Ontario, September 22, 2011.

‘Race, Gender and the Carceral Net,’ Annual Women’s Studies Lecture, University of Alberta, Edmonton, April 8, 2011.


‘Disposable Bodies: Race, Femicide and the Reporting of the Pickton Trial,’ presented at the 10th Annual CriticalRace and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton,October 8-10, 2010.

‘Bodies and Borders,’ Global Media and Terrorism Conference, Westminster University, London, UK, September 13-14, 2010.

‘Veiled Women and the Canadian Mediascape’, presented at the 7thInternational Conference on Media, Religion and Culture, Ryerson University, Toronto, August 9-13, 2010


‘Soft Power– Patrolling the Canada-US Border’, presented at the Culture and Canada US-Border Conference, University of Kent,Canterbury, UK, 26-28 June, 2009.

‘The ‘Just War’: Canadian Media Coverage of the ‘War on Terror’,presented at the International Conference on Conflict, Terrorism & Society, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, April 28-30, 2009.

Reconciling Privacy and Security in the context of Race, Gender and Citizenship’ at the Concordia University’s President’s Conference Series on Surveillance, Security and the End of Privacy, Montreal,Quebec, November 4,

Panel presentation on ‘Social Anxieties and Legal Responses,’ at the Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges and National Judicial Institute Conference on Women and Girls and the Justice System: Convergences, Divergence and Intersections, Ottawa, Ontario, November 4, 2009.

‘Race, gender and Constructions of the Other in Mainstream Canadian News Media’, presented at the International Workshop on Cultural Dialogues, Religion and Communication, Ottawa, Ontario, October 22, 2009.

‘Doubling Discourses and the Muslim Other’, keynote presentation at the 5th Regional conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS), Wilfred Laurier University, Ontario, May 21, 2009.

‘Between the Virgin and the Vamp: News Coverage of Sex Crime and the Reproduction of the Moral Order,’ Opening Plenary Presentation, Sexual Assault Law, Practice & Activism in the Post-Jane Doe Era, University of Ottawa, March 6, 2009.


‘Patrolling the Nation through Soft Power: Race, Class and Gender in Canadian TV Crime Drama,’ presented at the 8th Annual Critical Race and Anti-colonial Studies Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, November 14-16, 2008.

‘Afghan Women and the Rescue Myth,’ presented at a panel on Reproducing Terrorisms, Canadian Communication Association Annual Meeting, June 4, 2008, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of British Columbia.

‘Symbolic and Discursive Violence in Media Representations of Aboriginal Missing and Murdered Women,’ presented at the 7th Global Conference on Violence and Contexts of Hostility, Budapest, Hungary, May 6, 2008.

‘Intersectionalities in Theory and Practice,’ Equity Series organized by the Equity Committee of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, June 3, 2008.

‘Afghan Women and the Rescue Myth in Canada’s Globe and MailMulti-Media University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February28, 2008.


‘Deserving and Undeserving Women’, presented with Reisa Klein at the International Symposium on Media and Cultural Politics, Izmir, Turkey, November 13, 2007.

Gendered Narratives of War.’ Presented at the 5th International Conference on Mass Communications, Marathon, Greece, May 22, 2007.

‘Good Muslim/Bad Muslim: Zinedine Zidane, the Infamous Head-Butt and Chivalric Masculinity in the Age of Empire,’ presented at the 7th AnnualCritical Race Studies Conference on Transnational Racism and the ‘Right to Have Rights,’ OISE, University of Toronto, May 3, 2007.

‘Amplifying Threat:  Reasonable Accommodation in the Media,’ presented with Dr. Monika Gagnon,  Mediated Cultures, Stereotypes, Perceptions and Representations, McGill University, Montreal, November 16, 2007.

Retailing Structural Violence, Lansdowne Lecture, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, October 5, 2007.


‘The Appeal of “Culture Talk” in Multicultural Canada,’presented at the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Palais de Congress, August 14, 2006.

‘Mediations of Otherness: The Canadian Print Media Landscape post 9/11,’  presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Meetings, Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Toronto, York University, June 2, 2006.

Plenary presentation:  ‘Reading Zidane:  Race, Religion and Contesting Masculinities,’ North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Annual Conference, Vancouver, November 1-4, 2006.

Keynote presentation: ‘Linking Gendered Violence(s): Representing Legitimate/Illegitimate Victims in the Media,’ Annual General Meeting of the Northern Ontario Association of Women’s Groups. Thunder Bay, Ontario, September 22, 2006.

‘Intersecting Violence:  Race, Gender and Context,’presented at the Centre d’études ethniques des universités montréalaises(CEETUM), and organized by the group on intersectionality, Université de Montréal, September 21, 2006.

‘Mediated Racism in a Multicultural Society:  The Canadian Situation,’ presented at the Global Media Centre, University of Illinois, Southern Illinois, March 24, 2006.


‘Imperial Feminism and Exclusion:  Gendering the Nation’ presented at the Canadian Communications Association Meetings, Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities, London, Ontario, June 2, 2005.

‘Gendered Narratives of War and the Imagined Community:  An Analysis of The Globe and Mail post 9/11’ presented at the Racial Violence and the Colour Line of the New World Order conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, April 1-2, 2005.

Plenary Speaker, ‘Violence Against Marginalized Girls,’ Finding Common Ground 2005, Conference organized by the Ontario Women’s Directorate, Toronto, November 30, 2005.

Panel presentation on the Security Measures Act, organized by the National Film Board’s Citizenshift with Uberculture, ConcordiaUniversity, October 18, 2005.

‘The Future of Ethnicity and Media.’ Presentation delivered at the Ethnicity and Media in Canada Symposium organized by the Association for Canadian Studies, Toronto Metro Hall, Toronto, Ontario, March21, 2005.


‘En-Gendering Terror:  Racialized Representations in the Mainstream Canadian print media post 911’ presented at the Race, Racism and Empire conference, York University, Toronto, April 29-May 1, 2004.

‘Race, Text and the City’ with Ross Perigoe, at the Print and the City Conference, McGill University, Montreal, March 26, 2004.

‘Combining the Best of the East and the West: Hybridity, Race and Gender in Popular Television Programming,’ presented at the Active Heroines Study Day, convened by the Association for Research in Popular Fictions, John Moore’s University, Liverpool, UK, February 14, 2004.

‘Bridging the Academic/Community Divide and Participatory Action Research,’ Canadian Research Alliance for Community Innovation andNetworking (CRACIN) Graduate Student Colloquium on Research Methods Video-Conference, October 29, 2004, Concordia.

Panel presentation on ‘The Media Monopoly,’ Media Democracy Day, organized by the Uber-culture collective, Concordia University, October 18, 2004.

Panel presentation on the Concordia Peace and Conflict Resolution Series, panel on Creating Social Change:  Obstacles and Strategies, Concordia University, September 17, 2004.

‘Discourses of Denial: Uncovering Race, Gender & Violence in Canadian Society.’ Women’s House and Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, April 19, 2004



‘Gendered Racism in the Press,’ presented at the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Biennial Conference, October 5, 2003, Banff, Alberta.

‘Gendering Terror Post-9/11,’ presented on the ‘The Language of War’ panel, Canadian Communication Association Meetings, Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities, June 2, 2003, Halifax.

‘Current Understandings of Violence in the Lives of Girls and its Effects on Health,’ at the 3rd World Congress & Exposition on Child and Youth Health, May 11-14, 2003, Vancouver, BC. (With Helene Berman, Ashley Ward & Azmina Ladha).

‘Mapping Girlhoods’– Opening plenary presentation at the Transforming Spaces: Girlhood, Agency and Power.  National conference organized by Power Camp National, Concordia University, McGill University, November 21-23, 2003, Montreal.

Closing plenary presentation on ‘Strategies of Solidarity and Resistance,’ at the Women and the Struggle for Peace in the Middle East.  Peace and Conflict Resolution Series, Concordia University, November 23, 2003.

‘The Politics of Representation,’ National Film Board of Canada, Producers Meeting, Montreal, February 27, 2003.


‘Un/Covering Race in Canadian Media Studies,’ presented at the Critical Race Scholarship & The University Conference, organized by the Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies, OISE/UT, Toronto, April 25-27, 2002.

‘Walking the Hyphen:  Mapping the Links between Social Cohesion and Violence in the Lives of Racialized Girls.’ Opening plenary of the Canadian Women’s Studies Association Meetings, Congress 2002, Toronto, May 29, 2002.

‘Social Cohesion and the Media: Racialized Girls and the Mainstream Media,’ panel presentation on Intersecting Communities: Race, Gender and Audiences.  Canadian Communications Association Meetings, Toronto, May 29, 2002.

‘Setting the Agenda: Working with Adolescent Immigrant and Refugee Girls,’ Keynote address at Over There and Over Here, organized by the Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGillUniversity, Montreal November 28, 2002.

Closing Plenary:  Violence Against Women Symposium:  Twenty Years After the Report, May 13-14, Vancouver, BC.  National Conference organized by the Victim Assistance Division, Community Justice, Government of British Columbia, 2002.


Jiwani, Yasmin, Jo-Anne Lee and Sunera Thobani. ‘The Lived Realities of Racialized Girls in Canada,’ presented at A New Girl Order, Young Women and the Future of Feminist Inquiry, Kings College, London, UK, November 14-16, 2001.

Jiwani, Yasmin withY. Zhao and Kate Rafter, ‘Mediated Sexism:  Violence Against Women in theMedia,’ presented at the Women’s Resistance: From Victimization to Criminalization International Conference, organized by the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies and the Canadian Association of SexualAssault Centers, Ottawa, October 1-3, 2001.

‘The Lived Realities of Racialized Immigrant and Refugee Girls,’ The Lived Environments of Women and Girls, organized by theWomen’s Studies Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, July 4-7, 2001.

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