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Ulrike de Brentani, PhD

  • Professor, Marketing

Contact information


Dr. de Brentani has research interests in the areas of new product/service development, new product evaluation and product/service marketing in the business-to-business sector. She has been awarded several research grants and Awards of Academic Excellence for her research and has published in such journals as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Management, and International Journal of Bank Marketing. In addition, she has presented refereed papers at national and international conferences, research workshops at professional seminars and as visiting speaker at various universities.


PhD (McGill University)

Areas of Expertise

  • Fuzzy Front End of the innovation process
  • Global new product development
  • New product and service development/innovation
  • New product screening in the early stages of product development
  • Product/service marketing in the business-to-business sector


Refereed journal articles

Most Recent Articles/Forthcoming

Reid,Susan, Ulrike de Brentani & Elko J. Kleinschmidt (2014),Divergent Thinking and Market Visioning Competence: An EarlyFront-end Radical Innovation Success Typology. IndustrialMarketing Management (Special Issue on ‘Radical Innnovation’).
InPress / OnLine

Reid, Susan & Ulrike de Brentani (2015), Building a MeasurementModel for Market Visioning Competence and its Proposed Antecedents: Organizational Encouragement of Divergent Thinking, DivergentThinking Attitudes and Ideational Behavior. Journal of Product Innovation Management Forthcoming

deBrentani, Ulrike & Elko J. Kleinschmidt (2015), Impact of Company Resources and Capabilities on Global NPD Program Performance Project Management Journal

Restuccia,Mariachiara, Ulrike de Brentani,>RenaudLegoux & J-F.Ouellet. Product Life Cycle Management and Distributor Involvement in New Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Forthcoming

Most Cited Articles

de Brentani, Ulrike (2001), Innovative versus Incremental New Business Services: Different Keys for Achieving Success. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18, 4 (July): 169-187.
(Google Scholar citations: 525)

de Brentani, Ulrike (1989), Success and Failure in New Industrial Services. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 6, 4 (December): 239-258.
Lead Article
(Google Scholar citations: 451)

Reid, Susan E. & Ulrike de Brentani (2004), The Fuzzy Front End of New Product Development for Discontinuous Innovations: A Theoretical Model. Journal of Product Innovation Management 21, 3 (May): 170-184.            
Finalist: JPIM Best Paper Award 2004

(Google Scholar citations: 442)

de Brentani, Ulrike (1991), Success Factors in Developing New Business Services. European Journal of Marketing, 25, 2 (March/April): 33-59
(Google Scholar citations: 369)
Reprint: New Product Development: A Reader (1996), S. Hart (ed.), Dryden: 401-427

Cooper, Robert G. & Ulrike de Brentani (1991), New Industrial Financial Services: What Distinguishes the Winners. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 8, 2 (June): 75-90.  
Lead Article

(Google Scholar citations: 330)

de Brentani, Ulrike (1995), New Industrial Service Development: Scenarios for Success and Failure. Journal of Business Research, 32, 2 (February): 93-103.
Lead Article
(Google Scholar citations: 267)

de Brentani, Ulrike & Emmanuel Ragot (1996), Developing New Business-to-Business Professional Services: What Factors Impact Performance? Industrial Marketing Management, 25,4 (Nov): 517-30.
(Google Scholar citations: 187)

de Brentani, Ulrike & Elko J. Kleinschmidt (2004), Corporate Culture and Commitment: Impact on Performance of International New Product Development Programs. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 21, 5 (September): 309-333.
(Google Scholar citations: 181)

de Brentani, Ulrike & Robert G. Cooper (1992), Developing Successful New Financial Services for Businesses. Industrial Marketing Management, 21, 3 (July): 231-41.
(Google Scholar citations: 135)

de Brentani, Ulrike (1993), The New Product Process in Financial Services: Strategy for Success", International Journal of Bank Marketing, 11, 3 (July): 15-22.
(Google Scholar citations: 119)

Kleinschmidt, Elko J., Ulrike de Brentani & Sören Salomo (2007), Performance of Global New Product Development Programs: A Resource Based View. Journal of Product Innovation Management 24, 5 (September): 419-441.
Lead Article: Special Issue: "Effective Global Product Innovation and Launch"
(Google Scholar citations: 112)   
Thomas P. Hustad Best Paper Award 2007

Cooper, Robert G. & Ulrike de Brentani (1984), Criteria for Screening New Industrial Products. Industrial Marketing Management, 13, 3 (August): 149-156.
(Google Scholar Citations: 85)

de Brentani, Ulrike, Elko J. Kleinschmidt & Sören Salomo (2010), Success in Global New Product Development: Impact of Strategy and the Behavioral Environment of the Firm. Journal of Product Innovation Management 27, 2 (March): 143-159.
Lead Article
(Google Scholar citations: 57)
Finalist: JPIM Best Paper Award 2010

de Brentani, Ulrike (1986), Do Firms Need a Custom-Designed New Product Screening Model?  Journal of Product Innovation Management, 3, 2 (June): 108-19.
Reprint: New Product Development: A Reader (1996), S. Hart (ed.) (1996). Dryden Press: 108-119.
(Google Scholar Citations: 51)

Recent and other articles

Schultz, Carsten, Soeren Salomo, Ulrike de Brentani & Elko J. Kleinschmidt (2013), How Formal Control Influences Decision-making Clarity and Innovation Performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30, 3 (June): 430-447
(Google Scholar citations: 6)   
de Brentani, Ulrike & Susan E. Reid (2012), The Fuzzy Front End of Discontinuous Innovation: Insights for Research and Management. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 29, 1 (January): 70-87
(Google Scholar citations: 33)                      
First Runner-up: JPIM Best Paper Award for 2012

Reid, Susan E. & Ulrike de Brentani (2012), Market Vision and the Front End of NPD for Radical Innovation: The Impact of Moderating Effects. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29, S1 (December): 124-139
(Google Scholar citations: 4)

Salomo, Sören, Elko J. Kleinschmidt & Ulrike de Brentani (2010), Managing New Product Development Teams in a Globally Dispersed NPD Program. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27, 6 (December): 955-971.
(Google Scholar citations: 18)

Kleinschmidt, Elko J., Ulrike de Brentani & Sören Salomo (2010), Information Processing and Firm-internal Environment Contingencies: Performance Impact on Global New Product Development. Creativity & Innovation Management, 19, 3 (September): 200-218.
Lead Article
(Google Scholar citations: 11)
Tudor Rickards Best Paper Award for 2010

Reid, Susan E. & Ulrike de Brentani (2010), Market Vision and Market Visioning Competence: Impact on Early Performance of Radically New High-Tech Products.Journal of Product Innovation Management 27, 3 (June): 500-518.
(Google Scholar citations: 25)

Salomo, Sören, Elko J.Kleinschmidt & Ulrike de Brentani (2005), Innovation Culture and Top Management Commitment in New Product Development for International Markets. Entrepreneurship 59, 3 (March): 237-262.(Google Scholar citations: 10)

de Brentani, Ulrike (1995), Firm Size: Implications of Achieving Success in New Industrial Services. Journal of Marketing Management (Special Issue-Services Marketing) 11, 1-3 (May): 207-225.
(Google Scholar citations: 20)

de Brentani, Ulrike & Cornelia Dröge (1988), Determinants of the New Product Screening Decision: A Structural Model Analysis. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 5, 2 (Fall): 91-106.
(Google Scholar citations: 34)

de Brentani, Ulrike & Cornelia Dröge (1985), The Company, Product and Market Dimensions of New Product Decision Scenarios. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2, 4 (Fall):243-53.
(Google Scholar citations: 7)
Lead Article

Calantone, Roger & Ulrike de Brentani (1981), The Maturation of the Science of Media Selection. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 9, 5 (Fall): 490-524.
(Google Scholar citations: 9)
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