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Steve Henle, PhD

  • Senior Lecturer and Internship Coordinator, Applied Human Sciences

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Dr. Henle has been a full-time faculty member in Applied Human Sciences at Concordia since September, 2004. Central to his teaching and research, Dr. Henle is concerned with transmitting accurate information that is applicable to improve health and happiness through leisure and recreation opportunities. Andragogy and experiential learning form a focal point for learning and Dr. Henle's courses are rooted in experiential learning. Dr. Henle received an award for innovative teaching and student retention from Concordia’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Services. In 2024 he received the President's Award for Teaching Excellence from Concordia. Working with peers in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), Dr. Henle, et al. (2024) published "Not Just Plug and Play: Integrating professional skills development into undergraduate experiential learning courses. Dr. Henle is a Senior Lecturer and has presented at national and international conferences, such as, Canadian Congress on Leisure (CCLR), Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), SALTISE, World Leisure (WLO), and the International Sociological Association (ISA). 


Ph.D. Leisure Services and Resource Management, New York University
M.A. Leisure Studies & Recreation, New York University
B.A. Leisure Studies, Concordia University

Research interests

The role of play (and playfulness) in leisure for Canadians,
Health and happiness through recreation and leisure,
Play behavior in public recreation, and
Experiential learning.

Teaching activities


AHSC 241   Recreation and Leisure in Contemporary Society      
AHSC 260

Program Planning, Design & Evaluation
AHSC 350 
Leisure Education
AHSC 360 
Play, Adult Learning & Development
AHSC 361 Leadership in Leisure Services
AHSC 371 
Community Recreation Planning
AHSC 437   Internship in Leisure Studies


Recent publications

Henle, S. (2007). Leisure and play. In McCarville, R.E. & MacKay, K. J. (Eds.), Leisure for Canadians. (Chapter2). State College, PA: Venture Publishing Inc.

Henle, S. (2006). Experiential learning: Montreal a tourism snapshot. Informed Leisure Practice, Vol. 2. 4-12.

Henle, S. (2005). Moving playground safety to the next level. Today’s Playground. 5, 12-15.

Participation activities

Recent conference presentations

Henle, S. & Bentley, J. (2007). Experiential Learning through Play. Paper presented at The Spirit of Inquiry Conference, Montreal, QC

Henle, S. (2006, November). Exploring the Benefits of Play within Playgrounds. Paper presented at the Association of Physical Educators of Quebec, Montreal, QC

Henle, S. & Swedburg, R. (2006, April). Modifying Sports for Older Adults: Old Timer’s Hockey. Paper presented at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Salt Lake City, UT

Hetch, T., Boies, K & Henle, S. (2005, October). Wellness Striking the Right Balance. Paper

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