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by David Ward, Concordia University

Dr. Stella C. Chia

  • Professor, Communication Studies

Contact information



Ph.D. Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin in Madison
MA. Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Areas of Research

Media effects on health beliefs and behavior, journalism and public opinion, social media use and effects, quantitative research

Teaching activities


Advertising and Consumer Culture


Peer-review Journal articles

Chia, S. C., Lu, F., & Gunther, A. C. (accepted). Could fact-checks intervene directionally motivated reasoning and mitigate social divisions? A case study in Hong Kong. International Journal of Public Opinion Research (SSCI)

Chia, S. C., Sun, Y., Lu, F., & Gudmundsdottir, A. (online, 2023). Doxing, regulation, and privacy protection: Expanding the behavioral consequences of the third-person effect. Asian Journal of Communication (SSCI).

Chia, S. C., Lu, F., & Gunther, A. C. (online first, 2022). Who fact checks and does it matter?: Examining the antecedents and consequences of audience fact-checking behavior in Hong Kong. The International Journal of Press/Politics (SSCI).


Sun, Y., Chia, S. C., & Shi, Y. (online first, 2022). How Exposure to Online Parenting Content Relates to Mothers’ Self-discrepancy and Postpartum Mental Health. Health Communication (SSCI).


Lu, F., & Chia, S. C. (2023). When virtual makeovers become “real”: How SNS interactions drive selfie-editing and cosmetic surgery. Chinese Journal of Communication, 16, 1, 73-89 (SSCI). 


 Chia, S. C., Lu, F., & Sun, Y. (2023). Tracking the influence of misinformation on elderly people’s perceptions and intention to accept COVID-19 Vaccines. Health Communication, 38, 5, 855-865 (SSCI)


 Sun, Y., Chia, S. C., Lu, F., & Oktavianus, J. (2022). The battle is on: Factors that motivate people to combat anti-vaccine misinformation. Health Communication, 37, 3, 327-336 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C., & Tu, C. (2021). Screw the majority?: Examining partisans’ outspokenness on social networking sites, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 18, 1, 21-35 (SSCI).

Chia, S. C. (2020). Who speaks out and why? An examination of outspokenness on social networking sites and a reflection on assessing public opinion online (online first). International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 32, 3, 421-441(SSCI).


Chia, S. C.  (2019). Seeking justice on the web: How news media and social norms drive the practice of cyber vigilantism. Social Science Computer Review, 38, 6, 655-672 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C. (2019). Crowd-sourcing justice: tracking a decade’s news coverage of cyber vigilantism throughout the Greater China region, Information, Communication, and Society, 22, 14, 2045-2063 (SSCI).


Wen, N., Chia, S. C., & Hao, X. (2017). Does gender matter? Testing the influence of presumed media influence on young people’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 76, 436-447 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C., & Chang, T-K (2017). Not my horse: Voter preferences, media sources, and hostile poll reports in election campaigns. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 29, 1, 23-45 (SSCI).


Wen, N., Chia, S. C., & Hao, X. (2015). What do social media say about makeovers? A content analysis of cosmetic surgery videos and viewers' responses on YouTube, Health Communication, 30, 933-942 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C. (2014). How authoritarian social contexts inform individuals’ Opinion perception and expression, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 26, 3, 384-396 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C., & Cenite, M. (2012). Biased news or biased public? An examination of audiences’ perceived news bias in an authoritarian press system. Journalism Studies, 13, 1, 123-140 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C., Chay, Y. T., Cheong, P. K., Chong, W. Y., Lee S. K. (2012). Fair and lovely: How social influence mediates the influence of skin lightening ads on South Asian college women’s desire for fair-skinned appearance. International Journal of Advertising, 31, 1, 189-211 (SSCI).


Wei, R., Chia, S. C., & Lo, V-H. (2011). Third-person effect and hostile media perception influences on voter attitudes toward polls in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 23(2), 169-190 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C. & Wen, N. (2010). College men’s third-person perceptions about idealized body image and consequent behavior. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 63, No.6-7, 542-555 (SSCI).


Liginlal, D. Khansa, L., & Chia, S. C. (2010). Using real options theory to evaluate strategic investment options for mobile content delivery: A case study. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 6(1), 17-37.


Chia, S. C. (2010). How social influence mediates the effects of advertising on adolescents’ materialism. Communication Research, 37(3), 401-419 (SSCI).


Jiang R., & Chia, S. C. (2009). The direct and indirect effects of advertising on materialism among college students in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 19(3), 318-335.


Chia, S. C. & Poo Y. L. (2009). Media, celebrities, and fans: An examination of adolescents’ media usage and involvement with entertainment celebrities. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 86(1), 23-44 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C., & Lee, W. (2008). Pluralistic ignorance about sex: The direct and the indirect effects of media consumption on college students’ misperception of sex-related peer norms. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 20(1), 52-73 (SSCI).


 Chia, S. C. (2007). Third-person perceptions about idealized body image and weight-loss behavior. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(4), 677-694 (SSCI).


Chia, S. C., Yong, J., Wong, D., & Koh, W. L.  (2007). Personal bias or government bias?: Testing hostile media effect in a regulated press system. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 19(3), 313-330 (SSCI).


 Chia, S. C. & Gunther A. C. (2006). How media contribute to misperception of the social norm. Mass Communication & Society, 9(3): 301-320.


Chia, S. C. (2006). How peers mediate media influence on adolescents’ sexual attitudes and sexual behavior. Journal of Communication, 56, 3, 585-606 (SSCI).


Zhang, W. & Chia, S. C. (2006). The effects of mass media use and social capital on civic and political participation. Communication Studies, 57, 3, 277-197.


Chia, S. C., Li, H., Detenber, B. H., & Lee, W. (2006). Mining the Internet plateau: An exploration of adoption intention among nonusers in Singapore. New Media & Society, 8(4): 591-611 (SSCI).


Li, H., Detenber, B. H., Lee, W., & Chia, S. C.  (2005). E-Government in Singapore: Demographics, usage patterns, and perceptions.  Journal of E-Government, 1(3), 29-54.


Chia, S. C., Lu, K., & McLeod, D. M. (2004). Sex, lies, and video compact disc: A case study on third-person perception and motivations for media censorship. Communication Research, 31(1), 109-130 (SSCI).


Gunther, A. C. & Chia, S. C. (2001). Predicting pluralistic ignorance: The hostile media perception and its consequences. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 78(4): 688-701 (SSCI).


Gunther, A., Christen, C., Liebhart, J. & Chia, S. C. (2001). Congenial public, contrary press: The relative hostile media effect and its consequences. Public Opinion Quarterly, 65(3): 295-320 (SSCI).

Invited Journal Article/Encyclopedia Entry

 Chia, S. C., Tu, C., Jiang, Y. (Eds.) (2015). Perceptions and media effects: From individuals’ subjective reality to media’s role in democracy. Communication & Society, 33, 1-44.


Chia, S. C., & Sun, Y. (2021). Pluralistic ignorance. The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology.

Participation activities

Editorial board membership

Editorial Board Member for Health & New Media Research (September 2022 to present)

Editorial Board Member for Communication Studies (December 2021 to present) 

Editorial Board Member for Asian Journal of Public Opinion Research (July 2019 to present)

Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Public Opinion Research (October 2018 to present)

Editorial Board Member for Asian Journal of Communication (August 2010 to present)

Editorial Board Member for Communication Research (August 2008 to present)

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