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Ronald Ferguson, PhD

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Dr. Ferguson is now a Full Professor in the Department of Management and a past Director of the John Molson MBA Program (2001-2004). In 1991, he graduated from the John Molson School of Business’s Executive MBA Program. After being a Visiting Professor in1999-2000, Dr. Ronald Ferguson joined the John Molson School of Business as an Assistant Professor in 2001.  He teaches Managing People in Organizations. In 2008-2009, Dr. Ferguson was the recipient of the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence (Graduate). Until recently, he was the Canadian representative on the Board of the European Academy of Management and is now Chair of the Board of the Active Aging Canada non-profit organization. He also specializes in providing graduate student workshops on innovation by design of product/service experiences here in the “ÉTS-McGill-Concordia “CREATE Surgical Innovation Training Program” and at the RWTH University Aachen, Germany. In recent years, he has published articles on service management and marketing in the Humanistic Management Journal, Universal Management Journal, Motivation Science, European Journal of Social Psychology, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior &Research, Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, European Journal of Marketing, the International Journal of Bank Marketing, and Managing Service Quality.

He was formerly a Full Professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Associate Professor in Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. In 2012, he was awarded the “Certificat d’Honneur” for his research, teaching and professional engagement throughout his 30-year career at the U de M. Simultaneously, he was head of the Physiology of Exercise Laboratory at the Montreal Heart Institute for 15 years. He published over 40 papers in the area of cardiovascular physiology and cardiac rehabilitation in journals such as:Circulation, American Journal of Cardiology, American Journal of Physiology and Journal of Applied Physiology. These contributions were recently acknowledged at the 50thanniversary celebration of the EPIC Centre of the Montreal Heart Institute with a research conference room being dedicated in his name.


BPHRE (University of Western Ontario)
MSc, PhD (University of Michigan)
MBA (Concordia University)

Areas of expertise

  • Services Management and Marketing
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Innovation by Experience Design


Refereed Journal Articles

Ferguson, R.J., K.Schattke, & M. Paulin (2020), " Persuasions by Corporate and Activist NGO Strategic Website Communications: Impacts on Perceptions of Sustainability Messages and Greenwashing" Humanistic Management Journal, 5

Paulin, M.,  & R.J. Ferguson (2019),“Framing of OpposingCorporate and Activist NGO Website Communications: Impacts on Perceptions ofTripartite Sustainability Values and Joining Online Networks” Universal Journal Management, 7 (1), 1–10.

Schattke, K., R.J., Ferguson, & M. Paulin (2018), “Motivations to Support Charity-Linked Events After Exposure toFacebook Appeals: Emotional Cause Identification and Distinct Self-Determined Regulations”, Motivation Science, 4(4), 315-332

Salman, A., R.J. Ferguson, M. Paulin & K. Schattke (2016), “Gaining Millennial women’s support for a fashion show: Influence of fashion experiences, gender identity and cause-related Facebook appeals. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing. 7 (2), 132-146.

Ferguson, R.J., K. Schattke, & M. Paulin (2016), “Value co-creations in biotechnology networks: a conditional process model of partner attractiveness, trustworthiness and relationship strength”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. 22(2), 199-214.

Ferguson, R.J., J. Gutberg, K. Schattke, M. Paulin & N. Jost (2015),“Self-determination theory, social media and support for charitable causes: an in-depth analysis of autonomous motivation”, European Journal of Social Psychology’s Special section, Putting the Social (Psychology) into Social Media, 45 (3), 298-307.

Paulin, M., R.J. Ferguson, K. Schattke & N. Jost (2014), “Millennials, social media, prosocial emotions and charitable causes: the paradox of gender differences!”, Journal of Nonprofit &Public Sector Marketing. 26:4, 335-353.

Paulin, M., R.J. Ferguson,N. Jost & J-M Fallu (2014), « Motivating millennials to engage in charitable causes through social media », Journal of Service Management. 25 (3), 334-348.

Ferguson, R.J., M. Paulin and J. Bergeron, (2010) “Customer Sociability and the Total Service Experience: Antecedents of Positive Word-of-Mouth Intentions”, Journal of Service Management, 21 (1), 25-44. 

Paulin, M. and R.J. Ferguson (2010), “Relational Norms in Interfirm Exchanges: from Transactional Cost Economics to the Service-Dominant Logic”,Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 17 (4), 365-405.

Ferguson, R.J., Paulin, M. and Leiriao, E. (2008), “Loyalty and PositiveWord-of-Mouth: Patients and Hospital Personnel as Advocates of a Customer-Centric Health Care Organization”, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 23No. 3, pp. 59-78.

M. Paulin, R.J.Ferguson and J. Bergeron (2006) “Service Climate and Organizational Commitment: The Importance of Customer Linkages.”Journal of Business Research. 59 906-915.

Ferguson R.J., M. Paulin, K. Moeslein, and C. Muller (2005), Relational Governance, Communication and the Performance of Biotechnology Partnerships. Journal of Small Business & Enterprise Development. 12 (3): 395-408.

Ferguson R.J., M. Paulin and J. Bergeron (2005), “Contractual Governance, Relational Governance, and the Performance of Interfirm Service Exchanges: The Influence of Boundary-Spanner Closeness” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences. 33 (2): 217-234.

Paulin, M., R.J. Ferguson and M. Payaud (2000), “Effectiveness of Relational and Transactional Cultures in Commercial Banking: Putting Client-Value into the Competing Values Model”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 18, No7, 328-337.

Paulin, M., R.J. Ferguson and M. Payaud (2000), “Business Effectiveness and Professional Service Personnel: Relational or Transactional Managers?”, the European Journal of Marketing, “Services Marketing: People”, Vol. 34, Issue 3/4(March/April), 453-471.

Paulin, M., R.J. Ferguson and A-M Alvarez Salazar (2000), “External Effectiveness of Service Management: A Study of Business-to-Business Relationships in Mexico, Canada and the United States”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Service Research in Latin America Vol. 10, (5),409-429.

Ferguson, R.J., M. Paulin, C. Pigeassou and R. Gauduchon (1999), “Assessing Service Management Effectiveness in a Health Resort: Implications of Technical and Functional Quality”, Managing Service Quality, 9 (No.1), 58-65.

Paulin, M., J. Perrien, R.J. Ferguson, A-M Alvarez Salazar and M.L. Seruya(1998), “Relational Norms and Client Retention: External Effectiveness of Commercial Banking in Canada and Mexico”, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16 (No. 1), 24-31.

Paulin, M., J.Perrien and R.J. Ferguson (1997), “Relational Contract Norms and the Effectiveness of Commercial Banking Relationships”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8 (No. 5), 435-452.

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