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Rolf Wuthrich, PhD

  • Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering
  • Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering
  • Head of EGE group, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering

Research areas: Non traditional manufacturing processes, glass micro-machining, electrochemical discharges, micro-systems , nano-particles, gas evolving electrodes, stochastic process modelling, multi-physics modelling, nanostructured electro-catalysts, hydrogen production, fuel-cells.

Contact information



Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada Head of Electrocatalytic green engineering group

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Montréal, Canada

Lecturer and post-doctoral researcher, école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

PhD in Micro- and Nano-Systems, école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Research interests

My current research interests focus on developing micro- and nano- systems using electrochemical discharges with particular interest on nano-particle fabrication with applications to fuel-cells and similar fields. I also work on novel micro-machining technologies for a variety of materials, with focus on glass. Using tools and techniques of applied Nanoscience, our group studies green energy converting systems with particular focus on engineering nano-structured electro-catalysts.


  • 2008–CREPEC
  • 2008–Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec
  • 2008–International Society of Electrochemistry
  • 2009–Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering
  • 2009–ESA topical team Electrochemical Nucleation & Growth
  • 2011–American Nano Society

Internal activities

  • Chair departmental research committee
  • Chair departmental graduate awards committee
  • Chair departmental PhD comprehensive examination
  • Member departmental graduate studies committee
  • Member departmental health and safety committee
  • Member specialized individualized programs committee
  • Member school of graduate studies faculty council


  1. J.D. Abou Ziki, R. Wüthrich “Nature of drilling forces during Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving” Manufacturing Letters ACCEPTED
  2. A. Allagui, R. Wüthrich “Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics for the Stability Study of Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis” Plasma Processes and Polymers ACCEPTED
  3. J.D. Abou Ziki, R. Wüthrich “The machining gap during constant velocity-feed glass micro-drilling by Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving” Journal of Manufacturing Processes IN PRESS
  4. J.D. Abou Ziki, L.A. Hof*, R. Wüthrich “The machining temperature during Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving of glass” Manufacturing Letters 3 (2015) 9–13
  5. A. Allagui, A, H, Alami, E.A. Baranova and R. Wüthrich “Size-dependent capacitance of NiO nanoparticles synthesized with cathodic contact glow discharge electrolysis” Journal of Power Sources 262 (2014) 178-182
  6. M. Aghasibeig, M. Mousavi*, F. Ben Ettouill*, C. Moreau, R. Wuthrich and A. Dolatabadi “Electrocatalytically Active Nickel-Based Electrode Coatings Formed by Atmospheric and Suspension Plasma Spraying” Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 23 (2014) 220–226
  7. F. Jabbari, M. Jadidi*, R. Wuthrich and A. Dolatabadi “A Numerical Study of Suspension Injection in Plasma-Spraying Process” Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 23 (2014)
  8. P. Mandin, Z. Derhoumi, H. Roustan, R. Wüthrich “Bubble Over-Potential During Two-Phase Alkaline Water Electrolysis” Electrochimica Acta 128 (2014) 248-258 
  9. J.D. Abou Ziki, R. Wüthrich " Forces exerted on the tool-electrode during constant-feed glass micro-drilling by spark assisted chemical engraving", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 73 (2013) 47–54
  10. H. SadAbadi, P. Muthukumaran, R. Wüthrich “High performance cascaded PDMS micromixer based on split-and-recombination flows for lab-on-a-chip applications”, Rsc Advances 3 (2013) 7296-7305
  11. H. SadAbadi, S. Badilescu, P. Muthukumaran, R. Wüthrich “Integration of gold nanoparticles in PDMS microfluidics for lab-on-a-chip plasmonic biosensing of growth hormones” Biosensors & Bioelectronics 44 (2013) 77-84
  12. E. Baranova, A. Cally*, A. Allagui*, R. Wüthrich “Nickel particles with increased catalytic activity towards hydrogen evolution reaction” Comptes Rendus Chimie 16 (2013) 28-33 
  13. A. Allagui, E. Baranova, R. Wüthrich “Synthesis of Ni and Pt nanomaterials by cathodic contact glow discharge electrolysis in acidic and alkaline media” Electrochimica Acta 93 (2013) 137-142
  14. Z. Derhoumi, Ph. Mandin, H. Roustan, R. Wüthrich “Experimental investigation of two-phase electrolysis processes: comparison with or without gravity” Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 43 (2013) 1145-1161
  15. M. Jalali, T. Molière, A. Michaud, R. Wüthrich “Multidisciplinary Characterization of New Shield with Metallic Nanoparticles for Composite Aircrafts” Composites Part B: Engineering 50 (2013) 309–317

Editorial boards

  • Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology
  • Global Journal of Physical Chemistry
  • ISRN Electrochemistry


  • 2004–Prof. Wasserman Award
  • 2007Petro Canada Young Innovator Award
  • 2009Departamental Research Award
  • 2010Concordia University Research Fellow

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