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Onur Bodur, PhD

  • Professor, Marketing
  • Graduate Program Director, MSc, Marketing

Contact information


Research focus:

Within consumer behaviour and marketing domains, my research program relates to one primary goal, reducing the negative impact of consumption decisions and consumer behaviours on the well-being of consumers, with implications for marketers, brand managers, and the society.

The research questions I works on relate to helping consumers make more sustainable consumption decisions, designing marketing communications and marketing actions to increase sustainable consumption, finding directions for brands and firms to be more sustainable in their product offerings and practices, and helping consumers make better decisions for their own well-being. 

My research has practical implications in brand management and communication, product design, online and offline retail environments, pricing, promotion of socially responsible consumption and health behaviours.

Methods, Funding, and Publications:

I use a number of different methodologies that include lab experiments, surveys, and field studies using self-reports, consumer behaviour observations online or offline, and neurophysiological measures. 

The research projects I have been involved in received external funding from SSHRC, FQRSC, CRIR, and industry partners (approximate external funding of $3.45 million).  My research appeared in a number top tier journals in our field (e.g., Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Psychology & Marketing) as well as specialized journals (e.g., Journal of Vision) and more than 60 refereed conference proceedings.  

Graduate Student Supervision and Collaborations: 

I enjoy working with graduate students, as a supervisor, committee member, or collaborator (more 24 PhD and 55 MSc student projects so far).  As much as I focus on publishing in the above domains, I nurture research directions beyond my past interests when working with graduate students (e.g., music consumption, social media marketing).  Please email me if you are interested.


M.Sc. & Ph.D. in Marketing  (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

Areas of expertise

    • Consumer decision making, its managerial and public policy implications
    • Socially responsible consumption and marketing practice
    • Visual attention in retail environment
    • Social influences on individual and joint consumer decisions
    • Consumer responses to price and price information


Refereed Journal Articles

1.Tezer, Ali*, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2021), “When Goliaths Win and Davids Lose: Role of Perceived Risk Associated with the Brand in Brand Biography Effects,” Psychology & Marketing, published online: 09 August, 2021. (DOI:

Impact factor: 2.37 / 5-year impact factor: 3.55 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A.

2.Léon Franzen, Corina Lacombe, Nathan Gagné, H. Onur Bodur, Bianca Grohmann, Aaron P. Johnson (2020), “The effects of product images and working memory load on eye movements,” Journal of Vision, 20(11), 626 (DOI:

Impact factor: 2.15 / 5-year impact factor:2.08 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: N/A.

3.Tezer, Ali*, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2020), “Communicating brand biographies effectively: the role of communication source,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (DOI: 10.1007/s11747-019-00689-z).

*With former doctoral student.

Impact factor: 7.96 / 5-year impact factor:13.01 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A*.

4.Tezer, Ali* and H. Onur Bodur (2020), “The Greenconsumption Effect: How Using Green Products Improves Consumption Experience,” Journal of Consumer Research, 47(1), 25–39 (DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucz045). *With former doctoral student.

Impact factor: 6.21 / 5-year impact factor: 7.37 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A*.

Sample media mentions:

HuffPost (Dec. 4, 2019): Consommer des produits verts nous procurerait du bien-être

Radio Canada (Dec. 5, 2019): Looking to salve that seasonal shopping stress? 

MarketBusinessNews (Dec. 6, 2019): Using green products improves consumption experience

FastCompany (Dec. 12, 2019): There’s another reason to buy green products

Euronews (Dec. 15, 2019): Buying Green Might Bring You that 'Warm Glow' 

5.Tofighi*, Maryam, Bianca Grohmann, and H. Onur Bodur (2019), “Ethical Attribute and Brand Concept Congruity Enhances Brand Evaluations,” European Journal of Marketing 54 (1), 79-108 (DOI: 10.1108/EJM-02-2018-0104). *With former doctoral student. 

Impact factor: 2.14 / 5-year impact factor: 3.07 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A*.

6.Atalay, A. Selin, H. Onur Bodur, and Etienne Bressoud (2017), “When and How Multitasking Impacts Consumer Decisions,” Journal of Retailing, 93(2), 187-200 (DOI:10.1016/j.jretai.2016.09.00).

Impact factor: 5.87 / 5-year impact factor: 7.52 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A*.

Sample media mentions:

Consumer Affairs (Nov 16, 2016): How multitasking can make you a worse shopper.

Psychology Today (Nov. 23, 2016): In a Store and on the Phone: A Risky Mix?

Phys.Org (Nov. 15, 2016):Too stressed to make smart purchases? Multitasking can affect shopping performance

Real Simple (Nov.30, 2016). Here’s why you shouldn’t multitask while shopping.

Science Daily (November 15, 2016): Too stressed to make smart purchases? 

Domain-B (November 16, 2016): Too stressed to make smart purchases?

7.Bodur, H. Onur, Maryam Tofighi*, and Bianca Grohmann (2016), “When Should Private Label Brands Endorse Ethical Attributes?” Journal of Retailing, 92(2), 204-217 (DOI:10.1016/j.jretai.2015.11.001). *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 5.87 / 5-year impact factor: 7.52 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A*.

Sample media mentions:

Le Devoir (R. Tamburri, January 26, 2016): Produits vertueux cherchent consommateurs consciencieux pour relation durable.

Retail Wire (May 2, 2016): Should lower-tier private labels avoid being ‘ethical’?

Health Medicine Network (April 20, 2016): Eco-friendly store brands are a win-win-win situation.

8.Johnson, Aaron P., John O. Brand*, Yvette Essess, Bianca Grohmann, and H. Onur Bodur (2015), “Prior Knowledge of Objects Improves Efficiency During Hybrid Visual Search,” Journal of Vision, 15(12),1362 (DOI: 10.1167/15.12.1362). *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 2.15 / 5-year impact factor: 2.08 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: N/A.

9.Johnson, Aaron P., H. Onur Bodur, Bianca Grohmann, and John O. Brand* (2015), "Brand knowledge increases search efficiency during hybrid visual search," Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(4), 367  (DOI: 10.1037/cep0000076).  *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 1.44 / 5-year impact factor: 1.73 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: N/A.

10.Grohmann, Bianca and H. Onur Bodur (2015), “Brand Social Responsibility: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Outcomes,” Journal of Business Ethics, 131(2), 375-399 (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2279-4). 

Impact factor: 4.14 / 5-year impact factor: 6.00 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A.

11.Tofighi, Maryam* and H. Onur Bodur (2015), “Social Responsibility and Its ‎Differential Effects on the Retailers’ Portfolio of Private Label ‎Brands," International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43 (4/5), 301-313 (DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-04-2014-0040). *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 2.45 / 5-year impact factor:3.66 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A.

12.Bodur, H. Onur, Noreen Klein, and Neeraj Arora (2015) “Online Price Search: Impact of Price Comparison Sites on Offline Price Evaluations,” Journal of Retailing, 91(1), 125-139 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jretai.2014.09.003).  

Impact factor: 5.87 / 5-year impact factor:7.52 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A*.

Sample media mentions: 

TV Interview with P. Karwatsky @ CTV “Price Search Online,” (January 6, 2016, see: 

1-on-1 TV Interview with M. Takehashi:@ CTV “How online retail is helping stores,” (April 10, 2015, see: 

The Globe and Mail (D. Hansen) “Why some elite companies cheat to stay ahead,” (January 29, 2016).

The Globe and Mail (R. Tamburri) “How online price-comparison sites affect consumer shopping habits,” (April 14, 2015).

Top 10 JR Articles downloaded in the first 6 mo of online publication.

13.Bodur, H. Onur, Kimberly Duval*, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), “Will You Purchase Environmentally-Friendly Products? Using Prediction Requests to Increase Choice of Sustainable Products,” Journal of Business Ethics, 129(1), 59-75 (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2143-6).  *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 4.14 / 5-year impact factor: 6.00 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A.

Sample media mentions: 

USA News (US); e! Science News (US);Waste Dive (US); Science Daily(US); News (US);The Needs (US); Phys Org(US); Science Codex (US); Click Green (US); Climate & Wire (US); Technobahn (US).

14.Brand, John O.*, H. Onur Bodur, Bianca Grohmann, and Aaron P. Johnson (2014), “Perceptual Averaging of Three-Dimensional Shapes,” Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(4), 292 (DOI: 10.1037/cep0000041). *With graduate student. 

Impact factor: 1.44 / 5-year impact factor: 1.73 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: N/A.

15.Bodur, H. Onur and Neeraj Arora (2014), "Asymmetric Impact of Reference Point Confidence on Consumer Evaluations,” Customer Needs and Solutions, 1(4), 277-287 (DOI: 10.1007/s40547-014-0027-7).  

Impact factor:.15 / 5-year impact factor:.15 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: B.

16.Bodur, H. Onur, Ting Gao*, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “The Ethical Attribute Stigma: Understanding When Ethical Attributes Improve Consumer Responses to Product Evaluations,” Journal of Business Ethics, 122(1), 167-177 (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1764-5).  *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 4.14 / 5-year impact factor: 6.00 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A.

Sample media mentions: 

Science Daily (US); e!ScienceNews (US); PhysOrg (US); LivingBiology (US); ScienceNewsLine (US); (US); Jersey Tribune (US); UNFOXNews (US); Feed Story (US); Red Orbit (US); CT News (France); Greenstyle (Italy).

17.Atalay, A. Selin, H. Onur Bodur, and Dina Rasolofoarison* (2012), "Shining in the Center: Central Gaze Cascade Effect on Product Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(4), 848-866 (DOI: 10.1086/665984).  *With graduate student.

Impact factor: 6.21 / 5-year impact factor: 7.37 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A*.

Sample media mentions: 

Radio Canada (CBC-Canada); Marketing News (US); Clarin (Argentina); BBC Mundo (UK); SudDeutsche Zeitung (Germany); Science Daily (US); Cosmetics Design (US); SmartPlanet (US); TerceraCultura (Chile); Unión de Consumidores de Argentina (Argentina).

Business News Daily (D. Mielach), " Middle ground is high ground for product placement," (July 31, 2012).

Journal de Montréal (S. Desjardins) " En magasin, méfiez-vous du centre," (September 6, 2016). 

The Globe and Mail (S. Krashinsky) "Centre is the sweet spot for products on display, study finds," (July 18, 2012).  

18.Bélisle, Jean-François* and H. Onur Bodur (2010), “Avatars as Information: Perception of Consumers Based on Their Avatars in the Virtual World,” Psychology & Marketing, 27(8), 741-765 (DOI: 10.1002/mar.20354).  *With graduate student, lead article.

Impact factor: 2.37 / 5-year impact factor: 3.55 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A.

Sample media mentions: 

Radio interview on avatars with Dan Delmar (CJAD 800/VIRGIN RADIO 96/CHOM 97.7); Der Standard (Austria); Kurier (Austria); (Switzerland); St.Gallen online (Switzerland); Discovery News (US); Correio Braziliense (Brazil); e! Science News (US); First Science (US); (US); Red Orbit (US); Science Daily (US); Big News Network (Australia); Vulgariz (France).

19.Bodur, H. Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2005), “Consumer Responses to Gift Receipt in Business-to-Consumer Contexts,” Psychology & Marketing, 22(5), 441-457 (DOI: 10.1002/mar.20067).

Impact factor: 2.37 / 5-year impact factor: 3.55 / FT-50: N/A / ABDC List: A.

20.Aribarg, Anocha, Neeraj Arora, and H. Onur Bodur* (2002), “Understanding the Role of Preference Revision and Concession in Group Decisions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 39(3), 336-349 (DOI: 10.1509/jmkr.39.3.336.19105).  *Based on Dr. Bodur’s dissertation, alphabetical order.

Impact factor: 4.63 / 5-year impact factor:6.90 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A*.

21.Bodur, H. Onur, David Brinberg, and Eloïse Coupey (2000), “Belief, Affect, and Attitude: Alternative Models of the Determinants of Attitude,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9 (1), 17-28 (DOI: 10.1207/s15327663jcp0901_2). 

Impact factor: 2.96 / 5-year impact factor:3.79 / FT-50: Yes / ABDC List: A*.

Refereed Conference Publications


1.Bodur, H. Onur, Bianca Grohmann, Argiro Kliamenakis, Ali Tezer, Stephane Brutus (2018), “Understanding the State of Science in Retailing Research: A Review of Self-Reported Limitations and Future Research Directions,” ASAC Conference Proceedings, Toronto, ON: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

2.Kliamenakis, Argiro, H. Onur Bodur (2018), “When Being Good is Bad: CSR as a Liability During Brand Crises,” ASAC Conference Proceedings, Toronto, ON: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

3.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Carried Away by the Underdog Brand: Source Advantages in Brand Biographies,” Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Valencia, Spain: European Marketing Academy.

4.Bodur, H. Onur, Ting Gao, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Investigating Contribution of Ethical Attributes to Product Evaluations,” Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey: European Marketing Academy.

5.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Different Shades of Fit: When Surprising Corporate Social Responsibility Improves Consumer Evaluations,” Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Istanbul, Turkey: European Marketing Academy.

6.Tofighi, Maryam and H. Onur Bodur (2012), “Differential Effects of Social Responsibility for National and Private Label Brands,” ASAC Conference Proceedings, St. John’s, NL: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

7.Bodur, H. Onur, Bianca Grohmann, and Ali Tezer (2012), “A Positive Surprise: Revisiting the Role of Fit in Social Responsibility Evaluations,” ASAC Conference Proceedings, St. John’s, NL: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

8.Bodur, H. Onur, Neeraj Arora, and Noreen Klein (2012), “Differential Role of Multiple Reference Points in Consumer Choice,” ASAC Conference Proceedings, St. John’s, NL: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

9.Bodur, H. Onur, Neeraj Arora, and Noreen Klein (2012), “Integrating Configural Weight Theory and Prospect Theory to Explain Consumer Choice,” Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Lisbon, Portugal: European Marketing Academy.

10.Bélisle, Deny and H. Onur Bodur (2011), “Details Matter: The Role of Pricing and Presentation Strategy on Bundles,” in (Ed.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Ljubljana, Slovenia: European Marketing Academy.

11.Bodur, H. Onur and Andrea Kim (2011), “When Spending more on CSR Might Not Mean Doing Better,” in (Ed.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Ljubljana, Slovenia: European Marketing Academy.

12.Bodur, H. Onur and Lissa Matyas (2007), “Less Can Be Better: Investigating the Impact of Assortment Size on Consumers’ Choice Experience,” Morad Benyoucef (Eds.), ASAC Conference Proceedings, Vol: XXVIII, Ottawa, ON: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

13.Bodur, H. Onur and Sema Barlas (2007), "“I” Have Self-Control, “We” Do Not: Experiential Social Effects on Self-Control,” In Halldór Örn Engilbertsson (Ed.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Reykjavik, Iceland: European Marketing Academy.

14.Barlas, Sema, H. Onur Bodur, and Lei Huang (2006), "Effects of Social Consumption on Individual Choice: Individual and Social Origins of Self-Control,” In Dan Ariely, Baba Shiv, and Michal Strahilevitz (Eds.) SCP Winter 2006 Conference, Miami, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

15.Bodur, H. Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2004), “Goal–Oriented Ad Design: An Investigation of Message Type and Consumption Goal Congruence,” In Fayez F. Boctor and Alain Martel (Eds.) ASAC Conference Proceedings, Vol: XXV, Quebec City, QC: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. 

16.Coupey, Eloïse, H. Onur Bodur, and David Brinberg (1998), “Predecision Processes in Consumer Choice: Effects of Prior Knowledge on Aspects of Decision Structuring,” In Joseph W. Alba and J. Wesley Hutchinson (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 25, Denver, CO: Association for Consumer Research. 


17.Franzen, Leon, A. Cabugao, Aaron P. Johnson, Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann, “Brand Familiarity Shows in Consumers’ Eyes,” 2020 ACR Conference, Paris. Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research.

18.Krastel, Zachary and H. Onur Bodur (February 2020), “An Application of the Synchrony Effect to a Prosocial Context,” 2020 SCP Winter Conference, Huntington Beach, CA: Society for Consumer Psychology.

19.Krastel, Zachary and H. Onur Bodur (February 2020), “Deconstructing Music Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Perspective,” 2020 SCP Winter Conference, Huntington Beach, CA: Society for Consumer Psychology.

20.Bodur, H. Onur, Argiro Kliamenakis, Bianca Grohmann, Ali Tezer (February 2020), “Self-Reported Limitations and Future Research Directions in Consumer Behavior Research,” 2020 SCP Winter Conference, Huntington Beach, CA: Society for Consumer Psychology.

21.Grohmann, Bianca, Argiro Kliamenakis, and H. Onur Bodur (October 2019), “To Build or to Acquire a Socially Responsible Brand?,” 2019 Advances in Consumer Research, Atlanta, GA: Association for Consumer Research

22.Grohmann, Bianca, Argiro Kliamenakis, and H. Onur Bodur (July 2019), “Strategic Purchase of CSR Perceptions: Consumer Responses to the Acquisition of Socially Responsible Brands,” AMA Consumer Behavior Special Interest Group Conference 2019, Bern, Switzerland. 

23.Grohmann, Bianca, Argiro Kliamenakis and H. Onur Bodur (June 2019), “When is CSR for Sale: The Acquisition of Socially Responsible Brands,” La Londe 2019 Conference, La-Londe-les-Maures, France.

24.Tezer, Ali, and H. Onur Bodur (May 2019), “When Does Using Green Products Enhances the Enjoyment of Consumption Experiences?” EMAC 2019 Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

25.Grohmann, Bianca, Argiro Kliamenakis and H. Onur Bodur (May 2019), “Acquiring Corporate Social Responsibility: Spillover of Social Responsibility Perceptions during Brand Acquisitions,” EMAC 2019 Conference, Hamburg, Germany.

26.Argiro Kliamenakis and H. Onur Bodur (February 2019), “Corporate Social Responsibility and Negative Word-of-Mouth: The Role of Perceived Hypocrisy,” 2019 SCP Winter Conference, Savannah, GA: Society for Consumer Psychology.

27.Grohmann, Bianca, Argiro Kliamenakis and H. Onur Bodur (October 2018), "Is CSR for Sale? Investigating the Effects of Acquisition of Socially Responsible Brands on CSR Perceptions," 2018 Advances in Consumer Research, Dallas, TX: Association for Consumer Research.

28.Kliamenakis, Argiro and H. Onur Bodur (October 2018), "When CSR Becomes a Liability for Firms in Crises: Effects on Perceived Hypocrisy and Consumer Forgiveness," 2018 Advances in Consumer Research, Dallas, TX: Association for Consumer Research.

29.Kliamenakis, Argiro, H. Onur Bodur (2018), “When Being Good is Bad: The Effect of CSR Reputation and Crisis-type on Consumer Responses,” 2018 European Advances in Consumer Research, Ghent, Belgium: Association for Consumer Research.

30.Krastell, Zack and H. Onur Bodur (2017), “Extending the Herding Effect to the Consumption Experience: The Case of Online Music,” 2017 Advances in Consumer Research, San Diego, CA: Association for Consumer Research.

31.Duval, Kimberly and H. Onur Bodur (2017), “When Having Too Many Facebook ‘Friends’ Hinders Your Online Social Activity: The Impact of Social Identity Complexity,” 2017 Advances in Consumer Research, San Diego, CA: Association for Consumer Research.

32.Tezer, Ali and H. Onur Bodur (2016), “Role of Mood in Cause-Related Marketing Effectiveness,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Vol. 44, eds. Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research

33.Bodur, H. Onur, Maryam Tofighi, and Bianca Grohmann (2015), "Ethical Attribute Benefits for Private Label Brands," in SCP Winter 2015 Conference, ed. Andrea Morales and Patti Williams, Phoenix, AZ: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

34.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Who Should Tell the Story? Source Effects in Brand Biographies,” NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

35.Grohmann, Bianca, Maryse Côté-Hamel, and H. Onur Bodur (2014),"When and Why You Should Leave Your Romantic Partner At Home When Going Shopping", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

36.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “The CSR Surprise Effect: When Unexpected CSR Activity Enhances Brand Evaluations,” NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.42, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

37.Duval, Kimberly H. Onur Bodur, and Stephanie Peck (2014), “The Effectiveness of Normative Messages on Sustainable Product Decisions and the Moderating Role of Social Identity Complexity,” Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Valencia, Spain: European Marketing Academy.

38.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “When Surprise is Good: How Surprising Corporate Social Responsibility Benefits Brands,” in SCP Winter 2014 Conference, ed. Mark Forehand and Americus Reed, Miami, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

39.Bodur, H. Onur, Maryam Tofighi, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “How Private Label Brands Benefit from Ethical Attribute Introduction,” in SCP Winter 2014 Conference, ed. Mark Forehand and Americus Reed, Miami, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

40.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), ““I Am the Underdog”: Self Communication of a Brand’s Passion Enhances Brand Evaluations,” in SCP Winter 2014 Conference, ed. Mark Forehand and Americus Reed, Miami, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

41.Tezer, Ali, H. Onur Bodur, and Bianca Grohmann (2013), “Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: When Disadvantaged Brand Determination Improves Brand Evaluations,” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 41, eds. Simona Botti and Aparna Labroo, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

42.Atalay, A. Selin, H. Onur Bodur, and Dina Rasolofoarison (2012), “Center of Shelf Attention: Understanding the Role of Visual Attention on Product Choice,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

43.Bodur, H. Onur, Bianca Grohmann, and Ali Tezer (2012) ,"Investigating the Positive Impact of Unexpected CSR", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

44.Tofighi, Maryam and H. Onur Bodur (2012), “Is Social Responsibility Beneficial for Private-Label Brands?,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 40, eds. Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

45.Bélisle, Deny and H. Onur Bodur (2012), “Understanding the Role of Bundle Pricing Strategy on Bundle Evaluations,” in SCP Winter 2012 Conference, ed. Anirban Mukhopadhyay and Amitav Chakravarti, Las Vegas, NV: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

46.Bélisle, Deny and H. Onur Bodur (2011), “Understanding Design Elements in Bundles", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol: 39, eds. Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, and Rebecca K. Ratner, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

47.Bodur, H. Onur and Andrea Kim (2011), “Impact of Suspicion in CSR Evaluations,” in SCP Winter 2011 Conference, ed. Naomi Mandel and David Silvera, Atlanta, GA: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

48.Bodur, H. Onur, Jean-Francois Bélisle and Danielle Mantovani Lucena da Silva (2010), "What Does My Avatar Say About Me? Consumer Self Presentation In Virtual Worlds,” Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, Denmark: European Marketing Academy.

49.Bélisle, Deny and H. Onur Bodur (2010), "Perception of Bundle Value Across Contingency Levels: The Influence of Pricing Strategy and Images Presentation Format," in SCP Winter 2010 Conference, ed. Meg Meloy and Adam Duhachek, St. Pete Beach, FL: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA).

50.Bélisle, Jean-François, H. Onur Bodur, and Jacques Nantel (2008), "Is Your Avatar’s Personality Representative of Your Own Personality? An Investigation of the Virtual World Second Life," in 27th Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference: Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior, ed. Natalie T. Wood and Michael R. Solomon, Philadelphia, PA: American Psychological Association (APA), 16.

51.Bélisle, Jean-François, H. Onur Bodur, and Jacques Nantel (2008), "Perception in Virtual Worlds: Personality Impressions Based on Avatars in the Virtual World Second Life," in SPSP 2008 Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM: Society for Personality and Social Psychology (APA), 339.

52.Bélisle, Deny and H. Onur Bodur (2008), “The Impact of Products’ Contingency Level on the Attractiveness of the Price Bundling Strategy,” Michael Bliemel (Eds.), ASAC Conference Proceedings, Vol: 39, Halifax, NS: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.

53.Bodur, H. Onur and Lissa Matyas (2008), “When Do Consumers Prefer More Choice? Moderating Effects of Regulatory Focus,” in SCP Winter 2008 Conference, ed. Maria Cronley and Dhananjay Navakankupparm, New Orleans, LA: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA), 29.

54.Bélisle, Jean-François and H. Onur Bodur (2008), "Understanding Website Interactivity in Online Shopping Experience: The Role of Avatars," in SCP Winter 2008 Conference, ed. Maria Cronley and Dhananjay Navakankupparm, New Orleans, LA: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA), 29.

55.Bélisle, Deny and H. Onur Bodur (2008), "When are Product Bundles More Attractive? Explaining the Role of Product Contingency Level, Consumption Goals, and Promotional Strategy," in SCP Winter 2008 Conference, ed. Maria Cronley and Dhananjay Navakankupparm, New Orleans, LA: Society for Consumer Psychology (APA), 29.

56.Bodur, H. Onur and Lissa Matyas (2007), “When Do Consumers Prefer More Choice? Moderating Effects of Regulatory Focus,” in NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35, eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.

57.Barlas, Sema and Bodur, H. Onur (2007), "Effects of Social Consumption on Choices: Unintended Concessions," In Cele Otnes (Ed.) European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol: 8, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.

58.Bodur, H. Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2004), “Robustness of Mere Ownership Effect on Product Evaluations and the Moderating Role of Materialism,” CORS/INFORMS Joint International Conference. The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

59.Bodur, H. Onur and Bianca Grohmann (2003), “Business Gifts as a Promotion Tool: An Investigation of Factors Influencing Gift Evaluation and Reactions to Gift Receipt,” EURO/INFORMS Conference, July 6-10, 2003, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey. 

60.Bodur, H. Onur, Neeraj Arora, and Anocha Aribarg (2002), “Understanding Preference Revision and Concession in Joint Decisions,” In Susan M. Broniarczyk and Kent Nakamoto (Eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 29, Austin, TX: Association for Consumer Research.  

61.Arora, Neeraj, H. Onur Bodur, and Noreen Klein (2001), "Reference Price Distribution and Consumer Evaluation of Price," INFORMS: Marketing Science Conference, University of Mainz, Wiesbaden, Germany. 

62.Bodur, H. Onur, and Neeraj Arora (2000), "Understanding the Impact of Preference Evolution on Group Decisions," INFORMS: Marketing Science Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.


Zikmund, William G. and H. Onur Bodur (2007). Effective Marketing Research in Canada (2007). 1E. Toronto, ON: Thomson Nelson Canada.

Research activities

Research Workshops

September 5, 2014: Managing Scientific Projects in Behavioural and Social Sciences.  Joint organization with Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) and Dr. Kathleen Boies.  Visitor: Dr. François Chiocchio, University of Ottawa.

April 14-17, 2014: Advances in Visual Research in Marketing.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Rik Pieters,Tilburg University.

March 21-22, 2013:  Statistical Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Andrew F. Hayes, Associate Professor of Quantitative Psychology and Associate Professor of Communication, Ohio State University, USA.

September 20-21, 2012: Applications of Implicit Motivations in Business Research.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Dr. Oliver C. Schultheiss, Professor of Psychology, Chair for Experimental Psychology, Motivation, and Affective Neuroscience Institute of Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander University.

June 18-20, 2012: Methodological Advances in Behavioral Research and Applications in MPLUS. Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Dr. Robert J. Vandenberg, Professor of Management, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia.

Participation activities

Selected Media Participation Activities

Related to Sustainability :
1. Les Affaires (June 16, 2017): La recette concrète d’un grand brasseur pour innover.

Related to Marketing Research Education:
2. The Globe & Mail (Nov. 25, 2014): Casting a critical eye on polling. 

Related to Retailing:
3. The Globe & Mail (Jan. 15, 2015): Why empty shelves killed the Target brand. 

Related to Perception/Color:
4. La Press (April 25, 2015): La Recette des Tendances. 

Related to Published Research:
5. Tezer, Ali* and H. Onur Bodur (2020), “The Greenconsumption Effect: How Using Green Products Improves Consumption Experience,” Journal of Consumer Research. (FT 50, impact factor =4.70, 5 year impact factor =6.47).

Sample media mentions:
HuffPost (Dec. 4, 2019): Consommer des produits verts nous procurerait du bien-être
Radio Canada (Dec. 5, 2019): Looking to salve that seasonal shopping stress? 
MarketBusinessNews (Dec. 6, 2019): Using green products improves consumption experience
FastCompany (Dec. 12, 2019): There’s another reason to buy green products
Euronews (Dec. 15, 2019): Buying Green Might Bring You that 'Warm Glow' 

6. Atalay, A. Selin, H. Onur Bodur, and Etienne Bressoud (2017), “When and How Multitasking Impacts Consumer Decisions,” Journal of Retailing, 93(2), 187-200 (DOI:10.1016/j.jretai.2016.09.001). 

Consumer Affairs (November 16, 2016): How multitasking can make you a worse shopper.
Psychology Today (November 23, 2016): In a Store and on the Phone: A Risky Mix?
Phys.Org (November 15, 2016):Too stressed to make smart purchases? Multitasking can affect shopping performance
Science Daily (November 15, 2016): Too stressed to make smart purchases? 
Domain-B (November 16, 2016): Too stressed to make smart purchases?
Real Simple (November 30, 2016). Here’s why you shouldn’t multitask while shopping. 

7. Bodur, H. Onur, Maryam Tofighi*, and Bianca Grohmann (2016), “When Should Private Label Brands Endorse Ethical Attributes?” Journal of Retailing, 92(2), 204-217 (DOI:10.1016/j.jretai.2015.11.001).  (impact factor =3.77, 5 year impact factor =4.61, SSCI =2, Google scholar =3).  *With graduate student.

Sample media mention:
Le Devoir (R. Tamburri, January 26, 2016): Produits vertueux cherchent consommateurs consciencieux pour relation durable.
Retail Wire (May 2, 2016): Should lower-tier private labels avoid being ‘ethical’?
Health Medicine Network (April 20, 2016): Eco-friendly store brands are a win-win-win situation
Science Newsline, NewsWise.

8. Bodur, H. Onur, Noreen Klein, and Neeraj Arora (2015), “Understanding Consumer’s Use of Online Price Information,” Journal of Retailing, 91(1), 125-139 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jretai.2014.09.003). 
1-on-1 TV Interview with M. Takehashi:@ CTV “How online retail is helping stores,” (April 10, 2015, see: 
The Globe and Mail (R. Tamburri) “How online price-comparison sites affect consumer shopping habits,” (April 14, 2015).

9. Bodur, H. Onur, Kimberly Duval*, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “Will You Purchase Environmentally-Friendly Products? Using Prediction Requests to Increase Choice of Sustainable Products,” Journal of Business Ethics, 129(1), 59-75  (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2143-6).
USA News (US), Waste Dive (US), Science Daily (US), News (US),The Needs (US), Phys Org (US), Science Codex (US), Click Green (US); Climate & Wire (US), Technobahn (US). 

10. Bodur, H. Onur, Ting Gao*, and Bianca Grohmann (2014), “The Ethical Attribute Stigma: Understanding When Ethical Attributes Improve Consumer Responses to Product Evaluations,” Journal of Business Ethics, 122(1), 167-177 (DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1764-5). 
Science Daily (US); e!ScienceNews (US); PhysOrg (US); LivingBiology (US); ScienceNewsLine (US); (US); Jersey Tribune (US); UNFOXNews (US); Feed Story (US); Red Orbit (US); CT News (France).

11. Atalay, A. Selin, H. Onur Bodur, and Dina Rasolofoarison (2012), "Shining in the Center: Central Gaze Cascade Effect on Product Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(4), 848-866.
Radio Canada (CBC-Canada); Marketing News (US); Clarin (Argentina); BBC Mundo (UK); Globe and Mail (Canada: July 18, 2012). Centre is the sweet spot for products on display, study finds; SudDeutsche Zeitung (Germany); Science Daily (US).

12. Bélisle, Jean-François and H. Onur Bodur (2010), “Avatars as Information: Perception of Consumers Based on Their Avatars in the Virtual World,” Psychology & Marketing, 27(8), August, 741-765.
Radio interview on avatars with Dan Delmar (CJAD 800/VIRGIN RADIO 96/CHOM 97.7); Der Standard (Austria); Kurier (Austria); (Switzerland); St.Gallen online (Switzerland); Discovery News (US); Correio Braziliense (Brazil); e! Science News (US); First Science (US); (US); Red Orbit (US); Science Daily (US); Big News Network (Australia).

Workshop Organization Activities

February 13, 2015: Creating Sustainable Social Change.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR). Dr. David Brinberg – Virginia Tech.  In collaboration with David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise.  

September 5, 2014: Managing Scientific Projects in Behavioural and Social Sciences.  Joint organization with Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) and Dr. Kathleen Boies.  Visitor: Dr. François Chiocchio, University of Ottawa.

April 14-17, 2014: Advances in Visual Research in Marketing. Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Rik Pieters,Tilburg University.

February 27, 2014:  Advances in Visual Research.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Jeremy Wolfe, Harvard University, USA.  In Collaboration with Aaron Johnson (Psychology).

March 21-22, 2013:  Statistical Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Andrew F. Hayes, Associate Professor of Quantitative Psychology and Associate Professor of Communication, Ohio State University, USA.

September 20-21, 2012: Applications of Implicit Motivations in Business Research.  Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Dr. Oliver C. Schultheiss, Professor of Psychology, Chair for Experimental Psychology, Motivation, and Affective Neuroscience Institute of Psychology, Friedrich-Alexander University.

June 18-20, 2012: Methodological Advances in Behavioral Research and Applications in MPLUS. Centre for Multidisciplinary Behavioural Business Research (CMBBR) Professional Development Workshop with Dr. Robert J. Vandenberg, Professor of Management, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. 

Teaching Activities

Teaching Interests

My teaching portfolio includes courses in sustainability, marketing management, consumer behaviour, pricing, research methods.  

I have taught at all levels (undergraduate, MSc, PhD, MBA, special interest courses). 

Currently I focus my attention on teaching Sustainability in Marketing and Consumer Research Methodology. 

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