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Nuria Carton de Grammont, PhD

  • Part-time Faculty, Art History

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Nuria Carton de Grammont, PhD, is an art historian,curator and lecturer at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, specializing inLatin American and Latin Canadian contemporary art. She has held twopostdoctoral fellowships from the Center for International Studies and Researchand the Department of Geography at the Université de Montréal, where she alsocoordinated the Research Network on Latin America (RÉAL). She has publishedseveral articles on Latin American art in the magazines Artediseño,Oltreoceano. Rivista sulle migrazioni, The ALHIM Papers, Fractal, Esse arts opinions, Inter, current art and Archée, and co-edited Politics, Cultureand Economy in Popular Practices in the Americas (Peter Lang, 2016). Ascurator, she presented the Gilberto Esparza exhibition: Plantasautofotosintéticas at Galerie de l’UQAM (2017) and co-directed theinstallation of Objects Personnels / Personal belongings / Objetospersonales for the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts as part of the Connexions.Notre diversité artistique dialogue avec nos collections (2018-2019). Sheis currently director of the SBC Gallery of contemporary art in Montreal.

Teaching activities

Special Topics in Art & Society. Contemporary Latin American Art ARTH 398

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