Mojtaba Kheiri
- Associate Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Fluid-structure interactions, Aeroelasticity, Flow-induced vibration, Wind engineering, Airborne wind energy, Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Renewable energy systems, Energy harvesting, Numerical methods
Contact information
EV 4.149
Teaching activities
Fall 2023
Principles of Aeroelasticity AERO 431
Fall 2023
Aeroelasticity MECH 6481
Selected journal articles
Tabatabaei S S, Kheiri M, Dargahi J (2021). Dynamics and stability of imperfect flexible cylinders in axial flow. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Accepted.
Tavallaeinejad M, Salinas M F, Paidoussis M P, Legrand M, Kheiri M, Botez R M (2021). Dynamics of inverted flags: Experiments and comparison with theory. Journal of Fluids and Structures 101 103199.
Tavallaeinejad M, Paidoussis M P, Salinas M F, Legrand M, Kheiri M, Botez R M (2020). Flapping of heavy inverted flags: a fluid-elastic instability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 904 R5.
Zhang X, Kheiri M, Xie W-F (2020). Nonlinear dynamics and gust response of a two-dimensional wing. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 123, 103478.
Tavallaeinejad M, Paidoussis M P, Legrand M, Kheiri M, (2020). Instability and post-critical behaviour of inverted flags. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 890.
Kheiri M, (2020). Nonlinear dynamics of imperfectly-supported pipes conveying fluid, Journal of Fluids and Structures 93, 102850.
Kheiri M, (2019). Airborne Wind Energy: A Game Changer in Wind Energy. Feature Article in the CSME Bulletin, Special Issue on Energy, Spring 2019, 9-10.
Kheiri M, Bourgault F, Saberi Nasrabad V, Victor S. (2018). On the aerodynamic performance of crosswind
kite power systems. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics. 181: 1-13.
Zhang X, Kheiri M, Xie W-F (2021). Aero-servo-elasticity of an airfoil with parametric uncertainty and subjected to atmospheric gusts. AIAA Journal, Accepted.
Kheiri M. (2016). Dynamics and stability of a flexible, slender cylinder flexibly restrained at one end and free
at the other and subjected to axial flow. Archive of Mechanical Engineering. 63: 379-396.
Kheiri M, Paidoussis M P, Amabili M. (2015). An experimental study of dynamics of towed flexible
cylinders. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 348: 149-166.
Kheiri M, Paidoussis M P, *Costa Del Pozo G, Amabili M. (2014). Dynamics of a pipe conveying fluid
flexibly restrained at the ends. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 49: 360-385.
Kheiri M, Paidoussis M P. (2014). On the use of generalized Hamilton’s principle for the derivation of the
equation of motion of a pipe conveying fluid. Journal of Fluids and Structures. 50: 18-24.
Kheiri M, Paidoussis M P, Amabili M. (2013). A nonlinear model for a towed flexible cylinder. Journal of
Sound and Vibration. 332: 1789-1806.
Selected conference papers
Kheiri M, Saberi Nasrabad V, Victor S, Bourgault F. (2017). A Wake Model for Crosswind Kite Systems.
Airborne Wind Energy Conference (AWEC), Freiburg, Germany
Kheiri M, Bourgault F, Saberi Nasrabad, V. (2017). Power Limit for Crosswind Kite Systems. Proceedings
of ISWTP 2017. International Symposium on Wind and Tidal Power, Montreal, Canada
Kheiri M., Paidoussis M P, Amabili M. (2013). Some aspects of nonlinear dynamics of towed flexible
cylinders. Proceedings of the 4th CanCNSM. The 4th CanCNSM (Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid
Kadavilparambil Akberali A F, Kheiri M, Bourgault F (2021). Generalized aerodynamic models for crosswind kite power systems. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Accepted.
Participation activities
Journal of Fluids and Structures
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
Ocean Engineering
ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids
B.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
M.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Canada