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Dr. Maryse Fortin, PhD, CAT(C)

Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology

Dr. Maryse Fortin, PhD, CAT(C)

Dr. Fortin officially joined the Department of Health, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology as an Assistant Professor in July 2019, after having spent 2 years at the PERFORM Centre, Concordia University, as a Research Scientist.

Postdoctoral Fellowship, PERFORM Centre, Concordia University, Electrical Engineering
Postdoctoral Fellowship, McGill University, Orthopedic Spine Surgery
PhD, University of Alberta, Rehabilitation Science
BSc, Concordia University, Exercise Science, Specialization Athletic Therapy

Research Interests:
Dr. Fortin's primary area of research and clinical expertise is in musculoskeletal spine imaging and rehabilitation. Her research program focuses on understanding the role of the paraspinal musculature in the development and recurrence of low back pain and neck pain, using structural and advanced MRI and ultrasound imaging applications, in order to quantify temporal muscle degenerative changes and altered muscle function as possible factors associated with persistent pain and related disability. She is also interested to clarify the effect of different types of exercise therapy used for the treatment of chronic low back pain on overall paraspinal muscle health (e.g. size, asymmetry, fatty infiltration, muscle function).

Teaching activities

EXCI 610/322: Statistics & Research Design
EXCI 424: Honours Seminar I: Issues and Methods in Exercise Science
EXCI 624: Special Topics in Exercise Science


Selected publications:

Fortin M, Rizk A, Frenette S, Boily M, Rivaz H. Ultrasonography of multifidus muscle morphology and function in ice hockey players with and without low back pain. Phys Ther Sport 2019;27:77-85.

Crawford RJ, Fortin M, Weber KA, Smith A, Elliott JM. Are MRI technologies crucial to our understanding of spinal conditions? J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2019;49(5):320-329.

Yiming X, Fortin M, Battie MC, Rivaz H. Population-averaged atlases for automated image processing and assessment of lumbar spinal muscles. Eur Spine J 2018;27(10):2442-2448.

Fortin M, Wilk N, Dobrescu O, Martel P, Weber MH. Relationship between cervical muscle morphology evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging, cervical muscle strenght and functional outcomes in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy. Musculoskeletal Sci Pract 2018;38:1-7.

Fortin M, Omidyeganeh M, Battie MC, Ahmad O, Rivaz H. Development of an automated thresholding algorithm for the quantification of paraspinal muscle composition from MRI images. Biomed Eng Online 2017 22;16(1):61.

Fortin M, Battie MC, Lazary A, Valga PP. Association between paraspinal muscle morphology, clinical symptoms and functional status in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Eur Spine J 2017;26(10):2532-2551.

Fortin M, Dobrescu O, Courtemanche M, Sparrey C, Santaguida CJ, Fehlings MG, Weber MH. Association between paraspinal muscle morphology, clinical symptoms and functionals status in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine 2017 15;42(4):232-239.

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