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Mark McAndrews, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Education

Mark McAndrews, Ph.D.

Dr. McAndrews joined the faculty in January 2020 as a limited-term assistant professor. He currently teaches courses in the B.Ed. in TESL and M.A. in Applied Linguistics programs. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Northern Arizona University, and previously taught ESL/EFL/EAP at post-secondary institutions in the U.S. and China, and K-12 physical education in Nunavik. A native of Toronto, he is putting his French Immersion schooling to good use in Montréal.  

Teaching activities

Courses Taught

TESL 221 - Phonology for Teachers
TESL 331 - Grammar for Teachers
TESL 326 - Pedagogy: General
TESL 341 - Language Acquisition
APLI 604 - Applied Language Studies

Research activities

Research areas

Phonological acquisition in a second language;
Teaching methods for second language pronunciation & listening;
Language use in aviation settings


Selected Publications

McAndrews, M. 2020. Practitioners respond to Suzanne Graham’s ‘Research into practice: Listening strategies in an instructed classroom setting’. Language Teaching, 53, 371-373.

McAndrews, M. 2019. Short periods of instruction improve learners’ phonological categories for L2 suprasegmental features. System, 82, 151-161.

McAndrews, M. 2018. [Review of the book Usage-based approaches to language acquisition and processing, by N.C. Ellis, U. Römer, & M. B. O’Donnell]. International Journal of Learner Corpus Research, 4,133-136. 

McAndrews, M. & Thomson, R. I. 2017. Establishing an empirical basis for priorities in pronunciation teaching. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 3, 267-287.

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