Dr Liangzhu Leon Wang, PhD
- Professor, FIBPSA, FASHRAE, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
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Contact information
Dr. Wang is Associate Director of the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies (CZEBS) and have led multiple large-scale projects with Canada federal and provincial grants focusing on urban climate and sustainability with the focus on studying the impacts of the climate change, such as Advancing Climate Change Science in Canada, and Canada Foundation of Innovation, contributing to international codes/standards and guidelines, such as IECC, ASHRAE, and REHVA. His research also contributed to the mitigation of urban heat island and COVID-19 impacts in Canada and were widely covered by the media. He has organized large international conferences and workshops and led multi-disciplinary projects, collaborating with many governments and research institutes, including National Research Council Canada (NRC), Health Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada. Dr. Wang is also leading the NRC collaboration in the recent Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) project “Electrifying Society – Towards Decarbonized Resilient Communities”.
- Urban energy and environment
- Climate impacts on buildings, building resilience
- Building airflow and thermal management
- Forecasting/Hybrid building simulations using weather forecasting models
- Real-time building simulations
- Computational fluid dynamics applied to building designs
Teaching activities
- CIVL 6601 – Modeling of Building and Environmental Engineering
- BLDG 465/BLDG6651 – Fire and Smoke Control in Buildings
- ENGR 361/2 V – Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
- ENGR 391/4 V – Numerical Methods in Engineering
Journal papers
- Lin, C. and L.Wang. 2014. Applications of Data Assimilation to Forecasting Indoor Environment. Accepted by the tenth annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2014), Taiwan, August 18 - 22,2014
- Lin, C. and L.Wang. 2014. Forecasting smoke transport in a compartment fire using Ensemble Kalman Filter. Journal of Fire Sciences. Published online before print September 3, 2014, doi: 10.1177/0734904114548837.
- Qi, D., L.Wang and R. Zmeureanu. 2014. An analytical model of heat and mass transfer through non-adiabatic high-rise shafts during fires. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Volume 72, May 2014, Pages 585–594.
- Zhao, G and Liangzhu Wang. 2014. Using helium smoke as a surrogate of fire smoke for the study of atrium smoke filling. Journal of Fire Sciences. Vol. 32, no. 5,431-447.
- Dols, W., L.Wang, S. Emmerich and B. Polidoro. 2014. Development and application of an updated whole-building coupled thermal, airflow, and contaminant transport simulation program (TRNSYS/CONTAM). Journal of Building Performance Simulation.doi:10.1080/19401493.2014.938699.
- Wang, L. and Z. Zhong. 2014. An approach to determine infiltration characterisitcs of building entrance equipped with air curtains. Energy and Buildings. Volume 75,June 2014, Pages 312–320.
- Qi, D., L.Wang and R. Zmeureanu. 2014. Modeling smoke movement in shafts during high-rise fires by a multizone airflow and energy network program. Submitted to ASHRAE Transaction.
- Qi, D., L.Wang and R. Zmeureanu. 2014. An empirical analysis of neutral pressure level for an air-tight non-adiabatic high-rise shaft during fires. Submitted to Fire Technology.
- Cheng-Chun Lin and L. Wang. 2013. Forecasting simulations of indoor environment using data assimilation via an Ensemble Kalman filter. Building and Environment, Volume64, June 2013, Pages 169–176.
- Wang, L.,Steven Emmerich and Cheng-Chun Lin. 2013. Study of the impact of operation distance of outdoor portable generators under different weather conditions.Indoor and Built Environment. Accepted on April 18, 2013. Doi:10.1177/1420326X13482318
- Wang, L. and Guanchao Zhao. 2013. Numerical study of smoke filling driven by pure helium in a full-scale atrium. Fire Safety Journal 61(0): 45-53.
- Wang, L., W.Z. Black and Guanchao Zhao. 2013. Comparison of simulation programs for airflow and smoke movement during high-rise fires. ASHRAE Transactions - Technical Paper, Vol. 119, Part 2, DE-13-014, Pages
- Yao, Y., K.Yang, M. Huang and L. Wang. 2013. A state-space model for dynamic response of indoor air temperature and humidity. Building and Environment, Volume 64, June2013, Pages 26–37.
- Wang, L.,Steven J. Emmerich, Andrew K. Persily and Cheng-Chun Lin. 2012. Carbon monoxide generation, dispersion and exposure from indoor operation of gasoline-powered electric generators under actual weather conditions. Building and Environment.56 (2012) 283-290.
- Wang, L., W.Stuart Dols and S. Emmerich. 2012. Simultaneous solutions of coupled thermal airflow problem for natural ventilation in buildings. HVAC&R Research.18(1-2):11.
- Nirvan, G., F.Haghighat, L. Wang and H. Akbari. 2012. Contaminant transport through the garage-house interface leakage. Building and Environment. 56 (2012) 176-183.
- Wang, L., S.Emmerich, and A. Persily. 2010. In situ experimental study of carbon monoxide generation by gasoline-powered electricity generator in an enclosed space.Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 60:19.
- Wang, L., W.Stuart Dols and Q. Chen. 2010. Using CFD Capabilities of CONTAM 3.0 for Simulating Airflow and Contaminant Transport In and Around Buildings. HVAC&R Research– Special Edition “CFD Simulations in Buildings” 16(6): 16.
- Wang, L. and S. Emmerich. 2010. Modeling the effects of outdoor gasoline powered generator use on indoor carbon monoxide exposures. Building Simulation. Vol. 3, Number 1:39-50.
- Chen, Q., Lee,K., Mazumdar, K., Poussou, S., Wang, L, Wang, M., and Zhang, Z. 2010.Ventilation performance prediction for buildings: Model assessment. Building and Environment, 45(2), 295-303.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2008. Applications of a coupled multizone-CFD model to calculate airflow and contaminant dispersion in built environments for emergency management. HVAC&R Research 14(6): 15.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2008. Evaluation of some assumptions used in multizone airflow network models. Building and Environment 43(10): 1671-1677.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2007. Theoretical and numerical studies of coupling multizone and CFD models for building air distribution simulations. Indoor Air 17(5): 14.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2007. Validation of a coupled multizone and CFD program for building airflow and contaminant transport simulations. HVAC&R Research 13(2):267-281.
- Chen, Q., Z. Zhai and L. Wang. 2007. Computer modeling of multi-scale fluid flow and heat and mass transfer in engineered spaces. Chemical Engineering Science 62(13):3580-3588.
Participation activities
Conference papers and reports
- Qi, D., L. Wang and R. Zmeureanu. 2014. Hand calculation of smoke movement through high-rise building shafts. ASHRAE Transactions,SE-14-C052, Pages 8.
- Wang, L. 2014.Whole building annual energy analysis of air curtain performance in commercial building. Esim 2014, 11 Pages, Ottawa, Canada, May 7 – 10, 2014.
- Lin, C. and L.Wang. 2014. Combining predictions and measurements for indoor environment forecasting. Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, July 7 – 12, 2014.
- Emmerich, S.,L. Wang and A. Persily. 2014. Measured carbon monoxide emission rates from stock and reduced emission prototype portable generators. Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China, July 7 – 12, 2014.
- Qi, D., L.Wang and R. Zmeureanu. 2013. Large eddy simulation of thermal comfort and energy utilization indices for indoor airflows. ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 119,DE-13-C053, Pages 8.
- Wang, L. 2013.Investigation of the impact of building entrance air curtain on whole building energy use. Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International. Pages:57.
- Emmerich,Steven, A. Persily and L. Wang. 2013. Modeling and measuring the effects of portable gasoline powered generator exhaust on indoor carbon monoxide level.NIST Technical Note 1781. National Institute of Standards and Technology and Concordia University. http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/TechnicalNotes/NIST.TN.1781.pdf
- Wang, L. and Zhaoyu Zheng. 2012. An exploratory study on graphics processing units computing for combined computational fluid dynamics and multizone building simulations.The 2nd International Conference on Building energy and Environment (COBEE). Boulder, Colorado, August 1-4, 2012.
- Wang, L. and Steven Emmerich. 2012. Modeling the effects of outdoor gasoline powered generator use on indoor carbon monoxide exposures. ASHRAE 2012 Conference. Seminar 59 “The Effects of the Outdoor Environment on Indoor Environment Modeling”, San Antonio, Texas, June 23-27, 2012.
- Wang, L. and Zhaoyu Zheng. 2012. Quarterly reports for “High-performance computing for building airflow and contaminant transport modeling” for National Institute of Standards and Technology with the grant number 60NANB11D020.
- Wang, L.Combined Multizone and CFD Capabilities in CONTAM. 2011. ASHRAE 2011Conference. Seminar 35 “Do I Really Need CFD?”. Montreal, Canada, June 25-29.
- Emmerich S.and L. Wang. 2011. Modeling the effects of outdoor use of portable gasoline powered generator exhaust on indoor carbon monoxide exposure. Indoor Air 2011.Austin, Texas, June 5-10.
- Wang, L., W.Stuart Dols and S. Emmerich. 2010. Simultaneous solutions of coupled thermal airflow problems for natural ventilation in buildings. Poster for IAQVEC 2010,Syracuse, NY, August 15-18.
- Wang, L., W.Stuart Dols and Q. Chen. 2010. An introduction to the CFD capabilities in CONTAM 3.0. SimBuild 2010, New York, NY, August 11-13.
- Wang, L., S.Emmerich, R. Powell (NIST), Fuyuen Yip and Scott Damon (CDC). 2010. Numerical Studies of the Effects of Outdoor Gasoline Powered Generator Exhaust on Indoor Carbon Monoxide Exposures in a Two-story House. The U.S. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 6 –10.
- Wang, L. 2009.Introduction to CONTAM 3.0 and coupling between multizone and CFD models(invited). The 6th International Workshop/Seminar on Combined Heat, Air,Moisture and Pollutant Simulations, Syracuse, NY, September 9-11.
- Wang, L., S.Emmerich (NIST), Fuyuen Yip and Scott Damon (CDC). 2009. Modeling the effects of outdoor use of gasoline powered generators on indoor carbon monoxide levels.The 2009 National Environmental Public Health Conference, Atlanta, GA, October26-28.
- Wang, L. and S. Emmerich. 2009. Modeling the effects of outdoor gasoline powered generator use on indoor carbon monoxide exposures. NIST Technical Note 1637. Gaithersburg, MD.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2007. Analysis on the well-mixing assumptions used in multizone airflow network models. The 10th International IBPSA Conference - Building Simulation 2007, Beijing, China, September 3-6.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2006. Coupling multizone and CFD programs for building contaminant transport simulations. The eighth Healthy Buildings Conference - Healthy Building 2006. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Wang, L. andQ. Chen. 2006. Coupling of multizone and CFD programs for building airflowdistribution and contaminant transport simulations (invited). The eighthInternational Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control - Ventilation2006. Chicago, IL.
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2005. On solution characteristics of coupling of multizone and CFD programs in building air distribution simulation. Proceedings of Building Simulation 2005. Montreal, Canada
- Wang, L. and Q. Chen. 2004. Using a coupled multizone and CFD program for natural ventilation studies. The fifth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality,Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Toronto, Canada, May 5 -6.
- Wang, L., G.Tu, T. Zou, et al. 2002. A CFD simulation and optimization of subway station ventilation. The 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate- California, June 30 - July 5.
- Wang, L. 2002.A CFD simulation and optimization of Tianjin Metro Station. The 2002 Taiwan International Conference of Subway Traffic. Paper ID: B001. Taiwan, R.O.C.April 25 – 27, 2002.
- Persily, A, W.Stuart Dols and L. Wang. 2010. Combined Multizone and CFD Capabilities of CONTAM. The 14th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling. Fairfax, VA, July 13-15.
- Chen, Q., Lee,K., Mazumdar, K., Poussou, S., Wang, L, Wang, M., and Zhang, Z. 2009. “What is the most appropriate model for predicting ventilation performance in buildings?” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Healthy Buildings, pp. 87-102, Seoul, Korea and Proceedings of the 5thInternational Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and the 3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(EERB-BEPH 2009), Guilin, Guangxi, China, 18 pages.
- Chen, Q. and Wang, L. 2005. “Development, analysis and validation of approaches for coupling CONTAM and CFD0-C for simulating contaminant transport in buildings”, Final Report for NIST SB1341-04-Q-0771, 62 pages, School of Mechanical Engineering,Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Chen, Q. and Wang, L. 2004. “Coupling of multizone program CONTAM with simplified CFD program CFD0-C,” Final Report for NIST RFQ-03-Q-9537, 120 pages, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Yang, J., G.Tu, Y. Tian and L. Wang. 2001. The research for the spot air cleaning unit inpatient room. The International Symposium on Building and Urban Environmental Engineering, Seoul, Korea, July 2001, 115-118.