Transdisciplinarity; Socio-Environmental Governance; Decolonization; Botanic Gardens in Biodiversity Conservation; Eco-tourism
Professor Katja Grötzner Neves, Lic. BA Honours; MA; PhD
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Professeure titulaire, Sociology and Anthropology
- Full Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Status: Tenured Professor since 2009
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Biographic Note
DR. KATJA NEVES is Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Professor Neves is passionate in her quest to understand the socio-ecological dynamics by means of which we live within our planet’s more than human world. She has recently developed a highly innovative program for the study, enhancement, and support of socio-environmental transdisciplinarity. In the realm of teaching, Katja Neves has worked to decolonize all of her courses, and developed a new graduate level course on the decolonization of university knowledge practices. Theoretically grounded in social studies of science, critical environmental studies, and political ecology, Professor Neves’s research has focused on the reinvention of botanic gardens as significant agents in the governance of biodiversity conservation. Generously financed by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC Canada), this research has resulted in a single authored 2019 book with State University New York Press (SUNY) titled “Postnormal Conservation: Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance” and journal publications. Her earlier work studied the social, political, historical, and cultural ecologies of human relations with whales and dolphins in the Azores, Portugal, vis-à-vis neoliberal co-optations of marine biodiversity conservation.
Research activities: Currently Funded Research
Ongoing Projects
- 2023-2026 Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) and Fonds de recherche du Québec– Société et culture (FRQSC). Recipient of the third edition of the PRISME pilot program. Project titled: Dynamiques des réseaux à travers les échelles : illustrer nos relations avec les virus et notre environnement. Co PI with Morgan Craig at Universitè de Montreal. $50 000.
- 2022-2028 Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT). Co-applicant as Science Director for Axis 4 Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (QCBS). Funds granted for instituting QCBS.02 $3 000 000 ($500 000 per year).
- 2016-2024 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Research, Insight Grant $ 203 417 (PI) Global Transformations in Biodiversity Conservation Leadership, Sustainability and Social Change.
Teaching activities
Courses Taught
Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
2023-2024 Total of 12 Credits (sick leave remission 9 credits)
Socio-Environmental and Issues (Soci /Anth 319 Summer/1) 3 credit course
2022-2023 Total of 12 Credits
The Governance of ‘Nature’ and the Nature of Governance (Soci 320 Summer/2 2022) 3 credit
Issues in Climate Change (Soci/Anth 498/A Summer) 3 credits
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/A Fall) 3 credits
Decolonizing the University (Soci 650) 3 credits
2021-2022 total of 6 credits (medical leave from January to May 2022)
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/A Fall) 3 credit course
The Governance of ‘Nature’ and the Nature of Governance (Soci 398/A Fall) 3 credits
2020-2021 total of 12 credits
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/A Fall) 3 credit course
The Governance of ‘Nature’ and the Nature of Governance (Soci 398/A Fall) 3 credits
General Graduate PhD-level Seminar (SOAN 840 Winter) 3 credit course
Socio-Environmental and Issues (Soci 319/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
2019—2020total of 12 credits
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/A Fall) 3 credit course
Graduate Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 613/A Winter) 3 credit course
The Governance of ‘Nature’ and the Nature of Governance (Soci 398/A Fall) 3 credits
General Graduate PhD-level Seminar (SOAN 840 Winter) 3 credit course
2018—2019total of 12 credits
The Governance of ‘Nature’ and the Nature of Governance (Soci 398/A Fall) 3 credits
Socio-Environmental and Issues (Soci 319/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
Contemporary Issues in Economy, Society, and Biodiversity (Soci 277/A Winter) 3 cred.
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/A Fall) 3 credit course
2017—2018 total of 6 credits (Half Research Sabbatical Leave Winter/Spring 2018)
Socio-Environmental and Issues (Soci 319/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
Contemporary Issues in Economy, Society, and Biodiversity (Soci 277/A Winter) 3 cred.
2016—2017 total of 9 credits (graduate course canceled due to administrative course coding error and resulting low enrolment numbers) earned 1.5 credits in 2019 for extensive supervision)
Socio-Environmental and Issues (Soci 319/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/4 Winter) 3 credit course
Graduate Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 613/A Winter) 3 credit course
2015—2016 Total 12 credits (taught 9; moved Fall course to winter, banked 3 course credits earned for adjudication service for SSHRC)
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/4 AA Winter) 3 credit course
Contemporary Issues in Economy, Society, and Biodiversity (Soci 298/ A Fall) 3 credits
2014—2015 Total 6 credits (Half Research Sabbatical Leave Summer/Fall 2014)
Environment and Society (Soci 319/2 A Winter) 3 credit course
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/4 B Winter) 3 credit course
2008—2009Total 12 credits (taught 9 and used banked course from graduate supervision)
Graduate Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 613/4 Winter) 3 credit course
Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 415/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
2008—2009total of 12 credits
Sociology Honours Seminar (Soci 409/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 415/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
2006—2007total of 12 credits
Sociology Honours Seminar (Soci 409/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 415/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
2013—2014 T Total 12 credits (taught 9 and used banked course from serving on SSRCH adjudication committees)
Contemporary Cultural Theory (Soci 403/4 Winter) 3 credit course
Environment and Society (Soci 319/4 Winter) 3 credit course
Contemporary Issues in Economy, Society, and Biodiversity (Soci 298/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
2012—2013 Total 12 credits
Capitalism, Environment, and Development (Soci 637/4 Winter) 3 credit course
Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 415/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
Environment and Society (Soci 398/4 A Fall) 3 credit course
2011—2012 Total 6 credits (Sick Leave Fall 2011)
Graduate Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 613/4 Winter) 3 credit course
Environment and Society (Soci 398/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
2010—2011 (Full Research Sabbatical Leave July 1st 2010 to July 1st 2011)
2006—2007total of 12 credits
Sociology Honours Seminar (Soci 409/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 415/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
2005—2006total of 12 credits
Capitalism, Environment, and Development (Soci 652 4 AA Winter) 3 credit course
Qualitative Research Methods (Soci 415/A Fall and Winter) 6 credit course
Environment and Society (Soci 398/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
2004—2005total of 12 credits
Graduate Professional Seminar (Soci 660/3 A Fall) 3 credit course
Introduction to Society (Soci 203/1 AA Spring) 3 credit course
Environment and Society (SociI 398/4 A Winter) 3 credit course
Introduction to Society (Soci 203/2 A Fall) 3 credit course
Course Design and Teaching, Institute fuer Ethnology, Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg, Germany
Maritime Anthropology, 2004
- Theory, Practice, Knowledge and Power, 2004
- Anthropology and Literature, 2003-2004
- Conducting Preliminary Research in Anthropology, 2003-2004
- Anthropological Approaches to Contemporary Issues, 2003
- Reflecting Anthropology: History of Anthropology through the Lives of Anthropologists, 2004
- Anthropology of Museums, 2002-2003
- Culture, Identity, and Tradition: Reappraisal, 2002-2003
- Writing Ethnography, 2002
- Research Methods, 2002
- Advanced Theoretical Anthropology, 2001-2002
- Environmental Anthropology, 2001-2002
Participation activities
Conferences Panel Organization 2018 “Beyond the Greenhouse”: Situating the Reinvention of Botanic Gardens as Socially Purposed Institutions of Plant Conservation. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) 10th Education Congress. Warsaw, Poland September 13th.
Funding Obtained Since 1993
External Funding: Recommended for funding but held back due to granting agency Fund Limits University Competitive Funding Obtained
Professional Awards
Outstanding Service Award 2013 by the Canadian Sociological Association for my services as Treasurer of the Association from 2009 to 2013.
In the News: Mass Media
In the News
Video Interview with Neuchatel University (Switzerland) about the role of Botanic Gardens as socio-cultural agents of environmental governance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=AIXDIvZbcso
Interview for Concordia News with Brent Frederick Botanic gardens lead the way in biodiversity conservation and eco-citizenry Concordia to host the Leaders in Conservation: Botanic Gardens and Biodiversity in the 21st Century conference. http://www.concordia.ca/cunews/main/stories/2014/10/15/botanic-gardens-leadthewayinbiodiversityconservationandecocitize.html October 2014
Interview for Devoir — Economie Section (main french language newspaper in Quebec). Interview titled: Faire the la Ville un Jardin. April 29th 2013 http://www.ledevoir.com/economie/actualites-economiques/376869/faire-de-la-ville-un-jardin
Does Horta’s Patrimony Constitute Heritage of Universal Value? Expert interview for Azorean Television Network, broadcast through Portugal’s International TV network. March 18th 2011.
Featured in ‘Petroleum Economies in the Age of Environmental Concern’ 2011. Documentary by Professor Conny Davidsen (University of Calgary) details of this project available at http://people.ucalgary.ca/~literacy/project.htm
The Guardian Newspaper UK, article by Naomi Klein, June 19th 2010. Refers to my work on the notion of Sacred in environmental thinking based on an interview she did with me in the spring of 2010. http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2010/jun/19/naomi-klein-gulf-oil-spill
Radio interview on the Cosmopolitan Dimensions of Horta Faial’s Cable Communications Legacy (August 6th 2010, Azores-Portugal radio broadcast).