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Dr. Julie A. Podmore, PhD

  • Affiliate Assistant Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

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Dr. Podmore joined the department as a part-time faculty member in 2000 and became an Affiliate Assistant Professor in 2010. She began studying urban geography at the University of British Columbia (BA, 1988) and continued with graduate studies at McGill University (MA, 1994 and Ph.D., 2000) and post-doctoral research in Urban Studies at UQAM (2000). Her sustained research focus has been on the intersections between gender and sexuality in urban space, a perspective reflected in her publications on Montréal’s lesbian spaces and new research on "Queering Canadian suburbs". At Concordia, she has taught many human geography and urban studies courses, but regularly teaches Urban Geography and Cities of Difference. In addition to lecturing at Concordia, Julie is a tenured professor at John Abbott College and a research associate of the Chaire de recherche sur la diversité sexuelle et la pluralité des genres. She is also very active in Québec's LGBTQ archiving communities. 


Chaire de la recherche sur la diversité sexuelle et la pluralité des genres, UQAM
Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia University
Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG)
Sexuality & Space/Queer and Trans Geographies specialty group (AAG)
Editorial Board, Social & Cultural Geography

Research activities

Research Interests

Queering suburbia
Lesbian Historical Geographies
LGBTQ Activism and Urban Public Space
Queer Generations in the Inner City
Queering Municipal Governance

Research Grants

  1. Collaborator, How social media and apps are shaping Montreal's sociocultural landscape for queer women. SSHRC Insight Development (PI: S Duguay, Concordia), 2020-2021.
  2. Coinvestigator, Queering Canadian suburbs: LGBTQ2S place-making outside of central cities. SSHRC Insight (PI: AL Bain, York University), 2016-2020.
  3. Coinvestigator, Les jeunes des minorités sexuelles: vulnérabilités, résilence et practiques d'intervention. Soutien aux équipes de recherche, FQRSC, (PI: L Chamberland, UQAM), 2011-2015.
  4. Dégagement d'enseignement de chercheurs de collèges, FQRSC, 2011-2015.



  1. Banerjea N, Browne K, Ferreira E, Olasik M and Podmore J (2019) Lesbian Feminism: Essays Opposing Global Heteropatriarchies. London: Zed Books.

Guest Editor

  1. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2021) Placing urban LGBTQ activisms. Urban Studies.
  2. Tremblay M and Podmore JA (2020) Féminismes et lesbianismes: hier et aujourd'hui, ici et ailleurs. Recherches féministes.
  3. Podmore JA and Brown MP (2015) Historical geographies of sexualities. Historical Geography 43.

Journal Articles

  1. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2021) Linguistic ambivalence amidst suburban diversity: LGBTQ2S municipal 'social inclusions' on Vancouver’s periphery. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(7): 1644-1672.
  2. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2021) Placing LGBTQ urban activisms. Urban Studies 58(7): 1305-1326.
  3. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2021)((Re)locating queer: Suburban LGBTQ2S activisms in the Vancouver city-region. Urban Studies 58(7): 1500-1519.
  4. Podmore JA and Bain AL(2021) Whither queer suburbanisms? Beyond heterosuburbia and queer metronormativities. Progress in Human Geography 45(5): 1254-1277.
  5. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2021) More-than-safety: Co-creating resourcefulness and conviviality in suburban LGBTQ2S youth out-of-school spaces. Children's Geographies 19(2): 131-144.
  6. Tremblay M and Podmore JA (2020) Présentation: féminismes et lesbianismes: hier et aujourd’hui, ici et ailleurs. Recherches féministes, 33(2): 1-24.
  7. Podmore JA and Bain AL (2020) 'No queers out there'? Metronormativity and the queer suburban. Geography Compass 14 (9): e12505.
  8. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2020) Challenging heteronormativity in suburban high schools through 'surplus visibility': Gay-Straight Alliances in the Vancouver city-region. Gender, Place & Culture 27(9): 1223-1246.
  9. Bain AL and Podmore JA (2020) Scavenging for LGBTQ2S public library visibility on Vancouver's periphery. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 111(4): 601-615. 
  10. Podmore JA and Bain AL (2019) On the edge of urban equalities: Framing Millennial suburban LGBTQ activisms in Canada. Geographical Research Forum 39: 43-66.
  11. Browne K, Olasik M and Podmore J (2016) Reclaiming lesbian feminisms: Beginning discussions on communities, geographies and politics. Women's Studies International Forum 56: 113-123.
  12. Podmore JA and Brown MP (2015) Historical geographies of sexualities? Historical Geography 43: 5-16.
  13. Podmore, JA (2015) Queering discourses of urban decline: Representing Montreal’s post-WWII ‘Lower Main’. Historical Geography 43: 54-80. 
  14. Tremblay M and Podmore JA (2015) Depuis toujours intersectionelles: relecture des mouvements lesbiens à Montréal, de 1970 aux années 2000. Recherches féministes 28(2): 101-120. 
  15. Podmore JA and Chamberland L (2015) Entering the urban frame: Early lesbian activism and public space in Montreal. Journal of Lesbian Studies 19(2): 192-211.
  16. de Montigny J and Podmore J (2014) Space for queer and trans* youth? Reflections on community-based research in Montreal. Global Studies of Childhood 4(4): 297-307. 
  17. Podmore J (2013) Critical commentary: Sexualities landscapes beyond homonormativity. Geoforum 49: 263-267. 
  18. Podmore JA (2013) Lesbians as village queers: The transformation of Montréal's lesbian nightlife in the 1990s. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies 12(2): 220-249. 
  19. Podmore JA (2006) Gone 'underground'? Lesbian visibility and the consolidation of queer space in Montréal. Social & Cultural Geography 7(4): 595-625. 
  20. Ayoup C and Podmore JA (2003) Making Kings. Journal of Homosexuality 43(3-4), 51-74.
  21. Podmore JA (2001) Lesbians in the crowd: Gender, sexuality and visibility along Montréal's Boul. St-Laurent. Gender, Place & Culture 8(4): 333-355. 
  22. Podmore JA (2000) Travels in everyday space: Lesbian desire along Montréal's frontier. Téoros: Revue de recherche en tourisme 19(2): 36-41. 
  23. Podmore JA (1998) (Re)reading the 'loft living' habitus in Montréal's inner city. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 22(2): 283-302.
  24. Podmore JA (1989) Visual products for the corporate complex: A locational analysis of the graphic arts industry in Vancouver. BC Geographical Series 46: 7-22.

Book Chapters

  1. Podmore, JA (2021) Far beyond the gay village: LGBTQ Urbanism and generation in Montréal’s Mile End. In A Bitterman and D Baldwin Hess (eds.) The Life and Afterlife of Gay Neighborhoods: Renaissance and Resurgence. Springer.
  2. Podmore JA (2020) Sharing Montreal's Village gai. In RCH Sweeny (ed.) Sharing Spaces: Essays in Honour of Sherry Olson. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Museum of History and University of Ottawa Press. 
  3. Podmore J (2019) Au-delà du Village gai, Le Mile-End: habitus d'une jeunesse distinctement queer à Montréal. In H Bélanger and D Lapointe (eds) Les approches critiques: quelles perspectives pour les études urbaines, régionales et territoriales? Quebec, QC: Presses de l'Université du Quebec. 
  4. Podmore J (2017) Gouine. In S Zaccour and M Lessard (eds.) Dictionnaire critique du sexisme linguistique. Montréal, QC: Éditions Somme toute.
  5. Podmore JA (2016) Disaggregating sexual metronormativities: Looking back at lesbian urbanisms. In G Brown and K Browne (eds.) The Routledge Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities. London: Routledge.
  6. Podmore J (2015) Contested dyke rights to the city: Montreal's 2012 dyke marches in time and space. In K Browne and E Ferreira (eds.) Lesbian Geographies: Gender, Place and Power. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. 
  7. Podmore J and Tremblay M (2015) Lesbians, second-wave feminism and gay liberation. In D Paternotte and M Tremblay (eds.) The Ashgate Companion to Lesbian and Gay Activism. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
  8. Podmore J (2015) From contestation to incorporation: LGBT activism and urban politics in Montreal. In M Tremblay (ed.) Queer Mobilizations: Social Movement Activism and Canadian Public Policy. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.

Recent Book Reviews

  1. Podmore J (2019) Review of: G Marche, La militance LGBT aux États-Unis: sexualité et subjectivité. In: IdeAs: Idées d'Amériques 13: 1-3.
  2. Podmore J (2015) Review of: K Browne and L Bakshi, Ordinary in Brighton: LGBT, Activisms and the City. In: Cultural Geographies 22(4): 756-757.
  3. Podmore J (2013) Review of: PL Doan (ed.) (2011) Queerying Planning: Challenging Heteronormative Assumptions and Reframing Planning Practice. In: Emotion, Space and Society 7: 72-73.


  1. Bryce S, Buskard J and Podmore J (2011) Introducing Geography. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

Teaching Activities

Participation activities

Invited Lectures

  1. Les droits genrés à la ville hétéronormative: Une géographie historique de l'activisme public lesbien à Montréal. Universié féministe d'été, Université Laval, Quebec, QC, 2019.
  2. Queer and gendered spaces: Reflections on archiving and mapping lesbian Montreal. Feminist Media Studio, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, 2019.
  3. Mapping local queer activist temporalities. Romance Studies/Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 2018. 
  4. Queering Canadian suburbs. Geography Colloquium, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2017.
  5. Au-delà du Village Gai: ‘queering’ le quartier Mile-End de Montréal, Chaire de recherche sur l’homophobie, UQAM, Montreal, 2014.
  6. Lesbians as village ‘queers’: the transformation of Montréal’s lesbian nightlife in the 1990s. Université et Diversité Sexuelle et de Genre, UQAM, Montreal, 2014.
  7. Lesbians as village ‘queers’: The transformation of Montréal’s lesbian nightlife in the 1990s. Departmental Speaker Series, Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University, Montreal, 2013.

Conference Organizing

  1. Feminist Geographies 2018 Pre-Conference: Feminist Geographies in Troubled Times (Co-organizer with M Blidon, C Desbiens, P Martin, T Muller-Myrdahl, V Preston, L Shillington, L Simard-Gagnon and E Ustundag). Montreal, QC, 2018.

Session Organizing

  1. Queering suburbia: Beyond discursive metronormativities towards peripheral ontologies (with AL Bain). Association of American Geographers, Washington, DC, 2019.
  2. Placing LGBTQ urban activisms I: Place-making & Placing LGBTQ urban activisms II: Displacements (with AL Bain). International Geographical Union/Canadian Association of Geographers, Québec, QC, 2018.
  3. Queer (sub)urban activisms (with AL Bain). Urban Affairs Association, Toronto, ON, 2018.
  4. Sexuality and Space 20 1: Genealogies, Building and Futures (with M Andrucki and F Rouhani). Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA, 2017.
  5. Reading Montréal’s forgotten, emergent and relational L­­­GBTQ spaces (with J Pidduck). Sexuality Studies Association, Ottawa, 2015.
  6. Les jeunes des minorités sexuelles, la diversité régionale et les rapports aux espaces (géographiques, symboliques et virtuels)(with L Chamberland). ACFAS, Rimouski, 2015.
  7. Reading Montréal’s forgotten, emergent and relational L­­­GBTQ spaces (with J Pidduck). Queer Québec Colloquium, Biennial Conference of the American Council for Québec Studies, Montreal, 2014.  
  8. New spatial generations: Shifting Canadian queer landscapes (with C Nash). Sexuality Studies Association, St. Catharines, 2014.
  9. Génération queer? Transformations des identités LGBTQ au Québec. ACFAS, Montreal, 2014.
  10. Historical geographies of sexualities (with M Brown). Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, 2013. 
  11. Queer geographies (with B Forest). New England and St. Lawrence Valley (NESTVAL), Montreal, 2011.

Community Presentations

  1. Au-delà du Village Gai, le queer Mile-End: la production d’un autre quartier LGBT. Mile End Memories Lecture Series, Montreal, 2019. 
  2. Vers une histoire des bars lesbiens de Montréal: une étude géographique. D'une génération à l'autre, Journée de la visibilité lesbienne, Montreal, 2013.
  3. Montreal's 'other' women: Boulevard St-Laurent as a gendered space of difference. Mile End Memories Lecture Series, Montreal, 2013. 
  4. From the Plateau to the Village? Village consolidation and the decline of lesbian night life in Montréal’s queer 1990s. Colloque des Archives gaies du Québec, Montreal, 2010.



  1. Le droit à la ville gouine : la géographie politique des marches dyke à Montréal, Congrès international des recherches féministes dans le francophonie, 2015 (en français)

  2. Le quartier queer comme habitus générationnel : une étude de cas intersectionnelle du quartier Mile End à Montréal, Congrès de l'ACFAS, 2015. (en français)

  3. Au-delà du Village gai : Queering le quartier Mile EndChaire de recherche sur l'homophobie, UQAM, 2014. (en français)


  1. Les espaces lesbiens et queer à Montréal depuis les années 1980, Carrefour Technopédagogique UQAM, 2014. (en français)

  2. Jeune, queer et urbain : vers un cadre géographique de la recherche sur les jeunes des minorités sexuelles en milieu urbain, UQAM tv, 2012. (in English)

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