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Credit : Aline Dubois

Dr. Jonathan Martineau, Liberal Arts College

  • Assistant Professor, Liberal Arts College

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Dr Martineau earned his PhD in Political Theory from York University in Toronto. He held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Sociology at Université du Québec à Montréal, and an Assistant Professorship at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Bishop's University, before joining Concordia’s Liberal Arts College. 

Teaching activities

Courses taught

Dr Martineau teaches LBCL 291 Political and Philosophical Foundations I ; LBCL 391 Political and Philosophical Foundations II ; LBCL 490 The 20th Century and Beyond, Forms and Critiques. He also teaches Honours seminars on Time and temporality, on Marx's Capital, and on Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Research activities

Dr Martineau's research focuses on the topic of time and temporality, the history of philosophy and social theory, political economy, and philosophy of technology.

He has recently launched the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Time, Technology and Capitalism, ( and has received grants from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to conduct research on algorithmic capitalism, social temporalities, and the philosophy of technology. 

Dr Martineau is also Co-researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (CRÉ)

and Associate Researcher at the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology (Obvia)


Recent publications

Books (author)
Jonathan Martineau & Jonathan Durand Folco, Le capital algorithmique. Accumulation, pouvoir et résistance à l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle, Montréal, Écosociété, 2023.

Jonathan Martineau, Time, Capitalism and Alienation, A Socio-historical Inquiry into the Making of Modern Time, Leiden, Brill. (hardcover) (paperback)
French translation : L'ère du temps, Modernité capitaliste et aliénation temporelle, translation by Colette Saint-Hilaire, Montréal, Lux, 2017.

Jonathan Martineau (ed), Marxisme anglo-saxon, Figures contemporaines, Montréal, Lux, 2013.

Books (translator)
Gavin Walker, Marx et la politique du dehors, Montréal, Lux, 2022.

Stephen D'Arcy, Le langage des sans-voix, Montréal, Écosociété, 2016.

David McNally, Panne globale, Montréal, Écosociété, 2013.

Recent and forthcoming articles
Jonathan Martineau & Jonathan Durand Folco, Les quatre moments du travail algorithmique: vers une synthèse théorique, Anthropologie et Sociétés 47(1), 2023.

Jonathan Martineau, Du rapport au temps contemporain : l'accélération de l'histoire et le présentisme, entre historicité et temporalité, Philosophiques 50(1), 2023.

Jonathan Martineau & Jonathan Durand Folco, Paradoxe de l'accélération des rythmes de vie et capitalisme contemporain : les catégories sociales de temps à l'ère du capital algorithmique, Politique et Sociétés 42(3), 2022.

Jonathan Martineau, Les connexions globales de la théorie stadiale de l'histoire chez Rousseau, Smith, Turgot et Montesquieu, Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques, n.56, 2022, p. 135-167.

Jonathan Martineau, Aristotle, Augustine and Ricoeur's Aporetics of Temporality in Context, Ricoeur Studies 11(2), 2020, 125-140.

Jonathan Martineau, Vijay Kolinjivadi & Diana Almeida, Can the Planet be Saved in Time? On the Temporalities of Socionature, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 3(3), 2020, 904-926.

Jonathan Martineau, Edmund Husserl's Internal Time Consciousness and Modern Times, A Sociohistorical Interpretation, Journal of the Philosophy of History 13(2), 2019, 216-234.

Jonathan Martineau, Culture in the Age of Acceleration and Globalized Temporalities, Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society 47(4), 2017, 218-229.

Jonathan Martineau, Making Sense of the History of Clock-time, Time & Society 26(3), 2017, 305-320.

Jonathan Martineau, Time in Modern Times, Heidegger and Bergson's Conceptions of Time in Context, in E. Lung (ed), Time and Culture, Bucharest, University of Bucharest Press, 431-446, 2017.

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