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Johanne Sloan, PhD

  • Professor, Art History

Contact information


Johanne Sloan has a BFA from Concordia University, an MA from the Université de Montréal, and a PhD in the History and Theory of Art from the University of Kent, England (1998).  Her recent book on Joyce Wieland's 1976 feature film The Far Shore is the culmination of a major research project on the artist, and concerns the question of how landscape was both critiqued and reinvented by this generation of Canadian artists.  Other recent publications and conference papers address the artwork of Roni Horn, Mark Dion, Bill Vazan, Ron Terada, Lynne Marsh, Jack Chambers, Janet Werner, Althea Thauberger amongst others.  Dr. Sloan is also interested in broader categories of visual culture and the urban environment, and these issues converged in the multi-authored book of essays about the world's fair held in Montreal during the summer of 1967: Expo 67: Not just a souvenir (University of Toronto Press, 2010).  

Research & Teaching Interests

  • Contemporary Art
  • Canadian Art since the 1960s
  • Landscape Art and Aesthetics
  • Visual Culture
  • Urban Art and Culture

Distinctions & Awards

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant, 2013 to 2017. (Collaborative Research Project: Networked Art Histories: Assembling Contemporary Art in Canada, 1960s to the present).


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, 2006 to 2009 (Research Project: Visual art and pop culture in Canada, 1967-1992).

Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Conference Grant, 2005, for Montreal at street level: revisiting the material, visual, and spatial cultures of the 1960s (Concordia and the Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2005).

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, 2002 to 2005 (Research Project: Conceptual Landscape Art in Canada during the 1960s and 70s).

Co-investigator, The Culture of Cities Research Project, funded 2000 to 2005 by SSHRC-MCRI (Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Major Collaborative Research Initiative).

National Gallery of Canada Research Fellowship, 2000 to 2001 (Research Project: Joyce Wieland and the Concept of Landscape in the 1970s).

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship, Columbia University, New York City, 1998 to 2000.  (Research Project: Utopia as discourse and practice).

Teaching activities

Undergraduate Courses

ARTH 300 Art Historical Methods
ARTH 348 Special Topics in Art and Film
ARTH 351 Studies in the History of Sculpture
- Special Topic: From Sculpture to Installation, 1960 to the Present
ARTH 367 Aspects of 20th Century Art and Architecture
- Special Topic: Survey of 20th Century Art
ARTH 373 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art
- Special Topic: Site and Space in Contemporary Canadian Art

ARTH 373 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art
- Special Topic: Visual Art and Pop Culture
ARTH 375 Issues in the Montreal Art Milieu
ARTH 450 Advanced Seminar in the History of Art and Architecture
- Special Topic:  The sixties in art and visual culture

Graduate Courses

Master's Seminars

ARTH 610
Selected Issues in North American Art & Architecture
- Special Topic: 20
th Century Art and the Culture of Cities
ARTH 610 Selected Issues in North American Art & Architectural History
- Special topic: Montreal Art Practices and Scenes: The 1970s and 80s
ARTH 612 Contextualizing North American Sculpture
- Special Topic: The End of Sculpture?

ARTH 632 Methodology
- Special Topic: The issue of “Visual Culture”
ARTH 641 Issues in Visual and Material Culture
- Special Topic: Landscape as Visual and Material Culture

Doctoral Seminars

ARTH 800
Art History and its Methodologies
- Special Topic: Art History and the "Desire for History"

ARTH 804 Writings on Art
- Special Topic: Traces of the Utopian Discourse
ARTH 805 Networks and Archives

Thesis Supervision

Master's Supervision

Polina Lasenko (in progress)

Kristina Vannan (in progress)

Bettina Perez (in progress)

Sarah Amarica, MA
Working Bodies, Poignant Cloth: Materialising Histories of Labour in Ann Hamilton's indigo blue (1991, 2007) and Ibrahim Mahama's Occupations (2012-)
Convocation: 2018

Mojeanne Behzadi, MA
Iridescent Spirituality: Early Experiments in Expanded Cinema
Convocation: 2017

Andromachi Gagas, MA
The Anxious Subject: Janet Werner and the Disfigured Female Portrait
Convocation: 2017

Corinn Gerber, MA
What you claim, you are: Black Vernacular, Regimes of Visibility, and the Reproduction of We in 'The Queen's English' by Martine Syms
Convocation: 2017

Dario Ré, MA
Performing Symbiosis: Mushrooms and Contemporary Art
Convocation: 2016

Julian Peters, MA
Visual Novels and Comic-Strip Poetry: Avant-garde Experimentation with Comics in the 1960s and 1970s
Convocation: 2014

Samantha Henman, MA
Humour & National Identity in Canadian Contemporary Art: Diana Thorneycroft, Simon Hughes & BGL
Convocation: 2014

Damien Fortin, MA
Materiality and 'l'art intégré': Charles Daudelin's Art in the Urban Context
Convocation: 2014

Megan Bradley, MA
Negotiating the Global
Convocation: 2013

Anne-Marie Proulx, MA
Raymonde April. Voyages dans l’archive et autres histoires
Convocation: 2013

Gwen Baddeley, MA
Street Art Photography: Mapping the Interstices of Urban Experience
Convocation: 2013

Isa Tousignant, MA
Plush Love: Animal Anthropomorphism in Contemporary Art
Convocation: 2013

Karolina Tomaszewska, MA
Autobiographic Narrative in Drawings by Napachie and Annie Pootoogook
Convocation: 2012

Wahsontiio Cross, MA
Louis Karonhiaktajeh Hall & the Art of Resistance
Convocation: 2011

Stephanie D'Amico, MA
Reviewing Realism: Eric Fischl, Will Cotton and the Legacy of American Photorealism
Convocation: 2011

Viola McGowan, MA
No One Has A Monopoly Over Sorrow: Representing Trauma and the Everyday in Contemporary Art
Convocation: 2011

Robin Simpson, MA
What We Got Away With: Rochdale College and Canadian Art in the Sixties
Convocation: 2011

Maria Noel Secco, MA
Neo-Mexicanism and NAFTA: Exhibiting National Identity
Convocation: 2010

Gentiane Bélanger, MA
Points of Interest at the Center for Land Use Interpretation: A Tour in the Margins of Social Ecology
Convocation: 2008

Zoë Chan, MA
Wild Boys: Primitivism and Male Youth in Larry Clark's Photography and Films
Convocation: 2008

Geraldine Davis, MA
On Ewen's Moons
Convocation: 2008

Eve De Garie-Lamanque, MA
L'Esthetique de la trace anonyme. Étude comparative des cas de Betty Goodwin et de Christian Boltanski
Convocation: 2008

Tatiana Mellema, MA
Big Dirty Secrets: The Works of Paul McCarthy and Mike Kelley
Convocation: 2008

Merrilee Wolsey, MA
Perceiving Sound Waves: An Auditory Exploration of Image, Sculpture and Architecture
Convocation: 2008

Amanda Beattie, MA
The Crossroads and Ecology: The New Landscapes of Robert Smithson, Edward Burtynsky and Susan Liebovitz Steinman
Convocation: 2006

Laurent Piché-Vernet, MA
En Temps et Lieu, le programme d'art public de la Vancouver Art Gallery et les dynamiques urbaines
Convocation: 2006

Tanina Drvar, MA
Vandalism and Public Art in Montreal: A Discussion of Works by Mark Lewis and Robert Prenovault
Convocation: 2005

Anja Bock, MA
Exhibiting Trauma: Ydessa Hendeles at the Haus Der Kunst in Munich
Convocation: 2004

Stephanie Gibson, MA
Jeff Wall and The Painter of Modern Life: Modernity, Contemporary Photography, and the Challenge of Postmodernism
Convocation: 2004

Doctoral Supervision

Tracy Valcourt, Humanities (Primary Supervisor, in progress)

Andrew Forster, Humanities (Primary supervisor, in progress)

Martha Robinson (Primary Supervisor, in progress)

Rachel Harris, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Picturing Fairyland: Illustrated Fairy Tale Books and the Rise of the Child Reader-Viewer in the Victorian Era
Convocation: 2017 

Caroline Beaudoin, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Everyday Landscapes: Picturing Places of Labour, Leisure and Industry in Québec's Eastern Townships, 1900-2015
Convocation: 2017

Bruno Andrus, PhD (Primary Supervisor)
Trajectoires fluides et croisements lumineux: histoire du verre d'art au Québec dans le contexte d'Expo 67
Convocation: 2017

Felicity Tayler, PhD Humanities (Primary Supervisor)
Conceptual Nationalisms: Conceptual Book-works, Countercultural Imaginaries and the Neo-Avant-Garde in Canada and Quebec, 1967-1974
Convocation: 2016

Fiona Annis, PhD Humanities (Primary Supervisor)
Seeking the After-Image: Swan Songs, Place, and the Photographic Image
Convocation: 2014

Michael Rattray, PhD
Functional Anarchism(s) and the Theory of Global Contemporary Art
Convocation: 2014

Mark Clintberg, PhD
Food, Crime, and Ornament: Representations and Actions Toward Ingestion in Contemporary Art
Convocation: 2013

Adad Hannah, PhD Humanities (Primary Supervisor)
Extending the Instantaneous: Pose, Performance, Duration, and the Construction of the Photographic Image from Muybridge to the Present Day
Convocation: 2013

Charles Gagnon, PhD (Co-Supervisor)
Touching and Making: Encounters with Matter
Convocation: 2012

Peter Conlin, Humanities (Co-Supervisor)
The Radical Mundane and Mundane Radicals: Cultural Self-Organization and London Social Centres
Convocation: 2011

Luke Nicholson, PhD
Anthony Blunt and Nicholas Poussin: A Queer Approach
Convocation: 2011

Anna Wacławek, PhD
From Graffiti to the Street Art Movement: Negotiating Art Worlds, Urban Spaces, and Visual Culture, c. 1970-2008
Convocation: 2009

Anja Bock, PhD
The Crossover of New Media Immersion and Site-Specificity: Contemporary Art and Spatial Experience
Convocation: 2009

Ted Hiebert, PhD Humanities (Co-Supervisor)
In Praise of Nonsense: Aesthetics, Uncertainty and Postmodern Identity
Convocation: 2007

Postdoctoral Supervision

Petra Halkes, PhD
Art History, 2003-2005

Graduate Committees

MFA Committees

Cam Forbes, 2016
Jeanette Johns, 2015
Celia Perrin-Sidarous, 2015
Corri-Lynn Tetz, 2015
Jacynthe Carrier, 2012
Jacinthe Robillard, 2012
Sherry Walchuk, 2012
Patrick Dunford, 2011
Dil Hildebrand, 2008
Patrick McEown, 2008
Rosalie Gagné, 2007
Rick Leong, 2007
Adrienne Spier, 2003
Mary Wong, 2003
Maxe Fisher, 2001
Jo-Anne Balcaen, 2000

MA Committees
Pamela Mackenzie, 2015
Eliana Stratica Mihail, 2014
Marie-France Daigneault Bouchard, 2013
Emma Kreiner, 2013
Taylor Leedahl, 2013
Mikhel Proulx, 2013
Noni Brynjolson, 2012
Jessa Alston-O’Connor, 2011
Nicole Burisch, 2011
Valérie Coté, 2011
Emily Kirkman, 2011
Mark Clintberg, 2008
Erandy Vargas, 2008
Susannah Wesley, 2008
Tammer El Sheikh, 2007
Reid Cooper, 2006
Avery Larose, 2005
Julie Lavigne, 2005
Peter Gallo, 2004
John Latour, 2004
Irmela Dymytruk, 2004
Robert Darcey Nichols, 2002

PhD Committees

Steve Lyons (Art History, Concordia University, 2018)
Julia Roberge Van Der Donckt (Art History, Université de Montréal, 2017)
Liana Bellon (Art History, McGill University, 2016)
Julie Belisle (Art History, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2015)
Corina Reian (Art History, Université de Montréal, 2015)
Kate Steinman (Art History, University of British Columbia, 2015)
Karla McManus (Art History, Concordia, 2014)
Anite de Carvalho (Histoire de l’art, Université de Montréal, 2013)
Erin Silver (Art History, McGill University, 2013)
Zoe Tousignant (Art History, Concordia, 2013)
Nuria Carton de Grammont (Art History, Concordia, 2012)
Heather Davis (Communication Studies, Concordia, 2012)
Peter Gallo (Art History, Concordia, 2012)
Corina Ilea (Art History, Concordia, 2012)
Michelle Veitch (Queen’s University, Art History, 2009)
Luc Lévesque (Aménagement, Université de Montréal, 2008)
Dorothy Barenscott (University of British Columbia, 2007)
Joan Borsa (Humanities, Concordia, 2006)
Mikaela Bobiy (Art History, Concordia, 2005)
Marie Fraser (Art History, Université de Montréal, 2005)
Joy Senack (Humanities, Concordia, 2005)
Raymond Idoux (Art History, UQAM, 2004)
Clive Robertson (Communications, Concordia, 2004)
Edith-Anne Pageot, (Art History, Université de Montréal, 2003)
Sheelagh Gourlay (Humanities, Concordia, 2002)
Curtis Collins (Art History, McGill, 2001)
John Collins (Art History, McGill, 2001)
Nina Roy (Art History, McGill, 2001)
Elizabeth Mulley (Art History, McGill, 2000)
Aurora Wallace (Communications, McGill, 2000)

Research activities

Current Research

Landscape in its historical and contemporary guises is an abiding interest which is currently framed by the interdisciplinary Critical Landscape Studies Group at Concordia.  Another current project concerns the intersection of Conceptual Art and urban activism in Montreal in the 1970s, while Dr. Sloan is also writing about visual-art projects which use and transform postcards.



  • Joyce Wieland’s The Far Shore (University of Toronto Press, Canadian Cinema book series, 2010).
  • Expo 67: Not Just a Souvenir, ed. R. Richman Kenneally and J. Sloan (University of Toronto Press, 2010).
  • Urban Enigmas: Montreal, Toronto, and the Problem of Comparing Cities, edited by Johanne Sloan (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007).

Journals, edited

Journal of Canadian Art History, vol. XXXVI, no. 1, 2016. Special issue on "Networked Print Culture"

Book Chapters and Articles (since 2000)

  • Parlant de passion : réinventer Joyce Wieland pour le 21e siècle," Archiféministe: Contemporary Art, Feminist Theories, ed. Marie-Ève Charron, Marie-Josée Lafortune, Thérèse St-Gelais (Montreal: Optica, 2019).
  • “Mutable views: landscape at the intersection of cinema and contemporary art,” in Oxford Handbook to Canadian Cinema, ed. Janine Marchessault and Will Straw (Oxford University Press, 2018).
  • "Greg Curnoe's Dorval Mural: Homage to Ti-Pop," in In Search of Expo 67, ed. Monika Kin Gagnon and Janine Marchessault (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press). Accepted. 
  • "Montreal plus ou moins, 1972: urban knowledge meets conceptual attitude," Journal of Curatorial Studies, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2018.
  • "Urban Artworlds (in Canada)," in Narratives Unfolding: National Art Histories in an Unfinished World, ed. Martha Langford (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017).
  • "Detroit, Windsor, and the Art of Mapping Urban Space," in Chronotopics: Readings and Writings on a World in Movement, eds. Luc Gwiazdzinski, Guillaume Dervon and Olivier Klein (Grenoble: Editions Elya, 2017).
  • "Relations, 1988: Photographic, Postmodern, Feminist," Journal of Canadian Art History, Vol. XXXVI, no. 1, 2016. 
  • "Corridart: nominating the street," The Other Architect (Montreal: Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2015).
  • “Experiments in Urban Luminosity,” The Senses and Society, Vol. XX, Issue X, 2015.
  • “The Kaleidoscope Pavilion,” in Reimagining Cinema: Film at Expo 67, ed. Monika Kin Gagnon & Janine Marchessault (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014).
  • “Joyce Wieland: Life and Work,” Art Canada Institute online project, 2014. (
  • “Sherry Walchuk: Chasing Shapes,” Border Crossings, November 2013.
  • “The Storm Room” (Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller), OTP, No. 1, September 2013.
  • “Parc Belmont Flashback: André Forcier's La Comtesse de Baton Rouge,” (Re)Discovering ‘America’: Road Movies and Other Travel Narratives in North America, ed. Wilfried Raussert & Graciela Martínez-Zalce (Trier : WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012).
  • "Postcards, Chromophilia, and the Visual Culture of Expo 67," Expo 67: Not Just a Souvenir, ed. R. Richman Kenneally and J. Sloan (University of Toronto Press, 2010).
  • "The New Figuration: From Pop to Postmodernism," The Visual Arts in Canada, ed. B. Foss, S. Paikowsky and A. Whitelaw (Oxford University Press, 2010).
  • "Roni Horn's Portrait of an Image: revisiting "the art of reading faces," Udine Seminar on the History of Film Theories, (Conference Publication, 2010).
  • "From genre to genre: image transactions in contemporary Canadian art.  Ron Terada and Lynne Marsh.," How Canadians Communicate III:  Contexts of Canadian Popular Culture, ed. B. Beaty et al (Athabaska University Press, 2010).
  • "Modern Moon Rising: Imagining Aerospace in Early Picture Postcards," Strange Spaces: Geographical Explorations into Mediated Obscurity, ed. André Jansson & Amanda Lagerkvist (London: Ashgate Press, 2009).
  • "Something Resembling Childhood: Artworks by Jack Chambers, Daniel Barrow and Rodney Graham," in Depicting Canada's Children, ed. Loren Lerner (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2009).
  • "At Home on the Street: Public Art in Montreal and Toronto," Urban Enigmas: Montreal, Toronto, and the Problem of Comparing Cities, edited by Johanne Sloan (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007).
  • "Joyce Wieland and Michael Snow: Conceptual Landscape Art," in Beyond Wilderness: The Group of Seven, Canadian Identity, and Contemporary Art, ed. John O'Brian and Peter White (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's Press, 2007).
  • "Landscape Immersions: Lynne Marsh's Performative Spaces," Art Papers, March/April 2006.
  • "Appropriating the Megastructure: SYN's Prospectus," Ciel Variable 69, October 2005.
  • "Joyce Wieland at the border: nationalism, the New Left, and the question of political art in Canada, circa 1971," Journal of Canadian Art History, No. XXVI, Fall 2005.
  • "Nationalism and Canadian Art in the 1960s," Fronteras en American del Norte (Mexico City: CISAN: University of Mexico Press, 2004) (translated into Spanish).
  • "On the Waterfront: Roni Horn's Riverworks," C Magazine, No. 76, 2002/2003.
  • "Biennialism in Montreal," Public, (Special Issue on City Scenes), January 2002.
  • "Corridart Redux: 25 ans plus tard," Spirale, No. 182, Janvier-Février 2002.
  • "Rainbows and other Ruins: Peter Doig's Paintings," Afterall (London: Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, May 2000).

Catalogue Essays

  • "Clouds and Things," Eleanor Bond: Mountain of Shame (Winnipeg: Plug-In ICA, 2016).
  • “Melanie Smith’s regime of unruly things,” in Melanie Smith: Short Circuit (Stuttgart: Villa Merkel, 2013).
  • “Something fleeting: old and new pleiniairisms,” À ciel ouvert: le nouveau pleinairisme, exhibition catalogue (Québec: Musée du Québec, 2012).
  • “Long Term Forecast,” Jocelyne Alloucherie’s ‘Climates', exhibition catalogue (Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 2012).
  •  “Everyday objects, enigmatic materials,” La triennale québécoise 2011: le travail qui nous attend (Montreal: Musée d’art contemporain, 2011).
  • "Bill Vazan's Urban Coordinates," in Bill Vazan: Walking into the Vanishing Point - Conceptual Art, (Montreal: VOX Gallery, 2009).
  • "Janet Werner and the Surface of things," Janet Werner Paintings, exhibition catalogue (Montreal: Parisian Laundry Gallery, 2008).
  • "A human figure in full stride...", Randal Anderson's Zoom! (FOFA Gallery, Concordia University, September 2006).
  • "The Great Escape," Exhibition catalogue for Bill Burns exhibition, Safety Gear for Small Animals, (Montreal: Saidye Bronfman Center, 2005).
  • "Hallucinating Landscape, Canadian-style," catalogue essay for Peter Doig exhibition (Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, February 2001).
  • "Outside Matters," catalogue essay for Elusive Paradise exhibition, (National Gallery of Canada, March 2001).
  • "Space-Age Slow Motion", Gravity Duet: Video Installations by Nina Levitt (Toronto:Toronto Photographers Workshop, November 1999).
  • "Painting the City, Painting Mutability", Eleanor Bond (Montreal: Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, 1998).
  • David Williams, (exhibition brochure) (Quebec City: Galerie Vu, 1994).
  • Nell Tenhaaf and Blair Robins (exhibition brochure) (Toronto: Glendon College Art Gallery, 1994).
  • "Vies Abimées", Sorel Cohen (exhibition brochure) (Quebec City: Galerie Vu, 1993).
  • "The Provisional Stillness of Photographic Space", Social Studies, Still Lives (exhibition curated by Cheryl Simon) (Montreal: Mois de la Photo, 1993).
  • “Natural Sights and Millennial Landscapes”, Social Centres: Eleanor Bond (Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1993).

Participation activities

Conferences Papers & Lectures (since 2000)

  • "Recycling Futurity," Staging Canada at Expo 67: Nationalism in the Crucible of Globalization conference, King's College, London, November 2017.
  • "Canadian art history: urban projects and paradigms," Narratives Unfolding study day, Centre culturel Canadien, Paris, November 2017.
  • "Expo 67, Revisited and Recycled," Critical Heritage Studies Conference, Université du Québec à Montréal, June 2016.
  • “Écho d’un récit féministe,” colloque Archi-féministes, Congrès international des recherches féministes dans la francophonie, Montreal, August 2015.
  • “Networked landscapes: Early postcards and communication practices,” Portable Landscapes conference, University of Durham, UK, July 2015.
  • “Qui connait Joyce Wieland?” roundtable panel, UQAM, March 2015.
  • “Cross-town Redux: Mapping and Memory-Work in Urban Art Practices,” Time, Art & Cartography conference, Milan, December 2014.
  • “The rise and fall of postmodern Montreal,” for Where was postmodernism? conference panel, UAAC, Toronto, October 2014.
  • “1988, a postmodern catalogue,” for Networked Print Culture symposium, Winnipeg, May 2014.
  • “Urban art histories (in Canada),” Networking Art Histories… panel at AAH, London, UK, April 2014.
  • “….” The Urban Night, UNAM, Mexico City, February 2014.
  • “Lighting, legibility, and spatial effects in contemporary art,” Rethinking Dark Space panel at the Royal Geographic Society conference, London, UK, August 2013.
  • "Melodrama as 'expressive code' in the work of Althea Thauberger," Melodrama Workshop, Concordia University, May 2011.
  • "We have never been contemporary," invited lecture at Bard College, Center for Curatorial Studies, New York State, May 2011.
  • "Abstract Architecture," Lecture to accompany exhibition Eleanor Bond: Mountain of Shame, Illingworth Kerr Gallery, ACAD, Calgary, February 2011.
  • “Conceptual Art meets urban attitude: Melvin Charney and the 1972 exhibition “Montreal plus ou moins?” Traffic: Conceptual Art in Canada Conference,” University of Toronto, Fall 2010.
  • "Joyce Wieland's politicized landscape art," Invited lecture at the Art Gallery of Ontario, on the occasion of a screening of the Wieland film.  Co-sponsored by Cinematheque Ontario, June 2010.
  • "Expo 67 vs. Parc Belmont: reinventing the (Montreal) past in André Forcier's La Comtesse de Baton Rouge," NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) Conference on "Urban Mediations," Istanbul, June 2010.
  • "For the Birds: Mark Dion's Library for the Birds of Massachusetts and the disassembled genre of landscape," Critical Landscape Studies Group panel, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, CCA, June 2010.
  • "Joyce Wieland and the North," Conversation between Kristy Holmes and Johanne Sloan, Magnetic North Exhibition, Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, April 2010.
  • "Appropriation Montreal-style (the 1980s)" Keynote lecture at graduate student conference on "Appropriation" York University, Art History Department,  March 2010.
  • Slow-motion evidence/the "desire for history," The Stephen Bann Effect conference, University of Bristol, June 20 -21, 2009.
  • "Roni Horn's Portrait of an Image: revisiting "the art of reading faces" XVI International Film Studies Conference Permanent Seminar on History of Film Theories:  In The Very Beginning, At The Very End (Udine, Italy, March 24-26, 2009).
  • "Writing on photographs, communicating with pictures:  the emergence of the postcard," Rogue Photographs Session, Universities Art Association of Canada, Toronto, November 2008.
  • "A Stroll through the Televisual Plein-air," Banff Centre for the Arts, July 2008.
  • "Speaking of Materials," Canadian Communications Association Conference (Aesthetics & communication panel in honour of Nancy Shaw) University of British Columbia,  4-6 June 2008.
  • "Public Art, creative and entropic," The Gallery and the City panel, Canadian Museums Association, Victoria, BC, April 2008.
  • "Joyce Wieland's book-work as conceptual project," Documentary Protocols symposium, Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, September 2007.
  • "Expo 67 postcards and sixties visual culture," invited speaker, Études québécoises Program, McGill University, November 2007.
  • "From genre to genre: methodological issues related to the relationship between contemporary art and pop culture," Contexts of Canadian Popular Culture conference, Banff, Alberta, October 2007.
  • "Shifting territories at Expo 67," Mexican Association for Canadian Studies Congress, UNAM, Mexico City, February 2007.
  • "Countercultural war machines in Montreal, Circa 1968," Association of Art Historians, University of Ulster, Belfast, April 2007.
  • "Le moment du paysage dans l'oeuvre de Roni Horn," Dyschronies de l'image colloquium, L'Association francophone pour le savoir, McGill University, May 2006.
  • "Real vs. utopian treehouses?" Treehouse as Utopia symposium organized by Liane & Danny Taran Gallery, held at the Canadian Center for Architecture, September 7, 2006.
  • "The Sutured Landscape," The Concept of the Horizon and Limits of Representation, Conference at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May 2005.
  • "Objecthood Rules: Contemporary Art and the Legacy of Minimalism," Lecture given in conjunction with 3 x 3: Flavin, Andre, Judd Exhibition, Leonard and Bina Ellen Gallery, Concordia University, February 2005.
  • "L'art public comme geste utopique," Colloque Interventions (organized by Artexte in conjunction with La Biennale de Montréal), October 1, 2004.
  • "Animals and Art History: The Great Escape," Lecture at Saidye Bronfman Centre, to accompany the exhibition Bill Burns: Safety Gear for Small Animals,  Montreal, May 2004.
  • "Utopia on the Street," Future Cities Conference, Art Gallery of Hamilton, February 2004.
  • "Postcards, Visual Culture, and the Construction of Urban Space," Culture and Communication Conference, University of Bahia, Brazil, October 2003.
  • "The Utopian Horizon: The Question of Landscape in Contemporary Art," invited lecture at Vermont College MFA Visual Art Program, Montpelier, Vermont, August 2002.
  • "Expo 67 and the Aesthetics of Display," Urban History Group Conference: Objects, Artefacts and the Materiality of Urban Life, University of Birmingham, England, April 4-5, 2002.
  • Organizer and chair of panel "Art in the City/The City in Art," Universities Art Association of Canada annual conference, October 2001.
  • "Nationalism and Canadian Art in the 1960s: Joyce Wieland Crosses the Border," North American Borders conference, National University of Mexico, Mexico City, July 2001.
  • Panelist on "City Rhythms and Intensities" session, Culture of Cities Summer Institute, Toronto, June 2001.
  • "Garbage and Entropy: The Ruined City in the Work of Robert Smithson and Mierle Laderman Ukeles," Plugin Gallery, Winnipeg, May 2001.
  • "Landscape Today: The Utopian Horizon; History and Entropy; Ecological Views": Series of three lectures given in conjunction with Elusive Paradise exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, February/March 2001.
  • "Expo 67 Postcards: Memories of Utopia," Urban Icon lecture series, McGill University, March 2001, and "Expo 67 Postcards: Signs of the Modern City", The Culture of Cities Research Project lecture series, Toronto, May 2001.
  • "Into the Landscape, Into the Past," The Meaning of Flux conference/Being on Time exhibition Public Access, Toronto, November 8, 2000.
  • "The Utopian Flower: John Ruskin, George Sand, and the Aesthetics of Botany", Society for Utopian Studies Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 2000.
  • "Public Art and Urban Culture" Berlin Conference, Culture of Cities Research Project, Berlin, July 2000.
  • "Entropic Effects: Merle Ukeles, Mina Totino, Moyra Davey and the Gendering of Entropy", Uncommon Senses Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, April 2000.

Guest Lectures, Keynotes, and Public Talks

  • Co-organizer and moderator of Knowledge & Networks II, University of British Columbia, May 2018.
  • "Landscape as a form of knowledge," Science and Art Doctoral Seminar, UQAM, March 2018.
  • "Intergenerational feminism," University of Toronto, October 2017.
  • "Eleanor Bond's Mountain of Shame: Book launch and conversation - Eleanor Bond, Cynthia Girard, Johanne Sloan," Jarislowski Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, October 2017.
  • "Urban Artworlds in Canada," Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, September 2016. 
  • Organizer and moderator of Reason/Passion: Conversations with and about the work of Joyce Wieland. Panel discussion and concert, Casa del Popolo, Montreal, April 2016. 
  • Round-table discussion about Expo 67, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia, October 2015. 
  • “Wieland’s counterculture, circa 1968.”  Invited lecture, sponsored by the Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art and Design, April 2015.
  • “Teaching Vancouver.” Dialogue with John O’Brian, Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, December 2014.
  • Round-table discussion about “Expanded Cinema” at Expo 67, Cinémathèque québécoise, November 2014.
  • “Urban Art Histories,” Invited lecture, University of Windsor, November 2014.
  • “Joyce Wieland, circa 2014.” Lecture to launch “Joyce Wieland: Life and Art,” on-line project, Art Canada Institute, given at Massey College, University of Toronto, November 2014.
  • “Melvin Charney: Vers une architecture montréalaise.” UQAM (panellist), 2013.
  • “Thoroughly Modern Montreal.” McCord Museum “City Talks” lecture series, January 2013.
  • “Activist ghosts and unruly objects: episodes in urban visual culture.”
    Invited lecture at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, 2012
  • “Buckminster Fuller at Expo 67.” Symposium on “Fuller in Montreal,” Dawson College, Montreal, April 2012.
  • “We have never been contemporary.” Guest lecture in Liam Gillick’s ‘Questioning the contemporary’ seminar, Bard College Center for Curatorial Studies, New York, 2011.
  • “Joyce Wieland’s politicized landscape art.” Invited lecture at the Art Gallery of Ontario, on the occasion of a screening of the Wieland film.  Co-sponsored by Cinematheque Ontario, June 2010.
  • “A Stroll through the Televisual Plein-air.” Banff Centre for the Arts, July 2008.
  • “Expo 67 postcards and sixties visual culture,” invited speaker, Études québéboises Program, McGill University, November 2007.
  • “Objecthood Rules: Contemporary Art and the Legacy of Minimalism.” Lecture given at Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery of Concordia University, 2005.
  • “Animal Pictures.” Lecture at Saidye Bronfman Centre in conjunction with the exhibition Bill Burns: Safety Gear for Small Animals, Montreal, May 2004, and Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, May 2005.
  • “The Utopian Horizon: The Question of Landscape in Contemporary Art.” Invited lecture at Vermont College MFA Visual Art Program, Montpelier, Vermont, August 2002.
  • Landscape Today: The Utopian Horizon; Into the Landscape: History and/or Entropy; Ecological Views.” Series of three lectures given in conjunction with Elusive Paradise exhibition, National Gallery of Canada, February/March 2001.
  • “Expo 67 Postcards: Memories of Utopia.” Urban Icon lecture series, McGill University, March 2001.  Another version “Expo 67 Postcards: Signs of the Modern City,” was delivered as part of the Culture of Cities Project lecture series, Toronto, May 2001.
  • “Garbage and Entropy: Revisiting the Ruined City in the Work of Robert Smithson and Mierle Laderman Ukeles.” Plugin Gallery, Winnipeg, May 2001.

Curated Exhibitions

Expo 67: Not Just a Souvenir, exhibition held at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, from March 31 - September 11, 2005.
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