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Johanne Biffi, MFA, BFA

  • Part-time Instructor and Technician, Photography

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Johanne Biffi isa Canadian photographer living in Montreal. Her work has been shownin various thematic exhibitions and has mostly addressed the positionof gender issues within various social and political situations. Shereceived her B.F.A. from Concordia with a major in photography and aminor in art history. She received her master's degree from theUniversity of Paris VIII in 1996, and has since been working as atechnician and instructor in Concordia's Photography program, whereshe specializes in digital photography. She developed Concordia'sdigital facilities based on the school's specific needs and keepsexperimenting in this domain.


BFA          Concordia University,
MFA         University of Paris VIII, 1996

Areas of expertise

digital photography

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