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Hugh Hazelton, PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

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My principal areas of interest are Latin American literature, particularly of the Rio de la Plata region; Latin American writers of Canada; comparative studies of Canadian and Quebec literature with that of Latin America; experimental poetry; and translation. Last year I received SSHRC funding, along with two colleagues from the University of Ottawa, for an extensive study of the role of translation in the diffusion of Canadian literature in Latin America, both in the Hispanic countries and in Brazil. My book Latinocanadá: A Critical Study of Ten Latin American Writers of Canada, published by McGill-Queen’s Press in 2007, was the product of two decades of work and association with Hispanic-Canadian writers. I am also a literary translator, chiefly from Spanish and French, but also recently from Portuguese, into English. My favourite works to translate are experimental poetry and novels, and I am very happy to see the increasing role of literary translation in university programs in Hispanic Studies.


  • Ph.D. in Comparative Canadian Literature, Université de Sherbrooke; thesis: Latinocanadá: A Critical Anthology of Ten Latin American Writers of Canada, 1997.
  • M.A. in English Literature, Concordia University, 1981.
  • Certificat en enseignement secondaire pour l'anglais, langue seconde, Université de Montréal, 1979.
  • B.A. in English Literature, Yale University, 1969 with a minor in French and studies in Spanish Literature.


  • Best Book of the Year 2010 (for the period 2007-2009), for Latinocanadá: ACritical Study of Ten Latin American Writers of Canada (McGill-Queen’s UP, 2007); awarded by the Canadian Association of Hispanists.
  • Governor-General’s Award for Translation (French-English), 2006, for the translation of Vétiver, a book of poems by Joël Des Rosiers.


Certified member (No. 748), Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec: Spanish-English.


Fluent in spoken and written English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese; studies in Arabic.

Professional associations

  • Canadian Association of Hispanists.
  • Literary Translators’ Association of Canada/Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada.
  • American Literary Translators Association.
  • Associação Brasileira de Estudos Canadenses.
  • Asociación de Crítica Canadiense Literaria sobre Escritoras Hispanoamericanas.
  • Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures/Association des littératures canadienne et québécoise.
  • Canadian Comparative Literature Association.
  • Canadian Association for Translation Studes/Association canadienne de traductologie.
  • International American Studies Association.
  • Union des écrivaines et écrivains québécois.


-SSHRC: $94,243 total grant (over three years): as co-applicant, with Marc Côté, in the research project Tracing Transfer via Translation: Canadian Writing in Latin America, organized by Luise von Flotow of the University of Ottawa.

-SSHRC: $2,499,900 total grant: as part of a research team of twenty-one other scholars under the direction of Juan Luis Suárez of the University of Western Ontario, for a Major Collaborative Research Initiatives Program on The Hispanic Baroque: Complexity in the First Atlantic Culture; seven years, 2007-2014.


-SSHRC: $249,351 as part of a research team of six other scholars under the direction of Antoine Sirois of the Université de Sherbrooke, for a Standard Research Program to continue development of a Comprehensive Bibliography of Comparative Studies on Canadian, Québec and Foreign Literatures; three years, 2005-2008; $6500 per year.

-Canada Council: $2,700 for the translation of Vétiver, a book of poems by Joël Des Rosiers, from French to English, for Signature Editions, Winnipeg; August 24, 2004.

-Fonds de recherche du Québec sur la société et la culture (FRQSC): $37,764 for the project entitled "Boreal-Austral: A Comparative Study of Five Works from English Canadian and Québec Literature with Five Works from Argentine Literature"; principal investigator; April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006.

-Canada Council: $8,600 for the translation of Silver, a novel by Pablo Urbanyi, from Spanish to English for Mosaic Press, Oakville, Ont.; July 17, 2002.

-Canada Council: $8,700 for the translation of Sunset (Puesta de sol), a novel by Pablo Urbanyi, from Spanish to English for Broken Jaw Press, Fredericton, N.B.; July 17, 2002.

-Internal Grant, General Research Fund Competition, Concordia University: $5000 for project entitled "Imaging the National Mind: Margaret Atwood's Survival and Ezequiel Martínez Estrada's Radiografía de la pampa," and "Unleashing the Word: Claude Gauvreau's Étal mixte and Oliverio Girondo's En  la masmédula"; principal investigaor; January 1, 2002-December 31, 2002.

-Canada Council: $1000 for the translation of Cuerpo amado/Beloved Body, a book of poems by Nela Rio, for Broken Jaw Press, Fredericton, N.B., fall 2001.


-Canada Council: $870 for the translation of Túnel de proa verde/Tunnel of the Green Prow, a collection of poems by Nela Rio, for Broken Jaw Press, Fredericton, N.B.; winter 1997.

-Ministry of External Affairs, Canada, travel expenses to Mexico City to launch Ruptures, No. 6, a special issue on Mexican literature; September 1994.

-Ministry of External Affairs, Canada, for travel to Mexico City to serve as chair of Canadian delegation to the conference on literature and publishing, held with Mexican writers and publishers as part of the Canada-Mexico Cultural Symposium, Mexico City, July 4-7, 1993.

-Canada Council, for the translation of a thirty-page extract from the novel Silver, by Pablo Urbanyi; summer 1991; Spanish-English.

Teaching activities

2007-Present: Associate Professor of Spanish, Concordia University:



-Cultures of the Southern Cone and Andean Region (SPAN 363).

-Independent Study (SPAN 681): Latino-Canadian literature, with an emphasis on self-translation;

-Independent Study (SPAN 680): Latino-Québécois identity and literature in Montreal;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of poetry by Nancy Morejón and Gwendolyn MacEwen;

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): Sources of inspiration for the Mexican mural painters: Rivera, Orozco, and Siqueiros.


-Literary Translation (SPAN 473).

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): Translation project: short stories by Carmen Rodríguez and Gilberto Flores Patiño.

2009-2010: On sabbatical.




-Literary Translation (SPAN 473);

-Introduction to Translation (SPAN 306);

-Specialization Project (SPAN 494): Theatre translation: Argentine and Canadian plays (Osvaldo Dragún and Michael Mackenzie);

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): Translation project: short stories from Spain and Quebec (Lucía Etxebarria and Élise Turcotte);

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): Translation project: extracts from a Cuban and a Canadian novel (Alejo Carpentier and Robert Kroetsch);

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): Translation project: short stories from Spain and Quebec (Lucía Etxebarria and Élise Turcotte).


-Spanish for Specific Fields (SPAN 474);

-Cultures of the Southern Cone and Andean Region (SPAN 363);

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): A comparison between the populist regimes of Getúlio Vargas and Juan Domingo Perón;

-Tutorial: Translation and comparative analysis of poetry by Nancy Morejón and Gwendolyn MacEwen;


-Literary Translation (SPAN 473);

-Introduction to Translation (SPAN 306).


-Tutorial (SPAN 480): The influence of Italian immigration on the development of Rio de la Plata dialect;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of short stories by Isabel Allende and Katherine Anne Porter, Spanish-English and English-Spanish.



-Literary Translation (SPAN 473);

-History of the Spanish Language  (SPAN 461);

-Supervisor for SIP Master’s degree student in Latin American culture and translation; thesis: José Martí’s translation of Ramona;

-Thesis co-director (with Debbie Folaron) for Master’s degree in Translation in Études françaises; thesis: “Golden Age Spain Wearing English Clothes: James Mabbe, Renaissance Translator of Spanish Prose Literature”; 2009-2010;

-Honours thesis (SPAN 490): The theme of exile in the work of three Latino-Canadian writers;

-Tutorial (SPAN 482): The theme of exile in the work of two Latino-Canadian women writers;

-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Latino-Canadian authors who write in several languages;

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): Translation and analysis of two essays on Latin American culture, Spanish-English and English-Spanish.


-Translation for Specific Fields (SPAN 474);

-Cultures of the Southern Cone and Andean Region (SPAN 363);

-Honours Tutorial (SPAN 491): Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and analysis of “The Peace of Utrecht,” by Alice Munro, Spanish-English;

-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Translation and comparative analysis of extracts from Nada, by Carmen Laforest, and The Edible Woman, by Margaret Atwood, Spanish-English and English-Spanish.


-Tutorial for M.A. in Translation (Études françaises): FTRA 681/1AA: Elizabethan translations of La Celestina into English;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation of travel writing, Spanish-English and English-Spanish.

2002-2007: Assistant Professor of Spanish, Concordia University:



-Literary Translation (SPAN 473);

-Cultures of Mexico, Central America, and the Spanish Caribbean (SPAN 362);

-Spanish Translation (SPEC 634V), a SIP Master’s degree course;

-Honours Tutorial (SPAN 491):The role of Argentine history in Ernesto Sábato’s Sobre héroes y tumbas;

-Honours Tutorial (SPAN 491): Ideology and history in Santiago Roncagliolo’s Abril rojo;

-Honours Tutorial (SPAN 491): Sephardic identity in the novels of Rosa Nissan;

-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Translation and comparative analysis of a short story by Carson McCullers and two short stories by Lucía Etxebarria.



-Translation for Specific Fields (SPAN 474);

-Cultures of the Southern Cone and Andean Region (SPAN 363);

-Text Revision in Spanish (SPEC 637V) (with Catherine Vallejo), a SIP Master’s degree course;

-Two Honours Tutorials (SPAN 491): Theory and Methods of Literary Analysis;

-Specialization Project (SPAN 495): A comparison of Chilean and Quebec cultures in the 1960s;


-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Translating texts on art criticism and political theory;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): A comparative study of the history of Colombia and Venezuela;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Ideology and strategy of the Montoneros;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of two short stories by Jacques Ferron and two short stories by Augusto Roa Bastos.




-Literary Translation (SPAN 473);

-History of the Spanish Language (SPAN 461);

-Comparative Stylistics: Spanish-English (SPEC 636V/4-AA), a SIP Master's degree course;

-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Translation and comparative analysis of a short short by Alice Munro and two short stories by Lucía Etxebarria;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation of texts on the fine arts, sociology, and anthropology;


-Literary Translation (SPAN 473);

-Cultures of the Southern Cone and the Andean Region (SPAN 363);

-Pre-Colombian Civilizations of Mexico and Central America (SPEC 636), a SIP Master's degree course;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of two works of travel writing: an excerpt from The Voyage of the Beagle, by Charles Darwin, and an article about Bruce Chatwin from Americas.


-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of travel journalism: two articles about Brazil and Bolivia from Americas;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): A comparative analysis of recent Colombian and Venezuelan history;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Slave rebellions in Latin American: 1492-1889.



-Translation for Specific Fields (SPAN 474) (two groups);

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): A comparative study of the regimes of Getúlio Vargas and Juan Domingo Perón;                             


-Introduction to Translation I (SPAN 306);

-A Study of the Evolution of Spanish Usage in the Literature of the Río de la Plata 1950-2000 (SPEC 637S), a SIP Master's degree course:

-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Translation and comparative analysis of a short story by Horacio Quiroga and an extract from the novel Green Mansions, by W.H. Hudson;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of a short story by Zelideth Chávez and a short story by Suzanne Jacob;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of a short story by Reinaldo Arenas and an extract from Darkness at Noon, by Arthur Koestler;


-Tutorial (SPAN 481): Translation and comparative cnalysis of extracts from the novels La nave de los locos, by Cristina Peri Rossi, and L'Île des gauchers, by

  Alexandre Jardin.



-Civilization of the Southern Cone and Andean Region  (SPAN 363);

-Advanced Spanish Translation II (SPAN 307);

-Tutorial (SPAN 481) Roberto Arlt: His importance in Argentine literature and themes of alienation and subversion in his novels, especially El juguete rabioso;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of two essays  from Blocs erratiques, by Hubert Aquin, and "Nuestra América," by José Martí;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of an extract from the novel El barrio, by Miguel Almeyda Morales and the essay "Indians and

Mexican Americans," by Richard Rodríguez;


-History of the Spanish Language (SPAN 461);

-Advanced Spanish Translation I (SPAN 306);

-Translation Spanish-English: Government and Other Official Documents (SPEC 621), a SIP Master’s degree course;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Alfonsina Storni: Her place in Argentine poetry and an analysis of the structural and thematic development of her work;

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of a selection of poems by Christopher Dewdney, and extracts from Big Bang, by Severo Sarduy;                              

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of an extract from the novella Las ataduras, by Carmen Martín Gaite, and a selection from Lives of Girls and Women, by Alice Munro.



-Literary Translation (SPAN 498M);

-Advanced Spanish Translation I (SPAN 307);          


-Advanced Spanish Translation I (SPAN 306);

-Tutorial (SPAN 480): Translation and comparative analysis of extracts from the novel El reino de este mundo, by Alejo Carpentier, and The Studhorse Man, by Robert Kroetsch.


Academic book

Latinocanadá: A Critical Study of Ten Latin American Writers of Canada; Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2007; 312 pages.

Translated books

Alucinaciones en la alfalfa y otros poemas/Hallucinations in the Alfalfa and Other Poems, by Griselda García; Hamilton, ON: Wolsak & Wynn, 2010; SpanishEnglish.

Brunhilda and the Ring, long poem by Jorge Luján based on Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelungs; Toronto: Groundwood Books/Anansi Press, 2010; SpanishEnglish: 96 pages.
Aquella luz, la que estremece/The Light That Makes Us Tremble, poems by Nela Rio: Fredericton, N.B.: Broken Jaw Press; Montreal: Ediciones de la Enana Blanca, 2008; SpanishEnglish: 95 pages.

A Small Nativity, a children’s book of poetry by Aquiles Nazoa; Toronto: Groundwood Books, 2007; SpanishEnglish.

Vetiver, poems by Joël Des Rosiers; Winnipeg: Signature Editions, 2005; FrenchEnglish: 134 pages.

Silver, novel by Pablo Urbanyi; Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 2005; SpanishEnglish: 224 pages.
Sunset, novel by Pablo Urbanyi; Fredericton, N.B.: Broken Jaw Press, 2003; SpanishEnglish: 215 pages.
Cuerpo amado/Beloved Body, poems by Nela Rio; Fredericton, N.B.: Broken Jaw Press, 2002; SpanishEnglish: 111 pages.
Headstrong All the Way Round/Visualizing the Self, artist's book by Chantal Dupont and Jocelyne Lupien; Montreal: Graff Galleries, 2000; FrenchEnglish: 63 pages.

Túnel de proa verde/Tunnel of the Green Prow, poems by Nela Rio; Fredericton, N.B.: Broken Jaw Press, 1998; SpanishEnglish: 88 pages.
Jade and Iron, anthology of legends and stories from Latin America, edited by Patricia Aldana; Toronto: Groundwood Books (Douglas & McIntyre), 1996; SpanishEnglish: 64 pages.

The Better to See You (Para mirarte mejor), short stories by Alfonso Quijada Urías; Dunvegan, Ont.: Cormorant Books, 1993; SpanishEnglish:  93 pages.
Coeditor, with Gary Geddes, and principal translator (texts by 27 authors) of Compañeros: Writings about Latin America, an anthology of work by 87 EnglishCanadian, Québécois, Haitian, and LatinoCanadian writers; Dunvegan, Ont.: Cormorant Books, 1990; Spanish and French into English: 320 pages.

Creative work

Antimateria, poems in Spanish; Ottawa: La Cita Trunca/Split Quotation, 2009: 59 pages.

Antimatter, poems and CD; Fredericton, N.B.: Broken Jaw Press, 2003: 61 pages; 2nd edition, 2010: 63 pages.

Ojo de papel, a collection of poems in Spanish; Montreal: Editorial El Palomar, 1988: 29 pages.
Crossing the Chaco, poems; Montreal: White Dwarf Editions, 1982: 84 pages.

Sunwords, poems; Montreal: Red Giant Editions, 1982: 57 pages.

Scholarly Articles

"Transculturation and National Identity in the Novel Rojo, amarillo y verde, by Alejandro Saravia," for Canada and Its Americas: Transnational Navigations, edited by Sarah Casteel and Winfried Siemerling; Montreal and Kingston: McGillQueen's Press, 2010: 219230.
“Traduzir o LatinoCanadá: Translation Strategies of Spanish and PortugueseSpeaking Authors in Canada”; Interfaces BrasilCanadá, journal of the Associação Brasileira de Estudos Canadenses; vol. 11, 2010.
"Transculturation and National Identity in the Novel Rojo, amarillo y verde, by Alejandro Saravia," for Canada and Its Americas: Transnational Navigations, edited by Sarah Casteel and Winfried Siemerling; Montreal and Kingston: McGillQueen's University Press, 2010: 219230.

"El ojo del ciclón: Amor y caos en El zoológico de Dios, de Pablo Urbanyi"; Romanitas Vol. 3, No. 4, April 2009: "Littératures latinoaméricaines et caraïbéennes contemporaines: regards européens,” ed. Peter Klaus. <>.

"Polylingual Identities: Writing in Multiple Languages," for a collection of essays entitled The Canadian Cultural Exchange/Échanges culturels au Canada: Translation and Transculturation/traduction et transculturation, edited by Norman Cheadle and Lucien Pelletier; Waterloo, Ontario: Sir Wilfred Laurier Press, 2007; 225245.
“Tantra and Transcendence in Leonard Cohen’s Beautiful Losers”; in Outras Literaturas anglófonas: (des)escrevendo império, edited by Eloína Prati dos Santos and Sonia Torres; Rio de Janeiro: Leo Christiano Editorial, 2006; 6780.
"Betrayal in Roberto Arlt’s El juguete rabioso and Mordecai Richler’s The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz”; America’s Worlds and the World’s Americas/Les mondes des Amériques et les Amériques du monde. Proceedings of the Second World Congress of the International American Studies Associan Held at the University of Ottawa, Aug. 1820, 2005, edited by Amaryll Chanady, George Handley, and Patrick Imbert. Ottawa: Legas, 2006. 237245.

Book reviews

L’Étoile d’eau/Estrella de agua, by Lady Rojas Trempe; Alba de América, Vol. 26, Nos. 49/50, July 2007: 581-584.

Testimonio: A Cross-Cultural Critique of Modernity, by John Beverley; Canadian Literature/ Littérature canadienne, No. 189, summer 2006: 179-180.

Recent shorter translations

“Presentation,” an essay by Sonia Torres; “What Fell to Me,” a poem by Ivan Junqueira; “Boa,” a poem by Zulmira Ribeiro Tavares; and “That Poor Devil,” a short story by Márcio Souza; for a special issue on Brazilian literature of Ellipse, ed. Sonia Torres and Eloína Prati dos Santos; to be published in June 2009; PortugueseEnglish.

The poem “Triptych: The Quiet City Along the River” and “Essay for Writing on the Wall, 2009,” both by Nela Rio, for the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, N.B.; SpanishEnglish.

“AtomizeMe,” “The Improbables,” and “Grace,” three poems by José Acquelin; for TransLit, Vol . 8; to be published in fall 2010; FrenchEnglish. Accepted.

Six poems from M’accompagne, by MarcAndré Brouillette; for Le dire autrement/Translation Slam at the Blue Metropolis Literary Festival, Montreal; April 25, 2009; FrenchEnglish.

“El despertar” and “Vasija de amor,” two poems by Joseph DiBari; EnglishSpanish.

“The Newness of New Socialism,” an essay by François Houtart, for the World Latin American Agenda 2009; htt;://; SpanishEnglish: 142143.

"Sleeping Awake," “Againstsea,” and “Flood,” poems by Iliana Godoy; International Poetry Review: Hispanic/Latino Issue Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, spring 2008; SpanishEnglish: 45, 47, 49, 51, 53.

Extracts from “The Secret Notebooks of Agathe Brisebois," a series of poems by Patrick Coppens; "Les mots en mouvement/Words on the Move,” April 2008; Literary Translators Association of Canada; <>; FrenchEnglish.

“What I Couldn’t Do,” introduction by Cristina Rivera Garza to Speaking desde las heridas. Transborder/transfronterizo cibertestimonio Writings (Sept. 11, 2001March 11, 2007). Ed. Claire Joysmith; intro. John Beverley and Cristina Rivera Garza. Mexico City: CISAN/UNAM/ITESM; Whittier, CA: Whittier College, spring 2008; SpanishEnglish; 2 pages ms.

“Politics and Ideology,” an essay by Pedro A. Ribeiro de Oliveira, for the World Latin American Agenda 2008; ; SpanishEnglish; 8 pages ms.

“Crossing in Three Poems: September 11, 2001November 1, 2006,” a poem by Nela Rio, for the anthology Speaking desde las heridas. Transborder/transfronterizo cibertestimonio Writings (Sept. 11, 2001March 11, 2007). Ed. Claire Joysmith; intro. John Beverley and Cristina Rivera Garza. Mexico City: CISAN/UNAM/ITESM; Whittier, CA: Whittier College, spring 2008.

“You’ve Got to Search for It” and “Weariness,” two poems by Oliverio Girondo; The Apostles Review (Buenos Aires and Montreal), Vol. 3, No. 1 (Winter 2007): 1011.

Statements of poetic esthetics by thirteen Chilean authors, for Poéticas de Chile, an anthology of poetics edited by Gonzalo Contreras, to be published by Editorial Etnika in Santiago, Chile, in the fall of 2007; Spanish/English:
              “Poetics,” by Jorge Álvarez;
              “Definition of a Poet,” by Enrique Lihn;
              “What Are We, God, After All,” by Fernando González Urízar;
              “Profession,” by Germán Carrasco;
              “Leandro Fernández de Moratín,” by Juan Cristóbal Romero;
              “The Poet,” by Luis Vuilliamy;
              “Non Serviam,” by Vicente Huidobro;
              “Esthetics” and “Signs to the Man of the Future,” by Pablo de Rokha;
              “The Tobacco of Prisons,” by Rodrigo Olivarría;
              “Because the Time Has Come to Live and Die,” by Rafael Rubio;
              “Poetry,” by Rosamel del Valle;
              “Poetics,” by Carolina Lorca;
              “The Meanings of Charity,” by Tomás Harris.

Ten poems from La disparition des idées, by Yannick Renaud; for Le dire autrement/Translation Slam, at Blue Metropolis Literary Fesitival, Montreal, April 26, 2007; FrenchEnglish.

Editing and publishing

Coordinator and principal translation reviser of a special issue on Brazilian literature of Ellipse, translated into English and French. Ed. Sonia Torres and Eloína Prati dos Santos; spring 2011.


Guest editor, Argentina-Canada, special issue of Ellipse No. 73; winter 2004-2005.

Publisher of White Dwarf Editions, a trilingual (Spanish/English/French) press with sixteen titles published from 1982 to 2010, including La présence d'une autre Amérique, a French-language anthology of Latin-American writers of Québec; 1989.

Co-editor (last issue, with Edgard Gousse) of Ruptures: The Review of the Three Americas and translation reviser from French, Spanish, and Portuguese into English. Ruptures, a Montreal-based literary review, published 14 issues, with translations of as many works as possible into the four main languages of the Americas; 1992-1998.

Conference Presentations

“Laberintos del neobarroco urbano en la narrativa de Roberto Arlt”; Literatura Argentina Contemporánea; XLVII Conference of the Canadian Association of Hispanists; Concordia University; May 29, 2010.

“La traducción literal o la traducción liberal: el eje de la historia traductológica”; invited speaker in SPAN 450, Theory and Practice of Translation, course taught by María del Carmen Sillato; University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario; February 7, 2011.

“Translation as a Nexus for Literary Exchange between Latin America and Canada”; Building Culture(s): A New Era in Translation Studies; Second Annual Glendron Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies; Glendon College, York University, Toronto; keynote speaker; February 5, 2011.

“11 de septiembre de 1973: Latinoamérica llega a Canadá”; Literatura de la Diáspora Latinoamericana; XLVI Conference of the Canadian Association of Hispanists; Concordia University; May 28, 2010.

“Walking around: el papel de la traducción en la literatura chilenocanadiense”; 30 Años de Literatura en 200 de Historia, colloquium on Chilean literature in Canada; University of Ottawa, April 24, 2010.

“Translation as a Vector for Literary Exchange between Latin America and Canada”; Canada and the SpanishSpeaking World, Northeast Modern Language Association Convention; April 9, 2010.

“Aqui me fico: New Directions in LatinoCanadian Writing”; Rethinking Multiculturalism: Brazil, Canada and the United States; Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto; January 30, 2010.
“Um Novo Mundo Setentrional: A Presença Latinoamericana na Literatura Canadense”; Instituto de Letras y Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; invited speaker; December 3, 2009.

“Traduzir o LatinoCanadá: Translation Strategies of Spanish and PortugueseSpeaking Authors in Canada,” for the X Congresso Internacional da ABECAN (Associação Brasileira de Estudos Canadenses), Universidade Federal de Goiânia, Brazil; Nov. 17, 2009.

“AfroCaribbean Belief Systems and the NeoBaroque Novel: The Duel of Faiths in Alejo Carpentier’s El reino de este mundo (The Kingdom of This World) and Ludic Voodoo in Alfonso Quijada Urías’s Lujuria tropical”: NeoBaroque: Transcultural and Transhistorical Efficiencies of the Baroque Paradigm, UNAM, Mexico City; October 15, 2009.

“Del surrealismo al ultrabarroco en la novela Lujuria tropical, de Alfonso Quijada Urías,” Canadian Association of Hispanists, Ottawa; May 25, 2009.

“Techniques in Translating Poetry,” invited speaker in “Traduction littéraire: anglais” (CCTR 442), course taught by Professor Debbie Blythe, McGill University; April 9, 2009.

“Canada Caraïbes: The NeoBaroque in Two Immigrant Canadiana Writers, Joël
Des Rosiers and Alfonso Quijada Urías, and the Challenges Involved in Translating Their Work”; From Baroque to NeoBaroque: Transhistorical and Transcultural Transfers of the Concept; University of Ottawa, October 3, 2008.

“El ojo del ciclón: Amor y caos en El zoológico de Dios, de Pablo Urbanyi”: Canadian Association of Hispanists, Vancouver, B.C.; June 2, 2008.

“El amor como fuerza vital en la obra de Nela Rio”; Segundo Simposio de la Serie de Autores Hispanocanadienses; ESECAUNAM, Gatineau, Québec; May 15, 2008.

“Translating HispanoCanadian Literature”; Translation Effects: The Shaping of Modern Canadian Culture, University of Ottawa; April 24, 2008.

“Oral and Concrete Poetry in the AvantGarde,” invited speaker in “Modern American Literature,” course taught by Professor Elspeth Tulloch, Université Laval; April 15, 2008.

“Translating Haitian and Hispanic Caribbean Poetry,” invited speaker in TRA5912, “Literary Translation: Haitian Writers,” course taught by Professor Luise Von Flotow, University of Ottawa; March 20, 2008.

“Translating LatinoCanadian Literature,” with Nela Rio, at the 8th International MulticulturalMultilingual Poetry Reading, Fredericton Small Press Book Fair, Fredericton, N.B.; March 15, 2008.

"Vuelta y exilio en la literatura chilenocanadiense "; Boreal IV: Literatura Hispánica y el Mosaico Canadiense, Ottawa; November 24, 2007.
“Exploraciones traductológicas: una versión inglesa de En la masmédula, de Oliverio Girondo”; Canadian Association of Hispanists, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon; May 27, 2007.

“Rescatando la memoria: El zoológico de Dios, por Pablo Urbanyi”; presentation organized by Dr. Francisco Jarque at the Centro de Recursos del Español, Université de Montréal; May 23, 2007.

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