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Hua Ge, PhD, P. Eng

  • Professor, Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering

Research areas: wind-driven rain, hygrothermal performance of building envelopes, advanced building facades, innovative & durable wood-frame construction, low-energy buildings

Contact information


Dr. Ge received her Ph.D. from the Building Engineering program at Concordia University in 2003. She was the Director of Building Science Centre of Excellence at British Columbia Institute of Technology from 2004-2009, where she established the research center, championed a Master of Building Science/Building Engineering program, and developed a major Building Envelope Test Facility. After working in the department of Architectural Science at Ryerson University for over two years from 2010-2012, she joined the department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering at Concordia in Aug. 2012. 

Dr. Ge is a Tier II Concordia University Research Chair (CURC) in High Performance Building Envelope for Climate Resilient Buildings. Her expertise is in large-scale laboratory testing, field monitoring and modeling of hygrothermal performance of building envelopes, and quantifying wind-driven rain loads by field measurements and CFD modeling, and low-energy buildings. Her current research interests include the impact of climate change on wind-driven rain loads, urban micro-climate and building performance; climate resilience building envelopes; dynamic building facades; and low-carbon healthy buildings. 


  • Professional Engineers of Ontario
  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers
  • Handbook subcommittee Chair and voting member of ASHRAE TC4.4 Building materials and building envelope performance 


  • wind-driven rain 
  • hygrothermal performance of building envelopes
  • building integrated photovoltaic/thermal systems 
  • high performance housing for the North
  • overheating risks in buildings 
  • nature-based solutions for climate resilient carbon neutral buildings and communities

Teaching activities

Undergraduate Courses

BLDG 463 Building Envelope Design
BLDG 366 Acoustics and Lighting
BLDG 484 Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of Building Envelope
BLDG 490 Capstone project

Graduate courses

BLDG 6601 Building Enclosure
BLDG 6661 Hygrothermal Performance of Building Envelope
BLDG 6671 Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of Building Envelope

Research activities

Current graduate students

  • Chetan Aggarwal, PDF
  • Sahar Sahyoun, PhD
  • Daniel Baril, PhD (with Dr. A. Athienitis) 
  • Kai Ye, PhD (with Dr. A. Athienitis)
  • Payam Gholamalipour, PhD with Dr. Stathopoulos)
  • Bahador Ziaeemehr, PhD (with Dr. Lacasse)
  • Sina Sina Akhavan Shams, PhD
  • Jing Li, PhD (with Dr. Zmeureanu)
  • Wenhang Du, PhD
  • Ouyang Zhe, MASc 
  • Himansu Sharma, MASc
  • Zahra Salehi, MASc (with Dr. Wang)

Past graduate students

  • PhD thesis 
    Mohamed A.Z. Aldabibi 2023. “Frost damage of internally insulated retrofitted solid brick walls: experimental work and hygrothermal modeling”. Co-supervision with Dr. Michelle Nokken. April 18 2023.

  • Chetan Aggarwal 2023. “Development of climate-based indices for assessing the hygrothermal performance of wood frame walls under historical and future climates”. Co-supervision with Dr. Maurice Defo. March 9 2023.
  • Fuad Baba 2022. “Assessment and mitigation of Overheating Risks in Archetype and Existing Canadian Buildings under Recent and Projected Future Climates”. July 7 2022. 
  • Ahmad Kayello 2018. “Hygrothermal Performance of Structural Insulated Panels and Attics for Inuit Communities”. Dec. 3, 2018. Concordia University. (Co-supervision with Dr. Andreas Athienitis).
  • Lin Wang, 2018. “Stochastic Modelling of Hygrothermal Performance of Highly Insulated Wood Framed Envelopes”. June 14, 2018.Concordia University.

  • Xiangjin Yang, 2010. “Investigation of moisture buffering effect of hygroscopic materials in full-scale experiments and HAM simulations”. Concordia University. (Co-supervision with late Dr. Fazio).

    M.A.Sc thesis 

  •   Felipe Grossi, 2023. Life cycle assessment of nature-based design solutions for buildings and building retrofit”. Co-supervision with Dr. Radu Zmeureanu. Sept. 12 2023.

      Max Junginger, 2023. “Assessing the Impact of Air Leakage on the Hygrothermal Performance of Wood-Frame Walls Under Historical and Future Climates”. Aug. 17 2023.

      Penden Wangchuk, 2023. “Hygrothermal analysis of wooden frame and cross-laminated timber walls for energy efficiency and durability in Bhutanese climate”. Aug. 17 2023. Co-supervision with Dr. Fariborz Haghighat.

      Kathryn Chung Tze Cheong, 2023. “Calibration and Evaluation of Building Models to Assess and Mitigate Canadian Building Overheating Risks in Current and Future Climates”. Aug. 15 2023. Co-supervision with Dr. Liangzhu Wang.

      Kai Ye, 2023. “Overall Performance Evaluation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) as Active Building Envelope Systems”. Co-supervision with Dr. Andreas Athienitis. Aug. 14 2023.

      Zihan Xie, 2023. “A field study of thermal comfort and summertime overheating of six schools in Montreal Canada”. Co-supervision with Dr. Radu Zmeureanu May 4 2023. 

      Wenhang Du, 2022.  “Policy Model of Waste Management - Modelling of Shanghai Municipal Solid Waste Management Regulations”. Co-supervision with Dr. Yong Zeng Aug. 23 2022.

      Benyamin Salehpour. 2022. “Thermal mass and thermal bridging effects on transient performance of walls and energy performance of office buildings”. Co-supervision with Dr. Mehdi Ghobadi. April 28 2022.

      Henry Lu. 2021. “Effects of different climate generation methods on the hygrothermal performance of a wood-frame wall under current and projected future climates”. Co-supervision with Dr. Abhishek Gaur. Dec. 17 2021.

      Daniel Baril. 2021. “Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal Collector for Arctic Residential Applications”. Co-supervision with Dr. Andreas Athienitis. Dec. 7 2021.

      Diana Carolina Guerrero Yáñez. 2021. “Improving Thermal Comfort Conditions in K-12 Educational Buildings in Hot and Humid Climate”. Co-supervision with Dr. Bruno Lee. Nov. 30 2021. 

      Jing Li. 2021. “Modeling the effect of dual-core energy recovery ventilator (ERV) unit on the energy use of houses in northern Canada compared with the single-core ERV unit”. Co-supervision with Dr. Radu Zmeureanu Aug. 16 2021. 

         Ben Zegen Reich. 2020. “Effect of Vapor Diffusion Port on the Hygrothermal Performance of Wood-frame Walls”. March 17 2020.

  • Li Ma. 2019. “Optimization of passive solar design and integration of building integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) system in northern housing”. Dec. 5 2019. 
  • Ruolin Wang. 2018. “Attic ventilation in extremely cold climate-field measurements and hygrothermal simulation”. Nov. 29, 2018.
  • Olesia Kruglov. 2018. “Design Methodology and Experimental Investigation of a Multiple-Inlet BIPV/T System in a Curtain Wall Facade Assembly and Roof Application”. (Co-supervision with Dr. Andreas Athienitis). Nov. 7, 2018.
  • Firouzeh Souri. Sept. 2018. “Effectiveness of roof overhang on mid-rise buildings: field measurements and improved assessment based on ISO Standard”. (Co-supervision with Dr. Ted Stathopoulos). Sept. 4 2018.
  • Khalilzadeh, A. Aug. 2017. “Numerical parametric study of wind-driven rain and overhang effectiveness on a mid-rise building”. (Co-supervision with Dr. H.D.Ng). Concordia University.
  • Thirunavukarasu, A. July 2016. “Protocol for low energy houses for Northern Canadian regions”. (Co-supervision with Dr. Athienitis). Concordia University.
  • Vincent Chiu, March 2016. “The effect of overhang on wind-driven rain wetting for a mid-rise building”. (Co-supervision with Dr. Stathopoulos). Concordia University.
  • Uzzwal Kumar Deb Nath, Nov. 2015“Field measurements of wind-driven rain on mid- and high-rise buildings in two Canadian regions”. Concordia University.
  • Fuad Baba, Oct. 2015“Dynamic effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of residential buildings”. Concordia University.
  • Ali Sehizadeh, Aug. 2015. “Impact of future climate change on the building performance of a typical Canadian single-family house retrofitted to the PassiveHaus”. Concordia University.
  • Angel T. Lam, Aug. 2015. “Identifying configurations of plus-energy curtain walls for the perimeter zone using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) approach”. Concordia University
  • Mike Fox, 2014. Hygrothermal performance of highly-insulated wood-frame walls subjected to air leakage: field measurements and simulations. (M.A.Sc thesis completed at Ryerson University)
  • Afrooz Ravanfar, 2013. Simulation and optimization of the solar-assisted ventilation in a chimney-dependent solarium. (M.A.Sc thesis completed at Ryerson University with Dr. Z.Y. Liao)
  • Sepehr Mohaddes, 2013. A numerical study of the effects of overhangs on the wind-driven rain wetting of building facades. (M.A.Sc thesis completed at Ryerson University with Dr. D. Naylor)
  • Sam Sassi, 2013. Validation of a wind-driven rain module for HAM-Tools. (M.A.Sc thesis completed at Ryerson University with Dr. M. Hovart)
  • Ruth McClung, 2012. Field study of hygrothermal performance of Cross-laminated Timber wall assemblies with built-in moisture. (M.A.Sc thesis completed at Ryerson University).
  • Ronald Krpan, 2012. Wind-driven rain on buildings in metro Vancouver: parameters for rain penetration testing of window assemblies. Concordia University (Co-supervision with Dr. Fazio).
  • Chris Leung, 2011. Evaluation of thermal environment and energy performance of a radiant ceiling heating system. (M.A.Sc thesis completed at Ryerson University)
  • Wendy Simpson, 2010. Influence of cavity ventilation on the hygrothermal performance of wood-frame walls in the coastal climate of British Columbia. Concordia University (co-supervision with Dr. Fazio). 


Selected journal articles

1.         Grossi, Felipe, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu. 2023. Life Cycle Assessment of the Environmental Benefits of Using Wood Products and Planting Trees at an All-Electric University Laboratory Buildings 2023, 13, 1584.

2.         Zhe Xiao, H. Ge, M. Lacasse, L.Z. Wang and R. Zmeureanu. 2023. Nature-Based Solutions for Carbon Neutral Climate Resilient Buildings and Communities: A Review of Technical Evidence, Design Guidelines, and Policies. Buildings 202313(6), 1389;

3.         Aggarwal, Chetan, H. Ge, and M. Defo. 2023. Assessing mould growth risk of wood-frame walls using partial least squares (PLS) regression considering climate model uncertainties. Building and Environment: 238 (2023) 110374. 

4.         Baba, F. M, H. Ge, L.Z. Wang, R. Zmeureanu. 2023. Optimizing overheating, lighting, and heating energy performances in Canadian school for climate change adaptation: Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization methodology.  Building and Environment. 237(2023) 110336.

5.         B. Salehpour, M Ghobadi, H. Ge and T Moore 2023.Effects of thermal mass on transient thermal performance of concrete-based walls and energy consumption of an office building”. Journal of Building Physics.1-29.

6.         Lin Wang, H. Ge, and Jieying Wang. 2023. Model validation and 2-D hygrothermal simulations of wetting and drying behavior of cross-laminated timber" Journal of Building Physics.

7.         Grossi, Felipe, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu and Fuad Baba. 2023. Feasibility of Planting Trees around Buildings as a Nature-Based Solution of Carbon Sequestration—An LCA Approach Using Two Case Studies. Buildings 2023, 13, 41.

8.         Baba, F. M, H. Ge, L.Z. Wang, R. Zmeureanu. 2023. Assessing and mitigating overheating risk in existing Canadian School buildings under extreme current and future climatesEnergy and Buildings: 279, 112710.  

9.      Aggarwal, Chetan, H. Ge, M. Defo, and M. A. Lacasse. 2022. Hygrothermal performance assessment of wood frame walls under historical and future climates using partial least squares regression. Building and Environment: 223, September 2022, 109501.

10.      Payam Gholamalipour, H. Ge, and Ted Stathopoulos (2022). Wind-driven rain (WDR) loading on building facades: A state-of-the-art review. Building and Environment: 221 (2022) 109314. 

11.   Baba, F. M, Hua Ge, Liangzhu Wang, Radu Zmeureanu,. 2022. Do high energy-efficient buildings increase overheating risk in cold climates? Causes and mitigation measures required under recent and future climates. Building and Environment: 219(2022) 109230.  

12.      Jing Li, Radu Zmeureanu and Hua Ge. Modeling the effect of dual-core energy recovery ventilator unit on the energy use of houses in northern Canada. Applied Thermal Engineering: 204 (2022) 117971. 

13.      Baba, F. M, Hua Ge, Radu Zmeureanu, Liangzhu Wang. 2022. Calibration of Building Model Based on Indoor Temperature for Overheating Assessment Using Genetic Algorithm: Methodology, Evaluation Criteria, and Case Study. Building and Environment 207 (2022).

14.      Aggarwal, Chetan, H. Ge, M. Defo, and M. A. Lacasse. 2022. Reliability of Moisture Reference Year (MRY) selection methods for hygrothermal performance analysis of wood-frame walls under historical and future climates. Building and Environment: 207 (2022) 108513.

15.      Sahyoun, S.; Ge, H.; Lacasse, M.A.; Defo, M. Reliability of Existing Climate Indices in Assessing theFreeze-Thaw Damage Risk of Internally Insulated Masonry Walls. Buildings 2021, 11, 482.

16.     A. Gaur, H. Lu, M. Lacasse, Hua Ge, and Fiona Hill (2021). Future Projected Changes in Moisture Index and Implications for the Design of Buildings in Canada. Building and Environment: Vol. 199.

17.    F. Souri, H. Ge, and T. Stathopoulos. Wind-driven rain on buildings: Accuracy of the ISO semi-empirical model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics: Vol 212.

18.   B. Zegen Reich,  H. Ge, and J.Y. Wang. 2021. Effect of vapor diffusion port on the hygrothermal performance of wood-frame walls. Journal of Building Engineering. 39 (2021).18. 

19.    Ma, L., H. Ge, L. Wang and L. Wang. 2021. Optimization of passive solar design and integration of Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) system in northern housing. Building Simulations: an International Journal.    

20.    Wang, R.L., H. Ge and D. Baril. 2020. Moisture-safe attic design in extremely cold climate: hygrothermal simulations. Building and Environment. 182, September 2020, 107166

21.    Wang, L., and H. Ge. 2019. Effect of rain leakage on hygrothermal performance of highly insulated wood framed walls: a stochastic approach. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. Special Issue: Durability and Climate Change. Vol. 46:979-989.

22. Ge, H., J. Straube, L. Wang and M. Fox. 2019. Field study of hygrothermal performance of highly insulated wood-frame walls under simulated air leakage. Building and Environment. 160 (2019).

23.   Wang, L., and H. Ge. 2018. Stochastic modelling of hygrothermal performance of highly insulated wood framed walls. Building and Environment. 146 (2018): 12-28.12.      

24.    Khalilzadeh, A., H. Ge, and H.D. Ng. 2018. Effect of turbulence modeling schemes on wind-driven rain deposition on a mid-rise building: CFD modeling and validation.  Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.184:362-377.

25.  Ge, H., V. Chiu, T. Stathopoulos, and F. Souri. 2018. Improved assessment of wind-driven rain on building façade based on ISO standard with high-resolution on-site weather data. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 176 (2018) 183–196.

26.  Ge, H. R.L. Wang, and D. Brail. 2018. Field measurements of hygrothermal performance of attics in extreme cold climates. Building and Environment 134C: 114-130.15.   

27.   Wang, L. and H. Ge. 2017. Effect of air leakage on the hygrothermal performance of highly insulated wood frame walls: Comparison of air leakage modelling methods. Building and Environment 123: 363-377.

28.  Ge, H. and F. Baba. 2017. Effect of dynamic modeling of thermal bridges on the energy performance of residential buildings with high thermal mass for cold climates. Sustainable Cities and Society 34: 250–263.

29.    Ge, H., V. Chiu and T. Stathopoulos. 2017. Effect of overhang on wind-driven rain wetting of facades on a mid-rise building: Field measurements. Building and Environment 118:234-250.18.    

30.  Ge, H., U.K. Deb Nath and V. Chiu. 2017. Field measurements of wind-driven rain on mid- and high-rise buildings in three Canadian regions. Building and Environment 116:228-245.

31.   Kayello, A., H. Ge, A. Athienitis and J. Rao 2017. Experimental study of thermal and airtightness performance of structural insulated panel joints in cold climates. Building and Environment 115:345-357.

32.  Wang, L. and H. Ge. 2017. Sensitivity analysis of hygrothermal performance of cross-laminated timber wall assemblies. ASTM STP: Advances in Hygrothermal Performance of Building Envelopes: Materials, Systems and Simulations.

33.     Lam, A., H. Ge, and P. Fazio. 2016. Identifying plus-energy curtain wall configurations using variance-based approach (ANOVA). Building Simulation: an International Journal. 9: 297-310.22.     

34.   Baba, F. and H. Ge. 2016. Dynamic effect of balcony thermal bridges on the energy performance of a high-rise residential building in Canada. Energy and Buildings. 116: 78-88.  

35.   Sehizaheh, A. and H. Ge. 2015. Impact of future climates on the durability of typical Canadian residential wall assemblies retrofitted to the PassiveHaus. Building and Environment.  97:111-125.

36.  Wang, L. and H. Ge. 2015. Hygrothermal performance of cross-laminated timber wall assemblies: a stochastic approach. Building and Environment. 97: 11-25.

37. Belleudy, C., A. Kayello, M. Woloszyn, and H. Ge. 2015. Experimental and numerical investigations of the effects of air leakage on temperature and moisture fields in porous insulation. Building and Environment. 94: 457-466.26.  

38. Liu, X.W., Y.M. Chen, H. Ge, P. Fazio, G.J. Chen, and X.G. Guo. 2015. Determination of optimum insulation thickness for building walls with moisture transfer in hot summer and cold winter zone of China. Energy and Buildings. 109:361-368.

39.   Ge, H. and F. Baba. 2015. Dynamic effect of thermal bridges on the energy performance of a low-rise residential building. Energy and Buildings. 105:106-118.

40.     Ge, H. 2015. Influence of time resolution and averaging techniques of meteorological data on the estimation of wind-driven rain load on building façades for Canadian climatesJournal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 143:50-61.

41.   Liu, X. W., Y. M. Chen, H. Ge, P. Fazio and G.J. Chen. 2015. Numerical investigation for thermal performance of exterior walls of residential buildings with moisture transfer in hot summer and cold winter zone of China. Energy and Buildings. 93: 259-268.

42. Yang, X.J., H. Ge, P. Fazio and J. Rao. 2014. Evaluation of parameters influencing the moisture buffering potential of hygroscopic materials with BSim simulations. Buildings 2014, 4: 375-393.

43.  Ge, H., X.J. Yang, P. Fazio and J. Rao. 2014. Influence of moisture load profiles on moisture buffering potential and moisture residuals of three groups of hygroscopic materials. Building and Environment. 81:162-171.

44. Oasass, R. M. Gorgolewski and H. Ge. 2014. Timber framing factor in Toronto housing construction. Journal of Architectural Science Review. Jan. 2014.

45.    Mohaddes, S., H. Ge, and D. Naylor. 2013. Effects of roof overhangs on wind-driven rain wetting of a low-rise cubic building: a numerical study. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics. 125:38-51.

46. McClung, V.R., H. Ge, J. Straube, and J. Y. Wang. 2013. Hygrothermal performance of cross-laminated timber wall assemblies with built-in moisture: field measurements and simulations. Building and Environment. 71:95-11035.  

47. Ge, H., V.R. McClung, S. Zhang (2013). Impact of balcony thermal bridges on the overall thermal performance of Multi-unit residential buildings: a case study. Energy and Buildings. 60:163-173.

48. Leung, C. and H. Ge. 2013. An infrared sphere method to measure mean radiant temperature. ASHRAE Transaction. Vol. 119, Part 1.

49. Leung, C., and H. Ge. 2013. Sleep thermal comfort and energy saving of a radiant ceiling heating system. Building and Environment. 59:91-98.

50.    Yang, X., P. Fazio, H. Ge, and J. Rao. 2012. Evaluation of moisture buffering capacity of interior surface materials and furniture in a full-scale experimental investigation. Building and Environment. 47:188-196.

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