Dr. Florian Grond
Dr. Florian Grond, PhD
- Assistant Professor, Design and Computation Arts
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Florian Grond,PhD, is an Assistant professor, media artist, and sonic interaction designer. His research interests are participatory design in the context of disability,the arts, immersive media, and assistive technology. He has published in the fields of sound studies, auditory display, assistive technology design,immersive sound recording, sonic ethnographies and art and disability. He has been an independent media artist for many years, exhibiting his works at several venues (Europe, North America, and Japan). When connecting design and disability, he draws from his creative practice as an artist and technologist.Over the last years, he has started collaborations with colleagues with disabilities from academia and the arts, resulting in research output, artistic creations, and exhibition curating. Before joining Concordia faculty, he held a post-doctoral appointment at Concordia, where he was part of the Critical Disability Studies Working Group. He further received a post-doctoral research-creation scholarship B5 from FRQSC, which he held at CIRMMT, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, McGill. Grond has supervised various engineering capstone projects and taught a course on sonic boundary objects, a method using immersive sound recording techniques for blindethnographies, developed with blind literary scholar Dr. Piet Devos, a post-doctoral fellow at Concordia University at that time. Grond was a research associate in the Shared Reality Lab at McGill after spending two years in the Sound Recording Department of the Schulich School of Music. He was the first to record with a 6-degrees-of-freedom sound recording system in several projects at McGill University and later in independent productions. Grond has several years of experience and published in 3D sound recording (microphone arrays) and immersive sound reproduction. He also worked as creative sound engineer and research lead for ZYLIA, a company that produces microphone arrays for sound recording in AR and VR applications.
Teaching activities
Design Therory and Practice (DART 600) - Concordia
Graduate level seminar on design theory applied to student projects for their Master thesis.
Discursive Design Research I (DART 491) - Concordia
Me Myself and AI, Is this my voice? Exploring generative AI tools to craft an artist or design statement.
In Concert: McGill Bicentennial Multimedia Outdoor Performance Stage (MOPS) MUGS 675 special project
Sound, Interaction with Architecture McGill University, winter 2019
Sonic Boundary Objects Approaching the style of blind navigation through sound recording and literature
Co-taught with Dr. Piet Devos at the University of Graz in the Centre for Intermediality Studies (CIMIG), spring 2018
Research Creation
Spatial and Immersive Audio
− Will Howie, Atsushi Marui, Toru Kamekawa, Florian Grond and Akira Omoto. Objective comparison of 3D audio reproduction withand without bottom channels, Audio Engineering Society Conference.2023 International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio, 2023, AES
− Florian Grond, Marek Kabacinski, Andrzej Mroz, Bartlomiej amd Ruminski, and Tomasz Zernicki. The computational complexity of Object-based audio (OBA) and Volumetric Scene-based audio (VSBA). Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper, October 19 - 20 2022
Grond, Florian and Lecomte, Pierre. Higher Order Ambisonics for SuperCollider, LinuxAudio Developer Conference, 2017 Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne – France
Critical Disability Studies
− Florian Grond, Keiko Shikako-Thomas, and Eric Lewis. Adaptive musical instruments (amis): Past, present, and future research directions. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(1):122–142, 2020
79(1):1–12, 2020
Assistive Technology Design
Auditory Display and Human Computer Interaction
− F. Grond and T. Hermann. Singing Function, Exploring Auditory Graphs with a Vowel Based Sonification. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 5(3):87–95, 2012
− F. Grond, T. Bovermann, and T. Hermann. A SuperCollider Class for Vowel Synthesis and its Use for Sonification. In D. Worall, editor, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2011), Budapest, Hungary, June 20 - 24 2011. OPAKFI
− F. Grond and T. Hermann. Aesthetic Strategies in Sonification. Artificial Intelligence and Society AI&S, 27(2):213–222, 2012
− F. Grond, T. Hermann, V. Verfaille, and M. M. Wanderley. Methods for Effective Sonification of Clarinetists’ Ancillary Gestures. In S. Kopp and I. Wachsmuth, editors, Proc. 8th Int. Gesture Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 171–181, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. Springer Verlag
Media Arts
Artistic performances
SOLO and DUO EXHIBITIONS (selection)
− DELAY, collaborative installation by Mary Sherman and Florian Grond at the FPAC Assemblage Gallery, part of the exhibition Visual Orchestrations and Performing the Monument, collaborative video by Piet Devos and Florian Grond
as part of the evening program of the closing reception, Aug 27 - Oct 18 2022
− DELAY, collaborative installation by Mary Sherman and Florian Grond at the artist center OBORO, part of the program printemps numerique and the International Digital Arts Biennal of Montreal , April 16 - May 28 2016
− DELAY, collaborative installation by Mary Sherman and Florian Grond at the gallery of the Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (KiT), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) curated by Regina Maria Moeller, Oct 24th
- Nov. 2nd 2014
− along the line, exhibition within the BIAN (International Digital Arts Biennial, organized by the Elektra Festival) at the artist center OBORO, Montreal, April 28th-June 6th 2012
− the fine line, duo exhibition by Florian Grond and Federico Solmi at the Czech Center Prague curated by Gallery Vernon Prague, July 22th - Aug 28th 2010
− Intermittent, audio visual installation by Claudia Robles and Florian Grond in the Gallery Rachel Haferkamp, Cologne, curated by Hanjo Scharfenberg, Mar 10th - 31st 2006
− SOL, audio visual installation by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjorn Lausten in the exhibition curated by Hiroshi Numata, Tokyo Design Centre, Japan, Feb 11th - 20th 2006
− SOL, audio visual installation by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjorn Lausten exhibited at Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, curated by Inge Merete Kjeldgaard, Esbjerg Denmark, Mar - May 2005
− Performing the Monument, video by Piet Devos and Florian Grond in the online exhibition Uncommon Senses III curated by David Howes., May 2021
− Performing the Monument, video by Piet Devos and Florian Grond in the online exhibition hello World! curated by Mary Sherman and TransCultural Exchange., March 2020
− Remote Feelings, collaborative installation by David Johnson and Florian Grond in the exhibition From Inclusion to Partnership at the Institute for Sustainable Education Jerusalem, curated by Daphna Yalon and Abigail Hirsch., March 2017
− The Haptophone sound art installation by Florian Grond at the conference Blind Creations curated by Hannah Thompson and Vanessa Warne, London University, Royal Halloway, June 28th - 30th 2015
− knitting dreams video screening in the Artists House, Tel Aviv, by TINA B curated by gallery Vernon, Prague, Feb 28 2015
− hilbert02 video animation by Florian Grond at the IMRC Center, Stewart Hall, University of Maine, curated by: BridA / Tom Kerševan, Sendi Mango, Jurij Pavlica, Oct. 30th - Nov. 15th 2014
− sketches of moving equations by Florian Grond and _zur form objects, and photographs by Florian Grond, Thomas Kienzl and Gabriele Engelhardt at My Brain Is in My Inkstand: Drawing as Thinking and Process curated by Nina
Samuel, The Islands of Benoît Mandelbrot Fractals, Chaos, and the Materiality of Thinking curated by Nina Samuel, Cranbrook Art Museum, November 16, 2013 - March 30, 2014 2013-2014
− sketches of moving equations by Florian Grond and _zur form objects, and photographs by Florian Grond, Thomas Kienzl and Gabriele Engelhardt at The Islands of Benoît Mandelbrot Fractals, Chaos, and the Materiality of Thinking
curated by Nina Samuel, BARD Graduate Center, New York, September 21 - January 27 2012 - 2013
− Hear and Now audio visual installation by Florian Grond in the exhibition Chaos curated by Elisa Ahsenbaum and Thomas Stuck, Gallery G.A.S. Station Berlin, Oct - Jan 2009-2010
− _zur form objects, interactive installation and photographs by Florian Grond, Thomas Kienzl and Gabriele Engelhardt at the Convegno Matematica e Cultura curated by Michele Emmer, Venice, Mar 27th - 29th 2009
− Hear and Now audio visual installation by Florian Grond in the exhibition Darkness is Noon curated by Rosanna Musumeci TINA B contemporary art festival Prague, Sept 2008
− Hear and Now audio visual installation by Florian Grond in the exhibition L’OEuvre ouverte | PureData* Convention 07 curated by Marc Fournel, Societé des Arts Technologiques, Montreal, Aug 22nd - 26th 2007
− _zur form objects, interactive installation and photographs by Florian Grond, Thomas Kienzl and Gabriele Engelhardt in the exhibition Art Gallery Global Eyes curated by Vibeke Sorensen and Lina Yamaguchi, SIGGRAPH San Diego,
Aug 4th -10th 2007
− SOL audio visual installation by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjorn Lausten exhibited at the FUN Future University, curated by Hiroshi Numata, Hakodate, Japan, Feb 5th - 9th 2006
− SOL audio visual installation by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjorn Lausten in the exhibition curated by Hiroshi Numata, Tokyo Design Centre, Japan, Feb 11th - 20th 2006
− SOL audio visual installation by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjorn Lausten in the exhibition Acqua, Aria, Terra, Fuoco I quattro elementi: l’energia della natura tra arte e scienza curated by Maria
Perosino, Silvia Sermissoni and Sandra Solimano Festival della Scienza, Genua, Oct 27th -Nov 8th 2005
− SOL audio visual installation by Florian Grond, Frank Halbig, Jesper Munk Jensen and Thorbjorn Lausten exhibited at Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, curated by Inge Merete Kjeldgaard, Esbjerg Denmark, Mar - May 2005
CURATORIAL (exhibitions and round tables)
− ROSALYN DRISCOLL and DAVID JOHNSON Hands On! an event of the conference of the International Visual Literacy Association hosted by the Critical Disability Studies Working Group at Concordia University, curated by
Florian Grond, 6th -8th Oct. 2016
− DAVID JOHNSON sculptures from the inner space, please do touch! hosted by the Critical Disability Studies Working Group at Concordia University, curated by Florian Grond, 2nd -3rd March 2016
− Creations off the Beaten Path: Challenging our Preconception of Artistic Practice and the Experience of Artistic Creation a panel discussion on art and blindness / disability together with a small exhibition of David Johnson’s artworks at the Transcultural Exchange conference, Boston, Feb 25-28, 2016 together with panelists Hannah Thompson, Vanessa Warne, Georgina Kleege, Piet Devos and David Johnson.