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Eva Pomeroy

Pronouns: She/Her

  • Affiliate Assistant Professor, Applied Human Sciences

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Eva Pomeroy is an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Departmentof Applied Human Sciences. She has played various faculty roles in the department since 2001, teaching in the B.A. Human Relations and M.A. Human Systems Intervention programs.


Eva is currently Research Lead and Senior Faculty at the Presencing Institute, an awareness-based action research organization working at the intersection of science, consciousness, and profound social and organizational change. She is core faculty on u-lab, the online-to-offline transformational learning program created by Otto Scharmer, MIT, and offered on the MITx Online platform. Eva is Co-Founder and Managing Editor of the Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, a multi- and trans-disciplinary platform for creative scholarship advancing this emerging field of research and practice.


Eva’s present work builds on over two decades experience in experiential learning, in both formal and adjunct educational settings. In its essence, this work is about co-creating contexts for transformational learning in the service of social innovation and systems change. Her action research focuses on the concept of the social field—the collective, inner dimension of experience–as a key leverage point for transformative change at the individual, group and systemic level. More specifically, her research and publications explore expanded epistemology and epistemic coherence: how we can draw on, align and integrate cognitive and non-cognitive forms of knowing asa foundation upon which to base action.


She holds a B.A. (Hon) in Political Science from McGill University and a PhD in Education from Birmingham City University, UK.


She is the 2019 recipient of the Concordia Alumni Award for Innovative Teaching.

Courses Taught

Undergraduate Courses - Human Relations

AHSC 220 Lifespan Growth and Development for Practitioners
AHSC 230 Interpersonal Communication and Relationships
AHSC 270 Introduction to Intervention in Human Systems
AHSC 330 Leadership and Facilitation in Small Groups
AHSC 435 Fieldwork Practice
AHSC 489 Internship in Human Relations
AHSC 470 Human Relations Laboratory
AHSC 498 Leadership, Change, and Social Innovation

Undergraduate Courses - Human Systems Intervention

AHSC 610 Group Process Consultation
AHSC 620 Individual Learning and Change
AHSC 670 Consulting Methods
AHSC 681 Theory U: Methodology for Awareness-Based Systems Change


Academic Publications

Pomeroy, E. (2024). Living Theory: From Lewin to Scharmer. Organization Development Review, 56(3).

Scharmer, O. & Pomeroy, E. (2024). Fourth Person: The Knowing of the Social Field. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 4(1), 19–48.

Pomeroy, E., & Herrmann, L. (2023). Social Fields: Knowing the Water We Swim in. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 0(0).

Pomeroy, E. & Bernardi, N. (2021). Tending the social field inhigher education. In O. Gunnlaugson & W. Brendel (Eds.). Advances in Presencing, Volume III. Trifoss Business Press.

Pomeroy, E. & Oliver, K. (2021). Action confidence as an indicator of transformative change. Journal of Transformative Education, 19(1):68-86.

Pomeroy, E., Herrmann, L., Jung, S., Laenens, E., Pastorini, L. & Ruiter, A. (2021). Exploring action research from a social field perspective. Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change, 1(1):105-117.

Scharmer, C. O., Pomeroy, E. & Kaufer, K. (2021) Awareness-based action research: Making systems sense and see themselves. In D. Burns, J. Howard, & S. Ospina (Eds). The SAGE Handbook of Participatory Research. London: SAGE Publishing.

Pomeroy, E. & Oliver, K. (2018). Pushing the boundaries of self-directed learning: Research findings from a study of u.lab participants in Scotland. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 37(6): 719-733.

Gavin,J., Pomeroy, E., Mcbrearty, M. & Cullen, M. (2017, July) Walking the talk: Are professional coaches’ beliefs, theories and actions aligned with principles and practices of positive psychology? Poster session presented at the International Conference of Positive Psychology, Montreal, Canada.

Allison, P. & Pomeroy, E. (2001). How shall we ‘know’? Epistemological concerns in research in experiential education. Journal of Experiential Education, 23(2).91-98.

Pomeroy, E. (2000). Experiencing Exclusion. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books.

Pomeroy, E. (1999). The teacher-student relationship in secondary school:Insights from excluded students. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 20(4),473-490.

Media Publications

Pomeroy, E. (2022, July 31). Inner absencing [blog post]. Field of the Future Blog – Medium.

Pomeroy, E. (2022, April 13). Social fields: Shifting the quality of ourcollective being [blog post]. Field of the Future Blog – Medium.

Scharmer, O. & Pomeroy. E. (2020, October 7). Action confidence:Laying down a path in walking [blog post]. Fieldof the Future Blog – Medium.

Scharmer, O. & Pomeroy, E. (2019, October 29). Social fieldresonance: How to research the deep structures of the social system [blogpost]. Field of the Future Blog - Medium.

Pomeroy, E. (2018, December 6). Why universities need homerooms. The Conversation Canada.

Pomeroy, E. (2015, August 27). Work-life balance isn’t just an issue, it’sa movement. Huffington Post Canada.

Pomeroy, E. (2015, August 24). When work-life balance is no longer anoption. Globe and Mail: Report onBusiness, p. B4.

Pomeroy, E. (2015, June 29). Making family and work…work. Montreal Gazette.

Pomeroy, E. (2015, May 9). Moms highlight societal blind spot. Montreal Gazette.

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