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Dr. Emily B.J. Coffey, PhD, MSc, BSc

  • Assistant Professor, Psychology

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Research Interests

Coffey Lab focuses on neuroplasticity associated with complex tasks, using musicianship (and its interaction with language) as a model. Our lab uses a variety of neuroimaging tools (i.e. MEG, EEG, fMRI, DWI, VBM) to study the neural bases of auditory processing, hearing-in-noise, and musician advantages, and their relation to training. We are also combining these areas with new techniques that can causally influence sleep-dependent memory consolidation, such as closed-loop auditory stimulation. Ultimately, our goals are to understand how training and sleep interventions can maintain auditory and language function, and improve learning and quality of life throughout the lifespan.


PSYC363 - Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception

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