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Photo by David Ward (, Office of Research, Concordia)

Daria Terekhov, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor, Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering

Status: On leave until February 2023. Until then, e-mail replies will be significantly delayed.

Contact information


I am currently on leave. Therefore, I am not taking on any new responsibilities and I am not accepting any new students. E-mails are checked rarely and thus urgent enquiries should be directed elsewhere.


Research Interests

Operations research, optimization, dynamic scheduling, queueing theory, inverse optimization


I joined the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering at Concordia in August 2015. Prior to that, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the Applied Optimization Lab at the University of Toronto working with Timothy Chan. I obtained my PhD and MASc degrees in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto, supervised by Chris Beck at the Toronto Intelligent Decision Engineering Lab. An article about my first year at Concordia has been featured in the Concordia Now newsletter. An updated list of my publications is available on my Google Scholar page.


Refereed Journals

An updated list of my publications is available on my Google Scholar page.

Below is a list of publications up to October 2020.

N. Aslani, O. Kuzgunkaya, N. Vidyarthi, D. Terekhov. A Robust Optimization Model for Tactical Capacity Planning in an Outpatient Setting. Accepted to Health Care Management Science, October 2020.

M. Moghaddass, D. Terekhov. Inverse Optimization with an Imperfect ObservationOperations Research Letters, Volume 48(6), pages 763-769, 2020.

T. C. Y. Chan, T. Lee, D. Terekhov. Inverse Optimization: Closed-Form Solutions, Geometry and Goodness of Fit. Management Science, Volume 65(3), pages 1115-1135, 2019.

D. Frances, D. Terekhov. A Case-based Undergraduate Operations Research CourseINFORMS Transactions on Education, Volume 19(2), pages 67-80, 2019.

K. Ghobadi, T. Lee, H. Mahmoudzadeh, D. Terekhov. 
Robust Inverse OptimizationOperations Research Letters, Volume 46(3), pages 339-344, 2018.

D. Terekhov, D. G. Down, J. C. Beck. Queueing-Theoretic Approaches for Dynamic Scheduling: A Survey. Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 19(2), pages 105129, 2014.

D. Terekhov, T. T. Tran, D. G. Down, J. C. Beck. Integrating Queueing Theory and Scheduling for Dynamic Scheduling Problems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 50, pages 535–572, 2014.

D. Terekhov, M. K. Doğru, U. Özen, J. C. Beck. Solving Two-Machine Assembly Scheduling Problems with Inventory Constraints. Computers and Industrial Engineering, Volume 63(1), pages 120–134, 2012.

D. Terekhov, J. C. Beck, K. N. Brown. A Constraint Programming Approach for Solving a Queueing Design and Control Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Volume 21(4), pages 549–561, 2009.

D. Terekhov, J. C. Beck. An Extended Queueing Control Model for Facilities with Front Room and Back Room Operations and Mixed-Skilled Workers. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 198(1), pages 223–231, 2009.

D. Terekhov, J. C. Beck. A Constraint Programming Approach for Solving a Queueing Control Problem. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 32, pages 123–167, 2008.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

N. Aslani, F. Fazileh, D. Mutasingwa, D. Terekhov. Appointment Type-Based Access Time Evaluation in Primary Care. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Health Care Systems Engineering (HCSE'19), April 2019. 

Y. Tan, A. Delong, D. Terekhov. Deep Inverse Optimization. arXiv preprint 1812.00804, Accepted to the 16th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR'19), February 2019. 

Y. Tan, D. Terekhov. Logic-Based Benders Decomposition for Two-Stage Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling with Unrelated Parallel MachinesProceedings of the 31st Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI'18), pages 60-71, 2018.

T. T. Tran, D. Terekhov, D. G. Down, J. C. Beck. Hybrid Queueing Theory and Scheduling Models for Dynamic Environments with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS'13), pages 215–223, 2013.

D. Terekhov, T. T. Tran, D. G. Down, J. C. Beck. Long-run Stability in Dynamic Scheduling. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS'12), pages 261–269, 2012.

D. Terekhov, J. C. Beck, K. N. Brown. Solving a Stochastic Queueing Design and Control Problem with Constraint Programming. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'07), pages 261–266, 2007.

D. Terekhov, J. C. Beck. Solving a Stochastic Queueing Control Problem with Constraint Programming. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR'07), Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4510, pages 303–317, 2007.

Refereed Workshops, Abstracts and Posters

E. Hosseiniiraj, D. Terekhov. Learning from Optimal Decisions: An Experimental Study. Poster at the Women in Machine Learning Workshop, Montral, Qubec, Canada, December 2018.

N. Muthalakattil, R. Liang, H. Shah, M. Hemmati, M. Kurien, D. Terekhov. Simulation of Flood Evacuation Operations in Pierrefonds, Montréal., Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 2018

Terekhov, D., Tran, T.T., J. C. Beck. Investigating Two-Machine Dynamic Flow Shops Based on Queueing and Scheduling, Proceedings of ICAPS'10 Workshop on Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty, Toronto, Canada, 2010.


D. Terekhov, M. A. Bajestani, T. T. Tran. TORCH: Sparking the OR Flame in High Schools. ORMS Today, Volume 41, Number 4 (Innovative Education Special Issue), pages 3839, 2014.

D. Terekhov, M. A. Bajestani, T. T. Tran. TORCH: Sparking the OR Flame in High Schools. The CORS Bulletin. Volume 47, Number 2, pages 1415, 2013.


D. Terekhov, D. Demirtaş, D. Frances, T. C. Y. Chan. Maximizing team diversity in a first-year engineering course at the University of Toronto. Teaching case study. In Preparation. Runner-up in the 2020 INFORMS Case Competition.

D. Ripsman, D. Terekhov. Three Cs' Restaurant Planning Venture. Teaching case study. In Preparation.


D. Terekhov, Integrating Combinatorial Scheduling with Inventory Management and Queueing Theory, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, 2013.

D. Terekhov, Solving Queueing Design and Control Problems with Constraint Programming, M.A.Sc. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, 2007.



Yingcong Tan

Chelsey Hvingelby



Elaheh Hosseiniiraj
 (PhD 2021, Inverse Parametric Optimization for Learning Utility Functions from Optimal and Satisficing Decisions)
Yingcong Tan
 (PhD 2021, Learning Linear Programs: Inverse Optimization as a Form of Machine Learning)
Mahsa Moghaddass
 (PhD 2020, Inverse Integer Optimization with an Application in Recommender Systems)
Nazanin Aslani (PhD 2019, Acuity-based Performance Evaluation and Tactical Capacity Planning in Primary Care)


Gerald Potkah (MASc 2021, co-supervised with Nadia Bhuiyan, Forecasting Emergency Department Arrivals via Regression with ARIMA Errors and Facebook Prophet: the Case of a Montreal Hospital)
Saif Rahman
(MASc 2019, co-supervised with Satyaveer S. Chauhan, Forklift Routing Optimization in a Warehouse Using a Clustering-based Approach, current position: Natural Language Processing Developer, Concured
Mohammad Hasan Aghdaie (MASc 2019, Robust Water Resource Planning at River Basins)


Neelghosh Joseph Muthalakattil (MEng 2019, Modeling and Estimating Bed Capacity in an Emergency Department, current position: Safety Specialist, Amazon Canada)
Ibrahim Raslan (MEng 2016, Online Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling with Setups, current position: Supply Chain Manager, CN)
Yingcong Tan (MEng 2016, Adaptive Genetic Algorithms for the Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem, current position: Post-doc, MIAE/CIISE, Concordia)
Amelia Gonzalez (MEng 2016, Firefighter Shift Scheduling at the Beauharnois Firestation, current position: Financial Advisor, National Bank of Canada)
Juan-Miguel Torres Ortega (MEng 2016, Automating the Course/Professor Assignment Process at the MIE Department of Concordia University, current position: Manager, Quality Performance Data and Risk Management, International Air Transport Association)


I regularly teach two courses:
INDU6311: Simulation (graduate course in the Industrial Engineering program)
INDU480: Cases in Industrial Engineering (4th year case-based course)

Both courses are based on active learning and experiential learning principles. In INDU6311, the students work on projects with real partner organizations; in INDU480, the students work though case studies written based on past real projects. I believe that most students learn the most through application of concepts, theory and algorithms to real problems.

High School Outreach

I am a co-founder of TORCH, an annual one-day free contest held in March that aims to introduce high school and CEGEP students to operations research. TORCH is currently on hold due to COVID19. 

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