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Chloe Lei

Pronouns: she/her

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Teaching and Research Librarian, Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University Library

Contact information


I can help:

+ Locate articles, books, and other items in the library collection.
+ Search for scholarly information and grey literature.
+ Cite and organize references.
+ Recommend new resources to the library.
+ Manage your research data.
+ Find support for open access publishing.
+ Other library-related support in engineering and computer science.



Master of Information, University of Toronto 
Bachelor of Arts Honours (Psychology), Queen's University


All library instruction sessions in engineering and computer science at both the undergraduate level and the graduate level, as well as some general library workshops. This is a select list: 

  • Searching for scholarly information: Where & how (Guest lecture for ENCS 282 Technical Writing and Communication) 
  • Strategic searching to uncover multiple perspectives (Guest lecture for ENGR 392 Impact of Technology on Society)
  • Power up the literature review (Library seminar for MIAE PhD Comprehensive Exam)
  • Finding standards and patents for your engineering design projects (GradProSkills workshop)
  • How to prepare data for publication (GradProSkills workshop)
  • Zotero for bibliographies and more (GradProSkills workshop)
  • Thinking critically about AI Tools (FutureBound) 

Research Interests

Information literacy, information disorder, open access, open educational resources, academic librarianship, professional development and learning 

Committees/Working Groups

Instructional Services Committee (2019 - Present)
Research Data Management Working Group (2022 - Present)
Library Elections Committee (2022 - Present)

EDI Library Working Group (2022 - 2024)
Librarians' Research Forum Committee (2020 - 2022)  


Peer-reviewed articles

Fitzgibbons, M., & Lei, C. (2024). What is ideal EDI learning for academic librarians? Discovering EDI learning stories through appreciative inquiry. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50(5), 102908.

Chan, C., Gu, J., & Lei, C. (2019). Redesigning subject guides with usability testing: A case study. Journal of Web Librarianship13(3), 260–279.

Lei, C., & Gu, J. (2017). Assessing the effectiveness of an e-resource marketing campaign in a Hong Kong academic library. Singapore Journal of Library and Information Management, 46, 2–15. 

Conference presentations

Lei, C., Teboul E., & Fitzgibbons, M. (2024, August 15). A critical toolkit for navigating post-truth information [Conference presentation]. Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference 2024.

Fitzgibbons, M., & Lei, C. (2023, April 26). Channeling negative to positive: Using appreciative inquiry to uncover EDI learning stories [Conference presentation]. Concordia Library Research Forum 2023, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Lei, C., & Lapointe, J.M. (2020, November 9 - 13). French-Language OER in Québec: Challenges and opportunities [Lightning talk]. Open Education Conference 2020, Virtual. 

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