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Chaya Norton, PhD

  • Research Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Contact information



PhD: Stony Brook University, August 2014

Research Interests

Algebraic Geometry, Integrable Systems
View Chaya Norton, PhD's CV



 M. Bertola, D. Korotkin, C. Norton. Symplectic Geometry of the Moduli Space of

Projective Structures in Homological Coordinates, Invent. math. June 2017.

X. Hu, C. Norton. General Variational Formulas for Abelian Differentials

International Mathematics Research Notices. June 2018.

Submitted Work

 S. Grushevsky, I. Krichever, C. Norton. Real Normalize Differentials: Limits on Stable

Curves, arXiv:1703.07806, submitted March 2017.

Participation activities

Future Travel:

Korea Institue for Advanced Study, May 2018.
Tau Functions of Integrable Systems and Their Applications, Banff International Research Station, September 2018.

Flat Surfaces and Algebraic Curves, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, September 2018 (tentative).
Dynamics and Moduli Spaces of Translation Surfaces, Fields Institute, Toronto, October 2018.
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